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Posts posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. @"Raarsi.6798" said:Honestly seems like it'd be easier for devs just to phase out the idea of core specs trying to be on par with e-specs and just set them up as stepping stones toward e-specs, especially with how many e-specs there are that just feel like their core counterparts on steroids.

    Alternatively, I feel like if they did do something to enhance core specs, the only way it would come off as appealing or useful would for it to be so good that it renders nearly all e-specs more irrelevant than core specs are nowadays.

    I think it's better to make the core and elite on par with each other. The elites weren't meant to be better, they're meant to add or change the playstyle. I think the changes to the elite could be better and hopefully new elites can be better balanced.

    I want to see them change core Revenant to be able to use racial skills. They could have made the F1 like Death Shroud, but call it "Commune", changing the last 5 skills, instead of the weapons and make F2 "Channel" the Legend Swap. They could also add those 4 new skills, call "Remnant" which woud be the missing from the game, so they have the equal number of skills to every other class. I would make the centaur skill the heal, and the other skills utility, no elite. They all be less, use no energy and have cool downs. You would only gain or lose energy when you are communed to a legend, therefore you only worry about energy when you are communed. The F3 "Ancient Echo" will do the same as it does, but only give energy if a legend is communed with.

    They could also add a new racial specialization, which would boost racial skills so they're on par with profession skills.

  2. I hope that EOD allows us to have two elite weapons, instead of one, therefore most of the weapons that are not available, would be, for every profession and future expansions could use mix and match weapons and/or use them differently.They could make:

    Heavy Armor- Soliders


    -Beserker use Torch and I'd add a main hand Shield 

    -Spell Breakers use Dual Daggers and would get a Focus

    -Warlord would use Staff and an Offhand Pistol.


    -Dragon Hunters use Long Bow but would get Offhand Sword

    -Firebrands use main hand Axe and would get main hand Focus

    -Archon could get War Horn and an offhand Scepter.


    -Herald uses Shield but would also use Great Sword

    -Renegade uses Short Bow but would get main hand Axe

    -Overlord could get Scepter and main hand -Pistol.

    Medium Armor - Adventurers


    -Druid uses Staff and would get focus.

    -Soulbeast uses main hand Dagger and get Rifle

    -Warden would use Hammer and Shield.


    -Scrapper use Hammer and would get main hand Mace

    -Holosmith use main hand Sword and would get Staff

    -Technomancer would get Great Swords and Focus.


    -Daredevil use Staff and gets dual Maces

    -Deadeye use Rifle and would get Focus

    -Inquisitor gets Torch and an offhand Sword

    Light Armors- Scholars


    -Tempest has Warhorn and gets an offhand Scepter

    -Weaver had main hand Sword and would get main hand Focus

    -Magnus Long Bow and Great Sword


    -Chronomancer has Shield and gets dual Daggers

    -Mirage has main hand Axe and gets main hand Pistol

    -Siren gets War Horn and Short Bow


    -Reaper uses Great Sword and would get Offhand Axe

    -Scourge uses Torch and gets Shield

    -Warlock gets Hammer and Rifle


    I hope they make a Racial Elite Specializations trait line, adding the missing health/utility skills and making racial skills on par with profession skills.

    They should revamp Revenant again. Make Revenant have an F2 Skill called "Communion" that allows the Revenant to switch to and from being possessed. They should also add the missing healing/utility skills from the profession and should be able to use them and the racial skills while not possessed.Ventari would be a healing skill, and the other three legends would be utility skills. The elite could channel a legend and boost them to 100% energy. They could make the current F2 an F3, but would only be used while they're communed to a legend.

    • Confused 2
  3. @Leo G.4501 said:Unpopular opinion: There already is a High HP Medium armor profession.

    It's Ranger. It's just the HP is split between the character and the pet(s).

    If it's, for whatever reason, required that some medium armor needs an HP bump to make people's OCD happy, just bump up the Ranger's pet's HP higher. The end.

