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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 10 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    BDO rarely puts players in a situation where 50-100 players are all firing off these effects on one target.

    This however does happen in GW2 frequently.


    "rarely" -> pretty much every world boss/field boss, which are main source of BiS gear..... Sure it may seem like GW2 has more of these situations due to sheer amount of meta events we have, but in BDO world there are like three things that you can actively do in the game - grind on farm spots, do world/field bosses, and if you are already geared and in a guild, then you may also do node wars (which is separate can of worms).


    Also note that for best grind spots you are going ot need that BiS gear in the first place to have any hope to compete for a spot, so the mid-game is going to be basically that: daily/weekly scrolls (best done with party of 5 which already can overload visuals) and world/field bosses hunt, with some grind in between on whatever spot you don't get chased off by better equipped players.


    so by the % of content actually worthy doing for the long term progression, it is not so "rare".

  2. 2 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

    Ah, you found the exception.  Only played that for a week on launch, couldn't stand it.

    As a example you have a raid in FF14, I have all animation and effects turned on, that's full not simple.   I never lose sight of the boss nor any of the team.  Now those effects are explosive and a lot of them, but at no point am I looking at kitten storm of lights were the team or boss should be.


    Well I think there was an option there to disable effects of other people abilities there (not exactly adviced with OWPvP being a thing there), which some people deem obligatory to toggle on their version of world bossed due to simply not being able to see important telegraphs due to all the fire and flash raining upon aforementioned boss.


    48 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:

    The way people keep bringing up dx11 compatibility as a potential fix is...jarring. That's not how directx works. It's like thinking an update to change from CoherentUI to Chromium will let you browse the internet ingame. 


    I didn't make the statements, so I can't be sure, but my understanding on most of those post, was that since AN is already updating their engine to run on DX11, they may also update controls for graphical settings. Also, just because some objects get's loaded late and "pop up" on slower loading system does not mean they have implemented mechanism to reproduce that effect intentionally at specified margin. Rewriting the engine, would also give them nice and sound opportunity to actually implement suchmechanisms.


    But long story short my view on this is: if they are already meddling with how things are rendered (switching from DX9 to DX11) there is hope that they will use the opportunity to update the control players have over what is rendering and what is not 🙂

  3. 5 minutes ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

    Unless you work for ANET and they allowed you to inform the players or you have actual proof ANET is not going to add new races then stop saying it’s too much work or it’s not possible.

    You don't need to be employe of AN to know how big projects tends to work, and how much work certain features would take.

    Nowaday every software engineer is expected to be estimate a "cost" (in development hours) of any given feature, before they start working on it. Ain't rocket science.


    6 minutes ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

    Yet they said the same thing with WvW Alliance that its complicated, too much resources, etc.. WvW drops now we getting WvW Alliance. Now is it too late or will it still be able to bring back WvW players – time will tell.


    Who are those "they"? Also there is huge difference between adding a new playable race and overhauling system like WvW matchmaking. In particular latter requires just software engineers, + some UI guys to update the front-end. New playable race takes whole art department, ontop of software engineers.


    Bonus points for Alliances being something AN has already promised couple years ago. Now tell me when they promised that they ae going to add new playable races post release?


    9 minutes ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

    If it increases their sales – they will add it no matter the resources, amount of work need, etc.


    And here is where you are very wrong. It is not about just increasing sales, no matter the cost.


    Companies are about increasing profit. Which means increasing sales but while still minimizing the cost. Because it doesn't matter that your sales has spiked through the roof if the cost for that was 10 times higher than the income revenue from that spike of sales.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Doomfrost.5728 said:

    There is a point. Diversity, player choice, new lore and perspectives through the eyes of another species, more dialog, and more variety in the population in the word. 


    and every single one of those reasons would have to get gutted, in order to squish the project into size AN would be able to develop at any sane rate.


    7 minutes ago, Doomfrost.5728 said:

    Are you like gonna tell me it wouldn't be freaking cool to see players roaming Tyria as different species?

    frankly? personally not any more cool than seeing players roaming tyria in all the different fashion designs.


    Charr, asyra, sylvari, norn, human, tengu, whatever, question is always the same: did that player managed to make the character look good? 😉


    And in case of tengu if they were to be realistically implemented into the game, they would not have all that much of ways to make it look good 🤔

  5. Personally I think that if that was guardian new espec icon it would be more spec about kurzick Juggernauts (actually whichever class it will be I think that espec is going ot be the juggernaut spec)


    out of possible candidates, I could also see the oni face - evil guardian theme, I have seen argument that double swords one is guardian because it has 3 dots - 3 virtues, and I suppose one could thing out of connecting that samuraj mask icon to guardian theme "deeply connected to canthan lore".


    that's my take on it.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    I have trouble with the Snowden one.  The boss for some reason doesn't get stunned when you break his bar.

