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Everything posted by bethekey.8314

  1. I want content NOW. To me, the best parts of this are: - This isn't even Daredevil with an extra dodge. - The Thief 100% has another dodge to add at the end there after Signet of Agility, putting the total evade chain to 12 at least. It equates to about 16+ seconds of fight where the Thief is in control / can't be hit by most skills. Against a worse player, I'd imagine most fights end in the first 10s after a 10k burst with 2 dazes. - A teammate of mine could be attacking the Thief the entire time with no effect due to perma evade + Shadowstep, whereas I'd be dead instantly if +1'd. - Thief gameplay is: steal333elite333(repeating of course), while I'm out here swapping kits, multi-blasting water fields, and timing interrupts to land big hits. I think I use 12 different abilities in the same span as the Thief uses 3. - I manage to land one of, if not the hardest hitting ability Engi has (Rocket, 20 sec cd, projectile with massive flight time) during a well-timed Larcenous interrupt, and it only barely hits for more (6.3k) than the Thief's Larcenous Strike in the beginning (5.2k, spammable, low cd, unblockable). Good luck achieving this kind of damage + defense on any Engineer build. Engineer is one of the easiest targets in the game and has been for a long time.
  2. Very true, and I respect that. A cookie for those Warriors 🍪. But the OP doesn't have a nuanced take like that. They just seem to want the big damage #s and otherwise seem ignorant/spoiled when it comes to defense mechanics. I should probably find that clip of Yerloqq and Paul (top Warriors btw) eating Dragon Slashes left and right in their duel. Also, I believe Dragon Whatever was/is protected not only from all projectiles and had 2(?) instant cast teleports that give stability. Very easily "inturrupted" indeed, especially when you're trying to not eat 5k+ AoE stuns. Complete disconnect from reality. Do I need to remind everyone that Mech was probably THE most nerfed spec of all EoD and it's pinnacle build was Rifle Mech? Which to my knowledge was farmed in plat games every time?
  3. Saving this video for posterity whenever Thieves get uppity about damage + defense. If you can be this lax about your defensive use, you might have too many. Note that this defense is paired with a 10k + 2 daze burst at the start, and I believe Larcenous Strikes hit 5k+ while stealing boons. https://imgur.com/a/sed6Y3X Also applies to Revenants currently.
  4. I would be sick too 😛 Mechs primary weaknesses are terrain and teamfights though, if you were 1v1ing. In other news, Bladesworns are rumored to have been top tier not long ago, never knowing the sweet kiss of a projectile. Despite this, thread emerges calling Bladesworn PRIME example of poor spec design in an MMO where Mech exists.
  5. I feel like you don't understand the concept of cooldowns, or how certain "defenses" only work if you can hit them. For example invulns block everything, but a blind-on-hit has to, well, hit first (usually past projectile hate, blocks, random pathing misses) then there has to be no resistance, no cleanse, the person has to use their big ability within ~1 second (depending on cast times)... You get the idea. Not all defenses are equal, and not all defenses can be used as frequently as say, Full Counter (which gets 3 casts every 24 seconds, whereas Engi shield gets 1). Full Counter happens to be one of the best, if not the best defensive in the game with it's impact and frequency of use. Whenever I see an Engi in a match, it's clear they're almost always the easiest target. 1 stunbreak so you known when you can lock them down. Mediocre health/armor. Rarely stability. No big disengage/teleports. No reliable evade chains. No frequent stealth. No perma prot or resolution. Rarely an invuln. I mean, what other common build are you going to go after instead? The 50k HP, 50% damage reduction, 2 teleport Reaper? Really, I'm curious. The instant cast damage is kinda lame, you're right. If you just stuck with that, you'd be in the clear imo. Since we're obviously nerfing instant daze + shatter combo Mes, desync'd, no LoS Rev teleports, and Fresh Air Ele then too, how do you suggest the damage be redistributed? I really did a number on you didn't I?
  6. Staff is meant to be a support weapon. Like Engi Shortbow, Warrior's need to be able to support themselves while supporting others. The mobility, blocks, CC are all core part of their survivability. Have you ever tried playing core Warrior? Didn't think so. Post nerfs, it's tricky but I think what staff Warriors really need to do to get the most out of it is getting really comfortable with the CC combos and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ig4SUNg1k&t=15s
  7. Idk why this is surprising to anyone lol. This has been apparent for awhile
  8. Guys... What if Vindi has become so good at dodging, it can dodge nerfs themselves? What if they have become too evasive for even CMC?
  9. Stop ruining PvP with PvE motivations. Be a good teammate and learn the basics of how to play / don't force rigid, incorrect PvP ideologies onto others. Unranked is the only way to play conquest right now. This is the 3rd time. Stop exaggerating the situation for pity. This is about a particular instance, not the whole match, where you made a bad play. You keep doubling down. No one else was fighting and you were 2v0 on already capped mid, letting us get outnumbered nearby. You literally admit this.
