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Posts posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. @ElijahFitzroy.5762 said:

    @ElijahFitzroy.5762 said:if you take a look on google and search GW2 cosplay you can see quite a few people that have made characters from other games/movies/cartoons. There is actually a really good Skeletor i've seen recently. Also Beast has been used many times (even I have a version) I've also made; Hawkeye, Jack Torrence (the shinning), She-Ra, He-man, Sarah Sanderson (Hocus pocus), Selene (Underworld) and Aurora (Malificent), just to name a few.

    I do try to match their "powers" in whatever story they are in to a profession that matches them in game or a profession that has the weapons they use, such as my Hawkeye character is a Ranger. Though most of them don't have full loadouts because they are cosplay characters for contests or they were just an idea. Though my Hawkeye is a vanilla ranger build because that is the easiest one to use longbow on. Lets see;Hawkeye (ranger/vanilla)Sarah Sanderson ( Necromancer/scourge)She-ra (1980s) (mesmer/vanilla)The Beast (Guardian/vanilla)The Grinch (Mesmer/below 80)Selene (Engineer/scrapper) (thief would work better but I specifically needed a scrapper at the time)Jack Torrence (Ranger/Below 80)Aurora (mesmer/Below 80)Jack Sparrow (Engineer/vanilla)
    he's an asura, quite adorable

    If you ever need help with character design please feel free to message me. I love making new toons and trying to match them up with the right class and make them look as good as possible in game. Good luck and as I said take a look at google, you might get some cool ideas from others. Another good place to check out is GW2 style (www.gw2style.com) . its a great website where people post their looks.

    I always saw The Beast being a Mesmer.

    Not for me, picked guardian cause of the blue magic. Pink doesn’t really fit. If it was red or purple it would make more sense. Plus I picked it cause you can used torches on it and there are candelabra torches, plus they can also use focus and there is a mirror focus.

    Mesmers can use Tourchs and Focus, but have pick magic. Mesmers also can wear light armor like Beast does.
  2. @Zahld.4956 said:A new trait line that cannot be deselected and is an additional trait line.This trait line would have only one or two activated traits at any time.This trait line would be a general trait line where other traits may not seem to fit any other trait line.This trait line would be easier for devs to increase the pool of (traits) because adding a trait would not cause too much of an imbalance compared to when adding a trait to any other trait line.There is not major or minor traits, just a pool of traits with one or two to be used at a time.

    This is already in the game. It's a hidden trait line that come from when you pick the profession and it determines your skills, weapons, and specializations

  3. @"ElijahFitzroy.5762" said:if you take a look on google and search GW2 cosplay you can see quite a few people that have made characters from other games/movies/cartoons. There is actually a really good Skeletor i've seen recently. Also Beast has been used many times (even I have a version) I've also made; Hawkeye, Jack Torrence (the shinning), She-Ra, He-man, Sarah Sanderson (Hocus pocus), Selene (Underworld) and Aurora (Malificent), just to name a few.

    I do try to match their "powers" in whatever story they are in to a profession that matches them in game or a profession that has the weapons they use, such as my Hawkeye character is a Ranger. Though most of them don't have full loadouts because they are cosplay characters for contests or they were just an idea. Though my Hawkeye is a vanilla ranger build because that is the easiest one to use longbow on. Lets see;Hawkeye (ranger/vanilla)Sarah Sanderson ( Necromancer/scourge)She-ra (1980s) (mesmer/vanilla)The Beast (Guardian/vanilla)The Grinch (Mesmer/below 80)Selene (Engineer/scrapper) (thief would work better but I specifically needed a scrapper at the time)Jack Torrence (Ranger/Below 80)Aurora (mesmer/Below 80)Jack Sparrow (Engineer/vanilla) he's an asura, quite adorable

    If you ever need help with character design please feel free to message me. I love making new toons and trying to match them up with the right class and make them look as good as possible in game. Good luck and as I said take a look at google, you might get some cool ideas from others. Another good place to check out is GW2 style (www.gw2style.com) . its a great website where people post their looks.

    I always saw The Beast being a Mesmer.

  4. @InsaneQR.7412 said:

    @"Lonami.2987" said:I think it should be this way:
    • High:
      Necromancer, Engineer, Warrior.
    • Medium:
      Elementalist, Ranger, Guardian.
    • Low:
      Mesmer, Thief, Revenant.

    For reference, here is the current setup:

    I would agree with that line up.It would balance out some problems with guardian, elementalist buildcraft and mesmers would be a bit more squishy.High health engineer could be problematic though.

