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Posts posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. On 8/1/2021 at 1:56 AM, Jojo.6590 said:

    Virtuoso input/critiques:

    Keep in mind a lot of this can change over time as the E-spec is currently in Beta. Just hoping I can provide input that may be helpful. 




    I happen to very much like the concept and design of this elite spec for Mesmer, epically as a dedicated Mesmer main. I remember way back when when someone posted a concept for this and then several of us joined in and started spit-balling ideas for this. I can't help but wonder if someone at Anet saw it and agreed that it was an awesome idea and here we are today.

    As much as I enjoy the sound of Virtuoso as the E-specs name I have to agree with many others that it just does not feel like it fits the concept and theme of a ranged damage dealer that uses a dagger. Name suggestions, just to get peoples gears turning to see if we can come up with a name that better fits the concept could be;

    Bladesong, Mind Stab (yes, a play on the f1 shatter), Phantasmal Blade, and Delusory Blade. Note these can also work as skill names too!

    As others have stated I too would like to see an offhand dagger add too.

    I'd also like to see boon stripping as a bigger theme for this E-spec too. Tough I'm not sure where exactly to fit this in currently.


    Skills: animations, naming, and affects:




    Flying Cutter (dagger auto attack/1):

    Animation: As others have stated the animation currently is lackluster so too is the casting of simply moving left and right. I'd like to see the dagger throw skill animation applied to this, similar to the thief offhand dagger skill 4. Better yet, as others have stated a more rhythmic motion such as someone conducting an orchestra. The skill animation being just a big purple cut/slash is lackluster too. The stocked blade appearance is amazing, I'd love to see this used as the skill affect for this attack where we're throwing these illusionary daggers instead of a big purple cut/slash affect. 

    Naming: Phantasmal Blade or Delusory Blade.

    Affect: The affect of the skill is decent in doing extra damage on the third hit, but I would not mind seeing the third affect be a bit more punishing by applying  vulnerability/slow or rewarding the Virtuoso with a stock blade.


    Bladecall (dagger 2):

    Animation: The only critique here is the attack appearance, same as the dagger 1. I would prefer to have it look like a dagger/blade.  Even better it could be an illusionary dagger that breaks in to purple shards (the shatter affect when we shatter clones would work for this) when it hits something and then reforms back into a dagger on its return.


    Unstable Bladestorm (dagger 3):

    This one is hard to critique with out seeing the tool tip.

    Animation:  Very visually loud, but cool. Maye need toning down. Another concept could just be a massive illusionary blade/sword that floats in a straight path and shatters and reforms at an certain interval, similar to the concept for skill 2 just a much lager blade. It would deal damage to targets  it pass through as well as ranged damage when it shatters and melee damage when it reforms, again doing this at timed intervals. 

    Name: If using the above animation concept Unstable Blade would fit better.


    Offhand Dagger concepts:


    Delusory Blades/ Blade Dance(dagger 4):

    2 part ability:

    Summons a phantasm that spins around throwing illusionary daggers at targets (similar to the dagger storm animation, of course damage and affect would be much weaker). Activate this skill again to shatter and switch places with this phantasm. Deals damage when shattered. Again, the shatter affect would be the same as what was mentioned above for skills 2 and 3. If not shattered gain 1 stock blade.


    Dagger 5, currently unsure of a name.

    Summon 4 Big/MASSIVE  purple/transparent hands (same as what the phantasms look like) around the Virtuoso that knocks back foes. For each enemy hit gain 1 stock blade. Enemies hit gain slow and/or vulnerability or gain a specific boon (might? Random boon concept for Mesmer is very annoying and consistency would be much more preferable) for each foe hit.



    Profession Mechanic f1-4:

    I happen to like the animation for most of these, sadly though the affects, expect for f4 are still the same and this is very disappointing.

    Another issue I see as well with the entirety of the class is that all of the skills are projectiles. This is a major problem when looking at competitive modes such as Spvp and WvW where there are a lot of ways to deny/ block projectiles. Unless there is a trait to alleviate this, this will need to be considered/looked into.


    Bladesong Harmony f1:

    Naming: Harmony seems like an odd name choice for a skill that causes damage, i.e. pain. Bladesong Requiem, Forte, Fortissimo,  Ballet, or Symphony.

