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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @otto.5684 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Yeah, it's less diverse than the previous 2v2 3v3 even.

    Right now, unless some mad good innovation in tactics is made, we're looking at stacks of:
    • FBs
    • Renegades
    • Necros

    I have not been playing for a while. Why is this the case? I thought you would see more tempest, engi, ranger and warriors. And probably some Mesmer builds utilizing CC. Double Moa could be good in 2v2, theoretically. I expect only thief would struggle in a 2v2 in this meta.

    Holo is unplayable vs necro and especially reaper.

  2. All 3 necro builds(reaper/scourge/base necro) are far too effective for how easy they are to play and difficult to punish. Reaper is the most difficult one to play and it's STILL far, far, far too forgiving due to how much life force you get from doing anything defensively and offensively.

  3. This build is far too powerful and currently overperforming in Conquest(and 2v2 but that's ok)

    • Too much ranged chill(Focus 5 + staff) OR multiple pulls (gsword 5 + spectral grasp) which makes escaping them extremely difficult when combined with...
    • Perma "superspeed" with speed rune
    • Snare removal anytime you enter shroud, condis removed anytime you exit shroud AND you convert it to life force(Speed of shadows + unholy martyr)
    • Perma quickness in shroud
    • Low CD stability
    • Too much CC. (Staff fear + shroud 3 + executioner's scythe)
    • Low CD stun breaks(Worm + spectral walk even though spectral isn't low cd, worm is)
    • Too much condition removal(spectral walk + consume conditions + unholy martyr) making condition damage classes COMPLETELY ineffective against them.
    • Too much life force generation, reapers are routinely at perma 100% life force nearly all match long even when focused.
    • Too much disengage AND engage. It feels like you can never escape from a reaper, regardless of anything you do the vast majority of the time. If a reaper runs at you, you are probably dead. At the same time, reapers can run from anyone anytime they want with perma "superspeed", spectral walk, worm, and reaper shroud 2.
    • Lich form is too powerful, too much burst.

    This builds counter is supposed to be focus, but with 50% DR + 20% DR (Shroud + infusing terror) you are far too tanky. When you get focused, you just tank it while kiting away with perma super speed(Speed runes) and come back with full shroud because you generate too much life force from everything you do, offensively AND defensively. If people don't react instantly you kill them in 2-3s due to perma quickness.

    I recommend nerfing speed of shadows to 5 seconds of swiftness instead of 10 to start and perhaps changing reapers onslaught to 3s of quickness when entering shroud and not pulse? No idea about the other things, but overall this class has no weakness at all and is far too powerful due to all the above things at once.

    I think reaper should be a strong "team fight" glass cannon you want to support and should annihilate team fights when left alone and supported properly, but right now it's far too strong at too many things and can even 1v1 duelists/1v1ers and consistently win with relative ease. I do not want this over-nerfed, as reaper is a very fun class archetype and should remain playable for people who enjoy it. However, some things need to be toned down a bit.

    Here's the build, try it for yourself:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2ZlVwsYbMP2JmaXnNdA-z5IeKZKC6VIkwEoiFgdGAIf using staff, take soul marks instead of speed of shadows and use warhorn instead of focus.

  4. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:My good bro, you haven't seen nothing yet.

    Wait until you lose a game 500 to 80 and get 4 to 6 top stats to yourself while doing it. Then you'll have initiation rights to complain about match making.

    You mean "accidental feeding and rage afks"

  5. @Leonidrex.5649 said:necro is easy etc etc

    Yeah, that's kind of the issue with this game right now. All the strongest builds are UTTERLY brainless except the pure dps power ones like d/p thief and reaper. And I'd argue that the amount of stealth uptime, dodges, and stun breaks makes d/p thief pretty low skill and hard to punish.I actually would love someone to name a single condi build that's high skill and can be punished easily.

  6. @Clyan.1593 said:There is zero point in defending the state of Engi. Even a 20 percent nerf doesnt help, thats how broken it is.Fact is spamming flame 1 works, you can literally down an enemy and stand there spamming it. If someone tries to revive that guy, you just get behind him and spam flame 1. You will kill both. That's how rediculous flamethrower is.Engi has to be looked at and nerfed substentially. And the nerf has to hit hard so you guys finally learn how invest some skill into playing it. Spaming a single skill has to go.

