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Everything posted by Jumpel.3972

  1. This was clearly unhealthy but now it feel like a waste of shadow force with the 5sec wait + nerf heal while it's still depleting all the shadow force. They should make something like it's store a % of shadow force consumed during the shroud and then it's heal base from it when leaving the shroud
  2. I would make top line about buff, mid about on evade and bottom about shadowstep/mouvement skill. To much dodge lead to unhealthy build like spam dodge D/D or Staff
  3. They litteraly cannibalize Acro to create Daredevil. They need to rework Acro to not focus only on dodge and so avoid redundant or unhealthy synergy with Daredevil
  4. Back the base int regen was slower. They remove those trait + speed up the base regen int to avoid mandatory trait/traitline Well it's baseline now !
  5. I would rather like a clean impairing movement condi
  6. My concern on some skills/traits mostly from a PVP aspect : Sc/X : - You can spam ally target healing in stealth without been reveal, it's fun but not healthy ==> They should remove our stealth when launch on an ally but with put reveal debuff - #2 weakness on demand is nice but the healign part is underwhelming ==> Triple de Barrier and add fury on ally OR make it piercing both ally/enemy part - #3 Sc/D direct damage is too hight for PVP ==> At least a nerf of 40% i would say (PVP only) Shroud : - #1 make it an auto by default - #2 too small radius ==> Up at least to 220-240 Wells : - Cast time feel a bit wierd, they are "ok" for 1/2s and 3/4s but for the 1s .... ==>Change cast time of the healing well to 3/4s Traits : - Tier 1 no dps choice 😞 - Larcenous Tourment is a bit underwhelming ==> Up the shroud bonus from 1/2 to 1 - Amplified Siphoning is a bit underwhelming ==> Up the shroud bonus from 10 to 15 - Traversing Dusk give to much Shadow force by spamming shadowstep ==> Reduce base Shadow force gain from 5 to 3 (PVP only) - Amplified Siphoning is a bit underwhelming ==> Up the shroud bonus from 10 to 15 - Hungering Darkness feel to strong against condi ==> Up the cd from 1s to 2s OR up condi clean/transfert from 1 to 2 and cd from 1s to 3s (PVP only) - Shadestep, i'm selffish and don't want to lose my barrier to give to ally 😞
  7. Shroud #1 is not by default an auto-attack and if you lock it as auto sometime it's remove (i think it's happend when you change map)
  8. For some quality of life to targeting ally, they should allow a keybind to only target ally player (to avoid targeting pet/clone)
  9. I find it's "ok" for scepter stealth attack but otherwise.... meeehhhhh Got some Ninja Dragon vibe here ! (need a Flying Swallow animation !!)
  10. Yes but it's not a true "dps" option. For exemple, in pvp if you focus your build on damage (condi or power) the first tier doesn't feel good
  11. I wonder how do you played before the action camera (realese with HoT). Can't see them make it work on action camera or only the enemy part of skills
  12. Feel very unique, really great ! - Scepter is a really good weapon, only #2 need some tuneup for the ally target part (more barrier and fury ?) - Shroud feel a bit weird mostly because it's a cd base skill in opposit to the int base weapon skill - Utility.... for PVE ok but in PVP the short range + cast time doesn't feel smooth (but the animation of the elite is siiiiccck) - For traits my only problem is the first tier with no damage choice (only support). Other traits are good and meaningful
  13. You can actualy spam 2 & 3 on ally in stealth without be reveal
  14. Assasin's reward from Grandmaster Acro doesn't work with Scepter skill (both heal and damage version)
  15. I'm fine with Kleptomaniac stay in Trick but Preparedness.... even in the e-spec stream they said Specter will pick Trick because of it
  16. 😮 Nice one My only concern about this tradeoff, it's make Trickery trailine even more mandatory in PVP/WvW ....
  17. Some of us belive the phrase "All thieves know the advantages of hiding in the shadows, but Specterd know how to wield them" in the trailer mean no acces to Stealth (or at least less acces)
  18. We can see some purple orbe launch when the thief strike with the mace sceptre
  19. If Stealth = Shadow Shroud only for thief then we can guess Merciful Ambush (and shadow refuge) will still stealth ally
  20. This one is really wierd : - it's in shadow shroud (purple) - it's not a weapon skill (no weapon on the animation) - the enemi has a purple aura" like there is 2 step for the skill (a mark+ a finisher ?) - the thief go out of the shadow shroud at the moment she hit the enemi then return in
  21. My bet on skill we can see on the trailer : 0:14 ==> new steal teleport (ground target) 0:16 ==> Dual skill Spectre/Pistol ? ( a bit wierd because it's look like a 5 pistol then a sort of AA) 0:20 & 0:34 ==> the 2 frist part 0:22 ==> the 2 second part (skill switch like Sword 2 or dual S/D) 0:28 ==> a shadow shroud offensive skill (maybe a stealth attack ?) 0:30 ==> shadow shourd maybe F2 ?
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