    Affect: Keeping this as the go to damage shatter seems fine to me, even tough it is still the same thing as the other f1 skills. I'd like to see this skill do extra damage to targets afflicted with immobilize and/or slow.


    Bladesong Sorrow f2:

    Naming: BladeSong Fermata or Sonata.

    Affect: This one is the biggest outlier, though this can change depending on the traits. Seeing how  virtuoso is a damage spec this shatter is just about useless. I'd like to see this ability replaced with the affect of sword of decimation and have sword of decimation replaced. For each stock blade consumed the target(s) are immobilized for 0.25-0.5 seconds giving a max of 1.25-2.5 seconds.


    Bladesong Dissonance f3:

    Animation: For this skill I'd like to see the stock blades fire off and then merge into one massive blade that hits its target(s).

    Naming: Bladesong Coda, Concerto, Orchestral or Renaissance.

    Affect: I'd like to make an addition to this skills affect it make it more rewarding if using 5 blades and punishing for not paying attention to the Virtuoso's blade count. If fired with 5 blades stuns for 1-2 seconds instead of dazing. Or if the target is immobilized and/or slowed stuns instead of dazes.


    Bladesong Requiem  F4:

    Naming:  Bladesong Harmony fits better here.

    Affect: The duration of the block should also increase pre blade spent. Around 0.5-0.75 seconds pre stock blade. Lower or remove damage and instead apply slow to targets hit.





    Twin Blade Restoration: 

    Naming: Twin Blade Renewal, then change Blade Renewal to Restoration.

    Animation: The stocked blade appearance is amazing, I'd love to see this used as the skill animation for this attack too. 

    Affect: Upgrade to 2-3 conditions cleansed.





    Blade Renewal:

    Naming: Change to Blade Restoration as we're restoring our blades.

    Affect: This skill seems very strong maybe even overpowered especially considering we (Mesmers) have mimic. I'd reduce the CD to 40-50 seconds and then change it the affect to "Channel and gain distortion and cleanse a maximum of 5 conditions , for each condition cleansed gain 1 blade. If no conditions are cleansed gain 2 (maybe 3) blades.


    Rain of Swords:

    Animation: Got to give credit here as the animation is amazing!

    Naming: Requiem of Swords.



    Psychic Force:

    Animation: If not doing a dagger offhand then use the concept from dagger 5. Big/MASSIVE  purple/transparent hands (same as what the phantasms look like) push outwards from the Virtuoso pushing enemies backs. 

    Naming: Psychic Push? Not sure on this one, need a name that better fits the E-spec theme.

    Affect: Summon 4 MASSIVE transparent purple hands around the Virtuoso that knocks back foes. For each enemy hit gain 1 stock blade. Enemies hit gain slow and/or vulnerability or gain a specific boon (might?) for each foe hit.


    Sword Of Decimation:

    Again would like to see this skill's current affect applied to the f2 skill.

    Animation & affect Summon a fan of swords that sweeps in front of the Virtuoso dazing enemies that are hit, if below the health threshold (say 50-75%) immobilizes them. Deals extra damage to foes that are already controlled, downed, and immobilized. 

    Naming: Swords of Decimation or Blades of Decimation.




    Thousand Cuts:

    Animation: I'd like to see the same animation affect used for the f1-3 skills where there are small purple portals and the stock blades are launched form them used for this ability. However, its  a massive wall of these small/large swirly purple portals/ vortexes and a volley of blades comes flying out in a stream or pulses/waves. The concept for this not surprisingly comes from the Fate Anime and the character Gilgamesh and his Gate of Babylon ability. There are Gifs and a picture attached below to help provided a better depiction of what this could look like.

    Gate of Babylon

    GOB 2

    GOB Picture


    Naming: A Thousand Blades.

    Affect: Open a wall of portals that fires off an arsenal of blades in several volleys or a contuses stream (do not want it to look like a big purple beam which it currently sort of does.) Deals high damage, damage is increased/double to foes afflicted with immobilize, slow, or a control affect.



