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  1. I disagree. ESO has no ranked PvP so as a competitive player there's literally nothing to play for. I guess group PvP is a bonus for ESO but I personally only care about solo PvP. Also the RvR in ESO is just a running simulator, the map is way too big for the amount of players. Yes, WvW in GW2 can be a running simulator at times but it's not even close to as bad as ESO.
  2. How are you guys dying to hammer vindicator lmao. It's literally the most telegraphed spec to ever exist. They could make the 3 skill literally one shot people and it would still be trash.
  3. No you illiterate, solo queue in WoW is terrible because WoW is terrible, not because solo queue is a bad system.
  4. I will wholeheartedly agree to that. I recently re-subbed to WoW after more than a year because I wanted to check out the pre-patch for the next expansion. And then I remembered, that game has absolutely terrible gameplay. The solo queue PvP in WoW consists of sitting in queue for 20 minutes because there are no healers, then getting into a game and being CCed half the time until dampening hits 50% and then you just use your PvE rotation on the enemies and throw CC at the healer and hope that someone dies. And I'm not saying this from a scrub point of view, the last season I actually played I was a top 1% player in solo shuffle. But I quit because the gameplay is terrible and the skill expression is terrible. Now they have a new ranked game mode called battleground blitz, which is also terrible because it's 8v8 so you have too little impact as a solo player, and there's no dampening so healers are literal unkillable god kings. A healer can easily tank 3 people indefinitely and not die until they run out of mana after 5 minutes of face tanking, it's so disgusting. The best decision GW2 ever made was getting rid of the trinity system. It's honestly sad that there are so many WoW PvP players that have never played GW2, because this game is so much better. And believe me when I say I understand how many flaws GW2 has, it still beats WoW. Also ESO PvP is a joke, I don't know how anyone plays that game for PvP. The combat is so terrible. Honestly after playing BDO and WoW for the past few weeks I've realized that I should either stick to League or just play GW2. If you want MMO PvP GW2 is the only good option right now and it will probably stay that way for a while. If only they would #removeDuoQ.
  5. The fact that Youle is trying to defend having multiple alts in the top 10 is laughable. Just another issue with this game that makes the ranked leaderboard a joke. Top 10 isn't the top 10, it's more like top 5 and their 5 alts. Yes, I am salty that I got rank 11 in season 8, as I should be, Helio had 2 alts in top 10 so I was the #9 player. And this also kicks players out of top 25 and top 100.
  6. Honestly bro I don't think top 250 is 99%, it's probably more like top 25% or maybe even top 33%. I wouldn't be surprised if there's less than 1,000 active PvP players on the NA server.
  7. I don't play it anymore, I'm playing League of Legends. I actually enjoy GW2 way more than League when I can get balanced games, but that's so rare in GW2 whereas in League every game is relatively balanced MMR wise.
  8. I was at least high plat in every single season I played and I also agree, duo Q should be removed.
  9. I was the one that made the other post which was unfortunately removed. Anyway, as one of the best players in every single season I play (although I haven't played in a long time because I hate duo queue), I agree, remove duo queue from the game. It doesn't work in a game where there is a low population and there is an exponential skill gap between the top players and the rest of the population. Edit: Just remove duo queue for plat players or top 100, the new players and casuals can keep duo queueing nobody cares.
  10. "Cringio" also has a tendency of having multiple alts in top 10, at least that's what he was doing last time I played. I remember this because I was number 11 on ladder at the end of a season one time when he had 3 alts in top 10, so in reality I should have been number 9 if Arenanet actually cared about the integrity of their game, but that's another discussion. Also, I believe he was on that mAT selling team with Nos and Toker, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
  11. Yes, wintrading and buying titles has been going on for so long and it's always the same players doing it. I remember back in 2017 Toker and Nos and friends literally sold a monthly AT and received a slap on the wrist. I had assembled a good team and we were hoping to go to semifinals at least but we got knocked off in first round by them because they were on random accounts that had never played PvP before so their MMR was trash.
  12. Hello all, Long time no see. OGs will remember me as the best warrior in NA back in 2017 and the #3 Thief NA in 2014. During season 9 I was rank 1 with a 40 game win streak on core warrior before Path of Fire ruined my class and I quit the game. Last year I briefly returned to the game and randomly picked up Harbringer (after nerf btw) and got back to #16 on leaderboard. Then I realized in order to push for top 10 I would have to sit afk waiting for people to duo queue with me because I couldn't push any farther when all the top 25 was duo queueing and I was playing solo most of the time (I did duo queue a few games I won't lie). Most of the top players refused to duo queue with me because they're pansies with a huge ego and they blocked me. Anyway, the point is that I quit the game because there's no solo queue. Recently I was bored after hitting Master in League of Legends and thought of returning to the game. Then I read through the forums and realized that duo queue is still in the game. So I'm not going to bother returning. There's no point. Remove duo queue from the game. Naruto and Cringejack already have ATs to stack 5 people versus gold players and crush them. SPvP should be for solo players. There was a season or two a while ago that was solo queue only and it was one of the best seasons. We had random prodigy players on the leaderboard that had never been there before because the top 10 was always gate kept by Cringio and his 3 alts. Then the "pro players" (KEKW) complained that they couldn't get top 10 duo queueing at 3 AM versus bots and it was reverted. So Arenanet prioritized a group of literally 5-10 players over their entire PvP playerbase who gets crushed by top players. Duo queue does not work in a game with such a low PvP population. Bring back solo queue only. It will make the leaderboard much more fair and it will also save the poor gold players who no longer have to face a duo queue and instead will have an even split of solo players of similar ranks. Until there is solo queue in this game I'm going to play BDO or WoW which have true solo queue arena.
  13. If they cared about PvP then there wouldn't be 5 of the same class as a winning comp in a monthly tournament. They don't care and/or they're grossly incompetent. Don't make excuses for people that aren't doing their job.
  14. In any other game catalyst would have been hotfixed within 2 weeks. I was excited to come back to the game after 2 years but the balance is as shameful as always so I think I'm heading back to WoW.
  15. I agree ranked should be SoloQ only. I got to rank 16 mostly solo queueing (around 1/3 of my games were duo but I hit rank 16 solo) but then I kinda just stopped playing because it wasn't realistic for me to get top 10 while solo, and I've already gotten top 25 before so I don't really care. We shouldn't have the game disincentivizing you from even playing if you don't have a duo online. Other competitive games such as League of Legends don't allow duo queuing at the highest ranks.
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