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Posts posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:EoD should have it's own special attraction. HoT has gliding and mushroom jumping and PoF has Mounts. Let EoD have Player Housing, an Antiques System like ESO, or new Role-playing elements where personality and dialogue matters.Never been interested in player housing. I'd rather be out in the world doing stuff. Also, would prefer GW2 to not adopt things from other games.

    I would like to see a solo or multi-player feature where you pick a team of 5 or 6 characters (Alts and/or other players) and complete short stories and combat trails almost like Dragon Age Inquisition. This would be cool if you're playing solo, you could see how the AI handles your alts. I would love to see something where personality finally matters in this game and has some benefits in unlocking stories.Again, I'd prefer GW2 to not adopt things from other games. If WoW, ESO, DA have certain things that players enjoy, then they should play those games and not try to make GW2 do everything that all of the other games do.

    Just my preference.

    I wouldn't suggest GW2 do a copy n paste of other games. Those are good game elements and GW2 can put their spin on it like they've been doing. It really what's missing from this game. Their needs to be a deeper level of role playing aside from cosmetics. I want to feel how my characters interact in the world aside from combat. Heck that might be a reason for the combat.

  2. EoD should have it's own special attraction. HoT has gliding and mushroom jumping and PoF has Mounts. Let EoD have Player Housing, an Antiques System like ESO, or new Role-playing elements where personality and dialogue matters.

    I would like to see a solo or multi-player feature where you pick a team of 5 or 6 characters (Alts and/or other players) and complete short stories and combat trails almost like Dragon Age Inquisition. This would be cool if you're playing solo, you could see how the AI handles your alts. I would love to see something where personality finally matters in this game and has some benefits in unlocking stories.

  3. Right now, every class does not fill a role. I haven't seen s healing Warrior or Thief build yet. I think ANet was on to something for trying to avoid the Holy Trinity. In fact the initial GW wasn't a Holy Trinity system either. Necros and Mesmers always brought their own flavor of support to the game, by turning boons into conditions and making attacks self inflicting.

  4. @Ryo.5824 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I say give each elite an extra weapon.

    Interesting thought, although I don't think they are gonna change the first two expansions. I like the ideas below tho. Maybe two weapons instead of one for EoD xD

    @The Greyhawk.9107 said:Dunno, even Kalla had been mentioned previously in Charr lore document, the books, as well as in game. But a completely new and unheard-of Legend? I don't think even Anet would do that.

    they can always give out a completely new storyline that may even travel to another dimension xD

    They don't have to change the expansions, they can just add too them. ?

  5. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @draxynnic.3719 said:I've seen it. I've also seen some very detailed analyses of it.

    One large shield is good. Two large shields tend to get in the way of attacking with either, and give you a large blind zone around you that makes it hard to defend yourself. Like I said, a lot of people who haven't trained in fighting with a large shield underestimate how much of a blind spot it can create, especially if you raise it to defend your head. With sword and shield, you can adopt a stance where the sword defends your head until you use it to strike. With two shields, you can't effectively adopt that stance (it relies on using the length of the blade to protect your head when your hand is above and behind your head).

    With equal skill, I wouldn't bet on someone with two shields against someone with sword and shield. I don't think I'd even bet on someone with two shields against someone with a sword alone. It might be a long fight, but the sword offers longer reach, greater agility, and a more potentially damaging attack - sooner or later the guy with a sword will find an opening or a blind spot to get a thrust in.

    Sure, if you've got one guy who's trained for twenty years with dual shields and another guy who's just picked up a sword for the first time, the guy with two shields could win. But like a lot of exotic weapon combinations, it's one of those situations where the guy who spends the same amount of time training with a conventional set of weapons is still going to be ahead.

    You keep saying "Large Shield" No one is suggesting a "Large Shield". I just said "Shield". Plus the game doesn't even have a shield size option like it does for Bow and Swords, so I don't know what you're referring to. Plus, when ANet introduces a new weapon to a profession, they typically create a new weapon skins, so players can always pick a skins they want, small or large, but it'll still just be a Shield.

    I'm using 'large shield' to distinguish from things like bucklers - something which I'd hoped would be evident from the context since I talked about weaponised bucklers in an earlier post. Broadly speaking, any shield that reaches the neck in the standard Guild Wars 2 shield stance is big enough for the observations I've made to apply... and that's the overwhelming majority of the shield skins in the game. Meanwhile, there are actually a few
    skins that would make for decent fancy bucklers, like Mist Lord, Stormcaller, and Dark Wing. It's not a matter of "okay, the larger shields are large enough that trying to dual-wield them will create the problems I've described", it's that pretty much ALL of the existing shield skins are big enough to block vision, get in each other's way, and otherwise be more awkward than it's worth.

    Of course, focus skins also have the problem that most focus skins don't look like they'd make decent conventional weapons
    bucklers, so I wouldn't consider dual-wielding focii to be a suitable approach either.

