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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. Just now, Shagie.7612 said:

    what a way to let everyone know that you have no understanding of how or why a matchmaking system works the way it does

    truly a genius for the ages

    I know how it works, I just don't agree with how THIS matchmaker works. They aren't all the same, there's an algorithm and this one is clearly bad. If you disagree with me on this your opinion is in the minority.

  2. This is just a disclaimer for people who are saying I have too many active posts. I don't, because they're all valid. Most people have agreed with me on all my posts. I'm only posting where I see the game sucks and can be improved. There are too many toxic specs that need to be toned down for the game to be good and balanced. Right now its trash, and my posts are valid complaints so that the devs can see them, and see that people agree with them, and then implement the required nerfs. Thanks for listening.

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  3. Pretty kitten spec to fight against. 0 downsides, can drag you in which is also an interrupt and pulls you into aoe and traps. Massive damage attacks, invulnerability, full heals. Needs some weaknesses, really dumb game design.

    Pair with a gs sb and its gg.

    • Confused 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    whining and nerf calls will never win

    they have and always will win, so you couldn't be more wrong. whenever people call for nerfs on the forums, the next balance update there are usually nerfs.

    3 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Better players win...and bad players lose

    You're also wrong about this. Matchmaking MAKES you lose ~50% of your games. Unless you duoQ or are God's Gift to PVP or play a broken build, then you are going to lose ~50%, which invalidates your claims.

  5. The other issue I think is some circles seem reasonable to get out of, whereas some specs kitten out circles like they ate at taco bell and couldn’t find the bathroom in time. Scourge just craps them out, rev, ele, scrapper, its a little overboard. Put some of these specs together in a match where you are competing over a node and gg.


    edit: don’t let me forget DH

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  6. The counters that they built in for mitigating cond are just kitten poor. Swap to weapon and remove a cond??? Thats it??? I don’t know about you but usually if I’m fighting against cond, I’ll have 8+ cond types on me at one time. One doesn’t cut it. There’s some other defensive things and shouts that some specs have but thats really it.

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  7. On 1/29/2024 at 6:23 PM, Sparetent.9756 said:


    I would be inclined to AFK because I'm sick of dealing ZERO damage while being 1-shot by all the stupidly OP builds out there. >.< There's a bunch of things that need a huge nerf, but never get it.


    I think the real problem is that there are too many specs with 0 downsides. Ranger being one of them, insane sustain, insane damage, easy af to play, multiple op specs. I play chrono, which does a lot of dmg but is super glass. I also play reaper which does a lot of dmg, has decent sustain, but is slow and requires being in melee range which can be countered by aoe cond. A lot of specs out there need more weaknesses.

  8. I've been seeing Druid and Soulbeast overperforming like crazy, time to nerf again. They weren't nerfed hard enough. Big dumb sword soulbeast, rapid succession knockback attacks with massive damage. Ranger just ignores all attacks against it too. Ridiculous.

  9. To only two abilities, Chilled to the Bone and Executioner's Scythe should be unblockable attacks. Seeing way too many people faceroll these attacks, making the necro useless, when these should be key abilities. Still plenty of ways to get away from a reaper, but if you're in melee range of a reaper nobody should be able to just simply ignore the attacks.

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  10. There's a druid now in every single one of my matches, it's absurd. People are playing daze druid because it's OP as kitten right now. It has an invis? It has a fear? It's immune to all attacks for some reason? Seriously I've never landed a chilled to the bone stun or a shroud 5 stun against a druid. Can someone explain this to me and why its acceptable???

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  11. 1 hour ago, Kuya.6495 said:

    Tbh I'd want reaper nerfed before druid based on what I've seen in ranked queue

    there are moments where I'm 3v1'ing people, but that's really only if I have good support.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    I see this problem with dh and there traps. Traps are the same size as an objects making it impossible for an opponent to fight on the objective. So dh technically get a free decap every engagement and possibly a cap if it a drawn out fight.

    DH traps need to be nerfed to the ground too, super op in conquest. if they're going to make the only game mode conquest, nerf anything that fits on a circle. One DH trap alone can win an entire match. DH lays trap, entire team gets into it, other players pile damage = gg. Enemy team is disorganized after that and stops focusing, game over.

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  13. Seriously, immune to all attacks. As a reaper its immune to my chilled to the bone attack, immune to shroud 5 stun, I don't get it. Also root lasts way too long in pvp and is basically a death sentence. Nobody can target root, and nobody will. Too much power for that one attack. Also they can just full heal at will. Dumb class, needs to be nerfed to the ground.

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  14. 18 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    in WvW, it’s funny when commanders meet a superior group of players, by the second loss they decide to either change maps to go ppt or rage quit and log…but have no problems W keying PPT pug zergs themselves.

    The truth is, if you can’t accept losing, your just bad at the game and you’ll never get better to be honest.

    If you don’t get better, you lose more. You lose more you afk more. You afk more you don’t get better…

    funny because I'm a gold 2 and climbing 🤷‍♂️

    • Confused 1
  15. I love having to wait 5 whole seconds for the animation to put down my circles. Meanwhile the scrapper/wb/dh/de/etc has teleported half way across the map. It just adds to the flavor of being a reaper and not being able to reach my opponent, which I guess means its in line with the class as it stands now.

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