    So would you also say that Necromancer, Mesmers, Elementalist, and Engineers share their health with their summons?

  4. @runeblade.7514 said:

    @runeblade.7514 said:Nothing says music there. None of the traits or skills says music.

    Siren's call. The skill icon even literally has a musical note shown. Or you want to argue that musical notes have nothing to do with music?

    So, just one skill. Not a entire skill line?

    A skill in a weapon in a content that is dead.

    Ok then,

    for using a warrior skill.

    for using a Ranger skill.

    Merge them both into a single class. We can ignore everything else that the class stands for because of a single skill. That is what you sound like.

    Frost magic is better off split from ele. I can't make a decent frost mage dps build because water magic is all about healing. Your cryomancer example is a good example why Bard should not be a Mesmer elite. It would neuter the music spec so much.

    Yeah, that's how you see it. But if you really think Anet would ever do something like this, then I think you are going to get disappointed.

    Hopefully they won't make Bard a mesmer spec because it makes no sense. I rather wait for a bard class than have a neutered class.

    I'm sorry, but I'd have to agree with Kodama. Mesmer is the Bard. If they were going to add Bard or bard'ish skills to the game, it'll be via Mesmer. I know you would like Bard to be it's own profession, but if they were to create a profession that sings, dances, or plays an instrument, it'll would get reinterpreted to fit a Mesmer Elite Spec.

    You might as well start thinking of core classes as the spoke of class archetype and the specializations, core and elite, as a branch from that spoke. Adding a Bard Profession is least likeliest thing ANet would do. You're better off getting some instruments weapon styles and roleplay.

  5. @Thornwolf.9721 said:As the title suggests I feel like it might be a good Idea to make a new class, reason being is that E-specs are great and all but upon further deep thought about it they only homogenize classes to be closer in tool kits. In reality all they do is typically add a weapon we can't use on X class with similar animations to Y class which functions close to the same, then we get utilities we don't already have access too. All this does is offer us new ways to play X class but it also makes it closer to Y class, in reality to more E-specs we get the closer we get to all being the same which is not how a game should go about working with their classes. (Id still like to see them, even if we got a new class.)

    The Perks of a new class:

    1. New skill types that the class itself brings
    2. Potential new weapons, which can maybe be worked into E-specs which then can add to classes like warrior who are running out of weapons
    3. A new theme
    4. A new reason to play older content with the new shiny
    5. Potential to bring in something unique that is guild wars 2 (Revenant, messmer are the only guild wars exclusive classes. Could use more.)
    6. Creative freedom for the dev's that are not limited to, or linked to the classes we currently have
    7. Potential for some lore tid-bits
    8. Expansion of the repertoire for which guild was can claim to cater too.
    9. The chance to do something done poorly elsewhere, and make it better here.
    10. the chance to make something unique, which can attract new people and can be the poster child of the expansion. (Much like the guild wars expansions. Factions, nightfall.)

    This then could even maybe wink and nod at things we have had, but never really had a chance to play with. They could for example bring in a Werebeast class, theme it around the norn but not link it explicitly to the norn. It could be a shaman and follow the teachings of the spirits of the wild, as we know anyone can follow their footsteps and thus anyone could in theory and given enough time become a shaman. (The elite specs could he havroun, and Lost Spirit)

    They could bring in a golem-mancer, who can climb into golems or summon a small army of them to do the dirty work?

    These classes could be made to choose their armor weight so you can decide how you want them to dress, and the cosmeitcs you wear so that way it opens up customization and potential in the creation process. This also gives them a reason to revisit character creation and customization; Classes should effect how your character looks and functions in the world and say a warrior could have scars and a necromancer could have additional warpaint or maybe even horns(For non-charr)? This then would make each class not only feel unique, but your character who is your avatar within the world to better reflect you as a person and the type of character it is you're trying to play.

