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Posts posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @MatyrGustav.6210 said:I would like. Priest Spec for Guardian, but i feel like if we were to have a completely new profession, we would need a Sorceror/Warlock type class that uses Mana as its class function with Dark art spells and Melee capability. Or a New profession that swaps from light to dark like Elementalist attunments.

    We already have this with the Necromancer and Revenant

    Necro doesn't really have mana, all spells are on cooldowns, and its spells are basically all conditions and effects.Revenant, has something similar to Mana but is more like stamina, and they don't really have spells.I want a class that feels like a classic mage with dps, with them working a little bit like thiefs initiative but just for utility spells. Maybe give them twice the amount of the initiative (Mana), but it regenerates slower. The weapon strikes could be based off of cooldowns only. Long range utility Dps spells.

    Yeah, they could do that with either the next Necro or Rev elite. More likely Necro, where instead of going into Shoud, the life force could be used for utility skills instead.

    That"ll be cool. Though in hoping necro will finally have Bone skills and summon Skeletons traditionally. But either would be cool.

    I'm sure they could do both.

  2. I really love how GW has every base themed covered, they really don't need a new class with the core specializations and the elite system they have. If there is a class missing, just adding a new elite should take care of the job. All we really need is 2 or 3 more elites, or simply one more elite, but give each elite 2 non core weapons. That should satisfy everyone, except those that are constantly trying to get the game balanced. ?

  3. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:

    @MatyrGustav.6210 said:I would like. Priest Spec for Guardian, but i feel like if we were to have a completely new profession, we would need a Sorceror/Warlock type class that uses Mana as its class function with Dark art spells and Melee capability. Or a New profession that swaps from light to dark like Elementalist attunments.

    We already have this with the Necromancer and Revenant

    Necro doesn't really have mana, all spells are on cooldowns, and its spells are basically all conditions and effects.Revenant, has something similar to Mana but is more like stamina, and they don't really have spells.I want a class that feels like a classic mage with dps, with them working a little bit like thiefs initiative but just for utility spells. Maybe give them twice the amount of the initiative (Mana), but it regenerates slower. The weapon strikes could be based off of cooldowns only. Long range utility Dps spells.

    Yeah, they could do that with either the next Necro or Rev elite. More likely Necro, where instead of going into Shoud, the life force could be used for utility skills instead.
  4. @MatyrGustav.6210 said:I would like. Priest Spec for Guardian, but i feel like if we were to have a completely new profession, we would need a Sorceror/Warlock type class that uses Mana as its class function with Dark art spells and Melee capability. Or a New profession that swaps from light to dark like Elementalist attunments.

    We already have this with the Necromancer and Revenant

  5. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @Dark Red Killian.3946 said:It can be an option. I still think next expac should introduce a secondary character companion, like a hero that you can equip with its own gear and profession. You can swap to them outside of combat to play as them. They could have Tengu, or any other playable race they want to add. You get your glamour wars for new races, anet gets profit off the outfits people buy, there you go.

    Why would we need heroes? It's an MMO.

    They had heroes in GW1

  6. @"MokahTGS.7850" said:Pretty sure they misspoke...new weapons meaning skins. Balancing of 30 skills per class is not something they drop in a smaller patch. Expansion 3...maybe. Why would they lose the monetary gain of selling point for the expansion. Adding nunchucks to the game is a pretty good bullet point for an expansion sales pitch.

    In the trailer it says "Weapons & Skins" which most likely means weapon skins and other skins (backpacks, mounts, armor, etc.) The proceeded to show the very skins they are talking about in the next few seconds...none of which were on a new weapon.

    So you think they would misquote after showing someone threw a spear? Okay...

  7. @"guardian of fortuide.1724" said:Hello everyone, My Name is Guardian. I played GW2 religiously in vanilla many years ago I have almost 1,000 hours logged just in vanilla and Iv just returned to find all this new glorious content that has come out over the years. To my dismay I found it very unappealing to do what I find the most fun in MMO's which is raid content and ill get to the reasons why in a alittle bit but first I would like to talk about my journey up to this point after my return about a month ago.

