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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Ziggyoom.9124 said:new player to wvw and having a hard time and would love some advice.which profession and build is the best in terms of new player friendly for wvw , i want to be able to kill some one once in a blue moon at least

    thank you for your time :)

    For a wvw beginner id recommend finding a zerg, getting into comms with them and ask for a proper zerging specc (guards, scourge, rev and spellbreaker are always welcomed)

  2. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Because thief has to hold back oh so much to back out of a fight, okey, goodbye.

    that sobx guy is a major troll in this forum... just ignore whatever he is on about atm and read more constructive and serious posts of other users. From his perspective thief always loses against any kind of warrior and warrior is generally so op that it should be instantly deleted from the game :D

    Seriously? Their may have been other instances but in this case it seems hes trying to be neutral and red shark is the obvious one trolling as if thieves are unbeatable when playing warrior which is complete fallacy as I've downed either using either class. I'd say when comes to warrior and thief sparing off it's the player making the difference not class.

    So stating my opinion, that a good thief will never be downed by a warrior, is obvious trolling? Wow dude, you sure thats how you want to treat ppl that arent agreing with you?But yet u state that the other poster is obviosly trolling and reference him as saying the same thing but opposite of what u said as a example of his trolling?

    Ferus said that sobx is a major troll... Not me, i just dont agree with his arguments

  3. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Because thief has to hold back oh so much to back out of a fight, okey, goodbye.

    that sobx guy is a major troll in this forum... just ignore whatever he is on about atm and read more constructive and serious posts of other users. From his perspective thief always loses against any kind of warrior and warrior is generally so op that it should be instantly deleted from the game :D

    Seriously? Their may have been other instances but in this case it seems hes trying to be neutral and red shark is the obvious one trolling as if thieves are unbeatable when playing warrior which is complete fallacy as I've downed either using either class. I'd say when comes to warrior and thief sparing off it's the player making the difference not class.

    So stating my opinion, that a good thief will never be downed by a warrior, is obvious trolling? Wow dude, you sure thats how you want to treat ppl that arent agreing with you?

  4. @L A T I O N.8923 said:

    @Justine.6351 said:Thinking,


    I encourage any person out there who zergs to make one a lamer spec to get back to the zerg if someone is harassing them and then once there they can swap back to zerg spec.

    So if you are still playing lolHammer Rev as renegade you can make one slot a carry me mara dura s/s 1v1 herald build for traveling to your zerg.

    Is there hot keys to load a full build set?

    You can bind hotkeys to specific traittemplates and also to gear templates

    I have them bound to my numpad, gear template 1 on numpad1 and the fitting traits on numpad4, next build on 2 and 5 etc.

    Im using a zerg specc and 2 different roaming speccs. Its quite nice to go so fluently from roaming into zerg mode and vice versa.

    Especially when i roam, i often pass by ppl defending a tower or keep, were my roaming specc is completely different and not rly helpful i can now press 2 buttons and jump straight into the fight and help my group out.

    Thanks for pointing out why its cancer

    You might want to elaborate on why this is cancer? It helps ppl to get more action out of the gamemode, i dont see anything wrong with that. Being able to adapt to zerging while roaming and vice versa allows me to participate in more fights and lets me be relevant.

  5. Yea, but with for great justice instead of endure pain, or if you want, instead of bullscharge, with 5 ppl around for great justice paired with mending might and vigorous shouts/phalanx strength heal for about 6k per use.In pvp some ppl playTactics, strength, and discipline(might makes right [strength grandmaster trait] adds even more healing to the following things im about to say)

    Mending might heals you for 73 in this build, per might stack given to yourself and allies. For great justice gives 12 stacks to yourself and everyone around you, thats 125=606073=4380Adding the heal from vigorous shouts adds another 1.5k heal so 5880heal with one use of it, and bossting your allies dmg.

    With phalanx strength you give the might you apply to yourself to allies, so fgj gives 12 to everyone AND the 12 you gained AGAIN to your allies, so additional 412=48Stacks, thats 10873=7884 healing and 24 stacks of might on 4 of your allies and 12 stacks might on yourself.