    That wraps up my input, I have a lot more I'd like to put but I've spent enough time as it is coming up with all of this with little to no hope will it make an impact or a developer will see it. Sadly, with the way commutation has been and the way the forums and balance has been handle since PoF has me very burnt. This is why I rarely invest my time in posting information on the forums anymore because I do not feel it is viewed by the developers.  


    If you have any input/ critiques of your own feel free to comment/give your input, just be mature and polite about it, looking for constructive feedback.


    Thank you for reading my wall of text that I put way too much time into!




    I feel ANet is just trying to blend the concept of a psionic and a bard together.  I can only imagine that they would have different soundtracks play for each skill ability just to make it fit. I think ANet tries so hard to be different. They are giving people what they want, just not how they want it. After time goes by, we'll adjust and start speculating the next round of elites.


    16 hours ago, Magek.4718 said:

    Not sure how I feel about Virtuoso.


    Thematically, it doesn't feel like an illusionist. You can't just make purple translucent effects and call them illusions!


    I feel a doppelganger kind of spec where you lose clones in favor of a single copy of you that mimics your actions would have been a better fit.


    That said, it IS very flashy and cool looking. It seems to be geared towards power which looks to be a good fit for me since I've been a lost sheep ever since we lost our phantasms since I played power phantasm build.


    Dagger being main hand only is a bit suspect though since MH Sword + Greatsword is essential for any power Mesmer build. I feel like like it would have been better off hand since Memser has been lacking a good pure damage off hand ever since we lost our phantasms.


    I'll probably end up playing Chrono for PvE and Virtuoso for PvP but we'll have to see when it launches how it'll actually be.


    At least I've still got Shooshadoo!

    I feel the same way. They should make Dagger offhand and make weapon skills 2 and 3 the 4th and 5th skills. 

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, hash.8462 said:

    The image can be purposely misleading, that weapon it can be a sword, scepter or anything else the professione already has; the new one can be the one in the left hand ad far as we know.

    I know it's not a Sword. I'd say I'm 65% sure it's either a dagger, 25% it's a short bow. I'm rooting for short bow.

  4. 6 hours ago, Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

    when guardian gets only a Warhorn i'm going to be pissed. thats the most boring weapon in the game.

    new weapon type like spear would be much better. 

    as a "Guardian" with heavy armor and the fantasy of a protection hero of light i dont want to run around with a Horn and a Scepter

    A War Horn is only as boring as they make it. The abilities would depend on how creative the designers are. I would have Guardian use the War Horn to Summon a Celestial Entity or Mystical Force. The other skill could force enemies back with a blast.

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


    Why do warrior get shafted with off hand pistol and not dubble.

    Since they have no main 1 hand range weapon?

    I was being nice about giving offhand pistol to Warriors and Main hand pistol to Revenants. I figured off and for Warrior would maintain the Warrior close distance while at the same time having powerful midrange abilities. Allowing Warrior and Revenant dual weilding pistol isn't a bad idea, but not dubbling or doubling them keeps them unique and stays fitting to a Warrior wanting to do the most damage possible as close, as effective, and as efficiently as possible. Skill wise, it really doesn't mean much for Warrior to have 5 midrange pistol skills, when all the really need is just 2, a Magnum Round and Warning shot.

  6. I hope it's Short Bow, then hopefully GW2 would finally support my idea of giving each elite two weapons instead of one. If they give Mesmers short Bow and the ability to conjure 5 clones instead of 3, they would be supporting my elite speculation.


    Heavy Armor- Soliders
    -Beserkers use Torch and a main hand Shield 
    -Spell Breakers use Dual Daggers and offhand Focus
    -Warlord would use Staff and an Offhand Pistol.
    -Dragon Hunters use Long Bow and offhand Sword
    -Firebrands use main hand Axe and main hand Focus
    -Archon could get War Horn and an offhand Scepter.
    -Herald uses Shield and Great Sword
    -Renegade uses Short Bow and main hand Axe
    -Overlord could get Scepter and main hand Phistols.