    It dies instantly when focused, though. It's just super unfun to fight as a lot of builds and shouldn't have passive staiblity when stability is so rare now.

    @steki.1478 said:What I don't understand is 4 elixir procs in alchemy spec. I thought that warr was very reliant on its stance procs, but engi swims in free boons and sustain by just being in combat.

    It's not really just the alchemy tree, it's because they run elixir H and that + toss elixir is a ton of different boons at all times. Combine that with elixir U + alchemy tree and it seems holo just runs around with infinite boons at all times. It doesn't actually, the only boon that's an issue is the high stacks of might.

    Alchemy tratline is silly, though. A pure passive non-interactive trait line like alchemy is pretty boring. The only good traits are HGH and purity of purpose because you have to press buttons to interact with them, the othet ones all need to be completely revamped imo.

    It doesn't help that inventions is really weird and not helpful most of the time unless you run very specific traits and weapons(shield and scrapper, mainly) and tools is very very underwhelming outside of it's grandmaster traits and CDR on toolbelt skills. Firearms is a great tree for condi, but not so much for power. I'd say it's pretty BAD for power and alchemy ends up being better offensively AND defensively for power. This is why holo ends up taking alchemy.

    Explosives have the same issue, where it's not only better defensively, but also offensively than tools and inventions. It makes no sense.

    They need to buff inventions and tools to be competitive with alchemy and rework alchemy entirely outside of HGH and PoP, imo.

  7. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"dronte.3416" said:Reducing the length of blind applied is probably the most useless nerf I have ever seen. Do they even know how Blind works? Reducing duration works perfectly fine with most conditions but with blind it's so pointless, noone is going to stand around for 2 seconds not hitting after getting blinded especially when it's spammable.

    Meanwhile mesmer blind spam (Blinding Dissipation) got nerfed to ground (now utterly useless) even though it was actually LESS spammable than Flashbang currently.. What a joke. Throw an ICD on blind and problem solved. It's dumb spammy gameplay that shouldn't be rewarded.

    And don't get me started on the other 'nerfs' on holo.. Still easily outperforming every single class in the game.

    Well I could have written a huge TL;DR post explaining why these sort of "Pretend balance" changes do more harm than good, since they demoralize the community when we read them. Hopefully the point has been made by this alternative method of putting just as much effort into making this thread as the effort that was put into this specific balance decision.

    CmC can't change how the skill works so this was all he could do. Why the skills team thought flash bang was a good idea, however, is a good question.

    they could nerf it to 0,5s or 0,75s or 1s duration where waiting out the blind is legit counterplay strategy.but with 2s duration you have to get through the blind anyways.

    There is one thing I don't understand.

    Even with the 2 seconds duration of the blind currently, you can do something similar. You can just throw out an attack at the engineer you don't mind missing like an auto attack.The blind is not coming instantly out of nowhere, it is
    . You see them dodging? Then you know there is a blind incoming. Simple as that.

    Now you can just throw an auto attack at the enemy to get rid of the blind, which basically is the same (or even less depending on the speed of your weapon) time investment than your suggestion here to wait out a 1 second blind.Why am I the only one who doesn't seem bothered by a telegraphed blind? I see them dodging, I know I will get blinded and won't used a burst skill immediately afterwards, but first get rid of the blind by wiffing something meaningless at them.

    you misunderstand.Right now it lasts 2s. You HAVE to remove it with cleanse/auto to get rid of it before big skill, some classes like warrior cant even do that.if it lasts 1s, you can wait 0,4s, THEN start casting skill during blind and it will hit as blind ends, bypassing it by waiting VERY short duration.As it stands the 3s->2s change did nothing

    Why shouldn't a warrior be able to get rid of the blind? Most builds I can find use greatsword, which has a ranged skill by being able to throw the greatsword at your enemy and also a dash to close the gap to auto atack.