    So I seen recently that GW2 was going to release a new expansion in Cantha. Factions being my absolute favorite aesthetic of any game of all time I am very excited for this also I hear that GW2 will now be releasing on steam very shortly, and many of my friends hope to try out the game when it comes to the steam marketplace. So I hop back into the game and wow there is alot of new content. This is where I run into my first issue with the current state of GW2, not the players but the state of how complicated it is to get Ascended gear for new and returning players, even with tons of resources and guides out there I found it very convoluted and off putting figuring out how to obtain ascended armor, and if I wasn't such a massive fan of the Guild Wars franchise I would have probably played through the new expansion content HoT and PoF and called it a day, because its just way to messy figuring out everything needed to get the elusive ascended gear. and I feel like this is our first road block. When new players will come through steam I want there to be a second wave of Guild Wars fans I want the game to take off again but I feel this path to getting ascended gear will need to be made far more clear for this to happen, as Ascended gear is basically required to do Raid content and Raid content is what many people play MMOs for.However I digress, after learning all the intricacies and asking too many questions 2 and 1/2 weeks later I was fully ascended and ready to raid. Along my path every sub community I met, the hardcore fractal runners the hardcore PvE Meta grinders and everyone in-between was so friendly and I had some great times and met some great people who helped me stumble along.Now I'm there I'm ready to raid Iv watched every boss fight and I have practiced my rotations and my build and gear is perfect. So i go looking for my first Raid and I see every raid even training raids have this annotation.. kp, I'm like what is kp? I tried to get into several Raid "Training" groups and all asked for kp. so I asked in the Map chat and I was told by a friendly passer by that Kp stands for Kill Proof and most Raid groups want it even new player raid groups. So I asked well how is anyone supposed to get kp if you cant get into a raid without kp that makes no sense. He and a few others told me "Fake it till you make it" They actively encourage to study the bosses then just fake item chat codes to act like I have kp to get into groups.In all the MMOs I have played from Dark age of Camelot to mythic WoW raiding I have never herd of such an Elitist exclusive community based system that is so off putting and punishing to new players. This system will absolutely not be sustainable for a prolonged future, Casual players Raider or not are the heart of the game. We need Casuals to keep the game alive, We need a system over haul in my opinion that removes kp tokens from the game entirely and I propose to have a Gear score esc system similar to the Agony Resistance in fractals because that is also hardcore end game content at T4 and I don't see anywhere near the level of elitism there so maybe in Raids a similar system can work as well.So Between the convoluted path to a full Ascenened set of gear and the Elitiest end game community I don't believe the current climate is suitable for a prolonged future we may get a scourge of new players from steam and the new expansion but I guarantee as my friends where all new and returning players will be turned off of the game For these reasons.

    Proposed solutions

    • Have a Agony Resistance esc. system that locks raid wings based on resistance levels
    • Have a INGAME clear and concise path to Ascended gear with details
    • Possible some kind of true group finder system that automatically detects Gear score and will show you what wings you can queue for similar to WoWs.
    • Remove all kp tokens
    • Add an inspect future to other players so if people want to form there own groups they still can do that and do gear checks.

    In Conclusion, I'm just a casual player I only have about 1,150 hours or so now and I know most of the player base now has far more than me. But this is just why I felt turned off from the game as a returning player and why my friends who where watching my journey on stream where turned off ,obviously this is just my opinion. Have a good day everyone! I hope to see you in Tyria

    I think when it comes down to it, this game was not made for you. In order for you to achieve what you want, you must change. I know it seems like if the game changed, things would be so much easier, but there so many people that have done what your trying to do.

  8. @"Akari Storm.6809" said:I voted having one weapon per e-spec, but having more than specializations per expansion...because I don't know if that's worded incorrectly or not, but I I take that at face value, it could mean anything including what we currently have also. We do get more than specializations per expansions, last time around we got mounts.

    With how the choice is written I wouldn't mind if one of the extra things this time around was every spec gets their 1 wep, but every core class got something like spears on land or even a new weapon entirely.

