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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. 4 hours ago, ccccc.4963 said:

    Anet can't balance the learning curve many players are facing and refusing to acknowledge their place on

    Worst take I've seen in a while. Don't confuse imbalance with player incompetence. Anet isn't that good, you're giving them waaaaay too much credit.


    I'm not even going to acknowledge the comeback responses. Not worth it for 1-2% of games overall.

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  2. I'm really tired of people complaining about afk'ers. It's a valid strategy when you know your team is going to lose, don't waste the effort. Just let the other team cap the three points and remove yourselves from the game. The matchmaking is atrocious, the spec balances are the worst I've ever seen it, and we will never get any new content updates nor any of the quality of life updates that the pvp forum community has been outright begging for for years. Therefore afk'ing is a valid strategy that mirrors Anet's blatant disregard for pvp. Anet afk'd us all, didn't they?

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  3. 10 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    The people that are still here trying to make the game better by making reasonable suggestions and subsequently getting ignored tbh

    The only things that ever happen are:

    1) One spec becomes OP

    2) People complain about said spec

    3) Spec gets nerfed

    Rinse, repeat.


    Other than that it's just the same stuff over and over again. Anet doesn't want to invest time into the game mode, which is disappointing but that's the reality of it.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Think carefully about what you're suggesting before you post it. People have just as much right here to point out issues with reasoning as people have to make that reasoning. Sometimes the dumb assumption lies with the person making the complaint.

    You are complaining about me complaining about people complaining about people who are complaining.

    • Confused 1
  5. People are allowed to complain literally about anything they want here (except for forum mod actions).

    Don't assume that the player doing the complaining is low skill or doesn't know x y or z about pvp. That's a dumb assumption and you shouldn't make it unless you know how many games a player has played, their rank, etc.

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  6. War with a shield, just stupid uptime with 0 downsides. Once you get them down low they just full heal and repeat the process. Really dumb gameplay, who approved this? I feel like the balance team is really gone at this point. IF YOU WANT TO KILL GAMEPLAY, MAKE IT SO THAT PLAYERS ARE IMMUNE TO EVERYTHING WITH MULTIPLE OPTIONS SO THEY CAN STAY THAT WAY FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME <--- This is what Anet prefers it seems like, they literally think this is a good idea.

    On another note, I haven't been here in a while. Just came on to say that the gameplay here is the worst I've ever seen it. Really not fun anymore, the balance is awful. The game mode is a joke and dead to me. I'm only here for two more legendary items and then I'm out forever.

    I'm out.

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  7. 8 hours ago, mziven.2095 said:

    AFK teammates are pervasive and disruptive part of the PVP experience. Please give the team the option to kick them out. Ideally, they would be replaced with a bot, but just having them out of team and sustain a dishonor timer, so you don't que with the same group of people again and again, would be enough. The reporting system isn't enough, and players need some agency to police their own ranks!

    Without reading any of this and just going by your title, a vote kicking system will get abused no matter what. If a person sucks, vote kicked.

  8. 19 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    When something has already been proven true several times over or is just so plainly obvious that it doesn't need investigation for validity

    Can you prove that lone individuals are logging into multiple accounts just to put confused emojis on your posts? Seems far fetched to me, and I'm kind of tired of trying to convince you otherwise because for you this is repeat behavior.

    What if...hear me out...all of your theories are wrong?

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  9. 30 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Nah, it's just me. They treat me like forum Godzilla. I'm the only person that when I make a serious post they freak out and mobilize an actual force of alt accounts to launch coordinated propaganda attacks on my threads.

    You bring up conspiracy theories a lot. You already posted about your bot conspiracies, quick revive conspiracy, and now your forum cabal theory. That's a lot of conspiracies to believe in over a game.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    Imagine if you put that much effort into doing something productive in you're life, you be successful at what ever it is. But instead you wrote at least a 1000 word essay on why ranger bad.

    and won't be buffed because anet has spoken

    As of 11/29/23 at 8:45 est, OP has 11 confused, 1 thank, 1 like, 1 sad that's all you need to know

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