    Another build uses axe, which also has a ranged attack. Even with a charge mechanic, so they can throw one axe at the enemy to get rid of the blind and still have one for damage.

    Sword: also has a leap to close the gap, either getting rid of the blind immediately or following up with auto attack after closing the gap.

    And most classes have some kind of small ranged attack they can use for that task, don't they?

    The axe throw crits for 5k+, you absolutely do not use that to clear blind.Passive, zero resource cost aoe(?) blind should not exist. Blind is too powerful of a condition to be handed out for free, you should always have to commit something to gain blind.Herald AOE blind on gaze of darkness is also an issue as it has zero resource cost.

  8. @"Dawdler.8521" said:WvW is about bursting, not sustained dps. Being able to even keep up 5k dps on someone is amazing, lol. Because enemies are kind of working against you unlike golems.

    Either way, full marauders is pretty much the dps meta. But it's hard to say if it's durable enough for you. I know it isnt for me. Overall I prefer builds with around 1600 toughness when I run power and most of my builds end up with knights/cavalier combos, but the holo do have a problem with allocating stats elsewhere because they sort of thrive on keeping up that burst in the few seconds the enemy is CCd. An option is skipping the rifle and go sword/sheild (or pistol/sheild if you want some range) and lots of protection. Good as long as you dont get corrupted. I rarely meet a "bruiser" holo build. The scrapper is sort of in the same position now with the passive sustain nerf, they need the damage to keep up sustain.

    Full marauders can be 1 shot by numerous builds in WvW so I highly don't recommend it. Holo itself is pretty easily focused and run down by thieves, which is by far the most common roamer. I would recommend scrapper with at least 2700 armor, and you'll still probably die to any thief in the planet regardless of either players skill.

    I was watching a guy who makes roaming videos on engineer and he never has clips of him vs thieves, lol.

  9. @Dantheman.3589 said:

    @felix.2386 said:symbolbrand has always been toxic mechanic wise.

    Don't you see the issue?Symbol
    is the one people complain about.It's not Symbol Core Guardian or Symbol Dragon Hunter.

    Do you realize what that means?
    is at fault,
    not Symbols.

    symbol core guard is just as toxic, have you not played the side node symbol core guard build? it's braindead and will carry bad players, just it will never be meta because FB is better.

    and ofc, by AoE i don't literally just mean symbol, FB spam just as much AoE from tomes, that's why fb is worse, doesn't mean symbol is any better by it'self

    The symbol core guard type of build isn’t really obnoxious imo. It’s just another counter play in the 1v1 realm. It can counter things weak to aoe like ranger and does it really well, but if the opponent doesn’t stand in your symbols then it becomes useless and like wise it’s also technically very squish outside of its symbols, so to actually play well you need to know kiting very well and how much dps is in the match up.I’ll agree it’s ez sure as you just lay symbols, but it’s one of those things-like say necromancer, where game knowledge is so incredibly important that the new player can be countered or out rotated by anyone with a brain. So it doesn’t really carry bad players just counter bad play while being fairly simple

    You can't contest the node, and killing at range for most builds takes so long you'll get +1ed and forced to run. It's incredibly powerful at holding nodes and winning games.

  10. @Vancho.8750 said:

    @"Kodama.6453" said:

    Power base eng is irrelevant and shouldn't be used to defend base power traits that are overpowered like EE. Base eng is for condi builds only.

    Then we should improve core engi's condition damage...
    We just have 1 single trait line for condition damage, firearms, and it isn't really good at it.Then we are also lacking utility skills to deal condition damage, most utility skills from core engi are power damage focused.Also mainhand pistol is still pretty bad and needs improvement. And not just 1 more stack poison here and 2 seconds more bleed there.

    I feel core engineer should be true jack of all trades and master of none. So it should NOT be forced to be condition only, but working with direct damage, hybrid e.g. celestial or rampager and full condition. Core engineer should have good (but not the best!) power burst and sustained power. Currently rifle just hits like wet noodle. Considering the trait offs e.g. rifle #1 is single target in most situations (piercing), rifle #2 is slow speed 1 target and rifle #4 does basically no damage and causes self knockback, it is easy to see why core engineer is in trouble. Just compare that with holosmith photo forge.

