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Everything posted by hugeboss.5432

  1. Every profession has at least 1 viable "useful" role they can use in zergs. But there's alot of guilds that just try to follow the standard meta comp info (even tho it's a bad tactical choice). Prolly coz they don't want to spend time designing comps themselves, or have poor global profession understanding how to implement working synergies "on the fly".
  2. Bots don't really disrupt the matchups much, so I don't actually have a problem with them really [+usually easy to deal with]. But hackers on the other hand, cause massive disruption to the game & should be constantly monitored & dealt with swiftly.
  3. Suspected there was something up with warrior in current patch (noticed an increase of hackers on warrior classes recently [clipping thru walls+gates & completely untargetable]. Prolly updating their hacks to dx11 lol.
  4. The GTX 1080 has a 256bit interface rated at 354.4 gtexels (texture fillrate), while the RTX 3060 is only 192bit and rated at 199gtexels (texture fill), i believe this is what the limiting factor in gw2 is when things get "busy".
  5. Yes, "Total Team PPT" (as we used to call it, is the number now listed under "War Score (Total)". While this number is not used for determining the winner of a match (which is still determined by Victory Points from skirmishes), but "War Score (Total)" could come into play if a tie-breaker is needed ((i.e. if 2 teams have the same Victory Points, the 1up1down system could look at "Number of Kills (Total)" or "War Score (Total)" to decide which team will be the best candidate to be moved up). While everything is more or less open to manipulation (however, normal gameplay can also result in a tie), the devs can't really stop that 100%, but they can make it more complex to prevent stalemate locked tiers from happening so frequently. There's only like a handful of logged metrics in this gamemode that could be sensible candidate metrics for tie-breaking purposes (i just listed 2 options as quick examples). The idea was also not to create a massive time consuming project, to help get it into the game quickly & cheaply :) [While I personally do think the "1up1down" system causes a bit too much server/team movement, the old system was way too slow (moving up was like a 3-6 week intense server focus).]
  6. A problem with the "1up1down" system, is that it is too simple to manipulate [not accusing anyone, just saying that it's easy to manipulate the intended mechanic]. Something needs to be done to make the 1up1down system "more" relevant to the matchups again. Lately, we've seen an increase in matchups where the top teams score a draw. The "1up1down" system does not have a tiebreaker it seems, so it simply let's everyone have a rematch instead without moving anyone. But, the system can also prevent a team from dropping tier (if the lowest 2 teams are tied), and that also blocks a lower tier team from moving up (depending on which tier ofc). This almost defeats the intended dynamics of the "1up1down" system, and renders it rather "lackluster". This seems to happen quite often these days (cough). A Couple Of Simple Tiebreakers Could Be: Servers moving up a tier could tiebreak on highest "Number of Kills" or highest "Total Team PPT" Servers moving down a tier could tiebreak on lowest "Number of Kills" or lowest "Total Team PPT" PS: I was under the impression that there was a tiebreaker mechanic that was working years ago (maybe I was dreaming, or perhaps just drunk?)
  7. It's a myth that "Cele" is what makes things suddenly OP! I hear newbie players talking in mapchat about "cele players", since it's the current excuse for getting rekt. But when I engage them, I don't notice anything out of the ordinary and 99% of the time I will end up killing them (if i'm not semi afk). But, if your packing full berserker, you will go down before you can outdps the extra sustain (that's normal for all stat sets). In combat simulations (for designing builds using math), we found full marauder will kill full berserker in theoretical 1on1 combat, but only due to the extra vitality marauder has. DPS wise, full berserker was slightly better (but tons more squishy!). If ur in a zerg, as a dps running full cele, ppl will be wondering why your dps is really low! So, it's kinda relevant what situation your in. Sustain is a key feature here, as cele is far from best dps. I would say the hardest thing to kill, is usually the same one class above all, that has the widest variety of combat skills for every combat situation with their weapon set. It's not simply to slap on cele stats and think your gonna kill 96% of the players on the map. But, take rune of ********* on a full ******** stated toon [censored], and check out how much combat efficiency that suddenly makes anyone.. That is a huge bump in wvw OP rating, without using celestial at all (don't want to make a "new thing", so not specifying what exactly). [I've been making builds+gear templates for a few servers/guilds, for all classes since launch. I would rate celestial as a "viable" option for a few classes & sometimes even a solid option. However, it's never going to be optimal for every situation, it's the "flexible option". You can design a better stat template (if u know what u are doing & know what you are going to do) without using celestial.] Celestial has traditionally been one of the hardest to get & most expensive stat sets in game, it's been like that since launch. Without the added bonus stats, it drops in value & efficiency behind other stats.
