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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. 1 hour ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

    hey man I bust your chops, but hope your know I'm just f   king with ya. I totally get the frustration. Gw2 pvp is the best Ive played in any mmo and Ive played them all. And yet...this is how they treat it. Pretty kitten

    It’s a love/hate relationship for me, and probably for a lot of people. Only pvp that remotely compares to it for me was wow pvp at times.

    • Like 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

    Words of wisdom.

    Not only some players here, but even the devs themselves seem to think that their imaginary scenario where everything is "balanced", can be achieved.
    By perpetually nerfing and removing things and never touching them ever again:
    Something nerfed/deleted in a 2020 patch? 2024 and it's still exactly the same.

    It almost feels like they don't go back to older things and revert or change them because then it would make them look bad. As if they were admitting their mistakes.

    No new maps, no new game modes?
    Ok, so how about at least being creative and taking risks by undoing or reimplementing things that have been deleted.

    I don’t see how hard it is to just slowly scale things back that seem overpowered. There doesn’t need to be a fotm, wouldn’t it be nice if every spec was viable?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

    I have a tanky ranger that is unkillable (almost..but thats any class).
    It can Decap points, live, kill, survive 1v2 (for a time) but there is too much CC, Movement, Burst, Etc for it to work. 
    People can rotate far too quickly and kill far too quickly. It just gets rekt by the meta.

    Its the opposite with Core guard. AFAIK Core Guard hasn't been buffed recently, it just found itself in a very fitting meta. I hope they don't nerf it. I don't even play core guard.
    Wouldn't that be weird nerfing a class that isn't OP,  just because it performs really well in the current meta?

    Who really knows how they decide what gets buffed or nerf, but yeah core guard seems decent and I don’t have any complaints fighting against it

    • Confused 2
  4. 2 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

    So this is the clown show that has been PvP for ages that no one seems to understand. Nerfing is removal. Certainly, the away Anet does it. Instead of taking time to adjust things with care and concern. Nothing is ever built up, or added, created, no new items are put into the game to account for things to create balance. Its possible to add to the game to create balance. Anets version of balance constantly creates power vacuums. Things not paid attention to once the FOTM thing is removed then fills its place. And so on and so fourth until we are left this nonsense we currently have. Itll never stop and the game mode will continue to devour itself until the community at large stops accepting BS from Anet. 

    Well said, you're right they go too extreme. When I ask for nerfs I actually don't want for them to nerf something so extreme that nobody wants to play it anymore. Actually I think they tried to nerf DH recently but it really wasn't enough. The other problem is if something isn't OP, people won't bandwagon onto it because they want that power over other people in a match. They'll just move on to the next OP thing. I personally play the same things regardless of what happens to buffs or nerfs with my specs, but I rotate out based on team comp.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    fights are litterallly won just on spec choice.

    Anet balance team needs to read this line 50 times each so they can understand where their game is at right now.

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  6. 22 minutes ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

    ok I was wrong. To be fair, all the posts, calling out nerfs for so many classes, you sounded like someone who started last week. Sorry not sorry.


    Gold 3 is pretty competitive. Maybe you reached a elo that is your 'current' skill ceiling.



    By competitive do you mean sweaty? To me it seems like the higher rank you go the more abusing toxic specs there is, the less fun the game is overall. I also speculate that most people who climb any higher are duos, and its probably super rare for a soloq to be that high.


    anyway taking a forum ban out of protest for how bad the balancing is so won’t reply for a while.

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  7. Both of my specs are obsolete compared to all other specs. Power chrono can't even one shot people anymore, and once its all spent class is worthless because its glass. Druid just kittens up reaper with daze and roots. Game just sucks, kitten this stupid kitten kittening kitten mother kittening piece of kitten worst kittening game in the kittening world go suck my kittening balls mother kitteners who made this stupid kittening kitten and are responsible for balancing the game dumb kittening worthless pieces of kittening kitten.

    • Haha 4
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  8. 11 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

    I don't know man. It just is a too Spam friendly e-spec to me. Before the nerf to tha CC traitline it was pretty mutch what Druid is now. A "you 1v1 me, your death now" spec without real options to kill it in an actuall 1v1. 

    How ever with this nerf it is now a more fair matchub in most 1v1s. Buuut does this mean its now harder to play? Nahhh maybe just abit. It still is one of the best 1v1 specs around where you do not rly need to know how to Play it. 