    I feel like sure it might upset balance, but won't E-specs as well? I mean balance is a fragile thing and to maintain it becoming stagnant is a must and I feel like guild wars might as well embrace how outlandish some of its classes can be and add to the roster rather than just try and make band-aid specs. Id love to see both, but if I had to choose I think Id pick a new class over E-specs because lets be honest? A new class is a true new way to play a game. An E-spec is just a new addition which borrows from other classes, to fill a gap your class might not be able to fill or potentially a playstyle your class can't run with due to its current set up. This isn't bad but its also not the best way to move forward, in an ideal world we could get new classes AND E-specs.

    I don't think we need a need a new profession. Based on your suggestions, I think we should get elite specializations based on Race to make racial skills more competitive.

    Mesmer and Revenant aren't new classes btw. Mesmers, which are Illusionist have been in several games and fantasy lore. Revenant, like the Mesmees, may have an original name for a class, but is the classical possessed warrior.

    I think GW2 does a great job with how they created professions, developing specializations and traits and establishing the elite specializations. With that being said, I really don't see why they would need a new class. They have all the generic classes, any additional archetype can neatly fit in an elite specializations, and I don't see any room for a new full drawn out class.

    They covered an array professional mechanics, greatly developed weapons and utility skills fitting to theme of the professions, and nicely arranged the professions to be assigned to Soliders, Adventurers, & Scholars, along with durability asided fitting to each profession. What's missing?

    What classes are missing and how would they be different than what's already there? How strongly do they differ from the current classes and would they bring something new to the table? Why shouldn't they be added as an elite specialization, and how would they fit with what's there.

  6. @runeblade.7514 said:What about a music spec?

    Yeah, people could just say mesmer. But that would limit the class a lot. There is a lot of musical culture out there that 5 utility + 1 weapon + 1 traitline cannot fit in.

    @"Kodama.6453" said:That is not really an argument, in my opinion.

    Let's say that engineer gets an elite spec based on alchemy. Then you could also say "there are tons of different fields of expertise in chemistry and bio-technology, just an elite spec won't do that justice".But alchemy and chemistry are part of the engineer thematics, if something in that direction happens, it will be an elite spec for engineer.

    The same applies to music. It is thematically already tied to mesmer, so it most likely just has a chance to get implemented as a mesmer elite spec.

    I would definitely say this be a Mesmer elite. They could give them a war Horn and shout skills. 'Click' "That was Easy"!

  7. I think the last thing GW2 needs is a new profession. I think with them adding elite specializations, they uniquely covered all ranges of classes, and can add additional fantasy tropes to each existing profession. I think what ever class anyone think is missing could easily be added as an elite spec to a current profession or is already existing with a current profession.

  8. @Farohna.6247 said:

    @mercury ranique.2170 said:GW2 is something people can come into. The door is installing the game (again) and start playing. It is not Arenanet who closes the door (uninstalling) or opens it (installing).

    People come and leave in any game. People tend to think that cause many people they knew, have left, the game is dead.

    I have people in my friendslist who haven't played since 2012.This does not mean that the game is dead.Obviously the next expansion should bring people back and attract new players. To be succesfull it shoud do more then adding zones and story. People expect new elite specialisations and a new feature simular to mounts. That is what the mark is. Just keep an open mind. It is very likely not what you expect from it.

    tl;drThe game is fine, sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Do not join the hype train.

    This is a great summary. Too often, every MMO screeches that the game is dying, the game is dying. No, players have life changes, find another game that peaks their interest, etc. I find many players in GW2 particularly have a very clear vision for what they want the game to be, what their imagination wants it to be, and often it's not what the game actually is. Instead of enjoying the game (perceived flaws and all...hey it's still no sub, yay!) they dwell on what should have been or could have been in their opinion. Each person knows when it is time to leave a game, and some stay too long. For now, why not introduce a friend to it? You don't have to play it religiously.

    So enjoy the game, the expansion, don't worry about what changes may occur. Be happy for the moment and the time well spent in Tyria (and Cantha).

    I guess we all can sit back, but to be honest, this game isn't hitting like we think it should. Some fears are real. With all the hiccups, what's keeping this game going is the fantastic animations, fantasy theme, and the possiblities of this game.

