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Everything posted by ArmoredVehicle.2849

  1. I've updated the package with a more recent version of D9VK in case you want to give it another shot with arcdps.
  2. Thanks for the news, I'll be testing out the new additions and update the package accordingly :) --In other news: I have updated the Legacy packages (OpenGL/WineD3D) to fix one but very important issue (a regression). Some settings were supposed to be loaded before the game launches, they were however at the end of the launch script (after the game launches) and were not being loaded. Initially this was working but I accidentally broke it when restructuring the launch scripts. Note: This update is only intended for those running on hardware without Vulkan support but still wish to play GW2 on Linux.
  3. I never saw this message, admittedly I didn't test out arcdps much as I don't use the tool. D9VK development activity has been quite busy lately, I'm currently waiting for a few more updates and will release a newer package soon. As per my crashes from yesterday, today I played for a total of 8hrs, 6 in the morning and 2 just now. No crashes at all, the game has a mind of its' own and sometimes goes haywire :-)
  4. Never bought a single mount skin, in fact I never spent a penny on anything in the gem store since the game's release. To me the point of buying a game is to play it and obtain the items through gameplay, not spend more money unlocking content. I would have much preferred if ANet released more expansion packs with more content in them and we obtain the skins by playing rather than RNG black lion chests. Sometimes they throw a weapon set our way but they always make sure to keep the best looking sets for the gem store and that's not very fun. In my opinion GW1 did it better buy having players buy the expansions and mini adventures and then they'd obtain the content by playing.
  5. May not be a Wine/d9vk's issue, just yesterday I had 2 crashes in the span of 30mins, crashes that I've never seen before I might say, and the only thing that changed was a game update. Best suggestion I can give is to upload screenshots of the crash.
  6. There's already a Vulkan Implementation for Linux in the form of 'd9vk' - https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vkGW2 runs very well with it and there are no issues with the game. You're welcome to join this thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/31192/playing-guild-wars-2-on-linux-performance-optimizations-and-more/p1?new=1
  7. Update Announcement: I've updated the D9VK packages to include arcdps support, also as a complimentary addition I've added a small tool to help you install arcdps easily. Full changelog available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kG0HzKR6-LHqDEgDjsceLlk3TGMiLPMOEN5CVYa9vgQ Important:For this update some important files had to be moved around, it is highly recommended to setup the game from fresh and then move in the 'Gw2.dat' file from your old one. Let me know if you come across any issues and enjoy your weekend :)
  8. Does it work perfectly or is there still some functions missing? I'm planning to update the package soon. By 'place' do you mean rename the file? I'm asking so I can plan ahead how to implement it :)
  9. I thought about this a few times, making it f2p might revive the game and I would very much like that, however on the other hand I don't wish for it to become the gem store item skin infested game that GW2 has become. GW1 is unique as you have to get almost everything through pure gameplay and it's what kept people doing all the game has to offer.
  10. The messages you're getting "too many files open" means you need to apply the fix I mentioned in the troubleshooting section on page 1 and is also the reason why the game is crashing. This fix is not exclusive to GW2, it affects a few other games too. Sorry, I skipped that part completely!After applying the fixes, the game loads and plays well, there's no mouse issues and my skyscale issue has been fixed! Thank you very much for your help!Glad you solved it and everything's running well :)
  11. The messages you're getting "too many files open" means you need to apply the fix I mentioned in the troubleshooting section on page 1 and is also the reason why the game is crashing. This fix is not exclusive to GW2, it affects a few other games too.
  12. I have a GTX 760 I could try the game on, might take till saturday though. In the meantime you could try the latest GW2 package where the mouse issue is fixed, as a secondary step you can also try upgrading your driver to 418.52.10 which includes a fix for the sun in GW2. The driver version may be misleading since it appears a lower version than your current one, however it is the most modern one for Vulkan. Out of curiosity, if you preview the mount in the window like in my screenshot, does it also appear like that?
