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Everything posted by Funky.4861

  1. I'm glad they did this. If i (or someone else) went through the hoops to make and set-down an ascended feast, i don't want to override that with crappy cele-stat free cake which only lasts half as long (without a primer).
  2. I've noticed that the tail-swipe sound has changed on raptor, seemingly across all of the skins. It screeches like a bird now and it doesn't fit (unless using a bird-like skin). Is this a bug or a feature?
  3. That's what i thought when i first saw one in-game. It's just Peitha cosplay which is a bit of a shame. Maybe we'll get some different but matching part later on.
  4. It's only an issue if you don't play enough for there to be an overabundance of AA and you spend it thinking that you're getting value when it's deceptive. For example: you can buy all the mats in a t5 crafting bag PLUS some extras for the 1gold u get for 30 AA. You can get essences of luck by salvaging gear- if anet had put BL salvage kits instead of essences of luck, that would be a different story. Obsidian shards can be bought with karma from the cleansed temple of balthazar; they can also be mined from the ore node in the PoF and EoD guild halls. But some people might see the purple and think "Ohh, it's a legendary item. It must be worth something or have a special use." Which it does, but AA is probably the worst currency to spend to get them, especially as there is a finite number you can buy from the vault (until it refreshes).
  5. They're called noob traps because they look like they're valuable when in fact they are the opposite. Ie: the kind of thing a noob would fall for, but not someone who does a little research. Tier 5 bags, really? Essence of luck? Obsidian shards? All are much cheaper to acquire considering the range of items you can get with astral acclaim.
  6. This is a terrible idea which forces you to take condi-transfers via a skill or trait. This narrows the build options considerably which is never a good thing. No, just no.
  7. Re: the rested exp buff. You can get that by sitting in a chair whilst u open and salvage ur stacks of unid gear, or place ur buy/sell orders on the tp, or make urself a cup of tea/coffee. It takes 5 mins of just sitting in ur chair.
  8. GW2 on a mobile device sounds like a terrible idea. How would you do anything with such a tiny screen? It's all very well touting non-native controller support, but now you need a controller as well as ur phone/ipad/notebook. This idea is DoA.
  9. They don't look similar- they are the same. I'd be surprised if you can find 3 new mobs; even the ranger pet is a reskinned sandshark. Surely they could've done better and added to the wyvern family in keeping with the skyscale theme? HoT, PoF and EoD gave us huge, engaging maps- Soto gives us huge maps with a few islands and mostly air. We're even told in Skywatch Archipelago that the islands present are the same areas of Tyria/Cantha with a twist of fate. As far as i'm concerned, the only new things in the expansion are the relic system, masteries and wizards' vault, and i'm not convinced that's enough considering we got similar with previous LW episodes. Also, you don't need Soto to access the vault or relics, so i'm being generous to include them.
  10. Indeed, Teknomancer, also the underwater weapons themselves...
  11. They, as mount skins, appear to have been left in a box since End of Dragons was released. Will we ever get new skins for them or have they been abandoned?
  12. Reskinning an old model and calling it new IS disingenuous. Creating a map by copy-and-pasting parts of existing maps and calling it new IS disingenuous. The only new content we get is voice acting, story lines, a boss, some weapon and armour skins, and an ugly jotunn. Oh, we get a new griffon skin and a new skyscale skin. Even Peitha is a reskin and the rifts are reskins. This expansion should be called "Reskins of the Obscure".
  13. Gw1 is a different game mate. The idea behind a sequel is to continue what went before, so of course gw2 will use models which look like gw1. An expansion however is not a different game, and it's pure disingenuousness to reskin an old model and try to pass it off as new content.
  14. I would argue that the only extra content in Soto is voice acting and a few character models. It has the most recycled, reskinned content in the game and that's just lazy.
  15. EoD was a time-bomb. People only go to those maps for story completion, achievements and making gen3 legendaries. One of the biggest problems is the lower map population cap which encourages people to leave for no good reason eg: the meta is running so there's a temporary spike, and another is the fishing power stack loss when you leave a map. It's always seemed odd to me that we can carry jade battery charges and jade protocol buff duration to other maps but not fishing stacks. The issue really is that if the player population isn't growing, it gets spread thinner as content increases or congregates on the most profitable/newest areas until the shine wears-off. What keeps older maps alive is desirable items and/or the collections to acquire said items.
