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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. This is the least competitive PvP system I've played, but I come from games that only allow premade vs premade or 1v1(RTS). Random teammates vs random teammates is all about queue dodging, playing the best class for carrying(not the class you actually ENJOY), queueing at the correct time and always queueing duo.

    If I want to gain rating and only win, I have specifically play a certain way and only play at certain times, as mentioned above. That isn't fun, I should be able to play however I want(a good build, not memeing) and if I am a good player, my rank should reflect it. However, I'm used to RTS where that's actually accurate, and not this modern moba-style gameplay where 4 random teammates dictate 80% of your success per match.

    It's basically meta-gaming the system and not actually a ladder where the absolute best players are on top.It's why matches are so one-sided so often, people know exactly when they have to queue and avoid queueing otherwise. The current system actively discourages you to queue and play so you end up where 95% of the time you're absolutely going to tank your rating if you queue, so you just...don't. You can't just log on and play the game whenever you want and expect to gain rating if you play well and better than your enemy.

    The system is bad. Really, really, really bad.

  2. I participate in PvE and PvP. if there is no fun PvP, I simply do not play, however, if PvP is fun, I do PvE and thus end up buying stuff from the gem store.

    To me, a PvE only MMO is incredibly boring in this day and age since leveling and 99% of PvE in games is too easy(yes hard raids exist). If this was everquest/ffxi days I could play a PvE only MMO, but not anymore. Neglecting your PvP also kills your PvE, imo.

    Basically, people get bored of PvE and need WvW/PvP "side modes" to occupy time and still keep playing, at least my friends and I feel this way.

  3. @Khalisto.5780 said:I agree qith mostly everything but forums statement

    Get a group of ppl and coordinate nerf threads on forums, i think you can get berserk nerfed

    Like 20 ppl, every day one of those ppl make a nerf thread, the othet 19 spam comments on that thread, next day one of those 19 makes a similar thread the other 19 spam comments

    Pretty sure that thing gets nerfed within 3 weeks, doesn't matter how bad it is, that was the case with FA weaver pre big patch

    Holosmith and Condi thief both received zero meaningful nerfs so I disagree entirely.

  4. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Best classes for solo queue this season:

    1. Condi Herald - Currently the best side node, also effective in team fights. <- Play that if you want to side node
    2. Holosmith - Nearly as good of a side node as Condi Herald, but more effective in team fights. <- Play this if you like team fights
    3. Scourge - Easiest Support/Team Fighter hybrid to play and currently OP. <- Play this for easy support presence
    4. DP Daredevil - Fastest class, best disengage, nothing compares to this as a +1er Decap Roamer <- Play it for easy +1er Decap Roam

    It's not that other things couldn't work for yolo queue. But the aforementioned classes are just currently OP and easy to pick up and play right now.

    You forgot to mention the skill differences between being decent at 1-3 vs 4 is the size of the universe 3 times over.

    Also thief is probably one of the worst solo queue classes up there with support. Best duo queue though.

  5. I think there's only 100 active pvpers TOTAL queueing ranked at any given time, but not at the same time. Probably 50 on the busiest hours, I fight the same people over and over starting at gold1/silver(?) in placements.

  6. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:D/P thief and warrior are the only match ups I find are a test of pure skill, everything is just a clown fiesta.

    how is d/p a test of skill? mofos stealth for 20s+ at a time and restealth every time they fail.go to arena and duel plat+ thief and you will quickly realize that after 2minutes of fighting you didnt have a single real opening, and their failures to hit doesnt matter since they restealth and try again, and sooner or later you die.

    Mesmer? thief vs thief d/p is pure skill match up, I always beat worse players and lose to better. Same for warrior. I cannot say that for any other match up, especially necro and ranger where their classes might as well be interactive cutscenes that play themselves for you while you watch and occasionally hit a button.

  7. They should've sold expansions with additional game modes.For example, HoT should have been:

    • New zones
    • New raid wings(2-3)
    • New fractals(2-3)
    • New PvP Mode(Stronghold)
    • New WvW Map(Desert)
    • Elite specs

    Every expac should copy this format, new zones, new raid tier, new pvp mode, new wvw map, new specs.

    They could've also sold ~$10-15 bite sized expacs inbetween big ones that add:

    • New raid wing
    • New zone
    • New fractal
    • Big balance patch(Free without purchase of course, but it'd come with bite size expacs releases)

    I'm a PvPer and I also buy cute cosmetics and outfits all the time, the issue is we don't get enough cute and too much weird stuff, chairs, and mount skins.

  8. Support(aka "Healer") Zero damage, cannot kill anyone and only survive. High team healing, high self healing but low survivability.

    • Firebrand
    • Tempest
    • Scourge
    • Druid
    • Scrapper
    • Ventari base Revenant

      Team fighter(aka "DPS") Squishy, no self healing, cannot 1vX, cannot 1v1 any duelist, highest dps and burst

    • Chronomancer
    • Berserker
    • Deadeye

      Siege(aka "Caster") Long range damage, plenty of CC, plenty of aoe CC, medium self healing and ok survivability, cannot 1v1 anything

    • Base Elementalist(Staff)
    • Base Necro
    • Base Mesmer(Staff & Scepter)
    • Base Engineer
    • Renegade

      Duelist/1v1er(Aka "Bruiser") ~33% Less DPS and burst than team fighter, but medium self healing. Wins 1v1 against everything except another duelist.