    Well I didn't run into that one yet as I have not managed to actuall break bar on that one... (assuming we are thinking here of same DRM XD)


    5 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Also, the timer is super short for some reason.

    yeah to be honest here I never tried to put the timer challenge. I mean why should I again? (I have read the "all CMS are soloable" as in one can solo each of them challenge modes, not that instance is still soloable with all of them active at once)

  7. 1 hour ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    but vizu looks different. and Nika looks more similar to the one portrayed in the factions video.

    vizu is basically nika model but with "ghost" fx attached. Could make sense considering Nika is descendand of Vizu.


    1 hour ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    and Is Mai in anyway the same as Mai Trin?

    aside from 250 year gap between Mai and Mai Trin I would imagine more than one canthan to use the name "Mai".


    1 hour ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    also I heard the Wild Eyed Miller say that Marjory Delaqua and Mai Trin are sisters.... and in EOD first look  they mentioned marjory has some cool detective stuff in EOD.... maybe this is true?

    personally I would treat anything from wild-eyed miller with big dose of salt 😉


    So relations:


    Vizu enabled defeat of Shiro after he assasinated emperor during harvest ceremony.

    Nika is descendant of Vizu that made "a" contribution to stopping Shiro's return.

    Mai is unrelated to any of those aside from happening to live within same "coutry" as Nika, and in roughtly similar age,


    Mai Trin's relation to either is limited to the fact she is of canthan origin.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


    Nope, not naive at all. It's been discussed many times, and a lot of people stated that they would be fine with it. The same with the personal level 1-80 story: no need for one, let us start at level 80.


    Yeah a number of forum users have said that they would be fine.


    Just as a number of forum users said they would be fine with anything that happened that caused major uproar among player base.


    Naivety in here is believing that just because "it's been discussed many times, and a lot of people stated" has any meaning when we are talking on the broader scope of the game community. Not to mention that one of primary arguments some of those people raise "it will bring players from other mmo's" get's totally obliterated, because those players would come in, see how botched the "new race" is, and decide that AN can't even do that right and leave.


    And while you may believe that there is no need for personal story integration, lack of it would still inflict major headache on how to integrate that into the story, because suddenly we have "commanders" that did not participate in zhaitan campaign at all.


    Also did you take into consideration new players when jumping out with idea of starting straight at lvl 80? We already have ALOT of fresh players that buy the game fire up instant level 80 boost and get lost because suddenly they are thrown every single character mechanic at them at once.


    2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Anything is better than not having a new race at all.


    and history of this game has proven again and again that this argument does not simply work. Because every time when AN released "anything" that was supposed to be better than "nothing at all" it turned out to be causing major uproar all over the place.


    1 hour ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Also, folks for sure said mounts would never happen, alot.


    And again, mounts are nowhere near the amount of resources AN would have to pour to make a workable new race. if you tried to compare these two features mounts are nothing in terms of cost. (And as I have mentioned earlier I do not recall anyone saying that mounts are never going to happen, only that game has 0 need and 0 reason to have them)

    • Like 1
  9. as for the housing vs fishing argument: I am going to wait to see how the fishing works, tho I am not a huge fan of that type of activities, and I would be interested in "housing" on the assumption that it would be basically a miniature, cheap, guild hall. But that's likely because the guild hall costs are balanced around the 50 players, and in my main guild there is like one person (me) that consistently contributes out of like 5 people I could honestly call active.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    We - The Luxons - won


    More like both of: You - Luxons, and Us - Kurzicks, got bootstomped by imperial armies reunifying the region. You would know if you had read history books (Movement of the World)


    The fact that siege turtles got kept as mounts could be just imperials seeing the use, and continuing the process of hatching and raising new ones over years.

    • Sad 1
  11. On 7/28/2021 at 4:02 AM, JUN YANG.4328 said:

    Fourth: boat fishing?!  come on, are we playing BDO.😡


    Except without all the things that makes BDO kittenous, ya know the ow ganking, "balance" of "the dude with better gear/higher level by default wins" all of the obligatory premium shop purchases to even begin to think to try to be able to actually progress at any rate.....


    I could go on for quite a while on that one 😛 


    as for boats and finishing, considering there are two whole mastery tracks involved, I would rather wait to see the details before I start complaining about it.

  12. 8 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

    People said the same about mounts, never forget that.