    And every other might you gain (weaponswap, sigil of battle etc) is also applied to allies, healing you in return.

    The phalanx strength sustain tactic only works with allies around, so with 4 ppl in range you get the most out of it, and with fewer ppl less, so with less ppl around vigorous shouts is better

  6. @Taygus.4571 said:

    @"Skotlex.7580" said:Hmm... I read in another forum that changing templates is disabled outside the wvw keep, thus effectively preventing the concerns of OP.

    Now, if that information is false, I think it will then be a necessary feature to add.

    Last night you could change builds whenever wherever, so long as you were ooc.

    Hopefully this is a bug .

    Honestly, if we have that feature, then we should be able to use it whenever, being able to only switch in your territory gives defenders even more advantages than they already have.

    You can and could change stats etc manually whenever you wanted before templates, why change that now?

    Yeah but you can't change stats manually, instantly. Tho manual changing would still be possible, but changing between build tabs should not be.

    I think switching templates should only be in home base, where you're invincible.

    Anything else is p2w

    But why? It allows for so much more action, if im running around solo im on a build thats rly bad in big group fights, with template i can just swap my build to a fitting one and jump right into the battle and help my team win when i see them defending a tower or keep, instead of having to walk back, change it and tgen walk again, or when i try to change it manually the fight might be already lost, or the whole objective already been taken.

    So i either just watch with my roaming specc, try to swap my whole build around (its completely different, weapons, trinkets, armor, rune, traits, weapon/armor stats) and its more likely that the fight is over until im done, or i can just walk away without swapping my build, because i know i wont be able to swap in time andnwont be much of a help with my roaming specc. OR i use templates and get to jump in and have fun and be useful. To then swap back when the fight is over.

    It also gives all those zergling player the chance to defend against those evil bad gankers (they they are crying about for yeeeears)

    Now zerg ppl can just swap to a dueling spec when seeing an evil roamer appear on the horizon as they try to ride to their zerg, they dont manage to dodge the dismount (lag obviously) lance, the despicable roamer laughs to himself, thinking he caught himself an easy lootbag from a defenseless zergling, but the zergling doesnt panic, he turns around, smile on his face, he saw the big bad wolf approaching, he pressed 2 buttons to change his build before the lance landed and turns the tide around, the evil wolf is now getting pummeled by the superior player, because all this time he was just farming innocent zerglings with his broken cheese build, because it was only designed to counter the group oriented builds of the zerg player.

    Gloriously he stands above the corpse of the roamer, proclaiming "The hunter... Has become the hunted!" as he jumps on the corpse, opens his inventory pulls up a blueprint and throws it on the body. Mounts up, swaps back to his groupspecc and joins his zerg, telling the tale of how he has slain the big bad roamer.

  7. @crepuscular.9047 said:I agree with the PvP part with the OP, yes, the devs should not have touched PvP, maybe even WvW, but i cant speak for the WvW community since i'm just casually doing WvW, my WvW toon does spend time in PvE, so it is a hassle having to manually toggle from my PvE build into WvW build

    the build template should only be implemented for PvE for now

    I mainly wvw, and i love it, i can switch between zerging and roaming with 2 buttons on my keyboard in 0.5seconds,with completely Different weapons, stats, runes and sigils, dont you dare take it away now.

    As for pvp, i already always used a character that is always standing around in the mists, so i never had to bother swapoing weapons around etc.

    I dont understand why so many ppl are complaining about how they now have to change so much in their build, when they previously never had to change alot, except maybe a weapon or a single trait. Whats the difference now? You can still just swap those weapons etc with the same speed and for traits, if you only use 3 different builds for each gamemode 1, make a template for each mode and bind a key to it (on your numpad for example) and press one single button as you enter that mode, takes 1seconds to push that button, soooo inconvenient, but for ppl like me who play different builds with different stats etc its a huuuge and good change.

  8. @"Timelord.8190" said:When you share a build you only share your traits, I thought it was going to be the entire build with stats sigils runes and weapon type. The storage should be just normal item slots, not a copy of your character build screen. The builds should be able to contain all the information about the build and be able to pull required items from the gear storage. The name you named your build should also follow when you share it.