  16. Kenzil, if you have to shout (ie: use bold or caps in text) to make your case then you have lost the argument. To answer your points: there's no entitlement to own the chak infusion whether you do the meta every day for years or just buy it off tp on a whim. It's rng, and people who buy it are using the people who got it (and wanted to sell it). The people who make legendaries to sell are selling you their time and effort. When you buy a legendary weapon you are saying that you don't want to engage with the game to get the item, and that you value playing the content required to get it as less than your desire for a quick fix. Very few people actually want to grind; rather they want to make gold in a way they feel values their time so that they can buy the things they want. You, on the other hand, have no patience and just want it now- you are in the lucky position to not have to worry about swiping your card but your short-termism prevents you from seeing the bigger picture. How many legendaries do you have that you have not bought? Do you know what's 'important and valuable from the design aspect of this game'? Player engagement and retention. Your spending habits are not sustainable for the game because if we all did what you do there would be nothing left to buy, or play the game for. There needs to be a balance of supply and demand and anet keeps a close eye on the tp and introduces things to swing it one way or the other (the Karka event which had high chances of gen1 precursor drops, and research notes to suck excess items up, as examples). I get it; it's uncomfortable to have your sense of entitlement shamed, but you need to realise that the effects of your desire for instant gratification are not positive for the game or the players.
  17. Having read seven pages of this thread i don't think there's anything new to be brought to the table. The few posters in favour of sellable lege armour either don't mind if its sellable or not or ardently want their dopamine fix by instantly buying it. Most of the responses are not in favour, several going into some detail about why it's not beneficial for either the game or the players. As an almost-full legendary enjoyer, i can see the appeal of being able to just buy my way into best-in-slot gear with free trans charges and stat-swapping forever. I also know that if i can just buy it there is no real sense of achievement (it's just ticking a box) and that i'll have to scratch that itch again, costing me either RL money or time spent in-game doing something i need to do instead of something i want to do. The question then is: "Once you've bought your pretty pixels (which you don't own, btw) what happens to the market for the items you bought?" Also, seeing as you did not have to do any of the collections to acquire said shinies, you haven't engaged with that content much because you didn't need to, instead relying on other people to supply you, much like a parasite. So once you've done the story and got whatever masteries you want, what's left for you? GW2 isn't pay to win (by most definitions) and expansions do not invalidate older gear. Gen 1 legendaries were always sellable, but until HoT were soulbound exotic gear with soldier stats. They were desired because of their skins and effects. With the release of gen2 legendaries, the market for gen1 dipped a bit but stayed mostly as it was, because gen2 skins could not be bought. Nothing changed with PoF, but EoD released a third set of legendary weapons which were sellable and look what happened to the gen1 market- it dove. Even the gen3 market is on a slow decline after its initial hit because there is nothing special about owning one- the 'prestige' comes from the variant skins, which cannot be bought with RL money. Are you noticing a trend here? My stance is that i don't really mind if OW lege armour is sellable on the tp, but i recognise that it will only have negative effects both on the playerbase and on the game in terms of longevity.
  18. If we didn't need so many essences this would be less of a problem. My suggestion is to make all meta events on maps which spawn rifts give 200t1, 150t2 and 100t3 essences on completion in addition to their normal loot. No motivations or anything required. That way people are incentivised to do metas without the fear of losing essences.
  19. Activities are to all intents and purposes pvp. This is the only way to make the skills and items interact differently when targetting a player on your team vs a player on the other team. They should never have been in the pve tab for dailies, but anyone who regards themselves as a pvper would hardly lower themselves to doing an activity instead of playing a match- especially if they could be improving their rank.
  20. I like the idea of the Charr meatoberfest, but surrounding the pale tree with mutilated plant genitals is kinda weird.
  21. Why would you waste an inventory slot on trans charges? They aren't actually consumed until you click 'accept' when you change an items' appearance, and they are available to all your chars instead of the smooth-brained jealous one holding them in their inventory.
  22. Account-wide bonuses are supposed to be high for veterans who have put the hours into playing the game. This fad of jealously wanting what other players have for a fraction of the cost is getting to be annoying. If i start playing a game that's been out for a few years, i have no right to expect to achieve/earn what people who have played that game since launch have in any shorter a timeframe. They have put their lives into the game and have the corresponding rewards; it's frankly a bit disgusting to want to take that away from them.
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