    No, people said the game does not NEED mounts


    8 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

    No, the threads wont stop. If you dont want to read the threads, dont read the threads. 🙂


    Then at least maybe curb down on" I expected tengu for eod, I am dissapointed" posts? You were all told that you are setting yourselves up for dissapointment if you expect new playable race and yet here we go.


    8 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

    The tengu requests have been around before the game even was released(So to where mount requests), Further, both mount and the tengu megathread had more views, and responses(Both for and against) than any other threads so far on the forums.


    And mounts did not require remodelling of every.single.armor.piece.in.the.game. 


    8 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:


    Edit: Other things players thought would never come include: Capes, Dyeable backpacks, and fishing.


    Capes: only blocked there was was AN not wanting to risk clipping issues

    Dyeable backpacks: it is nice they did find workaround for the technical limitation that caused backpieces not being dyeable, but that technical issue was still nothing compared to sheer amount of remodeling their art department would have need to do to make tengu anything but a drama on how kitten the race is.

    Fishing: again, the only counterargument for fishing was "game does not NEED fishing, focus development on sth else plz".


    @OP the 1% chance seems to be VERY optimistic.


    7 hours ago, Magek.4718 said:

    I like how other games like WoW and FFXIV get new races with different body shapes added to the game.


    We are talking games here with either less gear variety total and/or systematic race specific gear (as in pretty much no armors that could be used between races) and/or where new race differs in nothing but scale when it comes to adjustment to make armor fit.the effort there to create new race is MUCH smaller than what would be required with gw2 scope.


    7 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


    No, they would not "have to". Most players would be content with the race having their own cultural armor sets - no need to have any of the existing ones fit the new race.


    I can quarantee the outrage if it turns out that none of currently crafted armor pieces/bought outfits is usable on the new race. Believing that it would have been accepted within this community is naive at best. We have been spoiled by alt friendlyness, and that alt friendlyness is exact reason why GW2 adding a new race is so cost prohibitive endeavour.

    • Like 4
  13. I have kind of excepted a singular theme legendaries before the stream to be honest. The only difference is was that I expected the theme to be chosen from one of canthan themes, instead of being based on an NPC I am growing since HoT.


    I will reserve my judgement before I see all of them, GS didn't quite sold me (quality seemed appropriate, just that particular shape is not to my likings when it comes to swords :P) gotta see how the rest of them looks.

    • Haha 1
  14. 6 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:


    That one is should be pretty easy if you can do all the others.  Just be sure you're lighting the fires and moving near them to clear the debuff or you'll die quickly.


    yeah except I need to be close to the fires to prevent debuff application, and if boss is close to one he nearly instantly extinguish it forcing disabling it for quite a while, bonus points for boss spaming taunt before the knockback wave, terrain on the bridge being extreme crap (has a number of spots where you can get stuck on what seemed flat road) and last but not least, lighting the fires relying on same interact button, as revive, so if your swarm of useless npcs happens to die ontop of a fireplace, good luck lighting it up quickly. And cherry on top, as opposed to at least some other DRM bosses (bloodtide coast) if you happen to die boss instantly resets back to 100% health. I didn't died on other bosses with boss CM active, so can't say if they do the same.


    Most of that ceases to be all that big issue if you happen to be a class with long range dps (1200 range) but on a build capped to 900 range, if I was able to hit the boss, I had half a minute before I would need to relocate outside of the range due to... firepit issues. And I can do all the rest of them no problem in melee.

  15. 1 hour ago, Gretzel.6790 said:

    I have tengu support marks, which just simply state 'trade these with the tengu in eye of the north'. I've ran around the on two different characters, tried it yesterday, tried it todsay. I don't see any tengu at all in this area. Do you need to do a story mission to get them to appear? Do you have to getan achievement?


    description of those support marks is outdated and refers to the time when there was a weeklong mobilization eent that involved tengu - you can trade those marks now for tyria defence seal at the tyrian defense seal vendor.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, linkym.2069 said:

    Well then what were they working on? on a few new maps, fishing and a new mount?


    You do realize how big and complex products games are nowadays? designing those "few new maps" is going to tak alot of time and effort, and ontop of that you have story, strikes, new whole mechanics (even for the mount, which is first multiplayer mount not to mention being a combat one).


    All of that while alliances is being in development, and huge undertaking of upgrading the game to DX11.


    And most importantly - nearly none of that matters for cost prohibitiveness of new playable race, as the bulk of the work to be done would be from recreating pretty much every single armor skin in existance to fit new body types. Have you noticed maybe a pa ce at which they release armor sets even when not working on next expansion that will most likely bring a couple of it's own?


    yeah that's current capacity of their relevant department that actually creates those things. And now you want those handfull of people to go on, and remake all that metric crapload of armor sets (and outfits) for new race. See a tad of a problem there?