    If this voting selection actually meant more than one e-spec, then I think I would still stick with the same vote...it would throw a wrench in balancing that would be worse than prior versions, but I'm always for more choice in how the game is played. GW1 may have been a balancing nightmare for anet, but to players....that is what I think made the largest impact on why the game was so memorable. Theory crafting and build diversity was the heart of a game like that. Virtually a collectable card game in rpg form.

    Sorry, I meant to say, "having more than one elite specializations per expansion". Like possibly two elites with each expansion. It would have been nice if they created elites that fit the theme of the expansion.

  9. @Coeruleum.9164 said:I would be OK if they made it so all the classes could use all weapons, but a lot of these suggestions just seem silly. No one should be using mainhand shield or off-hand scepter because those are silly suggestions to begin with (mainhand focus kind of makes sense at least, because at least I can picture people casting spells with mainhand focus and it working and not looking completely stupid.) My suggestions would be more like short bow for warrior, swords for necromancers, offhand swords for thieves, just things that are similar to what the professions already have, but just letting every profession use every weapon seems fine too. I agree with @Vavume.8065, I don't want hammers on rangers or necromancers unless just everyone can use hammers, because there are so many weapons, both already existing and not, that would make more sense than that, or than dual shields on any class at all.




    So these links is to show that there's nothing wrong with using an off-hand Scepter or dualing Scepters, and there's nothing wrong with using a main hand Shield or even dual weilding shields.

    I'm glad people are voting, but I'm surprised people would rather have just one elite weapon instead of two, but would then advocate for weapons not even in the game or aquatic. I figured, there's more likely to make a main hand Shield than create an entire new weapon.

  10. I had proposed, with the new expansion coming, we could change the number of weapons elites could use. I know the Devs stated that this next expansion will not be the last, but a lot of players feel they waited long enough playing their profession without their weapon of choice. It maybe a long time coming before you see your profession without your weapon of choice, going the route ANet is currently taking. Players also suggested seeing current elite weapons having different skills available with future expansions

    So should we continue this path of 1 new weapon with a new expansion or should we take a different approach. I have my idea of what I would like to see, but I think putting it up to a vote, maybe ANet would consider something different if most people can agree on a change.

    I can see each class getting to use 6 new weapons if they had 6 new elites, but they might not create 6 expansion. Not knowing how many Elite Specs will be coming, would it be a good idea to give each elite two new weapons instead of one. They have the new Expansion coming next year and they could drastically change the direction of how the next expansions, if any, will go.

    If they did give each profession two weapons per expansion I think these would be a good idea:

    HOTDragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand SwordBerserker: Torch & main hand ShieldHerald: Shield & offhand FocusDruid: Staff & offhand FocusScrapper: Hammer & main hand MaceDaredevil: Staff & Dual MaceChronomancer: Shield & Dual DaggersTempest: Warhorn & offhand ScepterReaper: Great Sword & offhand ShieldPOFFirebrand: Main hand Axe & main hand FocusSpellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand FocusRenegade: Short Bow & Great SwordSoulbeast: Main hand Dagger & RifleHolosmith: Main hand Sword & StaffDeadeye: Rifle & offhand FocusMirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand PistolWeaver: Main hand Sword & main hand FocusScourge: Torch & Offhand AxeEODGuardian: Offhand Mace & offhand ScepterWarrior: Staff & Dual PistolsRevenant: Dual Pistols & main hand ScepterRanger: Hammer & offhand ShieldEngineer: Great Sword & offhand FocusThief: Torch & Great SwordMesmer: Short Bow & WarhornElementalist: Long Bow & Great SwordNecromancer: Rifle & Hammer

  11. @JohnWater.5760 said:I think you should stop this idea of ​​an off hand being placed as a main hand. Anet never said anything about it, not even a clue. In addition to not having to do this, the weapons are very well constructed. There is no need to change the originality of the weapons.

    Main shield, main torch, main focus, scepter off hand. Whatever it is, it is very amateurish to think that after 8 years of the game they would change something unnecessary.

    Since there are many other old things, the base of the game that never changed was a bad thing for the game, instead they created new tools to hide the defects.