    The bad things about this game was the initial direction of the game with its Living World. For them to create content that new player could not have access to was a poor choice. The other being the lack of lore. Introducing mounts and elite specializations with no lore behind them, ruins the world building. Another issues I have is the story. There some strong inconsistencies in this game, that could easily have been avoided.

  9. Come on guys, we've heard better bird voice. I'm not blaming the voice actor, I blame the producers and character developers on this one. They tried so hard to be different, they messed it up. The voice for kunnavang sounds more fitting. I don't know if it would better with a chirp, whistle, or "Hawk" at the end of each phrase, but man that voice sounds so out of place.

  10. @Linken.6345 said:

    @"Ferin Delanore.2674" said:Boom! 8:43m in she notices the exact thing I mean. Pretty much same reaction as I had initially. Not negative... just unexpected. This is one of GW2's partners who makes regular great vids.

    But you forgot to add that they said .Not what I expected the first tengu to sound like, But I like it.

    So not like your opening post at all.

    She didn't like that... she was being polite to her host. She knows she gets perks from ANet and was trying to shallow that over cooked, unseasoned, raw in the middle, piece of larva butt. I watched enough of her video to know when she's truly surprised and happy, or when she's like "I'm just doing my job".

  11. I feel there is a lot of pressure on this next expansion. I'm not sure how these Devs plotted things out, but this could either lead GW2 to fly to new heights or could tank the whole game. Especially after have the second expansion that seem to do well with introducing something to the game that most players least expected. Mounts! It kinda wished they introduce mounts with EoD, just so that we would be disappointed if the dev can't top them.

    I truely can't imagine anything ANet could do that could top mounts in this game. A new race would be nice. Same with player housing or side-kick system. But none comes close to mounts. They made mount like no other. How do they top that?

    EoD also has the issue of creating a new Elite Specializations. Some professions got what many players were hoping for, while others were nice, but not on anyone's wish list or radar. Will EoD finally fulfill many players dreams, allowing their profession to have the weapons, utilities, or mechanics that've yearn for?

    If EoD miss the mark, falling short of what PoF did, would players return and bring a friend, or will they turn off the lights for good?

  12. That Tengu voice was a terrible pick. I understand that every body sounds differently, but this was our first introduction of Tengu in GW2. To ignore general expectations, you would have to sell it that this voice is a better fit. It reminds me of when Star Wars added Jar-Jar, a character that fills a major roll in the story. It really misses the mark. Why would you introduce something that's so off putting.

    I agree... That voice does not fit with that character. It's weird and ackward. It reminds me of when my nephew turn 13. Every time he speaks, although I see his lips moving, I'm wondering where that other sound is coming from.

  13. @Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:All classes should have medium armor and medium health its kind of silly that the vary of hp / def is still in the game even though the reason for such effects are long gone as in the old trait point system that had hp def build into it to where some classes would get more from there hp line that where low hp and high hp classes would get a lot less.

    If every class had the same health and armor, than that would change the theme and balance of the classes, wouldn't it?

    How would that change the theme? A class is tankly or glass though its gear combo build more then any thing else. By letting all classes have the same hp / armor you would get away from class just simply getting free hp / armor over other classes that done there by letting them build more glassly. In an odd way the high tankly classes though the current hp / def system are more able to go glassly then the lower hp / def making them more likely to build tankly.

    These class didn't start with nor will end with GW2. All of these are traditional archetypes throughout the fantasy lore. Warrior/Fighters or Paladins always had Heavy Plate or Chainmail, Thieves or Rangers / Rouges wore medium/ Leather Armor, and Scholars/Mages wore robes/ Light Armor. One doesn't just and change a whole 100 years of story telling and mythical lore for nothing without expecting a major shift in continuity. Even in games that allow changes, its explained and put in a slightly different box.