    • Like 1
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  17. 5 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

    Yes, I'm really interested in the Beta's as well. I'm wondering how they'll be implemented, open registration, or by invitation? 


    all the previous one were handled in a way that you would get temporary "beta" character slot added to the account and within that slot you would create character that would participate in it - i.e. have instant access to relevant beta content - in this case, especs.

    • Like 2
  18. 1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    ... in PvE. Drizzlewood literally have WvW siege brought over to PvE.


    which is hardly used by anyone, trying to deploy those things there is waste of good scrap....


    1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:


    If its going to be available in WvW then oh boy are people going to be disappointed because you know we can already siege with our mounts right?


    Only gates, which narrows usability greatly.


    1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Its absolute garbage. Its not going to make normal siege redundant because that would severely imbalance WvW - its just going to be a complete waste of supplies.


    And I am still 99% certain its PvE only.


    nobody is asking about making other sieges redundant, it is mostly about concept of getting funny alternative to siege golem.


    and even then I did quite specifically said that I am not quite sure if they would go for it due to technical aspects of actual implementation.


    so again while it could be on paper interesting possibility, I will wait for detailed info from AN on how those turtles are going to work and where before hyping (or raining down on other peoples hype while at it.

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, achronis.3597 said:

    I think Anet should expand on the mount system and make combat mounts a major feature.  Siege turtle sounds great but why bring combat to the other mounts?  


    I don't understand this question - no one "brings combat to the other mounts". As far as announced stuff goes it's just siege turtle that is two people, and works in combat (passenger controls the guns). You could count skiff as 5-man mount I suppose, but it's main feature seems ability to "anchor it" so you can go fishing, for all we know so far.


    2 hours ago, achronis.3597 said:

    As for new playable races, it's definitely a huge undertaking for sure but one that would make the community very happy and be used to get new players interested, IMO.


    I think you are misunderstanding the scale here. It would not make "community very happy" because in order to cut down it to even amount of resources AN can, (and ever could) handle, they would need to basically cut every single corner possible. And that would lead to your "new race" to be even more botched than revenant was on HoT release, and pretty much dead as soon as people realize just how many corners have been cut. And then comes consideration of increase in work for the future, as they seem already struggling to fit new armor sets for outliers (asura/charr) and now they would also need to make them fit on tengu or whatever as well.


    Just to put things in scope - every MMO I have seen actually adding "new races" post launch fullfilled one or more of the following:

    1. limited amount of armor skins in general,

    2. pretty much all "races" being basically differently scaled and/or coloured humans, sometimes with big ears

    3. RACE SPECIFIC ITEMS - as in items worn by let's say a dwarfs are complete separate family of items than those used by elves.


    and in GW2 none of these applies - there is a metric crapload of available armor skins, we have races that have distinctively different skeleton than others, and the most popular candidates for new races stray even further, and we are using same items accross all characters regardless of race, because one of core design decisions is sticking to being alt-friendliness.

  20. 4 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

    Unless skiff move faster than skimmers they are obsolete


    eeeeeeehh I am already getting tired of repeating myself in here.


    So let me put this into simple analogy for you, maybe then you will understand:

    What you are doing in here is claiming that water boiler makes teapot obsolete, because it can hold more liquid and can also actually reheat it on it's own.


    While completely ignoring the fact that the puprose of the teapot is different to purpose of water boiler.


    again, skimmer is a (singleplayer) mount that goes over the water and can go under the water.

    Skiff is a deployable collidable object that also doubles as (multiplayer) mount that happens to go over water.


    If you want to complain about how skiffs are bad addition to the game - feel free to critique it, at worst you are going to get some people to point out that there is whole mastery track bound to skiffs we know nothing about just yet. Juest please for the love of all that's holy, stop making this ridiculous claim that skimmers make skiffs obsolete.


    9 minutes ago, achronis.3597 said:

    2.  Was hoping to hear something majorly big, like playable Tengu. Each expansion thus far had its "thing", HoT=gliders / PoF=mounts.  What is the "it" thing with EoD?


    I would treat "multiplayer (combat) mounts" as "it" for EoD tbh. That being said there is only so much of "big things" they can do. Eventually assuming they keep releasing expansions they will run out of those things.


    And new playable races, while commonly requested even on this forum, are HUGELY cost prohibitive to implement at this point. Personally I am glad they did not announce any of such nonsense, as the very first question I would ask after "tengu announcement" would be: "ok so what they will intentionally screw up just to make it possible for them to pull of?"

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  21. I am putting my bets on canthans using jade-tech to try to simulate ED with machinery. Basically huge magical pump that balances flow of magic in some promixity to it.

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