    That's funny you say this, cause ANet never said they weren't making offhand weapons able to be dual weld. You should be more upset at people predicting underwater weapons used above land.

    Plus, you don't think it's weird that we have only one main hand weapon. I think there's something fishy going on and no one's talking about it, but we should be...

  12. I really hope for EOD to:1) Have a complete Living World Season 1 added to the game.

    2) Redo Core Revenant Profession. Ideally have it where you have a Neutral Stance that you toggle off/on with F1, and switch Legends with F2. When you are in a Neutral Stance, you'll have Legend Inspired Skills to make up for the lack of skills that Revenants have. Maybe the Healing Skill can be a Ventari Inspired, the other Utility Skills fulfill the other Legend Inspired Abilities, and the Elite Skill be Ancient Echo. This will allow there to be an equal number of skills compared to other professions and allow for players to finally be able to select racial skills if they want, while in the Neutral Stance. You can also replace the elite skill with elite legendary inspired skills, once the Elite Specialization is slotted.

    3) Make Revenant's Legendary Skills drain energy, not Weapon skills or Neutral Stance Skills from above.

    4) Make all Elite Specialization have access to two new weapons instead of one. This would allow people to play the game with most of the weapons in the game. If they were to come out with newer expansions, they could still use an elite specialization weapon, but in a different way than another elite. I would have it-HOT: Dragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand Sword; Berserker: Torch & main hand Shield; Herald: Shield & offhand Focus; Druid: Staff & offhand Focus; Scrapper: Hammer & main hand Mace; Daredevil: Staff & Dual Mace; Chronomancer: Shield & Dual Daggers; Tempest: Warhorn & offhand Scepter; & Reaper: Great Sword & offhand Shield.

    POF: Firebrand: Main hand Axe & main hand Focus; Spellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand Focus; Renegade: Short Bow & Great Sword; Soulbeast: Main hand Dagger & Rifle; Holosmith: Main hand Sword & Staff; Deadeye: Rifle & offhand Focus; Mirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand Pistol; Weaver: Main hand Sword & main hand Focus; & Scourge: Torch & Offhand Axe.

    EOD: Guardian: Offhand Mace & offhand Scepter; Warrior: Staff & Dual Pistols; Revenant: Dual Pistols & main hand Scepter; Ranger: Hammer & offhand Shield; Engineer: Great Sword & offhand Focus; Thief: Torch & Great Sword; Mesmer: Short Bow & Warhorn; Elementalist: Long Bow & offhand Shield; & Necromancer: Rifle & Hammer.

    5) Player Housing.

    6) Add more Ranger Pets like Primates, Wisps, and other Fairyfolks.

    7) Add Tengu as a race to the game. This will balance out the 5 races, making 6 playable races.

    8) Add more mount abilities for combat.

    9) Allow more mounts to be used in WvW and create anti-mount turrets or weapons in WvW.

    & 10) Create more Guild Content.

  13. Warrior-1) Berserker with a Torch, Rage skills and Berserker mode which gives new Berserker Bursts abilities.2) Spell Breaker with dual Daggers, Meditations, and Full Counters mechanic that absorbs and counter attacks surrounding foes.3) Warlord with Melee Staff, hired Recruits, and Marks to aid allies on the battlefield.4) Champion with a main hand Shield, Punishment abilities that weakens or leaves foes vulnerable, and Protection mechanic, gives a barrier and tethers to allies, to absorb damage.*5) Ravager with dual Pistols, Traps, and Ravage Burst mechanic which provides more of an area effect damage.

    Guardian-1) Dragonhunter with Long Bows, Traps, and the ability turn their Virtues into Physical Constructs.2) Firebrands with a main hand Axe, Mantras, and changes their Virtues in to Tomes of several spells.3) Archon with an off hand Sword, glyphs, and the ability to attune to a Virtue at a time.4) Summoner with a War Horn, Summon mythical creatures for aid, and convert Virtues into Virtuous Pets*5) Mystic with main hand Focus, Arcane Spells, and Virtuous Burst abilities.