    Only difference to the Meta before is .....  Druid is more broken rn and DH pretty mutch counters Bladesworn with its traps doing hard dmg on Point ^^.


    All in all its still a ways too easy to Play e-spec. I probably will never touch it again cause i do not like its "shouts and Selfhealing plus Aegis skills Spam" gameplay. I gues some like this thing but yea. In my opinion something like this would be unhealthy for PvP if its too good. In other words its good that it is nerfed xd.

    Someone has been complaining about nerf threads, yet there are so many people calling out druids and dh’s. They’re bound to be nerfed , therefore the nerf threads actually matter.

  9. 11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    You forget chronomancer and reaper with procmancer and similar....ha wait..you play those 2 specs, reason they miss from your list

    I don’t see a lot of cond chronos, I play power personally depending on the situation. Really just giving people stacks of vulnerability, which alone doesn’t kill them. Reaper aoe doesn’t seem that overpowered, its just chill and fear with staff and some elites but they aren’t bringing opponents down. In the aoe cond conversation I think the ones that do burning or other damage types are more to blame.

    • Confused 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    The same people who asked for nerfs yesterday...still ask for nerfs today..and they will ask for nerfs tomorrow and after tomorrow....a reality that never changes, just like them losing over and over again. How does all the nerf crying work out for you? 

    Can you read?....yes you can keep crying about nerfs....it doesn't matter really...better players win always and bad players lose

    As I sit here lately winning more games than I lose, soloQ and climbing the ranks from gold 1 to gold 3.

  11. 7 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:

    Pb with druid in my opinion is that stupid daze spam. Against a competent druid, you simply can't play the game, cause you're perma cc'd or rooted, both in same time usually.

    Second pb is that elite rez, who allows druid to litteraly face tanking 4 people in the same time cleaving the downstate, and still be able to get the rez. This elite makes real magic happens.

    Sustain might be a bit to high as well actually, a good druid with stone signet, kitting properly, playing safely, paying attention with a good map awarness, is simply immortal.. Really great mobility, excellent sustain, daze spam, stealth, condi cleanse by billion..

    Exepted that, I find a good soulbeast or untamed way more threatening and dangerous actually

    This guy knows exactly what I’m talking about and feeling against a competent druid. If you disagree you’re just not fighting against this caliber druid or you are one of them.

    When he says you simply can’t play the game, that’s what I mean. It’s not fun to play against, similar to how its not fun to play against thief because of their kittening annoying invis.

    Actually, I’ve been finding thief much less annoying than druid.

    • Confused 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    The same people who asked for nerfs yesterday...still ask for nerfs today..and they will ask for nerfs tomorrow and after tomorrow....a reality that never changes, just like them losing over and over again. How does all the nerf crying work out for you? 


    Did you just quote yourself?

    The nerf crying works, and as long as I play pvp I'll never stop, get over it.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:


    The best thing they could do right now is redistribute the percentages of players at any given rating (and probably make the median NOT 1200 lol) and clamp how wide the search can expand to over time. Queues would get longer, but you'd have less matches where a silver player gets thrown up against a plat who had a 10 minute queue.
    Neither of those would what you're complaining about, you'd still eventually hit the same win rates.

    Go ahead, propose a change that would fix your "forced 50/50" problem that still retains some sort of skill based matchmaking system.
    I wanna see you do it, I wanna see you come up with one. Explain how it would work.

    Give more meaningful rewards for a loss. Problem solved. People would be less salty about losing if they got their participation rewards. Why not? You literally get participation rewards in wvw. Why not pvp? Is a pvp’ers time less valuable than a wvwer? Winning/losing should affect rank and thats it, they tied rewards to winning which was a mistake right off the bat.

    • Like 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

    Yes. I also understand that pvp is a team game with 5 people on each side. Good luck determining how condi's get applied to you in a team fight. If you actually pvp'd you would have understood my comment fine. It's very clear that you do not however so I am a bit confused why you even posted, unless you just want to start random drama, which I don't have time for so good day.

    He did this to me too on another thread, I wouldn't pay attention to him because he tries to argue but he doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.

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  15. 9 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    Literally every single rating based matchmaker is going to trend you towards 50/50 as you approach wherever your skill level is at, actually

    You clearly don't.

    Yeah I'm not going to argue with someone who says "good players win bad players lose" and then restates that the matchmaker trends 50/50. So which is it? You don't even have a point, so there's no point in talking to you.

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