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Everything posted by ArmoredVehicle.2849

  1. If you're using my package, you don't need to apply d9vk, it comes with it already. I just tried the latest builds of arcdps together with gw2radial and they're working fine. The d9vk files are located in the 'windows/system32' folder.
  2. Hi, it's done in the same way as on Windows, by placing the dll's in the game's "bin64" folder, it can be found in "your_gw2_folder/data/drive_c/GW2". Place arcdps' d3d9.dll in it, as for getting GW2radial to work, place it in the same folder but rename it to 'd3d9_chainload.dll'
  3. I don't get this idea why people think that the end of official support for an OS it means the end of times, because it certainly isn't. The way I see it, if you're careful and know what you're doing such as not visiting potentially dangerous websites, downloading and running unknown files and using internet explorer, then Win7 is still good to use. Malicious software doesn't install itself. Back when I ran Win7 for over 5 years, I never installed updates and even turned off the Update functionality for the matter (personal choice). I ran a lightweight antivirus, used an open source browser such as Firefox (along with a few popup blocking addons) and have been generally careful what I do on the net. As for GW2, I don't see why this would matter, the game doesn't care what OS you're running as long as it meets the required features.
  4. If the game is working fine, then you can safely ignore those errors. According to that log it's pointing to some midi error and I doubt the game uses those anyway. As for your laptop with the 970M, you can use the latest version, The 1.6 package is aimed at much older systems which don't have Vulkan support. Just had some time to test it, working fine for me, I can copy the template code both in game chat and outside of it. Try to install Wine from your package manager first, you don't have to use your distro's default Wine build itself but it's a nice way to install the most common dependencies.
  5. If it has an i3-5005U or better, you can get good performance in 720p (1280x720). If you get any links feel free to post them I'll help as best as I can.
  6. I did check up on Gitea as self hosting would be my preferred method, it would do quite well on a raspberry pi. I'll have to read a bit on using git though, I'm pretty much a noob at that :)
  7. Your laptop is not adequate for running this game even at a bare minimum settings, sorry to say this but it's simply too slow for it. As for the crash itself there isn't much info to go on about. Even if you do manage to load into the game, it will be too slow to be playable. Best advice I can give is to get a better system before trying to play.
  8. Thanks for pointing out the ram issue, somehow I kept missing that detail even though I check the thread on and off. I recommend using a plain Openbox session for low end gaming. A quick test on my main system shows the Mate desktop using just over 800mb ram, whereas Openbox floats around 380mb which is quite a jump. @Kiso.8465 Running a very basic desktop will no doubt make your game swap less however stuttering may still be present. Also 16GB isn't very worth it for such an old system (even though I'm aware how good the T430 models are), I think 8GB would be enough, make sure to buy 2x 4GB sticks instead of just 1x8, dual channel gives a small performance boost to integrated GPUs.
  9. I just tried to get it working, it does run and the overlay works but the rest of the game renders to a black screen, not something I can fix unfortunately. A massive freeze as in entire system where you had to reboot or just the game? Can you please run 'ulimit -Hn' and 'ulimit -Sn' in terminal and make sure they both report "1048576".
  10. Ah ok, I wasn't sure what the old method was referring to. Anyhow, 5 minutes is quite a long time even for such a system, the HDD may cause that. However before going into that, have you downloaded the entire game data? Because if not, this can be a very possible cause for the slow loading. If you wish to download it before playing you can run: "./play.sh -image". I didn't cause whenever I turn it on to download it freezes quite a bit, so prolly something wrong with laptop but dno what The missing data may be the cause for the slow loading. In case you wish to check the HDD, look into reading the smart data from it.
  11. Ah ok, I wasn't sure what the old method was referring to. Anyhow, 5 minutes is quite a long time even for such a system, the HDD may cause that. However before going into that, have you downloaded the entire game data? Because if not, this can be a very possible cause for the slow loading. If you wish to download it before playing you can run: "./play.sh -image".
  12. Hi, I didn't test it to check if it works but I inspected the GW2-Hook files and it works the same way as arcdps and similar mods, by placing the custom d3d9.dll in the bin64 folder. If you're using my package this can be found "/data/drive_c/GW2/bin64" folder. The UI installer you used is for modern systems that support Vulkan, which the T430 unfortunately does not. It's not all lost though, you can still play the game through the Legacy package which is aimed at older systems. This doesn't come with a GUI installer, the terminal based setup is however fairly straightforward - just unzip the archive, run "./setup.sh" and it will install, run the game with "./play.sh". Let me know if you still get stuck :)
  13. Hi,For updates, extract the package in a new folder and run the setup.sh again, then to transfer the game files without re-downloading move everything from the old "data/drive_c/GW2" folder and into the new one. As for getting GW2Radial to work, place the d3d9.dll in the game's "bin64" folder.
  14. Package v1.8.4 update: I've updated the package to make it more functional with addons, GW2Radial has been tested and working, even when loaded alongside arcdps. Furthermore I fixed a regression which prevented the game from launching if arcdps chainloaded other mods. Lastly, I've refined the arcdps install/uninstall scripts. Do you wish to use GW2Radial only or alongside other addons (such as arcdps)?