    Revenant-1) Hearld with a Shield, conjuring Dragon abilities, and able to tap into the Dragon Legend to buff them and their allies.2) Renegade with Short Bow, able to summon spiritual combatants, and harness a Legendary Warrior's ability to command ancient forces and charging your allies for battle.3) Overlord with dual Scepters, able to summon minions from the mist, and Over Charge their connection to their attune legend.4) Mist Walker with dual Pistols, the ability to use the mist offensive and defensively, and Merge Legend abilities.*5) Rift Slayer with a Great Sword, and able to cast dimensional spells, and the timely ability to open or close a dimensional gate which exceeds their abilities.

    Ranger1) Druid with a Staff, glyphs, and the ability to turn into a Celestial Avatar2) Soulbeast with a main hand Dagger, combat stances, and the ability to take in the spirit of their pet granting them animalistic abilities.3) Shaman with a off hand Focus, summoning Totems that buff them and their allies, and having the ability to transform into their pet, having all of their pets' abilities.4) Warden with an off hand Shield, summoning herds and commanding nature to do their bidding, along with controlling 2 pets at the same time.*5) Wanderer with a Hammer, having shouts to stifle their foes, and can summon random pets for a brief moment of time.

    Engineer1) Scrapper with a Hammer, having mechanical Gyros that place wells at their destruction, and a personal gyro that revive an ally or finish a foe.2) Holosmith with a main hand Sword, the ability to conjure hard light, and the ability to Exceed their normal light abilities before they overheat.3) Machinist- with a main hand Mace, they can create gear for them and their allies, and their new mechanic allows them to use their gears to assemble into a Battle Mech.4) Technomancer with a Great Sword, and Physical Cybrotronics abilities, and Mana that alters their Cybrotronics.*5) Med Tech with an off hand Focus, Preparation skills, along with Biomatrix mechanic for buffing them and their allies.

    Thief1) Daredevil with a Melee Staff, Physical Skills for attacking foes, and offensive and defensive Dodge abilities.2) Deadeye with a Rifle, cantrips for manipulating foes, and a Deadeye Mark and Malice mechanic to cause extra damage to marked targets.3) Inquisitor with a Torch, Survival Skills to allude foes or buff abilities, and an Intuition mechanic that uses the initiative as a bonus to combat.4) Reaver with dual Maces, summoning their Thieves Guild to aid in combat, and their Steal abilities a Counter in combat.*5) Shadow Mage with an off hand Focus, Arcane Shadow spells, and can summon a Shadow Thief to steal from a distance.

    Elementalist1) Tempest with a War Horn and Shouts to command the weather and elements, and the ability to Overcharge their attunements, cause mass devastation in their wake.2) Weaver with a main hand sword, combat Stances to manipulate the elements, and the ability to control two separate elements at the same time.3) Magus with a main hand Focus, able to cast Consecration Spells, and the ability to Sub-attune, granting the benefits of other elements, while no longer able to swap attunements.4) Rune Master with a Long Bow, able to cast Elemental Wells, and Mark the ground with elemental symbols when they attune, buffing allies and damaging foes.*5) Arcanist with an off hand Scepter, the ability use Mantras, and attune to a 5th Element "the Arcane"

    Mesmer1) Chronomancer with a Shield, Wells to control time, and a new mechanic Continuum Split, so they can go back in time.2) Mirage with a main hand Axe, Deception spells, and a Mirage Cloak that allows them to evade attacks without even moving.3) Enchanter with a Short Bow, enchanting Shouts, with their Shatter Skills having new abilities, making their clones Enchantments, buffing the allies close by instead of damaging foes.4) Psionic with a main hand Pistol, Sabotage skills work like Cantrips, and they have only have one Clone at a time but can be treated as 3 clones in 1.*5) Conjurer with dual Daggers, that can Summon illusionary beasts that later turns to clones, and conjure 5 clones instead of 3, but the shatter ability only effects foes around the caster.