    You both are absolutely right that it's a very old concept, indeed
    tied to the classic archetypes you described.But gameplaywise there's imo some real big flaws on how ANet has implemented an arbitrary system tied to both AR
    HP! Sure, you'd obviously expect more Armor Rating / Defence on a full plated body armor worn by a frontline archetype (like a warrior) than a mesmer in the backline wearing nothing more than a nightgown. But Health, well, I don't see any thematical or even logical reasoning behind the system that is in place now (i.e. it's not like something far more logical like: if you wear Heavy Amor, you move slower: I'm happy that's not in the game, btw. It would hurt the game a lot!).I mean take the Guardian, by new people often seen as a Paladin archetype. Yes you would expect them to have sturdy armor, but no, I would never expect them to have the lowest base health pool out there ... Or a Necromancer ... it's in the name even: death should be it's specialty, and it is the furthest away from it with the largest health pool out there!

    There's only gameplay reasons why they have
    differences in Health Pools, which leads to lesser choice once you've chosen your class, and the stigmas that come with it in the community. So,
    a real advocate of removing those base health pool differences. (Again, combined with an extensive balance pass!).Armor Rating is a different story. Yea, you could set those to one and the same AR for all classes, I don't think it would actually hurt the game that much (probably even improve it), but like mentioned above, this one is thematically
    more tied to these classic archetypes. It's somewhat comparable to the whole idea of wielding a shield, but not getting extra defence from it. It just feels a bit weird.

    Think of it as training and efficiency. If you're a mage in heavy armor, not only are you not trained to Fight in that armor, you don't have the prowess need to cast your sophisticated spells. Warriors don't fight in non heavy armor because it makes no sense not to.

    Plus, the class with more close combat experience seems to be hardiy and durable. Thieves don't get touched.

  14. @Jski.6180 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:All classes should have medium armor and medium health its kind of silly that the vary of hp / def is still in the game even though the reason for such effects are long gone as in the old trait point system that had hp def build into it to where some classes would get more from there hp line that where low hp and high hp classes would get a lot less.

    If every class had the same health and armor, than that would change the theme and balance of the classes, wouldn't it?

    How would that change the theme? A class is tankly or glass though its gear combo build more then any thing else. By letting all classes have the same hp / armor you would get away from class just simply getting free hp / armor over other classes that done there by letting them build more glassly. In an odd way the high tankly classes though the current hp / def system are more able to go glassly then the lower hp / def making them more likely to build tankly.

    These class didn't start with nor will end with GW2. All of these are traditional archetypes throughout the fantasy lore. Warrior/Fighters or Paladins always had Heavy Plate or Chainmail, Thieves or Rangers / Rouges wore medium/ Leather Armor, and Scholars/Mages wore robes/ Light Armor. One doesn't just and change a whole 100 years of story telling and mythical lore for nothing without expecting a major shift in continuity. Even in games that allow changes, its explained and put in a slightly different box.

  15. @Taril.8619 said:So, Elite Specializations are pretty cool. They add a new specialization, new utility skills and a new weapon to a class.

    But, the downside is the limitation that is having to use the new Specialization to be able to use the new weapon and utilities as well as going forward the specialization itself will become more notably limiting since you can't use multiple Elite Specializations together (Meaning that each new Elite Specialization still only has 2x the current 5 core Specializations to use alongside)

    As such, I was wondering if core classes might ever be expanded upon? Given that such a thing would create more potential options to utilize. I.e. A new core weapon/Utility set could be utilized by any combination of Core Specializations as well as any Elite Specialization. While any new Core Specialization increases the pool of options that can be paired with an Elite Specialization (Whilst also making more combinations for 3x Core Specialization builds)

    If necessary, you can continue to lock these additions behind Expansion content (Such as how Elite Specializations are unlocked), it's just it would be nice for new content to have more flexibility.

    I hope we stick with 9 classes. I think all the class themes can be touched on by the Elite Specializations. Right now, what ever class you can think of from any fantasy story, you can tie into one of the 9 classes, which is what I like the most.

