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Everything posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. I'm not going to do it. I don't care if I'm the only player in EoD who doesn't have a Skyscale, and I fall behind the crowd. I just don't care. The content is not fun and it's a chore.
  2. The future of the game is more and more grinding to the point where you don't even want to login anymore because the game is no longer fun and just feels like a chore to play.
  3. Erm. No. We are the customers, it's "Our" game. If they produce a game that we don't want, guess who doesn't get paid?
  4. If we get housing in GW2 I'll take it, but I won't be disappointed if we never get it. I already get my housing fix from certain other games, and when I'm in a more adventurous mood I'll play GW2. The more fun the adventuring in GW2 can be, the better. So I'd like to see additions to that side of things, rather than have housing.
  5. pew pew ranger. Just sit back, lay traps and spam 2. Just pretend you're playing PvE. It's that easy. Guardian is pretty easy, sure. But you'll often get focused in fights. Making it not that easy.
  6. I hope Guild Wars 2 continues on and we get more expansions and content after EoD. Why do games like WoW get to keep going and going but everyone expects GW2 should come to an end? But on the other hand. stretching a project out infinitely isn't always the best thing. Many TV shows were great in their first few seasons but lost their way the longer they went out. Sometimes it's just better to end things on a high note, and move onto a new project. I would be sad if GW2 was finished, development wise. But I would accept it nonetheless. And I'd still play it while also eagerly anticipate what's next for Guild Wars as a franchise.
  7. This is honestly the best suggestion for EoD that I've seen anywhere. I really hope we get something like this.
  8. I didn't say it was impossible to do the events without the Skyscale. Where did I say that? I said that you can't be at your most optimal without a Skyscale, which is what makes it Meta and that's the reason some players are unhappy about the grind to acquire one in a game that once touted itself as having no grind to be efficient in end-game, with horizontal progression and all that. And it's true that you can complete events faster with a beetle or a griffon in the right conditions. But this is a strawman argument because many maps in this game have a lot of verticality. Have you ever followed a meta train at verdant brink without a Skyscale? It's not impossible, but it's far less efficient. Using any other mount you have to wade through dozens of mobs while navigating the dense layout of the jungle. Meanwhile the Skyscale players just fly right over you directly to the destination. Pretty disheartening to say the least.
  9. As I've stated in my previous comments, I don't like flying mounts in the game at all. It's got nothing to do with the grinding. But feel free to just ignore what I said, I guess.
  10. But having the Skyscale IS the most optimal way to play the game. That is what makes it Meta in a lot of peoples minds and it's the reason there is this conundrum for many players who feel like there's too much grind investment to acquire one. This topic of discussion keeps popping up and there is a reason for that. We aren't talking about some optional weapon skin here, we are talking about the most optimal way of traveling the PvE maps and completing the maps and events. There is way too much hand-waving and dismissive comments in this thread. You can't keep dismissing other peoples concerns with buzzwords like "Optional", it's disingenuous. Try to be reasonable and try to see things from others perspective. Flying mounts in MMO's have a reputation for all the issues I have mentioned. Just because this is Guild Wars 2 doesn't mean those issues just melt away. Anet are not wizards. The dragon mounts were put in the game because of potential revenue from selling more skins on the Gemshop, even though they are detrimental to the overarching game. And that's the bottom line! Stop behaving like Skyscales are some ethereal thing that can't possibly have an effect on gameplay if you just choose to ignore it. It's complete nonsense! This is an online multiplayer game, not a single player RPG. Put your thinking caps on..
