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Everything posted by dDuff.3860

  1. Personal wishlist: Reapproach ranger's elite pets for. I.e. core ranger can use only core pets, HoT ranger can use core+HoT, PoF core+pof. Or at least rebalance Antelope (getting head toss for 12k without cast/animation is somewhat \o/Condi thief — Deadly ambition can get a stack off shafted, lotus training might get reworked into landing only 2 conditions. Binding shadow should get a visual cue
  2. Hello everyone, yesterday mAT went smooth as well. Thx for that. I'd like to ask, if if the mAT will keep the 2 week cycle? I checked the dates, July, august, september missed, october going to be missed too, if it won't happen next saturday.So far we've played july+august. So if 2 week cycle is ongoing, It should be 2 weeks till september one (Nov 2), then 2 week till october one (Nov 16), then 2 weeks for november one (Nov 30).Can anyone correct me or state that I'm right, please?
  3. You telling me lolBut seriously condi as a whole in this game is a problem there is to much condition application and not enough removal in the game to manage it even with a team at times. even a game that seperates pvp and pve instances and applications of skills cant seem to fix it and thats also a problem. but over the years im pretty sure we can all agree anet only care about the pve since their pvp devs are really caring about pvp. Its been this way since launch this is the worse pvp game ive ever played in an mmo and i play SWTOR pvp and I even feel thats better managed and DCUO for gods sake is better managed pvp. There is plenty of condition removal in the game and especially Wvw, I can trait the Thief spell WITHDRAW to remove 8 conditions on a single use every 14.5 seconds . in PvP with no food or antitoxin runes you can still trait this to remove 6 condition on a single use. That is removal just from a heal. There are plenty of other sources in the thief kit to remove conditions. Other classes also have ample cleansing. Warrior as example has a wealth of sources of cleanses. These the classes I am most familiar playing so others can speak to the remaining professions. Added to that just as with any attack coming from a power based source , those condition applications can also be dodged , blocked or evaded. The more times you pull that off, the less cleanses you will need.you're pretending that this is 6 condi removal skill, where it is 4 specific condition cleanse, and 1-on-evade condition cleanse, which happen not every time you use.While this is truth that withdraw can cleanse 6 condis, it require specific circumstances and picks for such situation. It is lame, and equal to saying "perma dodge", "perma weakness", "perma crit", "perma super speed" while it is actually situational
  4. I mean you already sacrificing dagger storm slot for that skill...
  5. that were some lucky crits right there tbh idk, that dude kept ass-slapping everything in my matches with his macro.What was more interesting, out of 5 openings on him i had 0 backstab crits (with 83% crit chance). You can check the whole match vod to see, if u curious.
  6. better fight DE than this https://www.twitch.tv/dduff/clip/CrowdedMoistGrassWutFace?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time
  7. tbh @bluri.2653 during stream said exactly the same about buffing impact strike. Give resistance to third strike and make it unblockable.
  8. DE gives a chance to fight back unless it is a binding shadow DE P.S. make binding shadow telegraphed!!!
  9. Then stop sprouting unsupported nonsense. 'all the finishers' - you mean...what, all....oh wait, there's...warrior's banner? I think? Did they change anything else? And the WvW mount skill, I guess? 'relatively quick' - compared to what? A tempest's overload? What is Impact Strike quick in comparison to, I'm dying to know here. 'every finisher should take some time to execute' - well, yeah, having things instant would be OP. But it's not instant or even close to it, even with quickness. Right now avoiding Impact Strike is braindead. You can probably CC and then kill the thief in the time it takes for them to cast the last hit of the chain. A thief? With a 1+ sec cast time? No easy access to stab you say? Whoa. Where WvW mount is quite instant i'd say :D Value from Impact strike is big, but with considered risk and actual complexity of execution it really can be buffed in some way especially after improvisation not being able to recharge it anymore.
  10. Absolutely not! That would give you an almost instant unstoppable finisher. Its bad enough with haste When you actually use this skill in PvP there are numerous times, when you have to stow cast it, because target stunbroke, dodge, or you're blinded, Considering you had to hit first two chain-strikes, getting insta finisher would be neat. Or you can just ignore my ideas and put CD to 30 sec.