    Closest thing I could see to 'dual shields' actually making sense would be to use
    give them defensive skills, and have a skin that resembles weaponised bucklers. Give the profession special animations so that they wield the daggers the right way up for defensive use rather than icepick grip, similar to how thief and revenant have a special staff grip (this grip could possibly also be retroactively added to elementalists who use daggers purely as casting implements). Historically, daggers, sais, and similar weapons were often used as parrying weapons (particularly in situations where carrying large shields was impractical - a parrying dagger is easier to carry and hide than a buckler, let alone a larger shield), so the defensive skills would still make sense pretty much regardless of which dagger skin you used. And if this was done with a profession which already has a shield offhand, you could still combine it with a large shield in the off hand if you wanted to.

    Since Warrior's already use daggers for an elite, and already uses a Shield offensively in thier offhand, they could just give them another shield to be used in their main hand with an new shield skin that more suited to what Kratos would use in "God of War". Heck they could make a glass shield skin or an energy skin. I don't care about the skin personally, but they could do it because any Shield would do. I'm not suggesting other professions use the shield in the main hand, and with warrior basically already using most weapons, the shield in his main hand, I feel, is fitting to, especially since he already has skills with off hand Shield that would compliment a fisticuffs style of fighting that I'm suggesting with a main hand Shield.

  6. I say give each elite an extra weapon.

    HOT-(Gua) Dragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand Sword w/ Traps and Physical Virtues(War) Berserker: Torch & main hand Shield w/ Rage and F2 for Berserker mode(Rev) Herald: Shield & offhand Focus w/ Signets and F2 shares boons with Allies(Rang) Druid: Staff & offhand Focus w/ Glyphs and F5 conjures a Celestial Avatar state.(Eng) Scrapper: Hammer & main hand Mace w/ Gyros (Wells) F5 Sends a Gyro to revive allies or finishes foes.(Thief) Daredevil: Staff & Dual Mace w/ Physical, additional dodges and unique dodge abilities.(Mes) Chronomancer: Shield & Dual Daggers w/ Wells and F5 reverses time.(Ele) Tempest: Warhorn & offhand Scepter w/ Shouts and Overload Attunements(Nec) Reaper: Great Sword & offhand Shield w/ Shouts and a new Reaper Shroud.

    POF-(Gua) Firebrand: main hand Axe & main hand Focus w/ Mantras and Virtuous Tomes(War) Spellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand Focus w/ Meditations and F2 as a Full Counter(Rev) Renegade: Short Bow & Great Sword w/ Spirits and F Skills to conjure otherworldly abilities to attack foes or buff allies.(Rang) Soulbeast: Main hand Dagger & Rifle w/ Stances and F5 to merge with animal spirit.(Eng) Holosmith: Main hand Sword & Staff w/ Exceeds and F5 Photon Forge(Thief) Deadeye: Rifle & offhand Focus w/ Cantips and F2 to Mark Target and generate Malice(Mes) Mirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand Pistol w/ Deceptions and Dodge used for Mirage Cloak and an Ambush ability when cloaked.(Ele) Weaver: Main hand Sword & main hand Focus w/ Stances and Dual Attuning for Dual abilities(Nec) Scourge: Torch & Offhand Axe w/ Punishments and Desert Shoud abilities.

    EOD-(Gua) Archon: War Horn & offhand Scepter w/ Glyphs and Attune to Virtues and gain more buffs corresponding to attuned virtue.(War) Warlord: Staff & Dual Pistols w/ Recruits (minions) while using F2 to place a Mark on the battle field to buff allies and punish foes standing in the marked area. F1 Burst attack can only be used when fully charged.(Rev) Overlord: Dual Pistols & main hand Scepter w/ Exceed and F2 to Open a Dimensional Gate that does damage to caster if opened for too long, but also improves exceed skills the longer it's open (like holosmith).(Rang) Warden: Hammer & offhand Shield w/ Consecrations and have two pets fight at once instead of one pet at a time.(Eng) Technomancr: Great Sword & offhand Focus w/ Cybertronics (Physical). The tool belt skills throw out gears to your allies to pick up or traps to foes to step in. You also have a Mana Meter that builds up, so when you use F5, it transforms you to a battle mech, changing your weapon skills (like druid's avatar).(Thief) Reaver: Torch & Great Sword w/ Survivals and a new Intuition mechanic where the more initiative you have buffs you and allies in combat.(Mes) Enchanter: Short Bow & Warhorn w/ Shouts, more clones and new shatter skills that buff allies when shattered and an F5 that merge clones to one more powerful clone "Doppelganger".(Ele) Magus: Long Bow & Great Sword w/ Mantras and a F5 which grants the "Arcane State" (like druid's avatar), with a much longer recharge time for all attunements.(Nec) Warlock: Rifle & Hammer w/ Preparations and a Demon Shroud.

  7. @Jski.6180 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:They go back on there own views a lot and often forget new effects that they just added in as soon as they added them in.Anet is in effect what seems to be a random group doing random things with no real point when it comes to balancing.

    Like what?

    Update - December 11, 2018"Following up on the previous balance release, we're continuing to update weapon traits to offer more meaningful options when players are not using the related weapons while also enhancing those weapons' playstyles if the player is using them. In particular, we updated a fair amount of warrior weapon traits and a few remaining traits in other professions.

    This update reworks all traits that react automatically to incoming control effects by applying control effects on the attacker. Traits that immediately punish players for successfully landing their skills, particularly when they are not very visible, teach the wrong things. The reworked traits are intended to encourage more active play and to provide new opportunities for the defender without outright punishing the attacker.