  10. Sorry, but to me this is fundamentally an argument of rigidity vs flexibility in decision making. If you refuse to consider situations for what they are and just say "fight on nodes" while letting your teammates die nearby, you're wrong. Yes, support's primary value is in fights. He was not playing support well in this game. Your exact quote was, "It's not a team game when no one wants to work together". As you sat 2v0 on mid letting teammates nearby die. As support. If you can't see the contradiction there, it's pointless. I think it's a worthwhile discussion. Your continued defense of bad play and its general prevalence in matches hurts the mode. By saying "it depends", you already go against what @Ronin.4501 and many other players think/practice. No one is arguing against "sometimes playing on node is beneficial". You can't always control the situation and you have to adapt. That includes joining sub-optimal fights started by other teammates to ensure there's a chance you can win. Otherwise, a snowball can start, the people rigidly sitting on points will get outnumbered themselves and the effect cascades until you regroup.
  11. I doubt you'll acknowledge the situation as I remember it, so debating that is pointless. For things I can prove: - No, the enemy team didn't hold a 3 cap for 75% of the match. The game was about 9 minutes in and ~300-300. - You implied your frustration came primarily from being slow to rotate into fights, not the score. - You acknowledged essentially afking on node with another person while others fought outnumbered. It goes without saying that capping/holding objectives is not meaningless. You were doing neither. I will also reiterate what I said in our chat before, that unranked is currently the only way to queue for conquest. If I could avoid players like you, I would, trust me. If you'd like to go over the general logic of why camping capped nodes is bad 1) as support 2) near a major teamfight 3) with full map knowledge 4) with a second teammate also just standing on node, we can do that here. You whispered me post-game then blocked like a champion after saying conquest is not a team game mode, that you were only there for dailies, and that "no one wants to work together", when you were the one refusing to participate in the team fight. It seems you want to talk more now?
  12. New Player: "Hey guys, what build should I use in PvP? I don't even know enough about my own class or this mode to judge what's good. I also lose every 1v1." Also New Player: "God hath revealed to mine eyes the Truth, which I hold above all other truths: that fights shall only occur on nodes. Fights off nodes do not exist, and are heresy. This is the way." Who is telling them this? What causes this novice-expert disconnect in their brains?
  13. For sure there is less care about policing individual bad actors. That is a lot of work to do well. Part of my point was that coarse grain, systematic changes could improve PvP regardless of individuals' actions (or could have, maybe it's too late for GW2).
  14. Somewhat off topic, as this is more about weird teleports that defy timing/prediction, but neat. I recall Warrior's saying similar things about the Dragon Trigger skills being jumpable and super easy to dodge. Then I posted a video of two good Bladesworn players (Paul and Yerloqq I believe) eating 90% of Dragon Trigger hits in their duels. And if reliable, such advice only really applies when you couldn't otherwise dodge. No one is risking the 100-0 with 1 or 0 stunbreaks available to attempt to cheese the hit with a jump. I'll let you both know when I ever see Warriors doing this regularly themselves. Haven't in 10+ years. I also happen to know that neither of you are some uber-tier PvPer.
  15. lmao My point with Magnet is that among skills that should do similar things to Bull's Charge, Bull's Charge seems to stand out as privileged (to me). I just want things to be fair. If everyone suffers from the same issues, that's fine. If everyone's invisible-teleport-evade-stunning each other, that's stupid, but at least it's fair. It's probably not worth talking about in the end. Very unlikely that anything would be done. I'd much rather them focus on improving the windows of opportunity on certain classes for balance.
  16. Some traits are always present among people. If a bad actor can manipulate a system for their gain, they will, often to the detriment of the community as a whole. Tragedy of the commons. For this reason, I don't think you can blame the PvP population and expect them to govern themselves. That's the developer's job. Anet has enabled bad actors multiple times and effectively removed community building tools from relevance. People found wintrading, selling/sharing accounts, and hacking don't nearly get strong enough punishments. Manipulating queues with character swapping, friends lists, and duos is still doable. Matchmaking is WAY too loose with rating to provide consistently good games and indiscriminately punishes good players for the PvP sins of their bad teammates. Continuous lobbies with spectator mode were displaced by unranked and FFA, removing the places where PvP community is built and people learn. Many of the above issues were conscious decisions on Anet's part. Streamers that draw attention to the game are given lesser punishments. Duos are in the name of friendship. Class matching by the matchmaker is meant to improve fairness etc. That being said, PvP is a core part of any "living" game. It's a stopgap between content. It was literally "end game" for early GW2. Players evolve in ways NPCs (currently) don't and fights remain fresh longer. People naturally WANT to fight/compete against each other directly, not through PvE logs. I think it would be foolish to not include PvP in any new MMO.
  17. Rank 250 EU is bronze on the Freedom scale. The only one that matters.
  18. I think I've suggested it before and know others have, but I wish they'd bring back the class hybridization mechanic. Like having a Warrior + Guardian, where your core set of skills is Warrior but you can have Guardian utilities etc. Creates interesting diversity, helps balance the game naturally if more people can use the same skills, and builds broad knowledge across the playerbase--so people don't complain about things that aren't truly issues as much. Good on Anet though for apparently being viewed favorably by their parent.