    So how about

    • High: Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior.
    • Medium: Elementalist, Elem., Guardian.
    • Low: Mesmer, Thief, Revenant.?
  5. @"Lonami.2987" said:I think it should be this way:

    • High: Necromancer, Engineer, Warrior.
    • Medium: Elementalist, Ranger, Guardian.
    • Low: Mesmer, Thief, Revenant.

    For reference, here is the current setup: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health

    I disagree. I think it should be:

    • High: Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior.
    • Medium: Mesmer, Engineer, Revenant.
    • Low: Elementalist, Thief, Guardian.

    Guardian has on going regeneration where as Revenant doesn't. Ele has access to a healing attunement where Mesmer doesn't have ample healing options. I think Rangers should be mored hardy compared to Engineer.

    I even think they should change the profession choosing screen to reflect this so you would have armor classes going from heavy to light and hip going from high to low.

    • Warrior, Revenant, Guardian
    • Ranger, Engineer, Thief
    • Necro, Mesmer, Elem.

    I think this really reflects the difference between classes.

  6. Before you say "go look for past post"... I did. I notice that there a trend with professions alternating between armored types and health levels. Warriors are the most protective and durable and elementalist are the least protective and least durable. But with the medium armored classes, there seems to be only moderate durability and the least durable Thief. I know that Ranger has a pet and Engineer no real justification to have more health, but could either of them change to be the high health bearer?

  7. @draxynnic.3719 said:

    @"mindcircus.1506" said:PoF's Legend wasn't from the Desert. What makes you think EoD's needs to be from Cantha?

    Every profession had an Elona themed elite spec except Rev.

    Really? I didn't notice.

    Some were a bit more obvious about it than others, but yeah, they all had fluff tying them to Elona or the desert in general except for the Renegade.

    I guess I don't see how Ranger, Engineer, Thief, Elementalist, or Guardian fit the "Elona Theme". I can see how Necro, Warrior, and Mesmer were, but that a few compared to most. Even with HOT, I feel only a few felt work well in the Jungle. I think if they could do it over, they would probably put more thought into they flavors of the elites to match the expansion locations. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.

  8. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @theoneparttwo.9561 said:No. Non. Nope. Nein. Nyet. Never. Nuh-uh.

    There are a million and a half reasons why it won't happen, and continuing to beat that dead horse is likely what led us to having that malformed Pegasus skin for the Griffon. The devs used a group of necromancers to reanimate the desecrated corpse of said dead horse and sold it in the gem shop. Please, for the sake of the malformed Pegasus, just stop already with these posts! ( :tongue: )

    Once upon a time these forums were filled with posts that said there would never be mounts and to stop flogging a dead horse asking for them... I guess you were not around then...

    Except mounts didn't requires Anet to rework
    their available armor skins to implement ... a new race like Tengu most likely does. Considering how LITTLE value adding a new race to the game actually has ... it's very likely you won't see it being playable.

    So what are you gonna say if they add it to the game? I'm just curious.

    I probably won't be around if they do ... a company that adds such low value content to a game over something more meaningful doesn't deserve my patronage or anyone else's.

    I feel ya! Every man's trash is another man's treasure. I think this would be worth it to so many people. Sorry that you'd leave if they add it.

  9. @Linken.6345 said:

    @theoneparttwo.9561 said:No. Non. Nope. Nein. Nyet. Never. Nuh-uh.

    There are a million and a half reasons why it won't happen, and continuing to beat that dead horse is likely what led us to having that malformed Pegasus skin for the Griffon. The devs used a group of necromancers to reanimate the desecrated corpse of said dead horse and sold it in the gem shop. Please, for the sake of the malformed Pegasus, just stop already with these posts! ( :tongue: )

    Once upon a time these forums were filled with posts that said there would never be mounts and to stop flogging a dead horse asking for them... I guess you were not around then...

    Except mounts didn't requires Anet to rework
    their available armor skins to implement ... a new race like Tengu most likely does. Considering how LITTLE value adding a new race to the game actually has ... it's very likely you won't see it being playable.

    So what are you gonna say if they add it to the game? I'm just curious.

    It was answered before in thread.

    Why did you waste resources on this?

    I missed it?

  10. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @theoneparttwo.9561 said:No. Non. Nope. Nein. Nyet. Never. Nuh-uh.

    There are a million and a half reasons why it won't happen, and continuing to beat that dead horse is likely what led us to having that malformed Pegasus skin for the Griffon. The devs used a group of necromancers to reanimate the desecrated corpse of said dead horse and sold it in the gem shop. Please, for the sake of the malformed Pegasus, just stop already with these posts! ( :tongue: )

    Once upon a time these forums were filled with posts that said there would never be mounts and to stop flogging a dead horse asking for them... I guess you were not around then...