    Medium Armor - Adventurers
    -Druid uses Staff and offhand focus.
    -Soulbeast uses main hand Dagger and Rifle
    -Warden would use Hammer and offhand Shield.
    -Scrapper use Hammer and main hand Mace
    -Holosmith use main hand Sword and Staff
    -Technomancer would get Great Swords and offhand Focus.
    -Daredevil use Staff and gets dual Maces
    -Deadeye use Rifle and would get offhand Focus
    -Inquisitor gets Torch and an offhand Sword


    Light Armors- Scholars
    -Tempest has Warhorn and gets an offhand Scepter
    -Weaver had main hand Sword and would get main hand Focus
    -Magnus Long Bow and Great Sword
    -Chronomancer has Shield and dual Daggers
    -Mirage has main hand Axe and main hand Pistol
    -Siren gets War Horn and Short Bow
    -Reaper uses Great Sword and Offhand Axe
    -Scourge uses Torch and offhand Shield
    -Warlock gets Hammer and Rifle

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  7. I think all elites specs should have 2 weapon proficiencies.

    Each current Elite Specialization will have 2 minor weapon proficiencies. 

    Guard.: Dragonhunters would have Longbow and offhand Sword / Firebrand would have main hand Axe and mainhand Focus.

    Revenant: Heralds would have Shield and Greatsword / Renegades would have Shortbow and offhand Focus

    Warrior: Berserkers would have Torches and Main hand Shield / Spell Breakers would have Dual Daggers and Offhand Focus.


    Thief:  Daredevils would have Staff and Dual Mace / Deadeye would have Rifle and offhand Focus.

    Engineer: Scrappers would have Hammer and main hand Mace / Holosmith would have main hand Sword and Staff.

    Ranger: Druids would have Staff and offhand Focus / Soulbeasts would have main hand Dagger and Rifle.


    Ele : Tempests would have Warhorn and offhand Scepter / Weavers would have main hand Sword and main hand Focus.

    Mesmer: Chronomancers would have Shield and Dual Daggers / Mirages would have main hand Axe and main hand Pistol.

    Necromancers: Reapers would have Greatsword and offhand Axe / Scourges would have Torch and offhand Shield.

  8. After reading many of the comments and hearing WP today talking a little about this, I really think ANet really has to get this right! The best thing to do is to get EOD out WHEN it's READY. The last time they said this, it had some signs that it wasn't ready. I think the LWs were a terrible idea, the story telling was under par, and the initial trait system needed to be changed.


    Because there is so much competition, GW really needs to have no one else on their level, I feel to continue. I love the concept of their professions, the action and combat system, their races and the world. I really hope they bring their A-game, so if they have time to delay and fine tune some things, they should do it. 


    I been hoping they treat EOD like it's the last Expansion and hit it out the park. I would love more content afterwards but if they can give a nice finale to the EOD and maybe dive into the "Depth of Tyria" next, I think that be awesome. I think they really need to give the fans what they want, with adding the Tengu, fixing the Revenant, reworking LW1, and add some deep story immersion to all the elite specialization. I would really like if they added my own suggestion, giving another minor weapon proficiency to each elite specialization. Therefore each elite spec would have two weapon styles available, and most weapons that have been requested would be available. 


    I came up with some ideas that I feel would really work and not take away from the current game experience nor future plans of ANet. If Anet incorporate them, they would help make GW2 a better game.


    1) Each current Elite Specialization will have 2 minor weapon proficiencies. 

    Guard.: Dragonhunters would have Longbow and offhand Sword / Firebrand would have main hand Axe and mainhand Focus.

    Revenant: Heralds would have Shield and Greatsword / Renegades would have Shortbow and offhand Focus

    Warrior: Berserkers would have Torches and Main hand Shield / Spell Breakers would have Dual Daggers and Offhand Focus.


    Thief:  Daredevils would have Staff and Dual Mace / Deadeye would have Rifle and offhand Focus.

    Engineer: Scrappers would have Hammer and main hand Mace / Holosmith would have main hand Sword and Staff.

    Ranger: Druids would have Staff and offhand Focus / Soulbeasts would have main hand Dagger and Rifle.


    Ele : Tempests would have Warhorn and offhand Scepter / Weavers would have main hand Sword and main hand Focus.

    Mesmer: Chronomancers would have Shield and Dual Daggers / Mirages would have main hand Axe and main hand Pistol.

    Necromancers: Reapers would have Greatsword and offhand Axe / Scourges would have Torch and offhand Shield.