  8. The top 2 ways "unbalanced" occurs in wvw. 1. Population & Coverage (u need a competent map blob of players in minimum 2 different timezones) [Sea+NA mostly]. If a server/team can only cover 1 timezone, it will usually only be able to score a draw at best, but usually it's a losing scenario. 2. KDR (Combat efficiency). Getting totally obliterated against equal numbers of opponents every time means something (it's not random). The enemy has better gear/builds/tactics/organization/movement/experience/+. - There are a couple of servers that constantly still use "population manipulation" tricks (a type of server blackout from the early-mid years) before relinks, to get a better link. This always causes the first few weeks of relinks to have a severe population & coverage unbalance. The beta seemed to display huge population errors when calculating team strength (moving down a tier ended up meeting a much stronger and more populated team), which I think is a hint of being too easy to manipulate. - The most essential team combat stat (KDR) is ignored by the match-making & team-rating bot, and that means it will almost always end up making unbalanced matches & wrong team strength ratings. [As reference, the beta team+match building bot managed to place 2 large "low kdr / non fight guilds" on the same team and put them into T1 :D LOL It can't really be made worse. At this point, even random teams + random initial tier placement would prolly be better and a more enjoyable + fair solution imo. This affects both beta and regular matchups.]
  9. Thanks for lots of new info Anet :D [KDR Requirements?] (just a few suggestions to the system) I suggested a while back, the idea of more requirements to enter certain tiers. For example, KDR tier requirements to the 1up-1down system, so we don't get squishy ktrain only servers moving up into the top tier (only to get completely smashed next matchup), and also to help limit high KDR teams from dropping down. This could help ensure well rounded teams get better quality matchups, and to avoid the "no-challenge slaughter house" type matchups (alot of fight veterans think that is boring). This might even help promote team goals more clearly. [Another Method] While killing an enemy rewards ppt, perhaps it should also affect the other team score negatively. This could help pull down squishy ktrain only servers, so they can't move up if they just suck in combat (perhaps bypassing the need of a complicated KDR tier requirement in the first place.. if score balanced well enough *cough*). [An older proposed system we (old BG warcouncil stuff) discussed a long time ago, suggested "higher PPT score gained from kills", but this doesn't really limit massive ktrain teams from gaining lots of objective cap ppt and moving up anyway].
  10. Welcome back! Btw, u didn't seem to login again after we (+ few others ) took FK a few years ago iirc :D
  11. Just yesterday (NA) I encountered a Holosmith hacker. When he got low health, he started short haul teleporting away and he could also proc loads of "invulnerability" (not evade) when needed. If he got low health, he started teleporting away + invulnerable procs). So, they're using Holosmiths... that's prolly not a coincidence.
  12. [This display issue can occur in all relevant Windows OS 7/8/10/11 - not just a win7 issue apparently] WINDOWS EVENT LOG: Event ID: 4107 - A caller specified the SDC_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION flag in a call to the SetDisplayConfig() API This caller requests that the driver is given an opportunity to update the GDI mode list, while SetDisplayConfig sets the new display configuration in OS. BUT, this flag value is only valid when the SDC_USE_SUPPLIED_DISPLAY_CONFIG and SDC_APPLY flag values are also specified. The windows event log sometimes gets these SDC_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION messages when the gw2 display goes into a stuttering & massive frame tearing mode, and has possibly to do with the 2 different ways that gw2 handles "windowed fullscreen" & "exclusive fullscreen". GW2 dx9 can run beautifully smooth in exclusive fullscreen mode, but when in dx11 it currently only has a "windowed fullscreen" which is not a true exclusive mode (this may not be a limitation of dx11, but perhaps the gw2 dx11 implementation afaik). However, looking at the options setting looks like it's still using an exclusive fullscreen mode (for example "Fullscreen 1920x1080"), and maybe gw2 is still trying to use functions normally only available when it has real exclusive rights (exclusive fullscreen mode has complete control of the display, but windowed fullscreen has to share the display with windows + other apps). [The problem only seems to exist when in dx11 mode as others also have reported, but everything works perfectly in dx9]. SOLUTION / WORKAROUND Testing out a possible theoretical solution yielded results. Using ALT+TAB to switch to windowed fullscreen and setting it back to fullscreen mode seemed to fix the stutter / frame tearing after a few tries (without having to completly restart the client). It's possible that the bug only exists when gw2 is set to "Fullscreen x x" when running dx11, but if you set "windowed fullscreen" it could possibly enable the awareness that it is frame sharing the display, and possibly never run into the issue in the first place (in theory). But this mode comes with a higher latency & lag cost. Some other game reports indicate that gsync / freesync / enhanced & adaptive syncing might not work 100% when in these "windowed quasi fullscreen" modes. [The GFX options probably needs to be updated...but plz include commandline switches for legacy dx9 config settings too].