  19. Yeah I don't mean to imply that other skills don't bug out. I only meant to offer the opportunity for you or others to show other skills like Bulls Charge that disproportionately benefit the caster. I highly doubt it looked like a "normal" cast from the Warrior's perspective in the latter 2 instances of the Taylor's Version video. Do I detect some bias here 😛 But yeah, I get the pitchforks thing and am not mentioning the person by name. I neither claim nor deny that cheating is going on in the video. Just to clarify, the video during that portion is slowed by 50% and the Vindi doesn't instantly jump and down. There are two stages to the dodge (the dodge animation is buggy), where they are midway up in the air, then quickly ascend further, then back down.
  20. Oh no, trust me, I remember many, many times when skills fail on me: https://youtu.be/2UhyrezOklY?feature=shared I also don't see your point. Bull's Charge is hugely impactful. It can and does setup 100-0s like it basically did in this clip. Not all skills are equal impact and one bug doesn't justify another. Fix them all for all I care, but focus resources on the impactful ones. Feel free to post your own proof of skills disproportionately favoring the caster. You seem to list examples so it should be easy. People are very quick to criticize and slow to provide actual evidence. I'm one of very, very few to actually provide evidence here and I still get so much heat. It's meaningless to try and predict the headspace this guy was in. You can't. Other skills bug for sure. I'd argue that when most of my skills bug out, they fail. Bull's Charge seems to be one (in my experience) that goes above and beyond to push through obstacles (literally) and still achieve its purpose. I've compared it to Magnet on Engi's Toolkit in the past. Both Bull's Charge and Magnet aim to CC the target and bring the caster and target close together. Bull's Charge is extremely good at this. Magnet targets will get stuck on blades of grass, shoot up into the air etc. Bull's Charge favors the caster, Magnet favors the target. I say code Magnet to be a reverse Bull's Charge. If this behavior is deemed ok, I want it too.
  21. In the first instance, it's less about having a clear path, and more about him literally appearing instantly behind me like a teleport. If this was happening regularly due to bad internet, I wouldn't be posting it here / playing the game. As for your question about people turning on hacks for losing? Absolutely that could happen. Are you not aware of how petty people are? haha Fair. I don't have issue with the first Warrior being able to hit Bull's Charge from that angle. It's the teleport. Under circumstances where the skill behaves as described, it's not hard to counter. However, it seems much more loosely restricted than other abilities, which leads to things like we see in the video. These shouldn't occur imo. My suggestions for changes (valid path to target, require character models to hit) are aimed to fix those instances. Poor, naive man actually asked if people aren't that petty haha. I've seen two thieves fight for hours in the FFA arena spamming the invuln teleport reset, refusing to leave first as that would be "losing". I myself have at least 4 trolls who will laser-focus me YEARS after incidents where I beat them/called out their BS. I agree with all of this, including understanding Anet's track record on rebalancing / "buffing" skills only to nerf them harder than the original a few months later. Engi Rifle 1 auto and Elixir U toolbelt come to mind. I don't think my suggested changes would be that bad.
  22. 🙂 If you're talking about jumping + Bull's Charging, you can see that they're in the Bull's Charge stance before they even round the flame pillar. Yeah, nah. It takes an unbelievable amount of coping to see these clips and say it's my fault for getting hit by this supposed "physical", ground-bound charge that teleports and goes through walls. You're attributing excessive amounts of skill to a mediocre Warrior for simply pressing Bull's Charge, while discounting my own actions / realistic expectations based on skill mechanic knowledge. Azure, a person who plays Warrior, calls these interactions weird (i.e. not in line with skill knowledge) and has noted multiple times that I seem to be a magnet for these kinds of interactions / I notice them more. I think that's testament to me actually attempting to play around Bull's Charge in skillful ways, but failing due to poor design. I shouldn't have to have spider senses to play around Bull's Charge's over-tuned or inconsistent BS. It's a very impactful ability. If you think I deserved to be hit in each of these clips, we fundamentally disagree about how skills should be designed. Note that this isn't necessarily the same as saying the Warrior didn't deserve to hit Bull's Charge. I don't know how it looked on the Warrior's screen exactly due to internet shenanigans. This all assumes that the first Warrior didn't use some sort of teleport cheat. In this instance, the fact that it's difficult to even tell the difference between a "hack" and proper skill functioning is itself a point against Bull's Charge being well designed. Stay sane, forums.
  23. It's a good point to make and I'm well aware of how retargeting works / the skill involved sometimes. Teleports also require their own degree of skill to be fair, like knowing how to abuse no port spots / know where the trick teleport spots are (like through the waterfall/rocks on Forest). I specifically did not suggest LoS changes for Bulls Charge for this skillful reason. I just want to make Bulls Charge behave so it can also be reacted to in skillful ways.
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