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Everything posted by Turin.6921

  1. The underwater part seems unlikely. Unless they really remake underwater combat. It would be cool but i cannot see it happening. But I find a Steve focused expansion in Cantha using Masteries tied to sailing to explore places like the the jade sea (that should be an actual sea now) very appealing. They definitely have similar tech for that. The skimmer tech should be quite close. Add combat to that it would be a great way to add the ocean into the mix without the need to extensive underwater combat. Although an underwater mount would be very cool as well. Would be quite useful on older maps as well.
  2. You should not confuse roles and optimal play with elitism and hostility. That is a grave misinterpretation. Again its a game roles and best practices will emerge and for many it is quite fun. You could have 15 different options per role and the same people would still be toxic. The only way to avoid that is to make everything viable even if you are playing with your nose and basically kill any essence of "game" in the process. I neved denied a progress was made. We shifted from 1 semisupport 4 dps to 2 dedicated supports and 3 dps. Problem is, within the roles, you still have very limited options. Druid and Chrono are simply to good. I admit for dps, you have much more variety now. I woud love to see similar diversity and progression in support roles but what was established in HoT is still there after PoF.Just requires a bit of patience. I think that is what they wanted from the scourge and barrier but failed (for now at least). So they are working on it. I think they want to avoid just making Specs that are carbon copies to what is already there. Plus if they change an existing Spec to be as good a support as a chrono by giving it the same things, for example, then options for future Specs diminish. Unfortunately big changes only come with expansions. Plus they have to balance for multiple game modes. So voids in the balance will be there. As long as things are progressing and new comps come up, albeit very slowly, we can still have fun with it. They finally manage to fix the DPS part (just now actually since condi and power i feel only truly worked as they should be after the December patch). Now it should be healer and support time to be fixed and extended.
  3. I already replied to you comment in my previous post. You are just repeating the same thing now. If you do not see the progression in the matter compared to 2 or 3 years ago then you are being very unreasonable. You should not confuse roles and optimal play with elitism and hostility. That is a grave misinterpretation. Again its a game roles and best practices will emerge and for many it is quite fun. You could have 15 different options per role and the same people would still be toxic. The only way to avoid that is to make everything viable even if you are playing with your nose and basically kill any essence of "game" in the process.
  4. To add to this I'd say it's also a problem with game balance. If druid is both mightstacker and healer and chrono has no competition for alacrity/quickness stacking, what's the point of playing other specs? The problem with the game, and it's present here since mentioned above dungeon meta, is that some specs are way too good, offer too much and it results in OP comp being overpowered. So it's not a rocket science people are expecting others to play such comp. It is improving though with every Elite Spec addition. In DPS from a zerk meta -> to a condi meta to now that both have roles depending on the encounter.Engis are a good support if you have condis in the party. Not if you have a power focused party. You can mix and match things way more than you could 2 years ago. That is the nature of the Spec system. Until sufficient Specs are added there will be voids in balance. Eventually a different tank and support Spec will be added and build diversity will increase and so on.
  5. A non-issue. It is not the raids leaking into fractals. It is just an evolution of the zerk meta from dungeons. Raid META builds actually work for fractals as well. So less experienced people prefer to follow it to save time. It is not required and if you make your own non meta configured LFG it will fill in 2 minutes. Just like the old dungeons that constantly saw zerk parties or just like near HOT launch that you were constantly seeing 4 ripper 1 healer parties, yet you could still make you own party fill it up immediately and move on. It is a game. Optimal play will emerge and many people will prefer to go for the optimal even if unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Every game will have the same evolution. Even in chess you find the same dynamics with standard plays and openings. It is not a real issue.
  6. I am quite sure open community, Gw2community and the Gw2 reddit have discord servers. The first two also have their own forums that definitely can give some extra help. There should be enough variety of players there to help any new person. Beyaond these a PvX guild is definitely a good resource of help, Lastly the wiki and dulfy.net are also good resources for self help.
  7. No actually you are not acting like an adult. And the fact that you think that speaking with authority makes you an adult is definitely a bad sign. I am not speaking with any authority. I just think that you are missing the big picture since you just want instant gratification as you describe. You are basically saying that since you do not like or play the game mode it has to chance drastically without even considering that fact that other players actually like the mode. You pretend to be treated unfair cause you have to suffer through the open world rewards, when its the best supported game mode both in terms of content and skins and general rewards (and with very good reason). That is like Mr. Creosote complaining that he does not have enough food. You complain about being looked out of raids that are content to play and you want to play them cause you are bored with the rest of the game and then you ask for bosses you can kill in 10-15 minutes at first try. How is that more engaging and lasting content than what you are already bored with? You joked about it but you actually seem to want an MMORPG like candy crush.
