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Everything posted by Bern.9613

  1. I had cleanse, I had initiative regen, I had a small heal with the old sa line. IDON'T NEED NOR WANT SUPER SPEED, had a speed bonus in stealth. Had time to reposition, set up and do the combo skirmisher's shot and death's judgement. Now it's blink here and there and the target dodges death's judgement because there isn't enough time to set up the combo. Anyways it doesn't matter. I'm done with at anet and their balance attempts. Take my advice, go to steam (doubt they're ever going to be on steam, too ) play something else (Operation Harsh Doorstep, I helped my son with the weapons and some landscapes) and wait for Ashes of Creation.
  2. You fail to understand anet mentality. As long as a thief can not stealth easily nor for extended periods, it's good. Objective complete. Mission success. Engi, mesmer, anyone who has traps and trapper runes (interesting fact, thief had traps but those at anet removed traps from thief) were also given teleports so they can use unhindered stealth and teleport away. As long as the thief can't do anything but blink and die because it's core mechanic has been severely curtailed, the "long time source of frustration" has been dealt with.
  3. I disagree and I'm referring to thief in wvw not the boring, monotonous pve. Once again, deadeye was built/created around stealth. Super speed I can live without, already had 50% speed boost while stealthed. Initiative regen, condi cleanse I already had. FYI initiative regen was nerfed years ago when they topped out stealth stacks, on thief only. Stealth on steal was taken away, stealth when using a healing skill, gone. You obviously never went into outnumbered fights or go against these bunker, heal, condi builds. I've mained thief from launch, seen the continual chipping away at the class. With the introduction of specter as a thief elite, (if I wanted to play a healing bot, I wouldn't had picked thief) that was a huge red flag. The wisdom of thought from those at anet is bunker, heal, condi builds are better because it's easier and more forgiving when you screw up. So yea, deadeye has been killed off.
  4. People seem to forget, deadeye was built around stealth. At it's very beginning, deadeye was clunky, having to kneel all the time. Then it became playable until some at anet found it to be "a source of frustration" and so stealth was "reworked" to benefit, ?specter? maybe (side note: a healing scourge is NOT what I want to be when playing thief), ?core thief? doubtful and failing at that as well. So all you, "hahahaha glad to see it killed off" better pucker up because it's only a matter of time before you're "a source of frustration."
  5. No you didn't. They killed stealth on thief. So glad mesmer stealth isn't "frustrating."
  6. The "balance team" went through all that trouble of stripping stealth away from the stealth class, thief, with zero worth while compensation and coming up with a whimsical story. So why would you think; a) they would care what you think; and b) they would admit they made a horrible mistake. Thief has always been their favourite target since launch. Can't have the stealth class, which they designed, be able to use stealth because, you know, it's "frustrating." Not any other class that can make use of stealth, just thief. They came up with trapper runes and took traps away from thief. Another stellar example of "balance." So yea, what was the question again? Lower your blood pressure, migrate to pve or better still, steam, play other games while waiting for Ashes of Creation.
  7. It was all laid out in the first paragraph of their design notes: Shadow Arts has long been a source of frustrating gameplay, particularly in competitive PvP and WvW. This is partially due to the stealth generated by Concealing Restoration, Meld with Shadows, and Hidden Thief, which compounded with other Thief stealth sources to push stealth access to exceptional levels. And there it is. The thief player has taken what he was given, used it to the best of his ability and got crapped on by the "balance" team. The "balance" team seemed to have forgotten that deadeye was made to use stealth to it's fullest. "Balance" in this game is all dependent on which side of the pendulum's swing your on and thief has been on the cutting side for a very, very, very long time. As for me, I'm out, had enough of this chipping away at a class they designed for stealth and when they "rework" stealth, it's only on thief. They took away power, boon generation, lessen initiative generation, increased initiative cost, out right took initiative away with specter which is more healing necro then thief, lessen effectiveness/change/removal of stolen items, 2 sec cd if you miss with stealth attack, the ability to stack stealth past 12 secs and the list goes on forever. Anet is not worth my time nor effort and every time I see a new "I discovered this great game, GW2" I comment to save their time and money and play Sniper Elite 5 or any other steam game (don't worry, anet will never be on steam, been threatening us with that almost as long as alliances) while waiting for Ashes of Creation.
  8. Laela Blackbird's last GW2 video These 3 left 7 years ago because of thief "adjustments". If I recall correctly, 5 might was removed, attacking from stealth got a cd, condi damage on other classes got a huge boost, sword/pistol got "adjusted" to oblivion, longer to generate initiative, cap on stealth, can't recall anything else. Now they just out right took away initiative from specter, FYI thief needs initiative to use weapon skills beyond auto-attacks but anet in all their "wisdom," took it even further. So don't be looking for any thief roaming videos that aren't cherry picked because they cease to exist.
