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Salt Mode.3780

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Everything posted by Salt Mode.3780

  1. its literally just have 3 clones up and just use the ambush with IH the daze isnt long enough and the whole point is the reapplication of it, you dont need the daze to be long you just need to keep interrupting them
  2. Lol I tested it with dagger shield in chaos traitline, it is too strong. Being able to reset my weapon CD while perma dazing people it is extremely strong and i rather it nerfed then nerfing anything else that could affect all mesmer specs.
  3. Yes it does a clones benefit from it when running IH which is why I said dagger ambush can not go live the way it is.
  4. its the perma daze that you can put on that scepter does not.
  5. pair this with like traits that increase cd when daze or chaos where your weapon skills are off CD and it is insanely broken
  6. I just realized how crippling immobile is for us. We cant even dodge while immobile, i understand dodging while CC but immobile is something im sure every class can STILL dodge just without distance. Now that I am immobile I literally cannot do anything because its not a stun i cant stunbreak out of it, even if i was to create some distance i am still rooted. I would have to cleanse it off but that is if I can get it cleansed off vs a heavy condi class. If the argument is that oh just use mantra or antitoxin runes and double cleansing well then make it like that for EVERY OTHER class.
  7. As a Mesmer main and I know I am going to get a lot of backlash for this because finally, Mesmers have something good, but as my main class I rather call out the nerfs then other people and Devs nerfing more than intended because of all these Mesmer haters. Dagger ambush is absolutely too strong with IH trait. It is basically P/PD thief build for but Mesmer. It is a free F3 spam ranged and can be casted backwards while all clones benefit from the daze as well. As much as I would love to see this live I know the Mesmer haters would call this out in a few weeks asking Mesmers to be nerfed to the ground and touch something else unintended. Don't go live with the dagger on Mirage.
  8. As if any feedback coming from the Mesmer thread is going to be taken seriously...I mean did they take it seriously with Virtuoso...? I don't think so. At this point ANET Devs stop trying to pretend you guys aren't bias towards Mesmer, instead of capitalizing on one of the most unique classes in the MMO genre you decide to gut it because people are too ignorant to learn how this class actually plays out. I can tell you this ANY MESMER MAIN HERE can tell you that they have no problems versing a Mesmer.
  9. No i agree it is boring now how they are making every class do the same thing and its literally copy and paste but my whole point about balance is that they are not bias towards one specific class. There are receipts of mesmer bias that cannot be posted here or else it will get removed and the user banned.
  10. They should learn from the FFXIV devs where no one class is biased as soon as one class does the community will call it out and that said class will either get buffed or nerfed.
  11. Oh and the fact that our ambush were nerfed, again I rather mitigate damage then do to weak damage.
  12. Powerful skills as in...the whole purpose of a dodge is to evade incoming attacks which is less then 1 second. I rather lose that 1 second of being able to throw a skill which is most likely an auto then being hit by a strong AoE attack
  13. So I'm glad they removed that aspect of dodging while CC but at the same time it is simply worse then a normal dodge. Normal dodge arent affected by chill/cripple while mirage is because you wont be able to get out of an AOE fast enough after you stun break. I rather them just give us a normal dodge and replace jaunt for something else instead of splitting our dodges to 2 different things and calling it a new mechanic.
  14. since when did demand for anything related to mesmer ever pans out...
  15. They remove both our dodge and compensate it with more mirrors tada~
  16. I never look at WvW ranks as an indication of how good they are, in fact most high ranks in WvW generally suck while the lower ranks due to roaming are the ones that are good.
  17. I mean like I said even with 2 dodge mesmers failed to catch some of these specs. With warclaw added they can simply get OOC and use their own warclaw. Condi Mirage even with 2 dodge was only good in fights if the enemy decides to stick around to fight. If they choose to run there is no way a CMirage can ever catch up. In SPvP sure because you are forced to fight on a node which is why SPvP is so kitten boring, but in WvW there is no way a CMirage can finish anyone if they decide not to fight and just run.
  18. Have you tried chasing a warrior? or a ranger...it isn't that Mesmer has tons of mobility its the combination of stealth that makes it seem like it has tons of mobility. A mirage with 2 dodges + sword ambush + blink and 3 jaunts will fail to catch a warrior down if the warrior or ranger chooses to run.
  19. like I told that person its a L2P issue not a Mesmer issue lol imagine a ranger who doesnt know that the pet AI targets the real Mesmer
  20. Obviously, you have not seen how gross other specs were at release. Spellbreaker, deadeye, weaver, soulbeast, firebrand enjoyed their raw power from release longer than Mirage did. Again it was because no one understood how Mesmer works and thinks its OP. You will never see a Mesmer main complain that it is difficult to beat another Mesmer just like a Thief will never complain that it is difficult to beat another Thief. Instead of crying victimhood maybe people should take more accountability and be more knowledgeable of the game instead of asking for nerfs, because in this day and age if you still lose to Mirage it's a skill issue and you should probably uninstall the game.
  21. I don't know what you are trying to say by its the only espec with a melee, offensive playstyle when chrono is there. As far as shattering goes you still shatter at opportune time esp when you know you can get 3 clones up right away with staff iwarlock that generates 2 and phase retreat that generates 1. As far as competitive plays goes this is even more so picking the right time to shatter. Not all the specs need to play the same however Mirage still retains its identity as a Mesmer whereas Virtuoso does not.
  22. I don't see why all the Mesmer spec has to be played the same way. Mirage shatters are fine, Mirage itself is more of a passive playstyle with ambush mechanic. Chronomancer, Virtuoso, Core Mesmer are all active shatterers, Mirage only needs to shatter to spike damage rather than being its core damage.
  23. You do realize that whatever you are looking at is not updated right?
  24. Its hilarious on the double standard, yes vindicator's vigor and all that was cut in half, in comparison we got our vigor uptime completely gutted. EVERYTHING was taken away from us prior to the 1 dodge nerf and then decided it was a good idea to remove the dodge. EVEN if they returned our 2nd dodge it would be mid tier at best with some of the builds out there circulating.
  25. Clearly it is not happening so....I'm just wondering when the forum mods decide to close this thread kekw.
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