  16. @Jski.6180 said:All classes should have medium armor and medium health its kind of silly that the vary of hp / def is still in the game even though the reason for such effects are long gone as in the old trait point system that had hp def build into it to where some classes would get more from there hp line that where low hp and high hp classes would get a lot less.

    If every class had the same health and armor, than that would change the theme and balance of the classes, wouldn't it?

  17. @Biff.5312 said:If it was going to happen, Tengu is the only one that makes much sense to me. However, I don't think there's any lack of variety now in the number of race/profession combos. There's simply no need for a new race, and given that there's no particular racial bonuses in the game, it really seems pointless.

    Everything isn't about advantages or bonuses. Somethings are just about satisfaction. Plenty of players would just be satisfied to play a Tengu.

  18. @mercury ranique.2170 said:

    @"Lonami.2987" said:

    Very likely
    • Said to have been the 6th scrapped race from GW2, they have a large presence in the game, and their own large territory in the middle of the other playable races. They use the charr skeleton, which would make development and armor adaptation easier, though it's unlikely they would go back to adapt every armor skin. Lot of unique bird and Asian-themed customization.
    • Very easy to implement, since they would use the same skeleton as the humans, sylvari, and norn. Most of the armor skins would be very easy to adapt too. The wings could be a problem, but they've never been stated to be a biological part of them, and for all we know they could be special assassin backpacks. Lot of fish and underwater-themed customization. They would fill the classic spot of the dark elves, and bring a dark anti-hero race to the mix.

    Nothing in the game has a skeleton. It is not how game modeling works. It has a form and in that form there is nothing. You do see some skeletons in game production, used to design motion but it is not needed in the actual game. It is the outside of the body what matters. That means Tengu can't be based on the Charr model and Largos not on the Humanoid model. They would still require a redesign of all armor in the game.

    I think a lot of us knew what was meant. I think it was funny that you cam for his neck... ??

  19. @Linken.6345 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I see people complaining about Tengu's armor, story, and voice lines. I think all of these are easy to work out. Yes it's going to take time and money, but it's not impossible. I say, just do the darn thing. If they can create mounts in this game, they can create a race. No one is asking for perfection, but with game like this, they can always make improvements with each future game update.

    Yes it will cost time and money, neither of those Anet will be able to earn back.People against a new race would rather see time and money go to something else they might enjoy.

    It doesn't matter what people who are against it think. Once it's done it's done, and they can move on to discuss the next debate. People were against a new class, mounts, and new zones, and build templates. Those things came and went. A new Race could come out too and people will forget they complained.

  20. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I think all of these are easy to work out.

    This is half the problem with a lot of suggestions on here. People like to vastly underestimate how difficult things are.

    Everything is easy or doable if you just dismiss or handwave all the hard bits and downsides about them.

    I could do it right, if they hired me and gave me a team I could direct.

  21. I see people complaining about Tengu's armor, story, and voice lines. I think all of these are easy to work out. Yes it's going to take time and money, but it's not impossible. I say, just do the darn thing. If they can create mounts in this game, they can create a race. No one is asking for perfection, but with game like this, they can always make improvements with each future game update.

  22. The best and most wanted ideas for the next Elites are:

    • **Warrior/ Staff > Dual Pistols > Focus > main hand Shield.
    • **Guardian/ War Horn > Offhand Sword > offhand Scepter > main hand Focus
    • **Revenant/ Great Sword > Scepter > Focus > Dual Pistols > Main hand Axe
    • **Ranger/ Hammer > Rifle > Shield > Focus > offhand Sword > Scepter > Dual Pistols
    • **Engineer/ Offhand Dagger > Mace > Focus > Staff > Great Sword
    • **Thief/ Torch > Offhand Sword > Dual Mace > Focus > Great Sword > Dual Axes
    • **Elementalist/ Long Bow > Great Sword > Offhand Scepter > Main hand Focus >
    • **Mesmer/ Short Bow > War Horn > Main hand Pistol > Dual Daggers
    • **Necromancer/ Shield > Hammer > offhand Axe > Rifle > Main hand Sword
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