  8. In most games raids are always played by 10-20% of the player-base. Thats how challenging content works. Just because it is not relevant for your guild it does not mean its true for the game. A niche game mode is still valuable for a game. So we dealing in tenths or fifths of the games total population thats willing to go thru all the hoops, deaths and can see the invisible mechanics that I cant. Even with 2 people against Vale Guardian, I cant see that teleport. And beating a boss nowadays requires passing a book report first. NO THANKS. Your inability to kill a boss does not really say much. Just like the fact that I find no problem with these same teleports in VG does not really prove anything either. The point is that a game mode does not need to played by 60% of the player-base to be valuable and relevant to the game. GW2 in general wants to keep players by providing several things for all playstyles from casual to challenging. That why you have WvW, sPvP Open world PvE and so on. A game mode is not dying if it is not played by the majority. Its dying if it is not played by the audience its indented for. And for raids that audience really likes it, thus it is quite successful in that respect. And even though the raiding community might be a minority it has relevance to the game. Raiders are playing a lot, often are paying customers since they invest on the game, add to marketing by streaming and add a lot in class understanding from theory crafting for PvE. So from a tenth to a fifth of all players now we are at 40%. I killed one VG boss two years ago after too many deaths now two years later I am bored and wanted to try it again after 12 deaths in a training group that also wanted to use distortion i reached my limit. I am just upset at not having new content accessible, rewards and ap are locked there. And all the rares dropping in Pof instead of silver or new rewards.The 60% was a figure of speech implying majority, i thought that was clear. But i guess we are not talking like adults here i see. Secondly if you just want to play new content because you are bored and the open world and LS is not enough i have bad news for you. Raids are not for you. Raids get re-playability through challenge. If you are not having fun by the process of learning the bosses and the wipes then you do not want to raid. Thats the audience it is intended for. In the end of the day exactly because its a minority it is also supported much less than all other PvE stuff and gets much less content updates (which is fully understandable). Thus its not the suitable game mode to satisfy the need for constant new updates. Asking for easy modes will not solve your problem. Raids are replayable because they are challenging and have RNG elements that keep the experience fresh. An easy mode will not have that, you will get bored even quicker than you were from open PvE and it would screw the ppl that enjoy the hard mode by splitting the community and causing more infrequent updates from the extra development effort needed for multiple difficulties. If lack of content is your issue then you are barking up the wrong tree.
  9. In most games raids are always played by 10-20% of the player-base. Thats how challenging content works. Just because it is not relevant for your guild it does not mean its true for the game. A niche game mode is still valuable for a game. So we dealing in tenths or fifths of the games total population thats willing to go thru all the hoops, deaths and can see the invisible mechanics that I cant. Even with 2 people against Vale Guardian, I cant see that teleport. And beating a boss nowadays requires passing a book report first. NO THANKS.Your inability to kill a boss does not really say much. Just like the fact that I find no problem with these same teleports in VG does not really prove anything either. The point is that a game mode does not need to played by 60% of the player-base to be valuable and relevant to the game. GW2 in general wants to keep players by providing several things for all playstyles from casual to challenging. That why you have WvW, sPvP Open world PvE and so on. A game mode is not dying if it is not played by the majority. Its dying if it is not played by the audience its indented for. And for raids that audience really likes it, thus it is quite successful in that respect. And even though the raiding community might be a minority it has relevance to the game. Raiders are playing a lot, often are paying customers since they invest on the game, add to marketing by streaming and add a lot in class understanding from theory crafting for PvE.
  10. In most games raids are always played by 10-20% of the player-base. Thats how challenging content works. Just because it is not relevant for your guild it does not mean its true for the game. A niche game mode is still valuable for a game.
  11. Did you really had to release a shortened version of that original trailer on twitter right now? I get that you relegated the trailer from the original post from trying to address non-players to a "thank you" towards existing ones (that definitely makes more sense) but after all the feedback given in this thread the trailer can be amazingly easy to misunderstand. I am almost sure that many (i think some already have) will interpret this as "well Anet asked for feedback, it was given to them and they just ignored it and released it anyway".
  12. It is not really that irrational because there are other much more clear motives different than your aggressive, unfair and cynical approach of ¨the raid seller loosing their income¨. Different modes can stress development that would affect content delivery. There is the issue of splinting up the existing raiding community. Lastly equalizing the rewards between modes that requires a clearly different challenge and time investment can kill the sense of accomplishment and makes doing the harder content actually unfair. The reward needs to be respective to the effort. So for sth that requires more, there always need to be an exclusive reward that is worth it. You do not have a game otherwise.
  13. Space is not that rare. Its not that there are hundreds of PvE or WvW builds like GW1 or anything. At most you will need 1 or 2 extra sets per char. That just 28 spots of 80. Its annoying but really nothing more than that. BTW changing stats in legendaries become even less valuable if you add the 3rd build templates. These do not work with legendary armor yet. So its actually more convenient to keep extra ascended sets for different builds than swapping the legendary. The build templates QoL does not even begin to compare to what the stat swapping provides. This leaves stat swapping useful just for big balance shifts (provided that these actually change equipment that does not always happen). This is really insignificant at this point. Even if this was not the case saying that a simple QoL and cosmetic change constitutes a treadmill is a grave exaggeration.
