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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. 1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
    • You need to add damage back to Ranger if you want to see anything in play that isn't an Untamed or Druid side node low damage hard bunker.
    • The pet patch was a low blow guys. Smokescale needs its CC back.

    lol dmg is fine, give it a rest. The reason why ranger keeps getting nerfed is because it was super op and low skill. The nerfs they did put it in line with where it should be, finally. Multiple nerfs just means it wasn't nerfed hard enough the first time.

    Smokescale needs its cc back? You joking? You might as well ask for free wins in arena. How can you possibly think that the ability to stunlock with a pet and then f'ing smash the kitten out of the opponent with a greatsword is fair play. Unless you do know its not fair and you're just vying for your spec so that you can be more powerful, that's more likely the case here.

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  2. At this point in my life I just want full rewards for participating in pvp similar to how you get full rewards for participating in wvw. I don't want to care about winning or losing, it's too stressful. It makes me hate people and hate gw2, and hate anet. That's a lot of hate. Anet you are purposefully making me hate things, and I don't like it. I want to play pvp, and I still want to try to win for a rating, but I get kittening infuriated when I go on a losing streak because of your bad system, and I don't make any progress with rewards. I'm old, I have kids, I have limited playing time, and I don't need this in my life. I'm not alone in this thought process either. Do what you need to do to make pvp in line with wvw, that is all.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Kera.3982 said:

    The current PvP meta and mechanics in this game is the worst I've seen in any MMO. Even a pay to win game like Black Desert Online isn't as bad when it comes to PvP. I don't blame the guy for afking unless he afk'd for no reason. Going against Willbenders, Bladesworn and Condizerkers that will 1 shot you is just not fun. Then there's Scrappers with 10 seconds of stun without any counters. I recently subscribed to WoW just to PvP and the difference between GW2 is day and night. It's so much fun to PvP in WoW. GW2 is just good for its PvE content and nothing else.

    what do you play in wow for pvp?

  4. 3 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    would love to come back had 11k hours and I know a bunch of people who still play. Waiting, hoping for some kind of meaningful change and this is the best place to stay updated, the true PvP endgame. I can't go 2 the reddit either because I was banned for my wintrader exposed video 😭🙏 glad for that though tbh

    I was playing several matches a night for a long while, but finally decided the anger and stress of it all isn't worth it. Now I just get on and do my daily for the astral, or a few matches a night until the weekly is done. Unless of course there's season reset, but I think I'll still take that easier instead of trying to grind it all out asap. I feel like I win more when I play less too.

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  5. 12 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    Temp ban or dishonour to discourage it, perma ban or perma dishonour to repeat offenders

    I don't buy the paying customer excuse personally. When I still played, I had every expansion up until EoD and spent more money in the gemstore than I'm comfortable with admitting 👀💦

    And I was banned and would have stayed banned for calling another player a liar under the bogus claim that it was "hate speech/bigotry"

    If an offense that small and made up is enough to ban a paying customer, then people repeatedly ruining pvp matches for others is defo enough to warrant some kind of punishment, even its exclusive to pvp like dishonour. If they aren't going to play pvp then they shouldn't be there, I think that's reasonable.

    Anet definitely cares more about what people say than afk'ers in pvp, here and in game.

    I think the main problem is that afk is so rampant if they were to take action, the pvp community would be even smaller. I guess I'd be ok with that though because at least there'd be 5 people on your team moving around even if some act like bots.

    Also be careful discussing punitive actions made by Anet gm's, that's against their ToS.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    See how much they try to hide it. Once you leave a match, the option to report for AFK or match manipulation goes away, just like anet themselves wish the reports would just go away 😭

    You're smart not to mention anyone by name though, because that's a definite ban. We can't have the feelings of AFKers being hurt so the other 4 players are just going to have to suck it up and play 2 more games to make up for that 1 loss due to AFK while hopefully not running into them a second time. The preservation of the delicate sensibilities of feckless indolents is the top priority. The utmost concern. Thank you for understanding and keeping it civil :classic_smile:

    Realistically what do you expect them to do though? Anet rarely takes action against paying customers. People who haven't purchased expansions maybe, but not paying customers.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

    Put it on reaper and you got a class with everything. Super tank, super condi pressure, super damage, and now super mobility. Pls nerf. It will basically be like untamed but without stealth.

    As a chrono I can farm a reaper regardless of weapon, they're only good if they can touch you.

    • Confused 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Friendly reminder that nothing significant balance wise changed between the time period a few months ago when people were complaining about dying in two seconds and now, except the odd damage nerf to skillls that didn't require it.


    Only thing I've noticed is that player competency has gotten worse, at least in recent matches I've been in. Nobody knows how to use CTR-T, and if I do, they don't focus that target. You've got maybe two people focusing the target and then a few others deciding for themselves they know better than a dragon player. I don't think damage has really dropped off or bunker has improved, I think people have just gotten worse.

  9. 7 hours ago, Nabbut.7480 said:

    Getting queued with much worse players (which leads to losing in his case) is the punishment for having high personal rating.

    If someone haves very high personal rating, to average the team score he gets queued with much lower personal rating teammates.

    yeah that's understandable but my rating isn't even that high this season

  10. 4 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    One of the most difficult aspects of putting out burst on a well balanced spec is timing, becuase when doing burst, you are also wide open to being burst down. The most problomatic specs right now have broken that timing requirement, by spamming blocks/immunes which allow them to throw decent timing out the window, and spew out their burst while being immune to being burst down. It has litterally rock bottomed the skill floor across the game. Obviously its a little ironic from the OP thief since jump > burst > target drop > jump > burst > target drop, has a similar effect as just spamming immunes.. but sure, it takes a little more effort.