  13. I think I know what's going on here. When someone uses the "celestial soup" food, that doesn't mean they are using celestial gear (I get these whispers from time to time). It's just because the food covers the essentials, and u can't really notice much difference in wvw, so I load this food on all my toons (i make a lot of experimental builds).
  14. Full cele isn't the best option, then there's some classes that have no real benefit of celestial. It's mostly a situational thing. Take a look at the popular meta's, hardly any use full celestial these days, but it's a great option for testing purposes & for people that don't know what to focus on.
  15. The game was designed & intended to have like a "Living World" system, with once in a lifetime special events & stuff. The Southsun Karka Living World early game event is an example of one of those that was never meant to be activated again once it's cycle had completed. That's what the "Living World" phrase was intended to mean way back then.
  16. I've defeated just about every blob & every one worth defeating in wvw (and still do), without being in a major guild. It's more about timing than anything else. Sometimes an opponent will manage to escape, you gotta accept stuff like that happens. And try not to waste energy bothering about "that 1 unkillable guy" u may encounter from time to time. There's more stuff to capture and bags to loot!
  17. The last xpac didn't include many runesets & sigils, which was one of the main things I was hoping to see tons of. However, the game kinda seems a tad stale atm, so why not shake things up a little and implement some new runesets & sigils? Pretty sure tons of ppl would love to see some new runes & sigils! And I don't mean stuff like "+5% dmg to ambient creatures" kinda thing, but more sensible stuff that us "serious adults" would actually consider using ;-)
  18. What we really want is account wide SHARED HARVESTING TOOL SLOTS (either unlocked via unbreakable tools, or perhaps even a new gem store item to convert a "harvesting tool slot" into a "shared harvesting tool slot").
  19. You could perhaps think of "wall repairing" as a type of wall structure maintenance job, and not a true combat defense event :D But, I'm glad it's was removed, it finally made EBG accessable again (was queued constantly by lots of solo players seeking easy smc repair events, half of which were afk most of the time). As a quickfix it works & effective, but perhaps it needs some tweaking down the road. Perhaps make wall repairing only valid to ding the event once per hour (yes... a timegate).
  20. Ambush 3 was bugging out on me too, but I decided to go and do a few other ambushes for fun, and return afterwards to see if any of those unjammed what seemed to be a buggy achievement tracking feature (to me). After doing 4-5 other random ambushes, I triggered ambush 3 and it finally dinged! :D [Helped a friend try my method to see if this trick would work for her too... did 1 other ambush, and returned to try it again now, then it dinged for her too!]
  21. You can actually workaround this pretty easy. Open notepad and type the char you cannot type manually in the login field (@). Then select+copy it (ctrl+c) from notepad text, and paste it into the login field where it is supposed to be (ctrl+v). It does paste it correctly into the text field (even though u cant type @ via normal keyboarding). [It's a common windows trick that many of us have been using for decades.. but perhaps never documented it well enough lol]
  22. Didn't work for me either (pressing a button on the launcher causes it to freeze/lockup). Noticed the new cef executable and thought that there is prolly a new commandline option to enable coherent instead (as a safety measure.. and that works for now). The arenanet.log file has this error logged: App: CefHost.exe Fatal error (0): Javascript not handled?
  23. Heya Spiral :) The weekly system probably needs an optional Defend Event to the Capture achievements (but not a separate achievement). It should keep dinging the same single capture achievement, or ppl will start doing both the 2 different achievements and the same keep-flipping problem arises yet again. Funky boolean algebra :D Could be done like this --> : "Successfully (Capture 5) or (Defend 10) Keep Events" (or a mix of both) ("1 keep capture = 2 keep defense" might work, for backend achievement tracking).
  24. I have gotten a top tier precursor drop from defeating an enemy wvw player (was a "once in a decade drop"). But they do still drop (just really really super rare).
  25. The repair option doesn't actually completely fix the dat file so it's 100% errorfree, it just redownloads + adds the correct data and fixes pointers (something like that). I don't want to post the way to fix it completely clean, as it takes a long time and not really something for the public. Support obviously knows how to do it, you should contact them :) Maybe they even have a better solution (they are usually really super quick, in the few cases i've had atleast). PS: You can also try delete (rename is a better option) the smaller personalized local.dat file, in the Users Appdata roaming folder (prolly listed on the wiki if u need more info). There's no repair option for it & dunno what happens if it gets partially corrupted either, but it can cause problems in rare cases. Alternatively, you could reinstall the game to a new location using a different user account (this will recreate both dat files easily).
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