  9. Yishis' last thief and GW2 video Wild bill's last GW2 video Laela Blackbird's 2nd to last GW2 video
  10. WAHAHAHAHA!! You're lucky to get 25% of that. Not only did they take power away from thief but if you miss/blocked/get evaded, you have to wait 2 secs to get another one off. But wait it gets better. As mentioned before, power was gutted, cut, diminished and then they nerfed it. Anet in all their wisdom, introduced trapper runes and then took traps away from thief. Stealth then got gutted, cut, diminished and nerfed over all. But wait you get more for your buck, they turned shadow arts into the art of being a necro so that everyone will play the necro spec, specter. So if you're not into having 25k+ hp, do no harm and being the highest healer in game then keep the status quo and don't reinstall gw2.
  11. They want to see how far they can push the players before the game implodes and at this rate, looks like very soon. ANet couldn't organize a 1 man rush on a 10 man outhouse, why would you people think they could do anything but bite the hand that feeds them? Not really sure who is in charge nor why they were put there but their leadership is bad. Really, really bad. No doubt I'm going to get banned because, having led men into battle, I'm calling out baby booboo and his supposed leadership abilities. Well, unless scuttling the ship was the mission then mission success.
  12. So not only do we lose stealth on steal and healing but we lose the ability to use our abysmal healing in stealth. So now everyone is forced to play bunker necro/thief and heal everyone else. If anet are so against the thief/assassin class, just remove it and stop torturing the remaining players. It's painfully clear they like stealth because everyone else gets stealth except thief. I have to change my email address associated with GW2, not sure it's worth the effort. Thief Able to flicker in and out of stealth, no ability to regenerate nor heal itself. No longer the scourge of the battlefield but a mere shadow of what once was. A laughable class who's main function is to elevate the WVW kills of other players.
  13. Updated is anet's way of saying nerf. More 5 min icd inc. As well as nerfed options for stealth because we can't have a thief being able to stealth like an engi, mesmer or any other profession that has traps. Apparently everyone having reveal skills, traps, reflects, domes, auras and invulns at their disposal just isn't good enough. And defensive gameplay because thief can't teleport with the same frequency and power as a willbender, use 2 skills (point blank, rapid fire) with a power modifier (sic 'em, signet of the wild) at 2000+ range to dismount and kill anyone on a mount. When I started playing in 2012, thief was advertised as the scourge of the battlefield, able to pop in and out of stealth at will, to hit their target. Well thief is truly the scourge with specter healing the crap out of everyone. As for stealth, say goodbye to that soon and hello "updated stealth." Shadow Arts is probably going to be gutted to be used only by specter (which honestly should not even be an elite for thief as thief is suppose to be the assassin not the healer). Group lf a "thief"? Get a willbender rocking sword/sword, greatsword, judge's intervention, flash combo and whirling light (8 shadowsteps/teleports in total) and superior healing.
  14. Forgot. My error is 108, 108 Something went wrong, please try again later! This error is likely due to a web browser issue. Please try a different browser or enabling JavaScript on your current browser before attempting your purchase again.
  15. So, do I jump through these unnecessary hoops, deal with support or just sit tight until June for ESO expansion? Oh, yea, no problem with using PayPal on their website. Nor steam. Nor ordering and buying new flooring. Yea, just here. 🤔
  16. Admittedly, this is not surprising. This was first reported mid Nov last year, three and a half months ago, and here we are on the cusp of an expansion and still it persists. Taking how long for alliances? Still have steam "on hold." Really? Payment method problems still exist. Seems par for the course with ANet.
  17. Seems the cat is out of the bag!!!https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/158520465764253696/711235149639057438/FB_IMG_1589642038772.jpg(I'm not taking credit for this picture, just passing it along)
  18. Bern.9613


    OK, what did you geniuses at anet change/screw up on thief now? my power isn't what it was on monday?
  19. I just had a go 'round with a heal bot druid for 45 mins to a mutual run away. Is this what gw2 is now? Prior to the patch that would have been over in about 10ish or less mins but oh no, the bobbleheads that we know as the "balance team" (and i use that term very loosely because the only balance is in the heads so they can rock back and forth in agreement) wanted "longer fights." The thief has been gutted so badly that the front page description of thief is nothing but lies. No I am not happy with this patch. Seems the heal on full trailblazer with torment runes rev (which, by the way, is stupidly op atm) is the only viable roamer left that can kill others.
  20. And the other shoe falls;Additional changes thief nerfs (minus the previously mentioned stability skills) Concealing Restoration: Reduced stealth duration from 2 seconds to 1 second.Rending Shade: Reduced number of boons stolen from 2 to 1.Assassin's Signet: Increased cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.Leeching Venoms: Reduced maximum stacks of spider venom provided by this trait from 6 to 2.Malicious Backstab: Reduced power coefficients from 1.2/2.4 to 0.9/1.8Smokescreen: Increased cooldown from 35 seconds to 45 seconds Slow clap
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