    The system that we got is very illogical. You can only save 6 variants of gear combinations. Instead of having one upgradable storage area for all the gear and it pulls it out depending on an entire build template.

    Also when you switch between builds it should show your name of it, instead of "Activating Template".

    Yea, im disappointed about not being able to share gear.

    Also, i agree it would be neat to just fill up a sort of bank thing with every possible sigil, rune weapon etc, were you just equip a build and it takes all the needed things and equips them.

  9. @Taygus.4571 said:

    @Skotlex.7580 said:Hmm... I read in another forum that changing templates is disabled outside the wvw keep, thus effectively preventing the concerns of OP.

    Now, if that information is false, I think it will then be a necessary feature to add.

    Last night you could change builds whenever wherever, so long as you were ooc.

    Hopefully this is a bug .

    Honestly, if we have that feature, then we should be able to use it whenever, being able to only switch in your territory gives defenders even more advantages than they already have.

    You can and could change stats etc manually whenever you wanted before templates, why change that now?

  10. @Sovereign.1093 said:

    @Sovereign.1093 said:wish the equipment and build templates were accountbound. >3<

    Id probably even buy some more slots if it wasnt just characterbound.I understand they need to make money... But this is just too cheesy.

    it's like the extra slots of bag slots and the character stuff. it's a nice addition since i carry a lot of stuff in my inventory, and i didn't really need this. but, it sucks that something good comes in - character bound not account bound.

    Yea... I already hated that about the bag slots, bought it maybe twice... Dont even know why.But the build templates feel so much better than just bags, also the fact that you lose such an expensive upgrade when deleting a character, yikes (i personally never delete characters, but i know ppl who do)

  11. How this is allowed to exist? Im asking myself and friends etc for years, nobody has an answer,but if you ask a thief player in the forums, most say that thief cant do stuff like that, because if he has stuff rdy to run away, he wont be using it to kill the warrior and thus cant kill him....

    Which from all my years of experience is not true, but oh well, what do i know.

    There is so sure way to kill a thief, but you need lots of burst dmg, and hope that he makes a mistake. I give them that, if they do make mistakes they can die fairly quick, but you rly need to burst them hard.

    Try to time your cc in a way that it will land when his dodge ends, hes kinda stuck in that animation.Keep an eye on your debuff bar for blind and weakness, if you go for a cc and he blinds you, you can assume he isnt going to dodge it, so if you remove the blind shortly before your cc land while already in the animation (with shake it off or berserker stance for example)Weakness rly is a pain aswell and if you cant clear it, try to safe your dmg when its gone.A big deal is that if your start a charging skill Like gs5 or bullscharge before a thief stealths, your skill will track the thief even after he entered stealth, and many dont anticipate it. So if he puts down a smoke and you bullschargehim while hes using a leapfinisher (dagger2 for example) you will still knock him down when he doesnt dodge it in stealth, if you hit you will get adrenalin and then you can unload some dmg at that spot, i like to use hundred blades and after 2 or 3 hits just f1 with gs, if he ate the bullscharge and the hits from hundred blades he should be below 50% for the big f1 crits.

    Tgief is one of the most frustrating classes to play against, and if he is good on it you wont ever be able to kill him, they can always just reset the fight and run or try again, until make a mistake or all your defenses are on cd, and then they chase you down and throw siege on you :) or whisper you and flame you for trying to run away, when you were about to die.

  12. Id take bullscharge over berserkerstanceAnd sigil of cleansing on the sword or shield, energy sigil aswell.If you run in smaller groups you could run tactic instead of spellbreaker or defense, mending might with vigorous shouts or phalanx strength paired with for great justice and other might generating stuff is great sustain.

    Edit.I often run solo core warrior with strength, defense, and discipline.Sword shield, greatsword, just like you.With full zerker gear and strength rune.Core works better with adrenal health, and might makes right in the strength line gives good sustain and more dodges, to prevent dmg.