    2) The next Elite Specs:

    - Guardian's Archon would have their Virtues change to Attunements where the passives are stronger. They'd be skilled with Glyphs and they fight with War Horn and an offhand Scepter.


    - Revenant's Overlord would be able to connect with a Legend from the future, being skilled to use the mist in ways not yet seen and fighting with main hand Scepter and main hand Pistol.


    - Warrior's Warlord would use their adrenaline burst to be tacticians, marking an area that buff their allies and gives foes  a condition standing in their Battle Ground.  They would fight with a Staff and offhand pistol. 


    - Thief's Inquisitor looses the ability to use a dual weapon skills, but gains the ability to have Intuition, so when their initiative is at top, they gain Aegis. They're skilled in Survival  and able to use Torch and an offhand Sword.


    - Engineer's Technomancer loose their tool belt for Mana abilities, where they can truly merge their science with magic. They also are skilled in creating Gear, like ele's conjures, where they and their allies can use them in battle. They fight with a Greatsword and an offhand Focus.


    - Ranger's Warden is able to shapeshift into their pet being able to use all of their pet abilities, pet archetype ability, and an additional skill in in their weapon bar when they are in pet form. They are also skilled in consecrations and fight with offhand Shield and Hammer.


    -Elementalist's Acanist can attune to the Arcane as 5th element, but their effectiveness with other attunements is hampered when they switch, but once remaining attune they can be a powerhouse. They are skilled with Mantras and fight with Longbows and Greatswords.


    - Mesmer's Siren is able to change the type and number of clones they can create based off or their Grandmaster Skill. They can either have one powerful Doppelganger, 5 lesser clones, or 3 clones that steal the opponents health when shattered and brings the health to the caster. Sirens are skilled with Shouts and can use the Warhorn and the Shortbow.


    - Necromancer's Warlock has a Djinn is also active, riding the back of it's host until its time to attack. They'll use life force to will Djinn or allow them to merge and conjure the Demon Shroud. They are skilled with Manipulation and fight with Hammer and Rifle.


    3) Add the Tengu Race to the game.


    4) Make Revenants have access to racial skills. They could add a new F ability where they toggle on/off their  Legends and have access to Remnant Skills (one for each core Legend) and their racial abilities, which will all be able to be slotted. This way Revenants will have equal # of skills, as well.


    5) Make a Racial Specialization, where it can only be used in place of an Elite Specialization and provides bonuses that make racial skills on par with profession skills. 

  9. 1- Elite Specializations with 2 weapon proficiencies instead of just having one. This would allow more build customization and give people weapons they've yearned for.


    2- Revenant reworked to allow the use of racial skills. I would have it where they've have to a non-channel legend stance that has "Remnant Skills" and Racial Skills available, and when you Channel a legend or Legend Swap you have the respective skills available. Only Legend Skills would use Energy.

    3) Tengu

  10. On 3/5/2021 at 6:27 PM, KeyOrion.9506 said:

    How would I redesign ranger. Go Rambo with exploding tipped arrows.

    That sounds more like using Warrior with a long bow. You been playing the wrong profession the whole time.  😆

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. I guess I'm the only one looking forward to them adding an additional weapon to each elite specialization. This would add to build diversity, allow for professions to have more desirable weapons available, and doesn't take anything away from future goals of the newer elite specializations. 

    Heavy Armor- Soliders
    -Beserkers use Torch and a main hand Shield 
    -Spell Breakers use Dual Daggers and offhand Focus
    -Warlord would use Staff and an Offhand Pistol.
    -Dragon Hunters use Long Bow and offhand Sword
    -Firebrands use main hand Axe and main hand Focus
    -Archon could get War Horn and an offhand Scepter.
    -Herald uses Shield and Great Sword
    -Renegade uses Short Bow and offhand Focus
    -Overlord could get main hand Scepter and main hand Pistols.