    In addition to crowd-control trait reworks, this update also addresses traits that deal instant damage and how they affect the game. The large majority of these traits have had their base damage increased while removing their ability to critically hit in order to improve pacing and reduce time-to-kill in competitive game modes. Certain traits that serve as the main source of a build's damage in both PvE and competitive modes have been modified so that they require critical hits in order to deal maximum damage, giving conditions like weakness more value.

    Finally, we're making changes to encourage more variety in boon-based support builds.
    To start, we are opening up select skills for different professions that will allow them to share boons directly with up to ten allies.
    In addition, we'll be reducing which boons mesmers and their specializations can apply since chronomancer is currently stifling other options due to its ability to easily apply all boons with Signet of Inspiration. Our goal here is to give value to different professions and specializations by making them all adept at applying specific boons to their allies so that multiple professions are needed in order to cover all boons."

    Read that.

    What's random about that. It seems very methodical.

  8. @Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    @"phokus.8934" said:Off-hand weapons won’t be main-hand and two-handed weapons won’t be dual wielded.

    What are peoples fascination with this ridiculous concept?

    I agree. When I see people requesting double hammer warrior, or double gs etc, I get dissapointed cause it is utterly stupid and as a warrior main I would never touch the spec.

    But I'm also not fond of 'pistolier' warrior or 'staff' warrior. Where's peoples' creativity? That's Thief and Daredevil already... But i respect everyone's opinion in the end.

    The issue with warrior is that he already got a lot of weapons. Apart from shortbow, focus, scepter, pistol and staff there is no option left. Focus and scepter feel unlikely and it seem that subcousciously nobody want shortbow. Staff is a way for players that root for polearm to get a substitute while pistol just feel "right" (which is probably charr's propaganda since their army heavily invest into technology).

    So Staff used as a spear in land just so Anet doesnt have to code the actual spear as a land weapon? Sounds like something cheap they can pull. But not martial arts staff. Revenant and Daredevil already give off that vibe with how they swing the staff.

    I think they can easily use Staff as a Pole-arm or Halberd instead of a bo or quater. I'll even be ok if they use it like a javelin. As someone said already, they have so many skins, they can pull it off.

  9. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @"phokus.8934" said:Off-hand weapons won’t be main-hand and two-handed weapons won’t be dual wielded.

    What are peoples fascination with this ridiculous concept?

    I agree. When I see people requesting double hammer warrior, or double gs etc, I get dissapointed cause it is utterly stupid and as a warrior main I would never touch the spec.

    But I'm also not fond of 'pistolier' warrior or 'staff' warrior. Where's peoples' creativity? That's Thief and Daredevil already... But i respect everyone's opinion in the end.

    The issue with warrior is that he already got a lot of weapons. Apart from shortbow, focus, scepter, pistol and staff there is no option left. Focus and scepter feel unlikely and it seem that subcousciously nobody want shortbow. Staff is a way for players that root for polearm to get a substitute while pistol just feel "right" (which is probably charr's propaganda since their army heavily invest into technology).

    There is only one weapon I can see a Warrior not using, which is Scepter. I would perfer that they also keep Warriors away from using Short Bows, but every other weapon should be on the table. I think with Focus, they should have had SpellBreakers use that instead of Daggers, but I'm hoping they give each elite an extra weapon to use. If they had focus they could have one skill that buffs themselves and another skill that may cause enemies to have conditions, almost like how their Meditations skills are.

  10. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"draxynnic.3719" said:I've seen it. I've also seen some very detailed analyses of it.

    One large shield is good. Two large shields tend to get in the way of attacking with either, and give you a large blind zone around you that makes it hard to defend yourself. Like I said, a lot of people who haven't trained in fighting with a large shield underestimate how much of a blind spot it can create, especially if you raise it to defend your head. With sword and shield, you can adopt a stance where the sword defends your head until you use it to strike. With two shields, you can't effectively adopt that stance (it relies on using the length of the blade to protect your head when your hand is above and behind your head).

    With equal skill, I wouldn't bet on someone with two shields against someone with sword and shield. I don't think I'd even bet on someone with two shields against someone with a sword alone. It might be a long fight, but the sword offers longer reach, greater agility, and a more potentially damaging attack - sooner or later the guy with a sword will find an opening or a blind spot to get a thrust in.

    Sure, if you've got one guy who's trained for twenty years with dual shields and another guy who's just picked up a sword for the first time, the guy with two shields could win. But like a lot of exotic weapon combinations, it's one of those situations where the guy who spends the same amount of time training with a conventional set of weapons is still going to be ahead.

    You keep saying "Large Shield" No one is suggesting a "Large Shield". I just said "Shield". Plus the game doesn't even have a shield size option like it does for Bow and Swords, so I don't know what you're referring to. Plus, when ANet give an introduces a new weapon to a profession, they typically create a new weapon skins, so players can always pick a skins they want, small or large, but it'll still just be a Shield.

    The main problem for me is: why should Anet make a systemic change like allowing offhand weapons in the mainhand if they don't have to?

    All classes still have enough weapons open for elite specs without them having to use such tricks to artificially increase the pool of weapons they can chose from.