  13. @Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

    @Blockhead Magee.3092 said:I want nothing to do with this new template fiasco. Just let things operate as they are (and I don't mean ARC, I just mean in game). To those who find these useful, that's great - just leave me out of it.

    Considering you were not using ARC, I don't see how the free part of templates is in any way a downgrade for you. Care to explain in what way it's a "fiasco"?

    Step one, go to WvW, build no longer loaded. Now have to track it down and load. Sure, its minor, but I would have been fine having a 'turn this stuff off' option so I could just manage my equipment and builds the way I have since release.

    You do realize you can even keybind templates? Its 2 button presses to change gear and traits, and you can do it on the fly, if you care so much about wvw you should have atleast 2 different builds you use in wvw. You can now switch between them in 0.5 seconds.

    If you dont have 2 for a gamemode like wvw, well... Then, in my eyes, you arent even a real wvw player, and have no reason to complain at all.

  14. @Justine.6351 said:Thinking,


    I encourage any person out there who zergs to make one a lamer spec to get back to the zerg if someone is harassing them and then once there they can swap back to zerg spec.

    So if you are still playing lolHammer Rev as renegade you can make one slot a carry me mara dura s/s 1v1 herald build for traveling to your zerg.

    Is there hot keys to load a full build set?

    You can bind hotkeys to specific traittemplates and also to gear templates

    I have them bound to my numpad, gear template 1 on numpad1 and the fitting traits on numpad4, next build on 2 and 5 etc.

    Im using a zerg specc and 2 different roaming speccs. Its quite nice to go so fluently from roaming into zerg mode and vice versa.

    Especially when i roam, i often pass by ppl defending a tower or keep, were my roaming specc is completely different and not rly helpful i can now press 2 buttons and jump straight into the fight and help my group out.

  15. Just updating my build as ive played around with it now after the big tactics and warhorn changes


    Its rly fun, does its job well and survives without any problems inside the enemy zerg to place the bubble (for great justice heals for about 8k, which can be used twice in 4 seconds)

    Clerics, because of raw healingpower, power stats because me smash, and power being converted into healing power and toughness to not explode on enemy contact.

    Im using sigil of bloodlust and dmg food, but you might aswell use sigil of life and the new healing food for even more healingpower, thats just preference, im switching around on how i feel that day :p

    Ive had fights were i had around 300 condis cleared and more boons ripped than any scourge i checked (using arc dps stats)

    Hammer still hits well enough to not just feel like you do 0 dmg.

    Ill say this again, id recommend it in public zergs, not optimal for small groups or guilds, because of different reasons.

    In a big public group there is more than enough dmg around to kill your enemies, its more efficient to cc, boonrip and keeping your squad alive than dishing out "3pic" dmg, which other classes can do better and safer anyways(you cant even do dmg while casting bubble, but you can use shouts ;)

  16. @Zephyra.4709 said:Found the leaked patch notes!

    WvW Patch Notes

    • Fixed a server crash.
    • To address server stability & lag all weapons have been removed from the game, instead we've given all players sticks. Sticks have three weapon attacks. The first attack is called Prod. The second attack is called Twig Slap which has a 69% chance to break the stick but in doing so stuns your opponent for 420 seconds. The third attack is called Two-Tonne-Troll-Twig which can be thrown at friendly players; has a range of 1,500 and hits up to 50 targets, cast time of 0.05 seconds and an ICD of 1 second. Interrupts whatever the friendly player is doing.
    • Re-added deployable cannons. You can now throw a deployable cannon (max of 2) onto a siege golem's arm (1 cannon per arm) to create an Omegalul Siege Golem. This activates an additional skill slot on the bar that automatically fires each cannon for over 9000 damage per hit every 0.25 seconds.
    • Build templates are available in WvW. You may unlock the use of build templates if you are rank 9999 or higher.
    • Warclaw can now fly. Unlocking this feature will cost 1 World Ability Point.
    • Removed all linked servers and added them to Blackgate.
    • Due to your feedback regarding Desert Borderlands, Alpine Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds we have replaced these maps with Edge of the Mists.
    • We believe arrow cart damage has been lacking, so we have buffed all arrow cart damage by 1337%. You can now mount one arrow cart on Warclaw while flying at the cost of 1 World Ability Point.
    • Gift of Battle removed from WvW reward track. This item now only drops from defeated players. To make this fair for all players, the drop rate has been adjusted to be on par with that of a Festive Confetti Infusion.
    • Removed all nodes inside objectives. A legendary node has been placed in the middle of the map. Harvesting the node has a cast time of 666 seconds which can be interrupted by any player by attacking with sticks. Successfully harvesting the node causes a temporary buff, which lasts until next reset, of 0.0001% less server lag for your side. Go. :trollface:

    Like those flying mount ac's, can we get cannons on them next?

    Also, do EU servers get the BG link too?

  17. Im lookingnforward to build templates, i play a completely different build when running around solo tgan when i run in a zerg. Often times when i roam around solo i pass by an objective thats being attacked by a zerg with our own ppl inside, id love to jump into the enemy and help, but my roaming build is just not as efficient as my zergbuild at that.

    It takes ages to swap from one to another, so letting me swap quicker will mean less time spending in menues swapping around stats n stuff and more time having fun in combar action. I dont see a problem with that.

    @Noobondrugs.8320 said:with all this said..

    Arcdps build templates of what i've heard is now bannable to use since it was removed on purpose for the reason of gw2 releasing their own build templates.

    it states that build templates would be able to use inside your keep but i personally think it should be disabled completly in any form of pvp / wvw content, in this case wvw. Because it is going to rip off all the low mobility builds while boosting the high mobility builds.

    Example 1 :a thief runs out to fight with some kite kinda build, he waste the cooldown of his enemies by kiting with his build, he then runs back into keep, swap build template to a oneshot build and go out again and oneshot the guy he was fighting without any problems as he already wasted the enemies cooldown on the first build template.

    Example 2 :A Guardian does exactly as in example 1, the time it would take a guardian since they have low mobility compared to example a thief is massive. Any kinds of low mobility builds simply wouldnt make it back in the first place and even if so the enemy they wanted to change build template against is long gone after they return simply because of low mobility.

    So the main issue in my eyes is that this will totally destroy some builds / classes that has low mobility compared to those who has high mobility as the low mobility builds will be forced to play with the same build template while the high mobility builds easily will be able to swap between 3 builds jumping in and out in no time compared to a low mobility build..

    Some classes in general no matter their build always remain high mobility while in the other way around some classes no matter their build always remain as low mobility.

    i am not looking forward to this nor am i a fan of all this kinda features, i personally think it should remain like it is and the build template thing should only be a pve feature. hopefully with time proven how ridicilous this gonna be it will be permanent disabled like it will be in pvp .

    Why would anyone be sticking around until that lone other guys walks out of his keep again? Just walk away, until He catches back up your own cds will be back up.

  18. I wish warrior epecs would feel as different as necro especs, i dont see a problem with ppl liking one of them more than the other.

    Warrior specs all feel almost the same, some more efficient than others.

    @SunCat.7839 said:I think someone really got bored and wanted attention... It was never a rivalry between necro's elites, especially present days when devs killed Scourge as class completely … just saying... but I am not that skilled to write a hole page for my idea :dizzy:

    I still see plenty of scourges in wvw... Its still one of THE meta picks.Killed lol, ppl tend to overreact way too much in this game.

  19. @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:As stated above, everything auto upgrades now, in the past to get T3 took work, as the population was MUCH higher for roamers, which are very rare these days. Not only did upgrades require someone to be there to upgrade it, but it consumed all of the supply AND cost gold. And at the start of the game, there was also no T3 camps, they maxed at T2 with additional guards and level 82 NPCs. And no speed buffs to yaks, so it took longer, also, say it's a well trafficed camp, back then, it could be impossible to upgrade because people would keep taking supply, resulting in not enough supply being in the depot to start the upgrade.