    Necromancer1) Reaper with Great Sword, Shouts that frighten their opponents, and a Reaper Shroud for close combat.2) Scourge with a Torch, Punishment abilities that torment and corrupt, and summons Shades to damaging foes close by.3) Diabolist with a Hammer, able to cast Tricks that damage foes, and can transform into a Demon Shroud.4) Death Stalker with a Rifle, Traps, and Stalking Spirits mechanics that can revive an ally or finish a foe.*5) Warlock with a off hand Shield, Glyphs, and a new mechanic that turns their life force into a Burst depending on their main hand weapon.

  14. @uberkingkong.8041 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Everybody is going to do whatever another person can do eventually.Who knows, theres could be a stealthy warrior, every profession could have access to stealth.Another profession can do portals, maybe a time-traveler elementalist.

    Sounds cool right?In the long ruin it ruins the vibe of the game.Short term gains for long term pain.Thats my worry.

    Please make profession in line with what its suppose to do. Only few were suppose to be able to stealth. Only few were suppose to be good at healing, etc etc.

    If everyone is going to do what everyone else use to ONLY be able to do.Mine as well just merge all the professions, and let people freely swap to whatever they want.
    Because if you played Engineer when GW2 came out because it was full of CC, now its warrior. Makes no sense that your playstyle is now all sudden another profession.

    Please please, keep profession specific stuff, profession specific.

    My question to you is, "What, in you opinion, is every profession supposed to do?" I see each profession fitting a particular class theme, not fullfilly a particular battle role. Hence, why I like the Specializations and traits so much, because you can, without Elite Specializations, create 5 or more different types of the same profession and feel like each one can have their own purpose in a battle. I think the elites do a great job adding to professions theme and at least reinforcing a Core Specializations. I thought at some point, every profession would have their own way of doing everything.

    You remember core?CM instances, some parts very easily done if you have a thief. They sneak past parts and make it go by faster.CoF P1, very easily done if you have warriors, they 100b (and its epic as it should be as in insane dps) makes finishing cof p1 very fastMesmer, portal and interruptsGuardian bunkerElementalist buffs and healsRanger ranging and pets

    They all had a role in the core GW2.Sure you can do any content, but they all had their niche.

    All sudden, no more niche because expansion x, expansion y, expansion z.Everybody does everything now.

    Just like Everquest MMORPGDruid and Ranger known for the tracking ability.a couple expansions later,Everybody tracks.Everybody can memblur mobs.etc.

    ...You know in GW1,they made mesmer the interrupt classit wasn't warriorThese guys making the game now, they probably haven't played GW1 or core GW2 back in the days.They turning warrior into cc and tank? Since when he a tank? or even cc?They turning professions outta there lane, because they want everyone to do everything.

    Breaks the lore of the game,keep people in there lane.

    I disagree. I think everyone still has their niche, but with elites, professions can take on another role. Like in GW1, every class had a secondary profession. If in GW1 you wanted to have a Warrior with a secondary class being a Mesmer, you can simply have SpellBreaker in GW2. Did you complained about Warrior/Mesmers in GW1?

    Well if we go the way you want it, and how its been going.Professions just changing roles and not staying in their lane.

    Theif...Make the monk from GW1.55hp monk thief, I'm waiting for this. Tank/Healer role.Should be a guardian, but you know Spellbreaker being a warrior instead of guardian.

    Make the healer bunker 55hp monk the thief and not guardian.

    One thing I notice too, they make the elites, the new version of whatever profession the best, and the core, etc. USELESS. Unless its already a meta.

    Ex. Berserker, what a useless build. They need a BUFF.

    I agree that they need to make elite spec. inline with core, but that doesn't mean that they should only make elites that stay in "their lane". In fact, this is the first time I even heard of each profession having a "lane" Especially with how they original devs boast about having no holy trinity and being able to make your character profession do what you like. I think the professions are in theme only. Will some core professions be better at somethings than others? Yes, but I thought the purpose of elites professions what to help the profession come up to par in areas that they initially suffered in, not create more divisions "in their lanes".

    I'm not saying that Warriors should start using magic, although Spellbreaker is very close to resembling a spell casting warrior. I not advocating that Elementalist should start raising the dead. I think it great for all classes to fill roles that other professions fill. I like see a Warrior do Elementalist things in a Warrior type way. I think that should be the same with all upcoming elites.

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