  13. Can you post some details about your setup, mainly: GPU type/model and driver version and a screenshot of your ingame settings. Also, if you open up the mounts panel and go to the Skyscale section, does it also appear like that in the preview Window? I tried various graphics settings but none of them could replicate it, this is on a GTX1060, drivers version 318.52.10.I don't have the mount yet but I can preview it and this is how it appears for me:
  14. As already mentioned by @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" , the terminal log looks clean. Furthermore the "taskset 0-5" doesn't make the game crash as I use the same command everyday. My only suspicion is that you may not have the Vulkan library installed, I'm not familiar with Solus, however on Ubuntu family this can be found as "libvulkan1". June 4th news: Good news for Nvidia GPU users: Consider upgrading to the latest beta driver version 418.52.10 this carries with it a fix for the "square-shaped" sun in some areas when Postprocessing is set to "High". There is no need to do anything else aside from that :) The game can now be considered entirely glitch free on Linux regardless of your GPU vendor.
  15. I've tested that version and unfortunattely I noticed a small performance regression compared to the current packaged build, For example if I stand in a certain spot in the fractal lobby I lose about 9fps. I'm being selective on the updates to make sure performance remains optimal. Nice work on that GUI, this weekend I should have the merging of both packages done :)
  16. @04D95143-7F7C-4289-8567-88D4F26CEEF9.2615 I tried out your installer and I can say I'm loving it already. Would you be able to expand it and add 2 more checkboxes to the GUI where for example "Checkbox 1 runs script A" and "Checkbox 2 runs script B"? The reason I ask is because I've been thinking about a possible way to modify my setup scripts and merge the two packages into one (Intel/AMD + Nvidia together), then you wire up those checkboxes to the corresponding one. Let me know what you think :)
  17. I couldn't find this information in the previous pages, so I ask.... what exactly is this nvidia bug about? When Postprocessing is set to 'High' the sun appears as a square in some areas. Screenshot below: If you want you have possibility to push my github on your post for help new users ^^When you make new version im make new installer version...Installer have possibility to upgrade install :D Best Regards I will put your link as an alternative download source :)
  18. Good news for Nvidia GPU users, an employee from Nvidia itself commented on the D9VK github that he identified the bug and will be fixed in a future driver release. In other news - To avoid torturing you from downloading the full package and rebuilding the shader cache from scratch at every update, I'm considering releasing patches for small changes. They would come in the form of unzip > overwrite > you're done.
  19. New release announcement (sort of): Starting from today, I have flipped the switch for the (D9VK) Vulkan version of the package to serve as the new stable release. As most of you are probably already aware, this brings with it a major performance boost. There is currently one known issue with Nvidia GPU's which renders the sun as a square in some areas when Postprocessing is set to 'High', other than that I didn't encounter any stability issues. As for the old packages using WineD3D (OpenGL) they are now deprecated but will still be available for download (and updated if necessary). The download links for these can be found at the bottom of the first post.
  20. Hi, you can go into the "bin" folder and in a text editor open up the 'user_run' file. Right under '#Wine Settings' add: export LD_PRELOAD="/path/toyourfile.so". Let me know if you get stuck.
  21. I like the first, maybe make a new NPC which offers various basic items, Essences are after all easy to obtain so the items you trade them for shouldn't be too extravagant.
  22. @Scande.5908 Nice find about the Windowed-Fullscreen, I guess I never got the crash because I almost always play the game in Windowed mode then. I think this rule might apply for other ingame videos too.
  23. I installed your hotfix package but sadly it did not work with it either. Same crash. I installed your hotfix package but sadly it did not work with it either. Same crash. I replayed through the chapter again and this time I monitored the temporary folder, after you destroy the heart the game extracts the file named 'bink2w64.dll' in order to get ready to play the movie. The hotfix package tried to address that by making the file available before the game extracts it, but it seems the game extracts regardlessly even if the file is already present on the system.
  24. Judging by the pattern, it seems the game is trying to access something at the end of the chapter, my suspicion is the FMV which plays at the end. I have uploaded some new packages with a potential fix for this issue. I can't replicate the crash on my end, so please test it and let know. Intel/AMD package: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15VEX9ayC6S9-6LF09dxy8mpI84eXZS8UNvidia package: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LjkJy6Gp-XsU2Be92eQiz7B7XbjjP2JX EDIT: These packages didn't seem to solve the issue and I've taken them down.
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