    • Staff/Staff Daredevil
    • Spellbreaker
    • Base ranger
    • DPS Meditations Base Guardian(Great Sword&Sword)
    • Sword Weaver

      Bunker(aka "Tank") Zero damage, high damage reduction but low sustain, high CC but melee range.

    • Base Warrior
    • Bunker Base Guardian(Mace&Hammer)
    • Scrapper
    • Malyx Herald

      Roamer(aka "Scout") High mobility, high disengage, cannot 1v1, low sustain, very low survivability, low DPS but medium burst.

    • Holosmith
    • Mirage
    • Dragon Hunter
    • Daredevil(Dagger+ SB or Sword + SB)
    • Soulbeast
    • Scepter Weaver

    Every team would want a roamer, a support, and at least 1 team fighter. Duelist and bunker are interchangable, siege and team fighter are interchangable.

    Specs/classes would be redesigned to fit the above templates.

    If you cannot even give every class and spec a defined role, you cannot balance the game. You end up with stuff like holosmith that do literally everything S tier.

  9. Reaper is really bad in fractals. It's burst rotation never lines up with break bars correctly and is far far far below power DH/soul beast/weaver/holo/daredevil due to this.Reaper also isn't tanky, you do zero DPS if you tank damage in shroud.

  10. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Basically what I'm saying is deadeye DPS builds should be SLIGHTLY buffed so we can have the assassin role.DE already has maximum range.DE already has the runaway potential base Thieves have.DE has stronger Stealth potential than base Thieves.

    And you want them to have decent damage on top of that?

    Range is only relevant in WvW zergs, as you can just LOS most of the time in SPvP. But projectile reflect counters you in WvW zergs.If you can play rifle + dagger or sword, you give up short bow 5.Dagger or sword + SB daredevil/base thief = "Scout" = Trade damage for mobility.Rifle + sword or dagger Deadeye = "Assassin" = Trade mobility for damage.Staff + Staff daredevil = "Bralwer" = Trade mobility and damage for sustain. I have no idea how to do this one, though. You'd have to somehow design a trait in staff to force staff + staff and not allow you do use shortbow + staff without gimping your sustain/damage heavily.Stealth should be globally nerfed.

  11. 1) We are scouts, not assassins. However, if you play deadeye and go rifle + sword/dagger you should be able to be a more effective assassin. Shortbow + X = scout. Deadeye + rifle + sword/dagger = assassin. imo.Basically what I'm saying is deadeye DPS builds should be SLIGHTLY buffed so we can have the assassin role.

    2) Stealth needs to not stack or be hard nerfed in WvW, then venoms should be buffed to give us party support and daredevil should be a better bruiser with staff only. Staff should be our zerg weapon.

    3) PvE thief damage not being #1 is unacceptable, agreed. Sword should receive 20% more auto-attack damage and at least 20% more damage on tactical strike, lac strike, flanking strike, and pistol whip. We bring ZERO utility so we should be the top DPS by far in PvE. D/D should always be the top single target DPS in PvE alongside rifle as they both do single target damage only.

  12. @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

    @Lighter.5631 said:lack of utilities and versatility.

    a side node warrior build can notthrow nades and does huge aoe damage in mid team fight(current side node holo build)suck conditions off teammates, aoe resistance, aoe pulsing conditions ( condi rev)does huge aoe damage, lich in mid fight ( reaper/core necro)throw huge aoe buffs, projectil reflect, aoe damages, aoe CC (symbalbrand that can also play sidenode)

    a side node warrior can only side node.yet ranger will be able to decap with knockbacks, and have the option to pressure mid with longbow and pet without fully committing mid.

    a warrior not necessary bad at fighting another class, but it just doesnt bring anything for how limited it is in builds. a teamfight warrior can not win side node, a sidenode warrior does very little in team fight. most other classes can sidenode and provide good value in teamfight, 2v2 3v3 at the same time.

    Good reply tbh. Warrior needs Teamfight abilities buffed. So buff Warrior AoE.

    yes, clearly let's make every ability in the game 600 radius AOE so team fights are even more AOE spam...

    Also riot, and blizzard? Really? They are the absolutely worst devs when it comes to balancing games....

    Hire starcraft1 devs.

  13. People were either invul or dead pre-patch. This game was really bad for anyone who wasn't the best of the best player and IMPOSSIBLE to get into and learn due to how high damage and invul/evade/dodge uptime was. Feb patch absolutely had to happen.

    Now if they'd delete condi rev, condi thief, and grenade holosmith from existence this game would be a lot better. However, ranger and necro are still far, far, far FAR too easy and I cannot tell the difference between a just installed gw2 ranger/necro and a rank1.

  14. Really don't like scourge being a thing again. This class just puts aoe all over the node and makes fighting really boring. If there's a scourge mid and a renegade far I feel like the game is a stalemate where I can't do anything and no decision I make is correct.

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