    Except mounts didn't requires Anet to rework
    their available armor skins to implement ... a new race like Tengu most likely does. Considering how LITTLE value adding a new race to the game actually has ... it's very likely you won't see it being playable.

    So what are you gonna say if they add it to the game? I'm just curious.

  11. @Balsa.3951 said:I explain for everyone who want tengu

    Anet is a company who need think about cost of production in relation to how much money they can get from it.

    here the workload to implement tengu

    All dialogues need be recorded with a tengu voiceAll armors in game need be redesigned to fit tengu body shapesAll animations need be customized to fit a tengu bodyA new personal story need be designed with multiply choicesA new home instance need be made for tengus and a new starter zoneThe creation screen need 2 new models for your choice added. A full customize template with various faces and body shapes and hair styles need be built.Dialogue Animation scenes need to be redone to fit tengu u know the kind of u have in ther personal story when talk to an npc.

    Here are the wins for anetHappy Bird lover(who probaply buy the xpac with or without tengu)

    It's worth it!! ??This arguement to me is like a person that argues not to have a family, because they cost money. It's about quality of life maaaan!

  12. @theoneparttwo.9561 said:No. Non. Nope. Nein. Nyet. Never. Nuh-uh.

    There are a million and a half reasons why it won't happen, and continuing to beat that dead horse is likely what led us to having that malformed Pegasus skin for the Griffon. The devs used a group of necromancers to reanimate the desecrated corpse of said dead horse and sold it in the gem shop. Please, for the sake of the malformed Pegasus, just stop already with these posts! ( :tongue: )

    Love your intro, but I would love Tengu race added to the game too. If they don't add Tengu, they would miss a great opportunity to add them.

    They really do need to redo the Pegasus Skin. That is atrocious. That's the equivalent of someone purposely messing up an order because they don't want to cook. I can understand not wanting to have Equidae in their world, but if they were going to do something like that, it'd been better not to do anything at all. Now I want them to do better.

  13. @iynk.9053 said:Summons are not at all niche or unique to a single profession, and skins should be made available for all summons (elementals, turrets, spirit weapons, etc.) provided there is significant interest from the player base.

    This is the game for whatever cosmetic effects players will buy in Gem Store.

    Weapons aren't available for every profession either and they make money at that? How is this different?

  14. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I really don't get people's fascination with aquatic weapons used on land. They can easily make a Staff a melee weapon a sword a range weapon, and different types of skins. What am I missing?

    Some want it for aesthetic, and some aren't satisfied with the current 2 Handed weapons Thier profession has, so adding another 2 Handed weapon to the mix might grant them a fighting style they want. Also people that are requesting the spear, are doing so because its easier to implement, and easier for the devs considering a whole new weapon would be more work. A crossbow skin can be added for the harpoon gun for land use as well. The water weapons skills can be easily converted for ground use.

    For those that want Spear for Warrior, the can simply give Warrior a Staff and create a skin for it and for those that want crossbow skin, they can simply put that on rifle. If they did that would people still want under water weapons?

  15. @Firebeard.1746 said:I'm kinda miffed I can't use GS effectively in raids/strikes/fractals as mirage, I like the ambush skill for GS, but the throughput is just ineffective. Almost all of the extra damage from the spec come from imaginary axes and the trait that gives additional ones on axe skill use. (To be fair, its autoattack also has ridiculously heavy condi damage as well, far and above anything the other mirage weapons could generate, either on plain auto attacks OR ambushes. )

    I prefer choice, and I feel like making the elite weapon THE choice kills the spec sometimes and makes the elite specs feel more like pigeonholing than an actual extension of your class. I'd say good traits are ones like Chronophantasma that work well with ALL weapons and not just one.

    I'm not saying make the elite weapons bad, I'm just saying it feels bad when there's only 1 weapon choice for an elite.

    I think GS, from what you said, just isn't the right weapon for that specialization. I'm sure other weapons would work besides Axe, but this seems that Mirage it's meant for that one weapon.

  16. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I really don't get people's fascination with aquatic weapons used on land. They can easily make a Staff a melee weapon a sword a range weapon, and different types of skins. What am I missing?

    Some want it for aesthetic, and some aren't satisfied with the current 2 Handed weapons Thier profession has, so adding another 2 Handed weapon to the mix might grant them a fighting style they want. Also people that are requesting the spear, are doing so because its easier to implement, and easier for the devs considering a whole new weapon would be more work. A crossbow skin can be added for the harpoon gun for land use as well. The water weapons skills can be easily converted for ground use.

    Before they add Trident or Harpoon, they should use Staff and Rifle. It's easier.