    People forget how easy, I mean super easy it is to upgrade anything today vs back then. It's all passive now and depends on yaks, it's also part of why it's AC heaven today, as you had to make a choice back then, upgrade keep, or build siege, do you paper WP the keep, or add structure reinforcements? People would often run supply from garri or the like to the other keeps to build siege, however with all of the passives and watch tower etc, scouts almost don't exist anymore, no less people willing to run back and forth to garri/camp 300 times to build siege, all the while yelling at the rando running through picking up supply delaying your upgrade by yet another yak.

    Also, being that you are on the map looking at T3 camps, why are you not taking them? Is this another case of "this is a problem!!.....For someone else to fix"?

    This.Also i miss the beef in chat between ppl trying to upgrade stuff and ppl taking supplies to build siege. Good times.

    Also, watchtower everywhere, groups of ppl running around, and warclaw being so fast to defend.I mostly roam solo and often times you just cant flip a camp Alone without 2+ppl shwoing up, and even if you fight outnumbered and kill one, he will just respawn and with the warclaws help be back before you stomped the other guy, getting you stuck in an endless loop of killing them, running out of cooldowns, or until more ppl show up to kill you, even better, chase you across half the map, because they get ooc mount up, while others with more mobility keep you in fight.

  20. @phokus.8934 said:

    @phokus.8934 said:This won’t help anyone except those who watch the UI.

    How often does someone use a CC skill on an enemy with stacks of stability? And you think they’re going to pay attention to an endurance bar?

    ... And your point is? Ppl who dont even try to look at the buffs of their enemy are mostly low tier anyways and dont deserve to be higher up.

    Its part of "having skill" to keep an eye on that and dont smash your cc into stab.

    I dont see how it would lower skill to implement stuff like that. There are even ways to capitalize on the fact that your enemies sees it. You can bait them into overcommiting because your dodge bar is empty, and then you refill it with energy or other ways that are in the game and have your enemy open for a counterattack.I thought my point was extremely clear but to clarify. The divide between good players to average/bad players will widen. With the low population (based on matchmaking), the TTK cab in theory be much lower - like you said, bait dodges. But your average/bad players random dodge or don’t dodge at all.

    Personally I’d start elsewhere in cleaning up the UI and how buffs/condis are displayed.

    A new player who wants to get better and learn will relatively quickly figure out to look at the enemies buffs, and with that on the stamina bar aswell, its faster to learn looking at that stamina bar, than learning the dodge frequenzy of every class and specc from playing it, or against it.

    Someone who doesnt want to look at buffs etc is just lazy and deserves to be lowtier and waste his dodges etc.

  21. @"phokus.8934" said:This won’t help anyone except those who watch the UI.

    How often does someone use a CC skill on an enemy with stacks of stability? And you think they’re going to pay attention to an endurance bar?

    ... And your point is? Ppl who dont even try to look at the buffs of their enemy are mostly low tier anyways and dont deserve to be higher up.

    Its part of "having skill" to keep an eye on that and dont smash your cc into stab.

    I dont see how it would lower skill to implement stuff like that. There are even ways to capitalize on the fact that your enemies sees it. You can bait them into overcommiting because your dodge bar is empty, and then you refill it with energy or other ways that are in the game and have your enemy open for a counterattack.

  22. @lare.5129 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:philosophy is a main, I am sure as pvp expert wiht 200+ pvp rankAnd I don't see any unfair and unfun to fight in guild arena. Both have same pve traits.

    This i my last reply.getting hit by daggerstorm with ~4k per dagger while the thief is dodging is no fun (in pvp it does like 2k).Getting hit by fc for 6k+ instead of 2k is no fun.Getting hit by retaliation for pretty much double the dmg is no fun.Having confusion tick while not even using skills is no fun.Getting hit for 4k by pulminory impact every single time i get interupted is no fun (dagger pistol thief 444444)This list goes on and on.

    Idc what rank you are in any game buddy, i personally have 0 fun in the guild arena, i know other ppl who feel the same way about it, and im sure there are a LOT more ppl who dont like to play pvp in a pve balanced arena.

    If you dont understand this in the slightest i feel sorry for you. Bye.

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