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Alaia Skyhawk.5064

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  1. If you need help with aqquiring your griffon, just hit-up The Griffon Academy [Wing] for help (go to the starter waypoint in Queensdale at peak times on a weekend and you can almost guarantee there will be at least one person from [Wing] hanging out there). The guild has both NA and EU branches, and regularly helps people with the events and stuff for the griffon collection 🙂
  2. I still remember when I crafted Nevermore. "Here baby raven, I've made you a special stick to sit on. Just ignore that I deforested half of Tyria to make it" 😄
  3. "How to solve the flying problem" (seriously though, there's no problem. if some players want to dull their own experience by flying over all the interesting stuff that's their loss) Want people on the ground? Just incentivise using a ground mount. Honestly I think Anet have done that extremely well in JW. If I travel those 2 maps on anything but my warclaw, I am actively denying myself important resources towards the upcoming spear and backpack. Only my warclaw can unearth the caches for me, and while yes I could gather pine logs, titan ore and titan amber while using any other mount, if I'm travelling around for those then why would I not also be looking for caches? Even when I'm not actively looking for those things, I've found myself using the warclaw most of the time (very occasionally I'll use skyscale or springer to climb something tall when I don't feel like air bouncing my way up). The other mounts just don't feel as natural in the setting and terrain. On no other mount can I do a ride-by and yoink a random enemy over onto it's backside before bouncing away laughing to myself. There's a definite joy in journeying with my Journeykin, and that has kept me planted firmly on the ground most of time outside of when I decide to do some fancy flying around buildings and stuff on my griffon.
  4. This is where I'm at. I'm nearly done with getting all the AP from repeating the hearts (They'll just be a passive source of the Ursan coins for me after that from any boxes I get from passively completing them during sessions), and I've most of the other chieves done. We already know the updated rift essense currencies will be part of the legendary crafting for the spear and backpack, so I'll probably start doing the 3-per-week thing again for the bonus weekly boxes of essence. But I'm in no hurry. Instread I've been having an inordinate amount of fun just bounding around the two maps on my oversized kitty/air-bunny/bloodhound sniffing out treasure, grabbing the special harvesting nodes as I go, and hitting any events I pass that I fancy taking part in. No pressure, no rush, there's plenty of time to aqquire materials towards the future stuff. I also have to chuckle when I see complaints that "we're only getting 3 maps/2 maps+2 half-size maps". If you do the math on content releases since Core, the average is around 3 maps per year and many of the maps we got during the Living Story seasons were smaller maps. I'd much rather have annual expansions that give regular and reasonable chunks of content spread out across the year along with other features being introduced/worked-on, than have bigger expansions with 1-2 year content droughts in between. As for new elite specs, that system is already pretty glutted and complicated as heck to balance. I feel using the introduction of new weapons with interesting mechanics on them is a good compromise that frees-up resources for Anet to use in sorting out and developing other things.
  5. You don't! I left the traditional kodan bed in the spot I first placed it, and can confirm that when reaching that step on subsequent characters the game thinks for a second and then the quest updates. Processs wood ✔️ Craft traditional kodan bed ✔️ Place the bed ✔️ And Alder and Poky immediately start their "post bed-placing" dialogue. 🙂
  6. Tip for if you've moved a deco, not finalised the position yet, and want it back where it was. You can press escape and it snaps back to the last confirmed size/rotation/position it was in 🙂
  7. I would expect the same thing. Just run up to the objective and interact with it. There's no way the story is gated by needing SotO, the bloodstones will have scripted interacts that just make you do the animation of the Heart of the Obscure. No need to overthink it, just run up and interact.
  8. You don't need the scanning ability to find the rifts around Moon Camp. The Tier 1 rifts are massive purple energy blots visible from a large distance. Just run up to one and interact with it 🙂
  9. You enter the zone a stone's throw from the centre waypoint. You can just trundle over the other side of the adjacent hill and you're at the fishing outpost. 🙂
  10. The T1 rifts have an issue at present, there's been plenty of tags around who are spawning T2 rifts using motivations. 2x T2 rifts (the pre even of mob spawns + the following boss) are enough to fill the bar and you can continue.
  11. They won't retrofit a weaponset for a previous expansion. If you want a spear with the Aurene aura effect on the blade of it, get an Impaler of the Scion. You'd need to farm for it (Most likely places to get it would be either the Mistborn Coffers in Dragonfall, or you also have a chance to get the weaponbox from Dragonstorm) or maybe you've already got a Gift of Aurene box in your bank and weren't sure what to pick from it (This was me, that box was in my bank for about 3 years lol). With Landspear comming, it was a no-brainer for me to pick the spear from the box 🙂
  12. There will no doubt be an unlock method in the expac, same as skyscale got a second unlock method with SotO
  13. I've solo'd it using the skyscale instead of the rifles. This lets you get well ahead of the platforms and blast/take the agro from the turrets so that less hits the platforms. Just remember to fly through the magic orbs left by the turrets to refill your fireball ammo. Also remember to backtrack to the platforms after taking out turrets ahead, as the previous turrets respawn just behind the platforms as the last of them is passing the area they were. Soon as you've nuked the closest ones there, turn back to ahead and fly to the next spawn location of turrets.
  14. Generally speaking there are two situations you will encounter where there will almost always be invisible walls. 1) On maps with large meta chains, multiple lanes or fixed approach routes, and parts of the map locked off until the meta progresses, you will in most cases find invisible walls seperating the lanes and also blocking off all approach routes to the restricted area except the intended path. 2) You are trying to go over a high piece of terrain, large area of hill or mountain above an underground complex, or large cliff-faced area of which there's nothing accessible in the middle of it. In these areas you are walled-off because inside them the visible terrain often has no collision, it goes high enough to reach the map ceiling, and/or beyond what is visible from the invisible wall at the edge the surface terrain is simply not there and you can peer down into a pit full of the structural pieces that form an underground complex. One good example of the latter is Brisbain Wildlands. The surface above Skrittsburg is completely walled-off (barring a spot I know of where you can slip through). Go up the "mountain" above the Skritt city and there's places with no terrain collision and you can peer into the Skrittsburg tunnels from outside them. Completely useless place to access, and the only way out was back through the hole in the invisible wall or to waypoint out. Did have a laugh with a guildie though who was inside one of the tunnels by pretending I was a "ghost in the walls, WhoOooOooo!" hahaha! 😄 But yeah, most of the time you get a rock or something that has an invisible wall around the top of it, the top of said rock has no collision on it and the walls are to stop players getting up there and falling through the map into the void.
  15. The events with the wards/then on to Cellar of Arcana are not once per map cycle. The nearby events (right by the waypoint) for the gate defence/capture/fix stuff preceed the events to enter the Arcade and Cellar. If you want the event to access those to spawn, do the events at the gate and check in with Uenno between each one until you get the ward event. If you just sit near Uenno and the gate events don't get done, the wards event won't start.
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