  15. Just switched to my ranger and learned of these changes in the hard way. The new leap and dodge mechanics are HORRIBLE, because what used to be a nice extra dodge now leaps you back into the fight (you were possibly trying to get away from), even worse that same dodge should be readily available instead of requiring a pre-cast. I play ranger almost exclusively in WvW and i use 1H sword pretty often, these changes hurt my playstyle quite a lot, to the point where I might as well not use the character anymore.
  16. So technically we're getting a base of 3 slots per character, shared between PvE and WvW and further unlocks requires gems. After 7 years of waiting I have to say I expected a lot better. This is also what killed my interest in the game, almost everything has a relationship with the gemstore. In GW1:You want more inventory space = Play and work your way up for these stuff.All Weapon Skins = Run specific dungeons, open chests, do special events...aka play the game.Armor Skins = Get materials + MoneyTemplates = You can have hundreds of them, sort them in different folders, name them. In GW2:More Storage = GemsWeapon Skins = Basic skins obtainable in game, but exotics and flashy stuff = tldr. GemsArmor Skins = Even more GemsTemplates = Heavily limited > more Gems are required If I were given the choice between paying €40 (each) for 7 expansions or the gemstore stuff, I'd pick the former without thinking twice.
  17. I don't speak nor understand Russian, but I think these people deserve such a little addition for a game they've been supporting all these years.
  18. After the game's bugfix patches from yesterday it's been smooth sailing again, I even updated the D9VK build to latest version from master branch.
  19. I've noticed this especially when playing youtube videos at the same time. With a high core/thread count cpu you can do both by assigning threads manually for each process, for example I've setup my system like this: taskset -c 0-7 for GW2taskset -c 8-15 for firefox,discord etc Really helps, even when recording EDIT: I've updated the packages to v1.8.3, this is a small maintenance release. Changelog: Updated the D9VK components.Added a script to easily uninstall arcdps, this can be done by running the ‘arcdps_uninstall.sh’ file.
  20. In my opinion, This game had a lot of great opportunities however they were all missed due to the plague of lootboxes. As per the threads title, yes Spending money is supporting the game, but I'll never spend money in RNG boxes to do that and there are better and more meaningful ways to do that. I like collecting skins but I'm not going to do that standing in some place clicking black lion chests, that's not content but just a money sink. Content is when you are actively playing the game, ramming your shield or slashing your way in some dungeon/raid/area whatever and have a chance for some good loot, there's a difference obtaining an item that way over simply clicking chest and personally I find it more satisfying. Over the past month I've been playing GW1 pretty often and I've been enjoying it 3 times better than GW2 and the reason is simple, I was playing not paying to get something. If ANet released actual content and asked money for it, then I would be happy to pay. Again, GW1 did this quite well with 3 expansions and mini adventure packs, and I even bought about 8 character slots back in the day which I never regretted. On GW2 I can't even dream of spending any money on it, it's corrupted by the focus on the gem store, the only exception to that rule are expansion packs or something similar.
  21. Hi, yes the installer version is on par with the zipped vulkan (d9vk) version. I'm not very experienced with Nvidia on laptops, haven't tested the game on it either. Are you sure it's making use of the Nvidia GPU?
  22. Glad you got it running! It seems your issues was Wayland related. You mentioned "not copying d3d9.dll", which one are you referring to? The game already comes with the D9VK based one. Regarding Addons: Mount one, I presume you're referring to the Wheel selection for easy access, I haven't tested that, no idea how it works either. As for arcdps I created a small script to take care of that and it's found in the "arcdps_easysetup_tool". Download arcdps from the official site and put the arcdps files in the "put_arcdps_files_here" folder and then run the "arcdps_setup.sh" file. Note: Currently there's a caveat with installing arcdps though, once installed there's no easy uninstall feature (which reminds me I should do that for the next release). For now you can however uninstall it manually using the same method as described on the official website. Regarding performance: I've tried my best to include all the environment variables which might help performance however there are things (which help) beyond my control such as other programs on your system that might take their share of CPU usage and affect the game. For example, to avoid performance loss you could take advantage of the 16 threads. You can limit the game to the first 8 threads, while other programs such as your browser, discord, audio player and other programs to the other 8 (this is done using the 'taskset' program.)
  23. Seems the issue is related to this part: 'xrandr:xrandr12_init_modes Failed to get primary CRTC info', All the other messages are normal.
  24. @Swimfan.8014 Have you ever changed the thermal paste on your laptop? 2 Years is a long time in PC years and by then thermal paste dries up as well as dust accumulates. For example last week I was servicing a laptop which was easily getting to 99 degrees on load and started to throttle, applying new thermal paste and dust cleanup brought the temps down to 73 degrees average.
  25. AMD RX 590 Hmm, that's odd. Do you play any other Vulkan games? The only other game i've installed is Portal 2, via Steam. I'm not sure if that's Vulkan or not. I think I have it running fine with Gallium at the moment; however, there's a weird bug when launching it where it stays black but I can deal with that as I have a workaround. (I imagine it's due to being on Manjaro + wine-staging) If there is any way to gather logs i'd be more than happy to do so, I just don't know how. I tried the ./debug.sh; however, it didn't quite catch this error since it's generated by the application not detecting it.Portal 2 is an OpenGL game, I have a hunch that most likely you don't have the vulkan library installed. I'm not familiar with arch-based distros but according to the arch wiki, the package name should be something along "vulkan-icd-loader". :)
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