    "Systemic Change"? I guess I don't see making a "main hand only" or an "offhand weapon only" dual welded a systemic change. I can understand if you said aquatic weapons, but this is simply having the weapon in another hand like most of their other weapons. The only weapon that would need more care would be a main hand Shield due to positioning and stowing.

    The reason for allowing these weapons to be used would be to stick with the theme of the profession. If any profession was to use a Scepter in an off hand or a focus in the main hand, would be a spell caster and if anyone would be able to use a Shield in their main hand would definitely be the Warrior.

    The point of thinking of off hand weapons as a main hand option doesn't have to be taboo or against a cardinal rule. It's adding to a creative process without straying too far from what's implemented. I think offhand/main hand only weapons are more of a "happen-stance" than something that ANet was focused on having.

  11. @phokus.8934 said:Off-hand weapons won’t be main-hand and two-handed weapons won’t be dual wielded.

    What are peoples fascination with this ridiculous concept?

    Listen to your logic... you found something wrong with people wanting to use a weapon in their main hand that can use in their offhand? I can understand the other way around, but this makes no sense to me. I can understand not needing to put a torch or war horn in the main hand, but if someone had a cool idea for it, I would support it.

  12. @"draxynnic.3719" said:I've seen it. I've also seen some very detailed analyses of it.

    One large shield is good. Two large shields tend to get in the way of attacking with either, and give you a large blind zone around you that makes it hard to defend yourself. Like I said, a lot of people who haven't trained in fighting with a large shield underestimate how much of a blind spot it can create, especially if you raise it to defend your head. With sword and shield, you can adopt a stance where the sword defends your head until you use it to strike. With two shields, you can't effectively adopt that stance (it relies on using the length of the blade to protect your head when your hand is above and behind your head).

    With equal skill, I wouldn't bet on someone with two shields against someone with sword and shield. I don't think I'd even bet on someone with two shields against someone with a sword alone. It might be a long fight, but the sword offers longer reach, greater agility, and a more potentially damaging attack - sooner or later the guy with a sword will find an opening or a blind spot to get a thrust in.

    Sure, if you've got one guy who's trained for twenty years with dual shields and another guy who's just picked up a sword for the first time, the guy with two shields could win. But like a lot of exotic weapon combinations, it's one of those situations where the guy who spends the same amount of time training with a conventional set of weapons is still going to be ahead.

    You keep saying "Large Shield" No one is suggesting a "Large Shield". I just said "Shield". Plus the game doesn't even have a shield size option like it does for Bow and Swords, so I don't know what you're referring to. Plus, when ANet introduces a new weapon to a profession, they typically create a new weapon skins, so players can always pick a skins they want, small or large, but it'll still just be a Shield.

  13. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @Delita Silverburg.8632 said:We need a unarmed/clawed monk profession imo.Maybe warrior gets another melee specialization that uses dual Foci as fist weapons.Imagine punching people while dual-wielding Binding of Ipos!

    Dual Shields!!

    I know this is probably a joke, but I've heard the dual shield thing crop up a few times, usually in a single line like this.

    I've never understood how you could make a dual shield look good, or have good animations.

    If you want this, could you explain why?

    There is a Martial Arts style the uses two shields. I can't find a reference right now, but I've seen it. Think of it as more like very large metal boxing gloves attacking the the edge of the shield.

    I could see small buckler style shields for something like that.

    The problem is that most shields in game right now just seem too big for that to look good, imo.

    Pretty much this. People in real battles used weapon and shield, not shield and shield, for a reason. Particularly since a one-handed sword with a good guard, if used well, can protect a surprisingly large area without blocking the wielder's vision (an often overlooked problem with large shields among people who haven't actually trained with one). A one-handed sword with a good guard combined with a good-sized shield is probably the best combination you can get. Two shields... is better than a shield and a bare hand, to be sure, but risk blocking off too much of your vision and allowing the enemy to strike somewhere that isn't blocked by the shield because you can't see the blow coming.

    I've seen the Dark Souls dual tower shield thing. Now imagine, when the wielder does that dual plant move, the attacker just angles a sword or spear to stab down over the top of the shield. Or sidesteps and stabs the dual shield wielder in the back. In the 3rd-person-view of the game, this isn't a problem, but if it was a realistic first-person-view, what you should have on the screen when using that move is the backs of your shields and maybe a bit of sky at the top. Unless your Toph from Avatar, you have no idea what your enemy is doing. Now, if you have friends, you can form a line of shields... but if you have friends, you can do that with one shield apiece, and in your other hand you can have a spear or a sword... good for, y'know, stabbing over the top of the enemy's shield line.

    The only 'dual shields' I could see actually being practical would be, essentially, weaponised bucklers. Take a pair of bucklers and add blades to them, or just sharpen the edges to make a blade. You wouldn't have the reach of a sword (which is probably why, historically, bucklers were usually paired with a thin-bladed sword like a rapier or smallsword, rather than doing this), but you'd have a pair of reasonably portable weaponised bucklers that you could defend yourself with if attacked while maintaining a means of disabling your attacker. However, the end result of that would be something like the Claw of the Khan-Ur, Guild Wars 1 split chakrams, or wind and fire wheels with additional hand protection, and would probably therefore be counted as

    I think the difference in fighting in battle with a weapon has to do with training. On average, a person with a Sword fighting a person with a Shield, the guy with a sword would win, but a train man with dual shield would win.

