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  1. The article reads really poorly. It's as if you're already finding excuses for which to underdeliver and dissapoint people with. Whoever wrote it, whether trying to be blunt, honest, or somewhere in the middle really should have had another person read over it and tell them to omit the excuses about why you didn't/couldn't do something.
  2. This only incentivizes not logging in. I'm not saying i like facing map queues but there has to be a better solution than just log-out and make everyone miserable by proxy.
  3. You do realize how absolutely dumb a statement this is right ? People can be doing a myraid of things during "Prime Time" and still be a NA player/resident and have to by virtue of life circumstances play during the same "off-hours" you're whining on about. Please don't help the give the EU community any more ammo, they don't need more to clown on our lack of educational systems.
  4. No thanks. We had this before and being shohorned into it to make skills better always felt bad as it locked you into often times sub-optimal traits.
  5. Funny, if we were to take this as true then shouldn't more people have unlocked all the items by now since this game has a lot of people who only casually visit dungeons ?
  6. A sink does nothing if the drain is clogged my guy. Just because you can make this cost 10million +1's to achieve doesn't mean it's gonna dent the economy if no one needs to change because as you put it, "most people are already at 150ar".
  7. according to this it's all being adjusted just missed in notes. image
  8. The siege cost changes are questionable at best without more context. Are they planning on normalizing all siege and their levels respectively or is it just we arbitrarily decided these specific values ? I say this because unless im missing something of note Trebs just got the worlds wildest adjustment with guild siege actually being more expensive to build than superior by 40 which flies in the face of the conventional siege scaling and reason to have guild siege to begin with.
  9. The answer is obvious no ? They'll have nothing to fight but doors, be bored, log off, come forum warrior about how bad the matchup is all without realizing that they are the problem.
  10. You chose them. Sounds like a you problem and not an alliance problem.
  11. Why are you comparing Apples to Watermelon and complaining that Apples are cheaper ? They are not the same. If you want to compare statted +9's to anything compare them to the existing statted +9's. The easiest one you can compare it to is the recently released Arcane infusion no less which ANet has seen fit to show you how they value it. Sorry if this pricing bothers you but again....just go invest the gold or don't it really doesn't matter and isn't going to change just because you and a very scant minority want to screech about how costly this optional investment is.
  12. To paraphrase some wise people elsewhere in this thread Just TP it. and You get enough gold from doing fractals anyway.
  13. Why would it matter ? Agony Resist has always been character based and in the situation mentioned the OP wants a 1 button swap which wouldn't exist across characters to begin with.
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