  11. Yeah.. if you are traveling in a straight line from A to B. Nice strawman argument tho.
  12. How do you compare a bunny, a griffon, or a ley line to a mount that can freely fly X Y Z? How do you challenge a player who has that free range of movement while also challenging a player without it, equally? The answer is you can't. A leyline placed here and there is not going to cut it in a lot of situations, especially when time is a factor. Everything is just going to be faster and easier if you can just take off and fly there, skip all the mobs that can knock you off your mount, etc. If it's much more efficient to have the Skyscale, then it is NOT OPTIONAL. Not in a game such as this, anyway. If this was a single player "play-your-way" RPG, then I'd agree with you. But this is an MMO with Metas. They are called Meta events for a reason. And the Skyscale is part of the Meta for this game that you cannot just choose to ignore and expect to play as efficiently as people who do have one. To anyone who chooses not to get a Skyscale; have fun falling behind in EoD and being kicked out of groups for riding a raptor like a pleb. 😄
  13. The Skyscale is not optional. It's going to be hugely relevant to have a Skyscale for EoD. Anet are going to be designing maps and events with the flying capabilities of Skyscales in mind. They are not going to hamstring their game design by creating encounters that can be completed equally well by flying mounts and ground mounts. It's unrealistic. Players are going to fall behind if they don't have a Skyscale. How can you keep a straight face when you say they are optional? It's like telling someone they don't need Exotic stats or amulets to play the toughest content... it's dishonest. The player is going to have a very hard time trying to do PoF content while wearing Rare stats and no amulets. I'm willing to bet 1000 gold there will be areas and events in EoD that either require a Skyscale, or at the very least favor having a Skyscale. Now that they exist in the game, A-net have to apply that to all of their designs going forward. Put yourself in the shoes of a designer. How do you design content that is challenging for a player who has X Y and Z mobility but at the same time, keep a player who can only travel on the ground able to complete said content with similar challenge? Have a think about that and get back to me, I want to hear your solution. My solution would have been not to put flying mounts in the game in the first place but it's too late for that. Now we're repeating the same mistake other games already made before. The temptation to sell Dragon flying mount skins in the Gemstore took a higher priority. Now the rest of the game suffers.
  14. What's so fun about being able to just fly around everywhere without effort anyway? At the beginning of Gliders, everyone got one and you never felt like you were falling behind during meta's and such, because everyone had one. And most of all, Gliders supplemented gameplay nicely and wasn't overly OP. But flying mounts just make all other modes of travel irrelevant and sets a poor precedent for what the experience playing EoD will be like. A lot of people in this thread keep shouting that the Skyscale gameplay is optional. But they are not looking at the bigger picture. This is what the end-game of GW2 is looking like and I'm not really fan. It's my opinion that A-Net should have stopped at the Griffon, and not gone any further. They fell for the temptation to create the mythical flying mount, the bane of every MMO that ever existed.
  15. Timescale (I mean Skyscale) was a mistake. Flying mounts really hurt WoW, I always heard that from players. I think it's such a shame they brought them to this game. I miss the glider days. Whats even the point of having a glider anymore? Everyone is just flying around now... it's really not fun.
  16. He really is! When I get him on my team, usually I will just follow him around and keep him healed up. He causes so much carnage with that hammer of his lol.
  17. But unlike a traditional quest they don't have much meat on them. For an example a quest might have characters, a story arc and conclusion and then a reward for completing it. An Achievement is just a string of values attached to already existing content and doesn't bring with it much content of it's own, other than the carrot on the stick reward at the end.
  18. I have noticed over the past few years in particular there has been a growing focus on Achievements and attaching rewards to them. I don't mind Achievements existing under the hood, out of sight and out of mind. But please don't make them the main focus point for questing and earning things in PvE! I know a lot of people are probably going to disagree with my feelings on this. I personally just don't think Achievements are a good replacement for proper questing. The Achievement menu leaves a lot to be desired, there is very little information most of the time requiring you to use google to find information on what needs to be done. A traditional quest would come with a Quest Log or a Journal with far more information and a backlog on previous quests completed. I would much rather have far fewer, but quality quests with a story and characters and rewards attached to them, than 1000's of Achievements. The quests themselves would still have Achievements attached to them but they are there for players who are interested in collecting those points. But tie actual rewards such as items and skins to the quests and not the Achievements. Because as of right now they are drawing out the time it takes to complete content and I realize that makes the developers work go further when it pads out play time. I'm not naive about them and what their ultimate purpose is. I just don't think it's very engaging that's all.
  19. Mounts are just as unnecessary as housing. All that development time so we could move around fast and make 80% of previous content trivial and easy.
  20. I have a friend who is new to GW2 and is curious about the PvP and would like to spectate me play some matches so they could see what it's like. Is there not a way to do this in unranked or ranked matches? The server browser isn't a good option because they are all 1v1's and daily farms.
  21. I didn't know zoomers played GW2?? It's an 8 year old game, and 20 year franchise.
  22. Wildstar had really nice housing. RIP Wildstar and my home 😞
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