    I agree that firearms trait line is currently bad, but so is inventions and tools as well. Even the explosives trait line has major design mistakes/issues e.g. grenadier trait gives a useless grenade barrage after performing a healing skill. In reality all or almost all of the grenades will miss, even if you are inside enemy mob/zerg (in other game modes). Instead if should give grenades higher range e.g. 1200 (grenades used to be 1500 range when traited). Another issue is Aim-Assisted Rocket, which has 450 minimum range requirement. This makes it useless with bombs and even with grenades and their slow projectile speed and mere 900 range it is very situational. It works the best in pve and with mortar. Big boomer is grandmaster trait, but heals only about 120-130 hp/second with celestial stats. That is even less healing than Backpack Regenerator, which is major trait in alchemy line.Core should get another one hand option. probably mace since how the kitten engineer doesn't know how to use a hammer is beyond me.

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tool_Kit this is it's hammer basically

  11. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Kodama.6453 said:It is telegraphed. If the engineer is dodging, then you know that you have to avoid the next attack to prevent explosive entrance.That is inherent counterplay. Unlike many other attacks triggered by traits, this is not instant (like attacks for entering shroud, for example).The engineer has to perform a dodge roll and then attack, that gives you enough time to react accordingly.

    Honestly, you shouldn't be forced to use a defensive ability, just because you forced your enemy on defensive. This is why IH was stupid, this is why EE atm is stupid. Sadly power core is dependant on this damage, as it is getting nerfed patch after patch, because of holo. Holo on the other hand would be still doing decent damage, if this was removed.

    Power base eng is irrelevant and shouldn't be used to defend base power traits that are overpowered like EE. Base eng is for condi builds only.

    Then we should improve core engi's condition damage...
    We just have 1 single trait line for condition damage, firearms, and it isn't really good at it.Then we are also lacking utility skills to deal condition damage, most utility skills from core engi are power damage focused.Also mainhand pistol is still pretty bad and needs improvement. And not just 1 more stack poison here and 2 seconds more bleed there.

    What even is the point of pistol auto attack dealing small
    damage in AoE while not spreading the bleed in the same AoE radius, btw?

    What power focused utils? you generally just run 2 defensive utils + a kit as any build don't you? Either way my point was that base power eng is so weak and irrelevant that it can't be used to defend nerfing holosmith and condi is the only real use base eng has right now(regardless of whether or not it's too weak)

  12. @Master Ketsu.4569 said:

    @"dronte.3416" said:Reducing the length of blind applied is probably the most useless nerf I have ever seen. Do they even know how Blind works? Reducing duration works perfectly fine with most conditions but with blind it's so pointless, noone is going to stand around for 2 seconds not hitting after getting blinded especially when it's spammable.

    Meanwhile mesmer blind spam (Blinding Dissipation) got nerfed to ground (now utterly useless) even though it was actually LESS spammable than Flashbang currently.. What a joke. Throw an ICD on blind and problem solved. It's dumb spammy gameplay that shouldn't be rewarded.

    And don't get me started on the other 'nerfs' on holo.. Still easily outperforming every single class in the game.

    Well I could have written a huge TL;DR post explaining why these sort of "Pretend balance" changes do more harm than good, since they demoralize the community when we read them. Hopefully the point has been made by this alternative method of putting just as much effort into making this thread as the effort that was put into this specific balance decision.

    CmC can't change how the skill works so this was all he could do. Why the skills team thought flash bang was a good idea, however, is a good question.

  13. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @felix.2386 said:symbolbrand has always been toxic mechanic wise.

    Don't you see the issue?Symbol
    is the one people complain about.It's not Symbol Core Guardian or Symbol Dragon Hunter.

    Do you realize what that means?
    is at fault,
    not Symbols.

    No symbols in general are an issue, axe symbol is just the most obnoxious one to deal with and FB only.

    Symbol builds are kind of why holo sidenoder is meta. Grenade pressure are one of the few ways that you can deal with it.