    I think the biggest problem is that, because some of you never seen it, can't see it. Fighting with two shields is not a new concept.

  14. @JohnWater.5760 said:

    @Delita Silverburg.8632 said:We need a unarmed/clawed monk profession imo.Maybe warrior gets another melee specialization that uses dual Foci as fist weapons.Imagine punching people while dual-wielding Binding of Ipos!

    Dual Shields!!

    I know this is probably a joke, but I've heard the dual shield thing crop up a few times, usually in a single line like this.

    I've never understood how you could make a dual shield look good, or have good animations.

    If you want this, could you explain why?

    There is a Martial Arts style the uses two shields. I can't find a reference right now, but I've seen it. Think of it as more like very large metal boxing gloves attacking the the edge of the shield.

    I could see small buckler style shields for something like that.

    The problem is that most shields in game right now just seem too big for that to look good, imo.

    Pretty much this. People in real battles used weapon and shield, not shield and shield, for a reason. Particularly since a one-handed sword with a good guard, if used well, can protect a surprisingly large area without blocking the wielder's vision (an often overlooked problem with large shields among people who haven't actually trained with one). A one-handed sword with a good guard combined with a good-sized shield is probably the best combination you can get. Two shields... is better than a shield and a bare hand, to be sure, but risk blocking off too much of your vision and allowing the enemy to strike somewhere that isn't blocked by the shield because you can't see the blow coming.

    I've seen the Dark Souls dual tower shield thing. Now imagine, when the wielder does that dual plant move, the attacker just angles a sword or spear to stab down over the top of the shield. Or sidesteps and stabs the dual shield wielder in the back. In the 3rd-person-view of the game, this isn't a problem, but if it was a realistic first-person-view, what you should have on the screen when using that move is the backs of your shields and maybe a bit of sky at the top. Unless your Toph from Avatar, you have no idea what your enemy is doing. Now, if you have friends, you can form a line of shields... but if you have friends, you can do that with one shield apiece, and in your other hand you can have a spear or a sword... good for, y'know, stabbing over the top of the enemy's shield line.

    The only 'dual shields' I could see actually being practical would be, essentially, weaponised bucklers. Take a pair of bucklers and add blades to them, or just sharpen the edges to make a blade. You wouldn't have the reach of a sword (which is probably why, historically, bucklers were usually paired with a thin-bladed sword like a rapier or smallsword, rather than doing this), but you'd have a pair of reasonably portable weaponised bucklers that you could defend yourself with if attacked while maintaining a means of disabling your attacker. However, the end result of that would be something like the Claw of the Khan-Ur, Guild Wars 1 split chakrams, or wind and fire wheels with additional hand protection, and would probably therefore be counted as

    Dual Shield has the same energy as dual Scepter.Doesn't fit GW worlds

    This is the exact same argument people gave for mounts.

  15. @Slartibartfast.5416 said:Seriously, this has been requested NUMEROUS times over the past 8+ years. Just about every other MMO on the planet does it, I have no idea why Anet refuses to. I play with people who do not speak English that well. They rely on being able to copy what they see in chat so they can translate it.

    So seriously, either implement an in game automatic translator, or give people the ability to copy text. Or do you believe that having to alt-tab out to Discord every couple of seconds to send messages to people, copy responses, translate them in Google or DeepL, and type back your response, then come back to the game, is that a really good game experience in your opinion? It's awkward enough having to use an external translator, but that's at least doable if they're able to copy text from chat. Or do you prefer that people just use a 3rd party chat program like Discord, and just don't use the in game chat at all? Because we can do that, too, if that is your design decision. They won't be able to understand what goes on in map chat, but what the kitten. It's mostly a Barren's chat experience, anyway.

    They don't allow Copy and Paste to help avoid spam.

  16. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I know people are getting tired of me posting this, but despite the nay say'ers (probably the same folks that didn't initially want mounts in the game?) I really think ANet should take my advice.

    Make each elite profession use 2 new weapons instead of one. That would give more variations to character customization and playstyle, plus more players would finally create a character that they always had in mind.

    HOT-(Gua) Dragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand Sword w/ Traps and Physical Virtues(War) Berserker: Torch & main hand Shield w/ Rage and F2 for Berserker mode(Rev) Herald: Shield & offhand Focus w/ Signets and F2 shares boons with Allies(Rang) Druid: Staff & offhand Focus w/ Glyphs and F5 conjures a Celestial Avatar state.(Eng) Scrapper: Hammer & main hand Mace w/ Gyros (Wells) F5 Sends a Gyro to revive allies or finishes foes.(Thief) Daredevil: Staff & Dual Mace w/ Physical, additional dodges and unique dodge abilities.(Mes) Chronomancer: Shield & Dual Daggers w/ Wells and new shatter abilities.(Ele) Tempest: Warhorn & offhand Scepter w/ Shouts and Overload Attunements(Nec) Reaper: Great Sword & offhand Shield w/ Shouts and a new Reaper Shroud.