  14. I ma not sure if that was mentioned before but why not also take point from success of even the long past of the company: GW Factions trailer was easily a high point in Anet´s marketing. You will definitely need to do sth like this if you ever release a Cantha expansion. | Also MattVisual made an amazing AMV showcasing the strait of devastation. Its a great way to showcase the world and its scale which is a big plus for the game.
  15. If you are talking outside fractals and raids then yes its perfectly normal. I have 3500+ and only ever got one ascended drop on open world. And on WvW/PvP chances are slightly better. Ascended are there are rewards for specific collections and for you to craft when we are talking outside raids and fractals. Only the more challenging PvE content has any realistic chance for a drop.
  16. Guild wars 2 is of the most casual successful MMOs in the market when it comes to solo and Open PvE. If you think this is hard then you definitely have not seen how other games are doing it. There is absolutely no reason to group for any story ever brought in-game. Only some achievements require you to group up and these are really very few. The personal story is probably the easiest content in game. Especially since there is no real penalty from dying most of the time. Many encounters do not even reset when you die.
  17. I cannot take a post that defines story challenge as "too difficult" seriously. The alternative would be to have all the battle like the one with Koss that was completely unsatisfying and boring and not fitting a character like Koss. If you make them easier then they would be completely meaningless. The fights in LS4.1 are NOT that difficult. They are actually quite easier than the PoF fights. But the Scruffy fight is really annoying at times and that does not have to do with difficulty. It has to do with the encounter not giving enough hints on how to beat it. Especially in the last part with the weapons discharge. That is problematic design but has to do with the encounter not preparing the player sufficiently on its mechanics and the mechanics are not giving you enough time to figure them out before killing you. And you can even see that with the PoF story sometimes. The first time that you do the beast and not know what to do its a nightmare. The second time you do that fight you kill the thing with one hand behind your back. And that you do not solve with lowering HP and removing mechanics. That would just make the fight boring. You solve it by communicating things to the player a bit more clearly. The difficultly is great. The first time the story fights are consistently fun. They just have to iron out a few details.
  18. People have mentioned this but i will as well to emphasize. The video has great footage and great music. But: The quote format for player feedback never works. People will just think you are cherry picking fan of the game and immediately think its dishonest. If you want to use quotes use actual reviews. PoF is reviewed quite well on the MMO world so that would be easy. The video is short. It feels like a climax without build up. Make sth closer to 2-3 minutes. Maybe even more. The game has scale and such a short video does not do its scale justice. If you wish to show how much players love this game then show do not tell. Start the trailer with actual game play from streamers, youtubers, or just pieces from voice chat synqed to gameplay. Show ppl actually enjoying themselves inside the game. And show pieces from multiple game modes open world, raids, fractals, PvP. If you ask ppl will definitely provide you with things you can use. There is nothing more powerful than that to attract new people and make players return. And use as much recent footage as possible. You want to bring home that GW2 is alive and well and players still are having fun NOW. Make a build up using that footage and finish with what you have here.
  19. He pretty much nailed it. Who thought within the company that this was a good idea especially with lootbox discussion being the hot topic the last few months. The mount licenses managed to completely destroy any good faith that PoF managed to build up. Its a real shame.
  20. I will not get into discussions about this being gambling cause its not. And really its not that bad in the long run. At least you never get duplicates which is a a good feature. But it is RNG based. I spend money on this game regularly but I generally do it on things that i know what I am getting. I cannot in good conscience spend money that I feel might be wasted, even if i want to support this game. I would have no issue paying even 600 gems for a skin i can choose (maybe even more) but i would never spend gems that i might not get a return for no matter how cheaper they may be. I and ppl like me might not matter much financially if we do not spend money, if whales that do not care about RNG do. And you might continue with the strategy as it actually makes profits. But there is also sth else that is important.There is also the issue of image. You directly want to focus your marketing on word of mouth, which is a great decision imo. But gemstore strategies like this can really hurt the word of mouth image of the game. Even though the actual implementation is not as bad as in most games information between ppl on and offline is so distiled that such details are lost and only false impressions remain. It can very easily result in ppl that have never played the game to falsely think that the game now includes lootbox schemes. And it would make attracting new player more difficult. I am not sure how much you are actually reviewing this thread but i had to put this out there.
  21. Great overallPros:The mounts, the bounties, map design, story quality both in mechanics and actual plot. Probably for the first time story is a really strong feature. I had very few issues: The lack of map-wide metas. Such encounters are of the best encounter the game has to offer. Things like DS, the Octovine or the VB bosses are the pinnacle of boss design in the game. Really tiring if all maps are like that, but perfect if most maps are like PoF and there is only 1-2 encounters like DS. The Balthazar warbeast boss encounter. It just a cluster@#$% all the way, with too many effects and too fast not so clear tells to learn and avoid attacks. The use of sohothin is also problematic since the skills require you to malee or to stay stationary for a few seconds. Pretty much a death sentence on the encounter. The boss ended up a bit of a boring face-roll. Some of the instance limits are a bit too close to the playing arena. You could easily end up out-of-bounds with a mount by mistake.
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