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Everything posted by dDuff.3860

  1. you have to aim in a FPS game, not in gw2. and fps games dont have stealth not sure if you re trolling Sombra in OW does,Also, If you sit in the highround position with a sniper rifle it is literally stealth. You have to set up your burst in gw2, to get 100-0 at least on builds that can do so from stealth.
  2. Compare this to any fps game, where you get oneshotted by a headshot, from say sniper rifle? same 1 hit KO from sort of "stealth"Compare this to other MMO, where one magic crit wooshes you If you're too slow and/or too unaware about circumstances you're in, and your build has no defense while wearing no defense stat amulet (vitality/toughness), you're going to be punished.
  3. Kite with rifle, play with melee set is the best advice i can give,When they catch you, do smoke wall +rifle 4 jump to get more distance+stealthand rotate o/
  4. Am I allowed to change amulet/rune/sigils and weaponsets?
  5. not it post match, during match, so lets say, you're leaving teamfight, and decapping a far point, if you see your team getting a kill you might consider just decapping instead of full capping point, but if you see the target being ressed, you would take other decision.
  6. Pretty much topic^Sometimes you want to get this information to make a rotational decision whilst far from the on-going fight. Considering reviving skills/traits getting reworked it might be a needed QoL update.
  7. I like the part about promoting in-game pvp events with in-game announcements, but it also should be done via official channels, twitter, start game client window, even official twitch channel can host the caster for a duration. There are other good ideas, but we have to start with the small things, 2v2 offseason along with some pvp marketing can make a good start.
  8. Your poll doesn't provide the correct answer: ignore immob during elixir S, but don't remove that.
  9. because snowflakes immune to condis, but burning.
  10. What supposed to be a fix, became a buff. Stylish. I want to make sure that you know that deadly ambition trait became broken after the patch, it doubles the instances of poison proc 2(4) instead of 1(2) on hithttps://clips.twitch.tv/RamshackleInspiringCheeseShadyLulu
  11. What? So anything but prepardness is a buff to trickery? Um I dont follow that logic at all. If they put some ok buffing trait in its place it be a nerf compared to losing 3 ini if were talking specifically trickery line So, when you make something baseline it becomes available to any build despite traitlines taken. This is what ppl say about making preparedness (15 initiative pool) baseline. If and when this happens, preparedness is gone, and the trait space is open for anything. If you put there anything, even the least possible value, it will still be a buff to trickery, because it'll remain bonus from 15 initiative baseline and will have another added value from "new trait"
  12. Ok guys, listen:If you make preparedness baseline, it'll automatically buff trickery more, because you'll have to put something in its place, and unless it'll be sort of debuff, it'll be a buff to trickery. The idea here, is to rebalance weapon skills based on 15 baseline ini pool, adding 1 ini cost to abilities that currently cost 3,4,5 initiatve. So minor trait will reduce each ability ini cost by 1.That way we have 15 base ini pool shared to any thief build without buffing current trickery very hard. Personally, I don't find this idea perfect, but buffing trickery which is obligatory — even worse.
  13. Obviously I know long reach hasn't been implemented I literally just suggested it - Is that seriously your comeback here? Or are you trying to sound witty? It's hard to tell through your broken English. Core DP is unseen because it is bad and taking long reach wouldn't change that, and even if it did what's wrong with a new thief build being viable? You argue from this biased perspective on thief that you have from playing a painfully average deadeye. To tell me that I have lack of understanding when you've been proven wrong in every comment you've posted so far makes you look seriously deluded bud. Sure winning monthlies doesn't mean I'm automatically right, but it does mean that I'm not a "casual" as you called me - and I probably know a little bit more than you. my average is over your top any day with closed eyes :)
  14. Mate, your logic is insane ^^ perhaps, winning monthlies dealt damage to your ego, hefty psycho stuff :)We're speaking of suggested change — adding longreach trait, which you suggested — then you say
  15. if you make preparedness baseline, you're buffing trickery, which is already mandatory for any thief pvp build (because you have to put something else instead of this minor trait)
  16. I'd like to advocate for changes: While I feel like 4 -> 6 might be overkill, but at least there's reasoning, I'd like to thank for bravery for doing this because staff/staff is super unfun to play against, neither takes skill to perform well. Fixing jump, imo wasn't that neccessary, considering there are other things that work like jump+staff 3. And at this point we can open pandora box (fix, please, backstab not hitting jumping target)4->5 would require a bit more in-depth analysis, like adjusting RFI, quick pockets and escapist's absolution. Where last isn't only staff tool, but also a tool for already "not that OP" d/p dash. By any chance, we're getting these fixes before Saturday's mAT?
  17. Staff 3 is an instacast with an innate evade of 0.5 sec, where 0,5 sec is the aftercast of ability. Where is the "vuln" window? If you chain staff 3, you can chain up to 2 sec complete evasion, combine that with dodges, staff mastery, quick pockets and energy sigils, and you have around 6,5 sec of evasion every 10 seconds (yes, 65%-70% uptime).Adding a cast time to the ability that cleanses immobilize is weird, I agree, but without it we have what it is.As I said, cheapest way (what i actually expect), make staff 3 cost 5 initiative (or even 6 LUL), which will drastically affect those, who just spam it.
  18. Deadeye discrimination?So you want core thief to be able to have 1800 range steal, right? LULAlso, even lesser haste is bad, there's master tier trait in trickery that procs 2 stacks of torment on interrupt. Even on condi builds this trait is trash and never worth taking. how about we switch this for something useful? considering it competes with "musthave" bountiful theft?After all, bad suggestion still, because core thief doesn't need its steal range improved, and swipe shouldn't be 600 in the first place.900 range is a solid trade for relative value that unblockable brings. As for the rest:Staff/staff has a redundant amount of evades, but in fact fixing 3+jump animation won't change that, adding precasts and aftercasts is the way (same as vault 5), or there's a cheap way — increase #3 ini cost. After deadly ambition change, removing cripple from lotus dodge will make condi daredevil gameplay harder, without reducing its max potential (also will interact with spider venom application).
  19. There's your problem. yeah, you should not kill the pet and that's what started the discussion here, you can't fight back and the pet will kill you. The only pet that hits remotely hard is Gazelle and it's attacks are telegraphed. If you're dying to an AI that just runs at you auto attacking, you need to get better at the game.It's attacks aren't telegraphed, pls, don't say this, smokescale knockdown is telegraphed, gazelle just strikes you (me) for 8-12k all of a sudden.
  20. "Ewww, dont nerf ma dedly ambishn, it makes my off-meta build viable" kids. Ofc it is a deadly ambition that is a part of the problem. Free poison resource-free application. The deadly ambition with 2 stacks of poison on its own shouldn't have been added to the game in the first place. Now you complain about fixing stuff that is obviously overtuned. Ppl rarely complained about condi thief before that trait was added, and panic strike was a reasonable thing because guess what, you have to spend resources to proc it, be it stealth attack or initiative. Now passive damage application gets reduced, you aren't awarded by poison for free, just for staying in combat. Well, you're, but the reward is twice lesser.If you like playing condi thief (yikes), despite the build you still save passive poison application, it isn't that braindead to apply poison anymore and you gotta watch those condi clears. Step up guys.
  21. It is a picture from the old revenge of the Capricorn map, with the ship and underwater combat. There was no holo then.
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