  17. @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    @"DrukenReaps.6421" said:"adds a layer to an otherwise luke-warm clone of the WoW demon-hunter from aesthetic down to move-set. "

    Heart of Thorns and Revenant came out before Demon Hunter, therefore Demon Hunter is the luke-warm clone :p

    @"DrukenReaps.6421" said:"adds a layer to an otherwise luke-warm clone of the WoW demon-hunter from aesthetic down to move-set. "

    Heart of Thorns and Revenant came out before Demon Hunter, therefore Demon Hunter is the luke-warm clone :p

    Demon Hunters exist since at least Warcraft 3, which came out in 2002, or it's expansion, which was released in 2003.They are far older than Revenants.

    @"DrukenReaps.6421" said:2002 would be correct technically but if we are using that then we could go further back in time to anything that is remotely similar to both classes. These are far from the first archetypes using the idea. If we are going to legitimately compare the two then it is only really worth comparing the WoW class available to players to Revenant.

    I mean Say what you will about who copied who, I do think Rev was designed around the demon hunter. At least aesthetically. But demon hunter in my opinion is a better class all around and does what its intended to do well while revenant honestly as much as I love it is a clown. Doesn't know what it wants to be, and they dont know what they want it to be so they slap stuff on and if it sticks ; Then it sticks. Ontop of that Id say demon hunters were better received and handled, as well balanced as blizzard ensured they'd not get gutted.... meanwhile here? Rev feels like a husk of what it once was. Which is a shame because as far as classes go Rev and messmer are guild wars unique classes, all the others in some form show up in other games almost identical to their tyria counter part. Those two stand out as unique at least when compared with competition; Despite the references and similarities Rev is more than a Demon hunter baby.... however it was... I should say. It's A-nets fault for pushing it into that direction while not giving it the proper love it needs/needed.

    Are you serious. I'd have to say, if all you know of character classes come from WoW, than you might have a very limited view of the fantasy genre. Revenant embodies a lot of class archetypes, just like every other profession. I'd say each Specialization, Core and Elite, would have been a class archetype from an traditional table top rpg or fantasy novel. For them to manage, squeeze them together, and tie them into one themed profession, I think ANet has done a great job with and changed the idea of how people would now perceive those archetypes. Now when I see an Acrobat or a Ninja in an RPG, I think, "that's a type of thief", because GW2, where before, they stood alone. So when you look at revenant, just know that class represents so many class archetypes that are similar, that fit under the theme of mystical possession. You have the demon, the evil spirit, the ancient relic, and the renowned warrior. You also have themes of mysticism, dimensional rifts, otherworldly abilities, and ghostly powers. The elites add the Dragon Knight and Commune and summon ancient spirit warriors.

  18. 1) Bring back a fully playable Living World Season 1. It sad that I bought GW2 at launch, but since I'm I'm a causal player, I miss out of living world 1, like so many others.

    2) Redo Revenant so, they too, can use racial skills. I would have made F1 "Channel/Unchannel", F2 Legend Swap, and F3 Ancient Echo. When you're unchanneled, you would have access to racial skills and a new skill that similar, but less powerful or a long cool down of one of each legend you have access to. This would one, keep the theme of the profession, two allow them to have equal number of skills as each other profession, and give revenant player a chance to choose.

    3) Make personality have a purpose in the game. They could make a roleplaying element where your party, instead of focusing on combat, focuses on negotiating. Certainly, personalities in your group may lock you out of certain conversational options or have a meter where a person too noble in your party can only tolerate so much corruption and vice versa, and trigger events. People could be rewarded in the end based on how well they negotiate and the final option they pick or have to fight to get to safety or resolve the conflict. I think this would be a great mini game in WvW.

    4) Allow each Elite Specializations to have an extra weapon type. With EOD bringing a new elite, there would be 3 elite specs, with only 3 new weapon options. I think it'll be better if there were six weapon options. Therefore most players would have a weapon option of their choice, it would be great for creating more builds, and it would limit the need for more elite specializations in the future. Im not suggesting they make core have more weapons, because I like the idea of an elite having more options to weapons than core. Even if they were to create more expansions after EOD, they could either use the same elite weapons with the same weapon skills or have different weapon skills, therefore all rangers could use an axe the same way, but a Druid may use a Staff different than a new elite ranger using a Staff, but maybe a Druid could now use a Staff and a focus and the new elite ranger uses a Staff and a rifle. Allowing each elite to use two weapon types could also help Devs focus on balancing after EOD instead of moving on to focus on creating a new elite specializations and satisfying the players that crave for their Ranger Rifle or Revenant Great Sword, since most weapons would then be available to all classes.

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