  14. @Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Condi mirage AOE's a million condis around it everytime it bursts someone.lol wutAll the axe attacks need to hit to apply condi, pistol 4 applies condi if specc'd for it and applies the bleed to the target it hits, same with pistol 5, torch 4 and 5 and the shatters have a 240 radius which is less than double the melee range (130), aka barely anything. If you're being condi'd by the mirage its because the mirage is on top of you. And if you're getting "a million condis" from the mirage it's because you're the one targeted by it.

    Yes, I was speaking for the lesser skilled players that will sit next to you and tank all your condis like that.That's why I said it's not overpowered, but lesser skilled players could find it frustrating.

  15. @wasss.1208 said:

    @Kodama.6453 said:It is telegraphed. If the engineer is dodging, then you know that you have to avoid the next attack to prevent explosive entrance.That is inherent counterplay. Unlike many other attacks triggered by traits, this is not instant (like attacks for entering shroud, for example).The engineer has to perform a dodge roll and then attack, that gives you enough time to react accordingly.

    Honestly, you shouldn't be forced to use a defensive ability, just because you forced your enemy on defensive. This is why IH was stupid, this is why EE atm is stupid. Sadly power core is dependant on this damage, as it is getting nerfed patch after patch, because of holo. Holo on the other hand would be still doing decent damage, if this was removed.

    Power base eng is irrelevant and shouldn't be used to defend base power traits that are overpowered like EE. Base eng is for condi builds only.

  16. Photon forge being 9s CD would be unbearable. All that needs to happens is explosive entrance needs to be hard nerfed and enhanced capacity storage unit should give less might. Holo is only an issue because it can randomly 1 shot you still, due to might stacking and explosive entrance on top of all it's kitchen sink utility it has. The core part of the spec isn't imbalanced. However, without this burst holo will probably be as unviable as DPS tempest/weavers due to power rev and any thief spec insta deleting you from the game and making you unable to contribute as you spam kite and play jump puzzles all game trying desperately to survive. That's more of a power rev and thief being obscenely broken thing, though.

  17. Thief dominates the game and dictates every single build and action you can make as a player in every single match. The class is insanely easy to play if you aren't d/p and far too effective for how little effort p/d and s/d take to play. You have to have a seizure at your keyboard to die on the class, and it's far too hard to punish a thiefs mistake while too easy for a thief to punish you in any situation. You have to play like a god to protect yourself from dying to a thief while they can just mindlessly run around pressing "T" and then mashing all their damage into the target.

  18. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Please stop nerfing grenades and nerf the core issue, explosive entrance. You are going to eventually nerf explosive entrance and then "Forget" you nerfed every grenade in PvP creating a completely unusable kit in PvP/WvW.

    Same kind of problem they did when they nerfed Core Ranger. They kept nerfing pet coefficients for some reason, instead of nerfing the obvious problem which was Marksmanship/Maul modifiers that granted: +50% +50% +25%. All that did was cause problems for pet damage on builds that did not use Marksmanship, especially for Druid, who now has a -20% to all pet attributes. The better answer would have been to nerf Marsk from the get go, which was largely responsible for pet 1HKOs or 2shots, as well as Ranger being able to combo up those mods for 12k+ Mauls & WIs.

    I dunno what they're thinking on some of these balance decisions tbh.

    you act as if everything would have been fine lol, pets to this day are still kitten. if at any point in time classes lose some ability to recover health we will be having the same problem we had before. Play build without insane amounts of healing and tell me how it is to fight ranger that doesnt hit a single skill and wins by default anyways.You are on the clock after all.

    This is why ranger effortlessly wins every 1v1 regardless of either players skill. You can literally never hit a single attack and win as ranger. When I played mesmer a bit, I literally lost to rangers 1v1 without them ever hitting me once, lol.

  19. @Kuma.1503 said:Supports still work, but I don't recommend playing it without a trusted duo. There's no use healing your teamates if they face tank every burst and instant down after you've just rezzed them. Find yourself a pvp partner if you plan on playing support in ranked. It will help you maintain your sanity.

    Playing anything but holo +x, power rev + x or thief + x is a pretty bad duo. Support just..doesn't work for winning games.

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