    POF-(Gua) Firebrand: main hand Axe & main hand Focus w/ Mantras and Virtuous Tomes(War) Spellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand Focus w/ Meditations and F2 as a Full Counter(Rev) Renegade: Short Bow & Great Sword w/ Spirits and F Skills to conjure otherworldly abilities to attack foes or buff allies.(Rang) Soulbeast: Main hand Dagger & Rifle w/ Stances and F5 to merge with animal spirit.(Eng) Holosmith: Main hand Sword & Staff w/ Exceeds and F5 Photon Forge(Thief) Deadeye: Rifle & offhand Focus w/ Cantips and F2 to Mark Target and generate Malice(Mes) Mirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand Pistol w/ Deceptions and Dodge used for Mirage Cloak and an Ambush ability when cloaked.(Ele) Weaver: Main hand Sword & main hand Focus w/ Stances and Dual Attuning for Dual abilities(Nec) Scourge: Torch & Offhand Axe w/ Punishments and Desert Shoud abilities.

    EOD-(Gua) Archon: Offhand Mace & offhand Scepter w/ Glyphs and Attune to Virtues and gain more buffs corresponding to attuned virtue.(War) Warlord: Staff & Dual Pistols w/ Recruits (minions) while using F2 to Mark the battle field to buff allies and punish foes standing in the marked area. F1 Burst attack can only be used when fully charged.(Rev) Overlord: Dual Pistols & main hand Scepter w/ Exceed and F2 to Open a Dimensional Gate that does damage to caster if opened for too long, but also improves exceed skills the longer it's open.(Rang) Warden: Hammer & offhand Shield w/ Consecrations and have two pets fight at once instead of one.(Eng) Technomancr: Great Sword & offhand Focus w/ Cybertronics (Physical) and a Mana Meter that builds up, and when used transforms you to a battle mech.(Thief) Reaver: Torch & Great Sword w/ Survivals and a new Intuition mechanic where the more initiative you have buff you and allies in combat.(Mes) Enchanter: Short Bow & Warhorn w/ Shouts, more clones and new shatter skills that buff allies when shattered.(Ele) Magus: Long Bow & Great Sword w/ Mantras and a F5 which grants the "Arcane State", with a much longer recharge time for all attunements.(Nec) Warlock: Rifle & Hammer w/ Preparations and a Demon Shroud.

    Yes i feel as though Anet would definitely need to expand on the core class, and especs after the 3rd espec are added in EoD. It would make more sense to add more weaponry and new utility skill lines for the current 3 especs instead of pumping out more especs that are limited.

    I think, just add an additional weapon for each elite would be more than enough to feel like you have a new playstyle. Maybe after EOD, they can focus on other things other than elite specializations. Maybe focus on new masteries, player housing, or legendaries. Heck, I'd perfer they finish adding Living World 1 back to the game.

    I truely feel that if ANet would just go head and add another weapon to each elite spec, add Tengu as a new race, add another underwater mount, and the Elite Specializations I have in mind, with the new story, fractals, raids, and pvp match ups, EOD would be great.

    Yes, after this 3rd Espec, that would be fine if Anet just added an extra weapon to each espec to finalize things with the classes. Though, if that was the case as a personal preference, id prefer the extra 3 weapons to be added to the core classes instead. I would want the opportunity to use each with each espec if i wanted.

    I kinda like the idea of adding a weapon to each elite, so if you wanted to use the same weapon differently, than you could merely change the elite specs.

    Player housing would be nice. I wouldn't want it to be too expensive. I played FFXIV and i couldn't afford a house, so i had to buy an apartment. I never understood how small the apartments were since they were in their own instance. In Gw2 there should be an option to purchase instanced land for your house. I would love a large garden too

    They should do housing like ESO does. Everyone gets a free apartment, but you can buy a house anywhere.

    New race would be nice, but im curious to see if they would have their own story, and lv1 starter area.

    They better give a new race a lvl 1 starter area. They should even add more story to the starter area, so when you come back you have more adventures to do.
  17. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @"VocalThought.9835" said:I know people are getting tired of me posting this, but despite the nay say'ers (probably the same folks that didn't initially want mounts in the game?) I really think ANet should take my advice.

    Make each elite profession use 2 new weapons instead of one. That would give more variations to character customization and playstyle, plus more players would finally create a character that they always had in mind.

    HOT-(Gua) Dragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand Sword w/ Traps and Physical Virtues(War) Berserker: Torch & main hand Shield w/ Rage and F2 for Berserker mode(Rev) Herald: Shield & offhand Focus w/ Signets and F2 shares boons with Allies(Rang) Druid: Staff & offhand Focus w/ Glyphs and F5 conjures a Celestial Avatar state.(Eng) Scrapper: Hammer & main hand Mace w/ Gyros (Wells) F5 Sends a Gyro to revive allies or finishes foes.(Thief) Daredevil: Staff & Dual Mace w/ Physical, additional dodges and unique dodge abilities.(Mes) Chronomancer: Shield & Dual Daggers w/ Wells and new shatter abilities.(Ele) Tempest: Warhorn & offhand Scepter w/ Shouts and Overload Attunements(Nec) Reaper: Great Sword & offhand Shield w/ Shouts and a new Reaper Shroud.

