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Everything posted by BlaqueFyre.5678

  1. I’m curious how you see this not repeating itself. The most dedicated will become one alliance and dominate. Could just be called BG 2.0. It’s called low pop caps since an alliance can’t make up the majority of a World population, how can’t you see that?
  2. They stated it only looks at the players that set that guild as WvW Primary
  3. But does that still work in this model? Is 500 the right size, too small, too big? Taking the algorithms that are planned how many size guilds of various sizes are being planned so that the mix is right. Yes they shared some conceps which is appreciated but this still sounds blobfest. And when you have disagreements in alliances what tools are in place to handle. Alliance tools by itself might make or break this system. Considering guilds are replacing worlds, I would think that guild sizes might need a bit of a bump in max player size. Guilds aren’t replacing worlds... and Anet states that Alliances won’t be able to make up the majority of a World’s population so yeah. Herein lies the problem.Alliance is at least 2 guilds.Guilds have a 500 member cap, meaning alliances will be at least 1000 members.If an alliance is not a majority of the population, it means they are planning on world sizes being greater than 2000 in population.There are only 4 maps, and it only takes about 300 people to que every map.So, yes, an alliance could easily take over a world so that only they are really seeing a lot of play time.And yes, guilds and alliances will be pre-stacked essentially continuing the problem we have now. They might as well start naming the new servers:KtrainTower SwapBag FarmingetcDo you have anything to back this up since Devs Stated that the Alliance sizes can be the World Majority. Again go read the OP and all the relevant Dev statements on the matter. When you are making claims with not much back it up besides fear lingering like chicken little.
  4. It’s stated in the OP that the WvW guilds WvW population is only the players that assign it as their primary WvW Guild..
  5. But does that still work in this model? Is 500 the right size, too small, too big? Taking the algorithms that are planned how many size guilds of various sizes are being planned so that the mix is right. Yes they shared some conceps which is appreciated but this still sounds blobfest. And when you have disagreements in alliances what tools are in place to handle. Alliance tools by itself might make or break this system. Considering guilds are replacing worlds, I would think that guild sizes might need a bit of a bump in max player size.Guilds aren’t replacing worlds... and Anet states that Alliances won’t be able to make up the majority of a World’s population so yeah.
  6. But does that still work in this model? Is 500 the right size, too small, too big? Taking the algorithms that are planned how many size guilds of various sizes are being planned so that the mix is right. Yes they shared some conceps which is appreciated but this still sounds blobfest. And when you have disagreements in alliances what tools are in place to handle. Alliance tools by itself might make or break this system. The variable guild sizes are fine as is, Guilds don’t have to join Alliances if they don’t want to and multiple Guilds can join Alliances which will have a cap on how many Guilds can be in an Alliance on top of the actual Player Roster. Again if there is a Disagreement in an Alliance guess what the people involved can either fix the issue or Leave Guilds aren’t stuck in Alliances. Wow such a mind blowing concept! There doesn’t have to be a system to babysit/handhold
  7. First thing Guilds already have caps of 500 Roster size, so we already know Guild cap. Every other “point” you made is handled by the guilds/leaders making up the alliances, because it takes the agreement of the Guild Leaders to even form an alliance, they can fill their guilds and their Allliance as they see fit for their needs, the system won’t hand hold the Allaince making, alliance roster cap will be between 500- 1000 players, players will have to set a WvW Guild as their primary WvW to be counted towards that’s guilds WvW presence and by extension that guilds Alliance presence. This is all clearly laid out in the OP.
  8. It was answered early on in the thread and I reposted that answer 10 posts ago.... But here it is again. Yes, except worlds will also consider language. So random alliances, guilds, and individuals that all have the same language preference.
  9. the thing I'm not sure about the most within this system is the EU servers. under an alliance. They stated in this thread language preference will sort players as well. sweet ty.No problem, here is the statement. Yes, except worlds will also consider language. So random alliances, guilds, and individuals that all have the same language preference.
  10. the thing I'm not sure about the most within this system is the EU servers. under an alliance. They stated in this thread language preference will sort players as well.
  11. This isn’t Mario Holding the Jump Key doesn’t make you jump higher or further, the glider option is perfectly fine players just need to learn not to hold the jump key down since it doesn’t do anything besides deploy the glider.
  12. Seeing how anet loves their condis, it's most certainly not exclusive to power damage. Skills that increase Condi Damage specifically state so in the tool tip, this is across the board, this does not state that so it most likely doesn’t.
  13. Put it this way, on the recent Poll Thread in the Pvp forums on which PoF Elite Spec is the most OP, the Rengade wasn’t even listed. On top of that with all the No Valid Path bugs with placing the Warbands, and other bugs, synergy issues and lack of concept, the Renegade is very Underwhelming.
  14. Dishonor is a cumulative thing, it only builds if you get dishonored a lot from Leaving/Dcing matches to Missing Queues, it seems like you built up quite a bit. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dishonorable
  15. I don’t think it was too difficult I did it in one attempt with no issues, using Marauder gear, all of the Attacks from the boss have large tells allowing ample reaction time.> @castlemanic.3198 said: Nowhere have I ever seen a fight with an enemy that has a crucial half a second break bar followed by a short breakbar and the ability to heal at least a quarter of it's health, in a fight where you can't open your inventory, have no ability to get a friend to aid you or able to leave and go back to prep for it in an efficient manner. The final three boss fights in Hearts and Minds where if you're even downed the fight restarts and your allies cannot be rezzed either has NO content preparing for it, and NO content similar to it later on, and I doubt we'll ever come across a fight with those exact circumstances again, same with the eater of souls fight. There's very little in the way of traditional gameplay for that mission, and as a result should be adjusted properly to be easier and doable in an efficient manner. Slowing down that initial jump so that the break bar has two seconds to be broken instead of the half a second it is would make all the difference in the fight and would make it that much more manageable for people who can't do it as it is. You never fought Vinetooth Prime then, Eater Of Souls has similar mechanics toned extremely toned down and is easily soloable
  16. I don’t think it was too difficult I did it in one attempt with no issues, using Marauder gear, all of the Attacks from the boss have large tells allowing ample reaction time.
  17. A buddy and I found it quite easy to get a lot of the Masteries with just Raptor (he had Level 1 Raptor) and Gliding, same with other items likes the Vlast crystals which say you need springer mounts. It's all about using the environment.
  18. I bet a lot of these complaints wouldn't exist if the Griffon (which isn't required for any content) didn't have a semi high cost and require effort through Collection to achieve. The Griffon is nothing but a prestige item, has no impact on character progression or content. There might be some validity to these complaints if there is any content and game that required the griffin mount but alas there is none that requires a be doneusing any other mount
  19. Permafrost is the brightest dye in game.
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