    Medium Armor - Adventurers
    -Druid uses Staff and offhand Focus.
    -Soulbeast uses main hand Dagger and Rifle
    -Warden would use Hammer and offhand Shield.
    -Scrapper use Hammer and main hand Mace
    -Holosmith use main hand Sword and Staff
    -Technomancer would get Great Swords and offhand Focus.
    -Daredevil use Staff and gets dual Maces
    -Deadeye use Rifle and would get offhand Focus
    -Inquisitor gets Torch and an offhand Sword


    Light Armors- Scholars
    -Tempest has Warhorn and gets an offhand Scepter
    -Weaver had main hand Sword and would get main hand Focus
    -Magnus Long Bow and Great Sword
    -Chronomancer has Shield and dual Daggers
    -Mirage has main hand Axe and main hand Pistol
    -Siren gets War Horn and Short Bow
    -Reaper uses Great Sword and Offhand Axe
    -Scourge uses Torch and offhand Shield
    -Warlock gets Hammer and Rifle

    • Confused 1
  12. This doesn't make any sense to me. What ever specializations you pick would already make you capable of doing things no one else could do that doesn't pick the Specializations. Why would you get more stuff? I propose if they add a new specialization or trait line, let it be based on race, for those that focus on cultural aspects of their race, making the racial skills on par with profession skills.

  13. I'm not sure if this fits in with QoL, but my idea is to give each Elite Specializations two weapons instead of one. With EoD coming, it'll sure be nice if most weapons were available already instead of having to wait 10 years.

    I suggest havingHOTDragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand SwordBerserker: Torch & main hand ShieldHerald: Shield & Great SwordDruid: Staff & offhand FocusScrapper: Hammer & main hand MaceDaredevil: Staff & Dual MaceChronomancer: Shield & Dual DaggersTempest: Warhorn & offhand ScepterReaper: Great Sword & offhand AxePOFFirebrand: Main hand Axe & main hand FocusSpellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand FocusRenegade: Short Bow & offhand FocusSoulbeast: Main hand Dagger & RifleHolosmith: Main hand Sword & StaffDeadeye: Rifle & offhand FocusMirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand PistolWeaver: Main hand Sword & main hand FocusScourge: Torch & offhand ShieldEODGuardian Archon: Warhorn & offhand ScepterWarrior Warlord: Staff & Offhand PistolRevenant Overlord: Main hand Scepter & main hand Pistol.Ranger Warden: Hammer & offhand ShieldEngineer Technomancer: Great Sword & offhand FocusThief Inquisitor: Torch & Great SwordMesmer Siren: Short Bow & WarhornElementalist Arcanist: Long Bow & Great SwordNecromancer Warlock: Hammer & Rifle

  14. I suggest they make these changes:1) Add a new F1 "Commune" that toggles on/off Legend Stance, making the legends active or passive, which changes your right skill bar.2) F2 will now be "Channel". This is the legend swap.3) F3 "Ancient Echo"4) Make "Remnant Skills" which would sample abilities of each legend, which can be used when Legends are passive. So the Heal, will have Ventari grant you regeneration. A utility with Shiro will grant you quickness, another will have Mallyx Chill surrounding foes, and the Dwarf will grant you might. Harold remnant will have Glint burn nearby foes and Renegade will have Kalla grant you fury.5) Make weapon skills gain energy when Legends are active.6) Communing or Channeling legends start energy off at 50%, which can only increase when using weapon skills in combat or Ancient Echo and will decrease when idol with an active Legend or when using utility skills.7) When Legends are passive, "Remnant skills" and racial skills can be slotted.8) Activating a Legend will cancel any Transformation Skill.

    Since you would now have 3 options of utility skills, players could have a better sense of freedom. I also think this fits in more with the concept of managing energy while attuned to a legend and actually tapping into the energy of the mist. Plus this also helps players not feel cheated when player with Rev since they can have 6 skill sets and access to racial skills like everyone else.

  15. @Solanum.6983 said:

    @"Super Hayes.6890" said:"Emergency Button" Are you serious ? I strongly disagree. The game is doing fine.

    I think the game was doing ok but there were obvious problems with how they wanted to do things going forward, A living world only format was never going to draw in or retain players like semi-regular expansions would and I think that was realized half way trough the Icebrood saga. So not necessarily an emergency button but similar.

    I'm just glad they realized it and decided to do what's best.

    I think the "Living World" idea was too big of a task, which sounded good, but in hindsight, nobody wants to feel like they missed out on a story for a game they bought. I really liked how they Revamp the Traits and came up with Specializations. Definitely look forward to seeing what's next.

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