    POF-(Gua) Firebrand: main hand Axe & main hand Focus w/ Mantras and Virtuous Tomes(War) Spellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand Focus w/ Meditations and F2 as a Full Counter(Rev) Renegade: Short Bow & Great Sword w/ Spirits and F Skills to conjure otherworldly abilities to attack foes or buff allies.(Rang) Soulbeast: Main hand Dagger & Rifle w/ Stances and F5 to merge with animal spirit.(Eng) Holosmith: Main hand Sword & Staff w/ Exceeds and F5 Photon Forge(Thief) Deadeye: Rifle & offhand Focus w/ Cantips and F2 to Mark Target and generate Malice(Mes) Mirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand Pistol w/ Deceptions and Dodge used for Mirage Cloak and an Ambush ability when cloaked.(Ele) Weaver: Main hand Sword & main hand Focus w/ Stances and Dual Attuning for Dual abilities(Nec) Scourge: Torch & Offhand Axe w/ Punishments and Desert Shoud abilities.

    EOD-(Gua) Archon: Offhand Mace & offhand Scepter w/ Glyphs and Attune to Virtues and gain more buffs corresponding to attuned virtue.(War) Warlord: Staff & Dual Pistols w/ Recruits (minions) while using F2 to Mark the battle field to buff allies and punish foes standing in the marked area. F1 Burst attack can only be used when fully charged.(Rev) Overlord: Dual Pistols & main hand Scepter w/ Exceed and F2 to Open a Dimensional Gate that does damage to caster if opened for too long, but also improves exceed skills the longer it's open.(Rang) Warden: Hammer & offhand Shield w/ Consecrations and have two pets fight at once instead of one.(Eng) Technomancr: Great Sword & offhand Focus w/ Cybertronics (Physical) and a Mana Meter that builds up, and when used transforms you to a battle mech.(Thief) Reaver: Torch & Great Sword w/ Survivals and a new Intuition mechanic where the more initiative you have buff you and allies in combat.(Mes) Enchanter: Short Bow & Warhorn w/ Shouts, more clones and new shatter skills that buff allies when shattered.(Ele) Magus: Long Bow & Great Sword w/ Mantras and a F5 which grants the "Arcane State", with a much longer recharge time for all attunements.(Nec) Warlock: Rifle & Hammer w/ Preparations and a Demon Shroud.

    Yes i feel as though Anet would definitely need to expand on the core class, and especs after the 3rd espec are added in EoD. It would make more sense to add more weaponry and new utility skill lines for the current 3 especs instead of pumping out more especs that are limited.

    I think, just add an additional weapon for each elite would be more than enough to feel like you have a new playstyle. Maybe after EOD, they can focus on other things other than elite specializations. Maybe focus on new masteries, player housing, or legendaries. Heck, I'd perfer they finish adding Living World 1 back to the game.

    I truely feel that if ANet would just go head and add another weapon to each elite spec, add Tengu as a new race, add another underwater mount, and the Elite Specializations I have in mind, with the new story, fractals, raids, and pvp match ups, EOD would be great.

    The only think else I would like is if you could create a 6v6 pvp, while players use the alts. I would love to see how good the AI would be if I just pick 6 of my custom characters vs 6 of your custom characters and we watch them go at it.

  18. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I really love how GW has every base themed covered, they really don't need a new class with the core specializations and the elite system they have. If there is a class missing, just adding a new elite should take care of the job. All we really need is 2 or 3 more elites, or simply one more elite, but give each elite 2 non core weapons. That should satisfy everyone, except those that are constantly trying to get the game balanced. ?


    As far as themes go, i feel Anet hasnt really made a general Arcane Wizard. Elementalist has arcane utilities but thats it, the class is really tied to the elements. I think it would be very interested to how the class would play if there was an spec Called Arcanist, and if there was an Arcane attunment for the spec.

    I was just thinking, if they did make a Wizard, how would they be different from the current spell casters?

  19. @Opopanax.1803 said:

    @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:We need a unarmed/clawed monk profession imo.Maybe warrior gets another melee specialization that uses dual Foci as fist weapons.Imagine punching people while dual-wielding Binding of Ipos!

    Dual Shields!!

    I know this is probably a joke, but I've heard the dual shield thing crop up a few times, usually in a single line like this.

    I've never understood how you could make a dual shield look good, or have good animations.

    If you want this, could you explain why?

    Not a joke at all. Dual Shields is nothing new to combat. You can use them like Cestus/boxing gloves like Captain America in Avengers: Infinity War. The great thing is, Warriors current Shield skills already has an offensive and defensive abilities. If Warrior had a shield in the main hand too, they'll be a quick close combatant with extra armor from having 2 shields.

    I may have to watch infinity war again. I remember him sqinging his shield around with both hands lime a weapon, but not swinging two shields.

    From an aesthetic viewpoint, I would rather have a 2h shield with 5 skills, if i had to have a shield themed weapon.

    You don't recall Black Panther saying, "Get this man a Shield", and they gave him two black claw shields? I think it'll be easier to use a shield in a main hand then create a two-handed tower shield, unless you just want the same shields and just give them 5 skills, like the Elementalist's conjure Earth Shield.

    Plus, why create a new weapon when they can simply create 3 new skills and put shield in the main hand?