    I think it really comes down to making the game mode more streamlined as opposed to rock bottoming the skill floor. If you know what to expect out of an enemy, it becomes more a chess match and less who is better at their spec. I'd rather have a chess match than a fight with two confused people who don't know how to play that well. Some of the best fights I've ever had regardless of outcome were more like chess matches. That being said, I've never been a fan of abilities that allow people to be taken out of combat, or abilities that negate a player from doing anything defensively, yet those still exist in the game and will never go away.

    • Confused 2
  11. On 11/15/2023 at 4:20 AM, whooot.5784 said:

    Imagine beeing a dev: "Hey guys, I have a super idea, let's give to this spec ALL the degenerated defenses mechanics in the game, in the SAME TIME, that could be fun right ? Right ? What do you think about that? That will be fun to fight against, right ..? That should be fun.. no ? "

    Let's see....

    More aegis than a core guard, check!

    Block by billions ?Also check! (even worse now they can use shield)

    Invu by trillion ? Check !

    Stealth ? Blind? Reflect? Check, check and check !

    Teleporte, mobility? Check!

    Oooh and let's make their f1,2,3etc also unblockables if treated, like that when he's power, he just can blow up 10k in your teeth, and if it's condi, 20+stacks of confu and he just one shot you with condibomb.

    Okay now I've waited all this degenerated things to go off, maybe I can play the game ? GET JUKED SON!!  He has already all his cd back! And there we go again, block block block block block block, invu invu invu invu invu invu invu, dodge, blind, block block block block block, stealth.....

    I am not saying this is op or something, I am just saying this is one of the most degenerated spec I've ever seen.

    A spec like that shouldn't exist in spvp, period. Pve, I don't care, no one cares, but get ridd off this abomination in spvp plz, and don't EVER EVER dare make it meta by buffing it, I beg you, we beg you, my own cat begs you.

    Proof me wrong. Try to defend this abomination.


    yeah but they're damage isn't really that good if you evade and wait, just tell your team to pile on a virt and its over for them. I haven't encountered a virt in a while that I couldn't wreck and I exclusively play as chrono.

    • Confused 1
  12. On 11/13/2023 at 1:40 PM, shion.2084 said:

    OK. so to be fair, if your getting the 35% damage in games where you've got 4 afkers then.....

    Nah it happens regardless if there are afk'ers or not.

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:18 PM, Nabbut.7480 said:

    The reason for you losing the games is simple. You are overperforming.

    For the sake of balancing winrates, overperforming is punished as hard as underperforming.

    I've never heard of overperforming being punished before if you lose. I've heard of overperforming and winning being punished because your rating goes up and so you are expected to carry more, but never with losing.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    Except, your still on the same subject of 1v1s in a Game mode where 1v1s Dont matter.

    huh? Sidenodding/decapping doesn't matter? lmao...ok.

    35 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    if the concept that thief is good at one Very Specific thing makes it overpowered

    I actually don't like invis in pvp in general and I've said so many times. It's not really that thief is overpowered per se, it's that invis is overpowered and they get pretty much unlimited access to it, which makes them overpowered.

  14. 24 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    yet the only thing ur able to bring up is Thief Open world pvp 1 v 1 builds In a game mode thats susposed to be Balanced and built on Large scale pvp 

    Like honestly, we're talking about a Game, which isnt balanced on the concept of a 1v1 in litterally any game mode, Yet somehow we've decided one of MANY Speccs that have been accused of being too powerful in a 1v1, while both ranger and mesmer can also burst from stealth in the same enviroment.

    except a thief can just vanish again if they lose the fight 🤷‍♂️

  15. Just now, magickthief.6492 said:

    The behavior comes from the reason I laid out. They are throwing, or they are weak crybabies. That is the tldr

    I have to disagree with you on your main point about skill, but agree that they are weak crybabies. I think that generally people are pretty good at playing their class, but generally people can be bad at knowing where to go on a map to win. Placement, decapping, stuff like that...knowing your role. Those are pretty equally as important as your skill in playing your character.

    These were completely winnable games, so if my teammates put effort and coordination into trying to win it could've happened. I don't buy the skill argument.

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  16. 16 minutes ago, magickthief.6492 said:

    This is going to be a tough pill for many to swallow, but the skill level of players today  is much lower that from even just a few years ago. Even your vets don't get adequate practice to stay sharp as before and quite a few have resorted to massive amounts of whining in the forums because of their newly developed failure to gitgud. Sad days really. But, most of your "pros", the current bottom 150, are gold 1 pre2020 patch. If you truly are a "plat 2" or whatever player, the chances of facing that skill level in game is very small....very very very small. Especially if you have an older account with lots of games. This ultimately means maybe 20 real players and their alts or who they are boosting will be your only "real" competition. The rest are just potato. The average skill level may be 1200, but that is on a modified bell curve, today it probably is 1000 or less.

    My OP isn't talking about skill level at all, I'm talking about afk'ing in matches. It's become such a rampant problem that pvp has been unplayable for me.

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  17. My rank has dropped an insane amount this season, I can't even win anymore. This just points to epic levels of toxicity and in my opinion, the myriad issues that plague the conquest game mode. It must be in its last death throes because this is ridiculous. In order to get a win now it's like my team has to win 4v5, which we actually did once - we had an afk'er from the start of the match but we still won. Now I'm seeing entire teams quit almost immediately, and not even trying.



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