  11. Hello everyone.Since elite skills can't be recharged with the improvisation anymore, what about bringing some updates to the least used ones. If you look at the impact strike, it is clearly a PvP oriented skill, which is balanced around high risk/high reward ratio since it can insta-kill people. However, if you look at it and compare to other abilities it becomes a questionable value.First of all it is a 3 strike chain skill, which require you to hit every single step in order to get access to the next one.How about bringing some additional value to each chain-strike? For example,1st strike can be unblockable, its damage is quite low, and the daze there just to prevent enemy from reacting with the counter-pressure.2nd strike can boon thief with quickness on successful hit, since it is a knockdown, and its range is melee3rd strike can transfer a condition(s)/remove boons on hit. Think of you already stomping a downed enemy, a single shared aegis or blind will nulify all the combo you were performing which meant to be high risk/high reward.OR damage on 3rd part can be reconsidered a bit, or even reworked into, for example, insta-kill ppl which less than 10-15% hp, because as said above, it is a melee skill as a last part of combo, which already incredibly hard to land on moving targets. I like impact strike and would love to use it, if thief had a single competitive choice but dagger storm
  12. Please make backstab hit even if target jumps.
  13. Infiltrator's arrow as F3 would buff deadeye so hard, you don't want to see it.
  14. That was incredibly helpful. All you're saying is "don't touch my cheese. Go eat your veggies first and get stronger." If you're curious, i've never touched condi s/d daredevil myself, and not even defending it, every time I stream, I say how bad this build is, and how it is easy to kill those, who play it, proofing it by evidence.
  15. Spammable = 5 initiative, + huge aftercasts where you nor evading, nor hard CCing.5 initiative = 1/3 of shared cooldown ability pool. WOOOO SPAMMABLE!
  16. Instead of addressing the actual issue, which is condi application rate for condition daredevil, you try to address sword2 which is vital for both power/condi builds, and one of the few defensive abilities thief exploit.Adjust deadly ambition and if needed adjust scaling with condi damage on panic strike. Thats it. Sword 2 been a reason for complaints since game launch, it was a pseudo stunbreak, as well as generally better skill.Condi s/d daredevil is a casual friendly build for newbs that don't want to put much effort into gameplay, It is handicapped in performance and weak to competent players.As I said, if you struggle against it, it is pretty much l2p. Unfun to play against — may be, overpowered — may be, overperforming — doubt so.
  17. If you have troubles fighting condi thieves and winning games, this is completely l2p issue.It can be brought down, but not for much just to make up for tears.
  18. Thief is my main and i never lose to that, but when I do, i know i kitten stuff up
  19. Address the following questions too: What about the monthly automated tournament?What about balance patchesHow much of progress been made on swiss? Soon?PvP crashes after the patch, fix when?
  20. Tbh, CS>DA until first improvisation proc. What i'm trying to say, if you want to get something different from CS and not just gimp urself for no reason by picking CS, you should take heal for crit trait to alter your gameplay. Practised tolerance is much better than ankle shots, just because S/p has no on demand cripple, means you won't benefit from this trait that often.As for the adept tier, considering you took heal for crit trait, twin fangs are better, since you're not getting a lot of fury procs.
  21. The match is at 00:25 here and next matches too. Inbetween matches i keep dueling ppl in FFA, so you might want to watch those aswell for gameplay against certain classes.https://www.twitch.tv/videos/471663096 The build is here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAwiRlNwkYXsNGJOMXnvSA-z5IWKZGBRHCdXA5nAqMA In general deadeye is good and quite easy with sword mainhand, you make use of quickness on bursts and then sustain while waiting for cooldowns. There are variations for different builds/gameplay
  22. Adjust deadly ambush to provide 1 stack of poison every 7 sec (2 stacks with potent poison traited) and the problem is solved.
  23. Just make an avoidable player a 2 spot gem-store available thing.That way trolls will get their place in abandonment, good players will get their matches more clean, Anet get their gems sold. win-win-win.
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