    If you never seen people fight with dual shields, just do a Google Search. It's not that far fetched.

  20. @Opopanax.1803 said:

    @Delita Silverburg.8632 said:We need a unarmed/clawed monk profession imo.Maybe warrior gets another melee specialization that uses dual Foci as fist weapons.Imagine punching people while dual-wielding Binding of Ipos!

    Dual Shields!!

    I know this is probably a joke, but I've heard the dual shield thing crop up a few times, usually in a single line like this.

    I've never understood how you could make a dual shield look good, or have good animations.

    If you want this, could you explain why?

    Not a joke at all. Dual Shields is nothing new to combat. You can use them like Cestus/boxing gloves like Captain America in Avengers: Infinity War. The great thing is, Warriors current Shield skills already has an offensive and defensive abilities. If Warrior had a shield in the main hand too, they'll be a quick close combatant with extra armor from having 2 shields.

  21. I know people are getting tired of me posting this, but despite the nay say'ers (probably the same folks that didn't initially want mounts in the game?) I really think ANet should take my advice.

    Make each elite profession use 2 new weapons instead of one. That would give more variations to character customization and playstyle, plus more players would finally create a character that they always had in mind.

    HOT-(Gua) Dragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand Sword w/ Traps and Physical Virtues(War) Berserker: Torch & main hand Shield w/ Rage and F2 for Berserker mode(Rev) Herald: Shield & offhand Focus w/ Signets and F2 shares boons with Allies(Rang) Druid: Staff & offhand Focus w/ Glyphs and F5 conjures a Celestial Avatar state.(Eng) Scrapper: Hammer & main hand Mace w/ Gyros (Wells) F5 Sends a Gyro to revive allies or finishes foes.(Thief) Daredevil: Staff & Dual Mace w/ Physical, additional dodges and unique dodge abilities.(Mes) Chronomancer: Shield & Dual Daggers w/ Wells and new shatter abilities.(Ele) Tempest: Warhorn & offhand Scepter w/ Shouts and Overload Attunements(Nec) Reaper: Great Sword & offhand Shield w/ Shouts and a new Reaper Shroud.

    POF-(Gua) Firebrand: main hand Axe & main hand Focus w/ Mantras and Virtuous Tomes(War) Spellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand Focus w/ Meditations and F2 as a Full Counter(Rev) Renegade: Short Bow & Great Sword w/ Spirits and F Skills to conjure otherworldly abilities to attack foes or buff allies.(Rang) Soulbeast: Main hand Dagger & Rifle w/ Stances and F5 to merge with animal spirit.(Eng) Holosmith: Main hand Sword & Staff w/ Exceeds and F5 Photon Forge(Thief) Deadeye: Rifle & offhand Focus w/ Cantips and F2 to Mark Target and generate Malice(Mes) Mirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand Pistol w/ Deceptions and Dodge used for Mirage Cloak and an Ambush ability when cloaked.(Ele) Weaver: Main hand Sword & main hand Focus w/ Stances and Dual Attuning for Dual abilities(Nec) Scourge: Torch & Offhand Axe w/ Punishments and Desert Shoud abilities.

    EOD-(Gua) Archon: Offhand Mace & offhand Scepter w/ Glyphs and Attune to Virtues and gain more buffs corresponding to attuned virtue.(War) Warlord: Staff & Dual Pistols w/ Recruits (minions) while using F2 to Mark the battle field to buff allies and punish foes standing in the marked area. F1 Burst attack can only be used when fully charged.(Rev) Overlord: Dual Pistols & main hand Scepter w/ Exceed and F2 to Open a Dimensional Gate that does damage to caster if opened for too long, but also improves exceed skills the longer it's open.(Rang) Warden: Hammer & offhand Shield w/ Consecrations and have two pets fight at once instead of one.(Eng) Technomancr: Great Sword & offhand Focus w/ Cybertronics (Physical) and a Mana Meter that builds up, and when used transforms you to a battle mech.(Thief) Reaver: Torch & Great Sword w/ Survivals and a new Intuition mechanic where the more initiative you have buff you and allies in combat.(Mes) Enchanter: Short Bow & Warhorn w/ Shouts, more clones and new shatter skills that buff allies when shattered.(Ele) Magus: Long Bow & Great Sword w/ Mantras and a F5 which grants the "Arcane State", with a much longer recharge time for all attunements.(Nec) Warlock: Rifle & Hammer w/ Preparations and a Demon Shroud.

  22. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I really love how GW has every base themed covered, they really don't need a new class with the core specializations and the elite system they have. If there is a class missing, just adding a new elite should take care of the job. All we really need is 2 or 3 more elites, or simply one more elite, but give each elite 2 non core weapons. That should satisfy everyone, except those that are constantly trying to get the game balanced. ?


    As far as themes go, i feel Anet hasnt really made a general Arcane Wizard. Elementalist has arcane utilities but thats it, the class is really tied to the elements. I think it would be very interested to how the class would play if there was an spec Called Arcanist, and if there was an Arcane attunment for the spec.

    Well I too hope that they make Arcane 5th element for the next elite, but if you really wanted to you could just have all Acane Utility Skills or be a Mesmer that focus on Chaos Magic and Glamour Skills.

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