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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Just played an unranked game where my ranger kept running through the enemy team to run to the middle node and lay drops or die mid running to the node. I told him don't do that, dying gives points. He did not stop.This is worse than playing with bots, bots at least immediately react to someone attacking them.These are legitmately unplayable matches.Please put me in a 2 hour queue over this trash, I'm going to end up doing the same thing I'd do in a 2 hour queue - alt tab and do something else while I wait.

  2. Being 30% behind top classes is essentially playing GW2 on a harder difficulty where every boss has 30% more HP and has 30% higher chance of using mechanics and wiping you.

    So no, playing reaper is not "fine".

  3. Agreed, staff being nerfed was when they killed this class.Then focus nerf.Then focus nerf AGAIN due to a SUPPORT build without touching said SUPPORT build AT ALL.Then mist form nerf, again, due to a support build, while ignoring the support build.

    There's very blatant bias against this class and it needs to stop.

  4. Reposting because i think this is a much better stance to take in game design for GW2

    Support(aka "Healer") Zero damage, cannot kill anyone and only survive. High team healing, high self healing but low survivability.

    • Firebrand
    • Tempest
    • Scourge
    • Druid
    • Ventari base Revenant

      Team fighter(aka "DPS") Squishy, no self healing, cannot 1vX, cannot 1v1 any duelist, highest dps and burst

    • Chronomancer
    • Berserker
    • Deadeye

      Siege(aka "Caster") Long range damage, plenty of CC, plenty of aoe CC, medium self healing and ok survivability, cannot 1v1 anything

    • Base Elementalist(Staff)
    • Base Necro
    • Base Mesmer(Staff & Scepter)
    • Base Engineer
    • Renegade

      Duelist/1v1er(Aka "Bruiser") ~33% Less DPS and burst than team fighter, but medium self healing. Wins 1v1 against everything except another duelist.

    • Staff/Staff Daredevil
    • Spellbreaker
    • Base ranger
    • DPS Meditations Base Guardian(Great Sword&Sword)
    • Sword Weaver

      Bunker(aka "Tank") Zero damage, high damage reduction but low sustain, high CC but melee range.

    • Base Warrior
    • Bunker Base Guardian(Mace&Hammer)
    • Scrapper
    • Malyx Herald

      Roamer(aka "Scout") High mobility, high disengage, cannot 1v1, low sustain, very low survivability, low DPS but medium burst.

    • Holosmith
    • Mirage
    • Dragon Hunter
    • Daredevil(Dagger+ SB or Sword + SB)
    • Soulbeast
    • Scepter Weaver

    Every team would want a roamer, a support, and at least 1 team fighter. Duelist and bunker are interchangable, siege and team fighter are interchangable.

    Specs/classes would be redesigned to fit the above templates.

    If you cannot even give every class and spec a defined role, you cannot balance the game. You end up with stuff like holosmith that do literally everything S tier.

  5. @GeneralFailure.3402 said:

    @GeneralFailure.3402 said:if thief is so OP plz nerf, why are peple not happy where there are two of them on their team?unlike revsunlike guardsunlike necrosunlike rangers

    realy makes you think

    Can't hold a node vs anyone with a brain and loses any even fights against same people. same reason you don't mass scout units in an RTS.

    and this scout unit (condi thief) is slower, has less evades, and not so on demand access to stealth as you need to hit an enemy, than power d/p. So why it is bad if does more burst damage? Which by the way can be easily negated by blocks, evades, projectile deflect.

    It destroys build diversity and is brainless + 0 fun to fight. It existing at all holds the game back.

  6. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:I started again with ranked PvP since it is 5vs 5 again . The start was very good nut now tank builds everywhere . I mean I'm not the best warrior and I know the so called 'Fire Weaver' can tank with focus and guard with aegis but I had a scourge and a daredevil tanking 20k dps directly into the face without their HP even dropping 1%.

    This is absurdWas the daredevil evading and did the scourge spam all his barrier sources while you spammed your burst skills?

    Why didn't you just wait 4 seconds?

    Do you also burst into a block and then complain how much trash the game is?

    Bronze division issues.

    Btw.: I doubt you did 20k
    in pvp.

    Definition of "Tanky": I take a glass 1-shot build into PvP and then wonder why my opponents always dodge my burst and then counter my face off!

    definition of tanky, I take 3 dps traitlines, enemy facetanks every single ability in my kit and still lives.

    I'm not saying tanky builds don't exist. But the "20k dps vs. a daredevil" thing pretty much tells you all you need to know about this particular case.

    ofc, even holo wont dish out 20k dps in pvp, with quickness at best maybe 8k.Im just salty cuz bronze necro could facetank my glass canon mesmer for 1minute by standing still and passively gaining shroud lol

    Necro is essentially playing a turn based version of GW2.

  7. Old version was better, this new version ruins the entire skill. I used to be able to aoe weakness, use it on downed bodies, poison bolts, etc. Now it's only good for the daze which is unfun for the person fighting it, and it's unfun to use as a weapon because it's a vastly inferior skill with such a high init cost lowering the skill cap of this weapon greatly.

    Revert to old version, thanks.

  8. I agree with your 2nd thing, it's why I have a huge thread about my thief changes suggestions and there are numerous changes to adding condi removal/transfer to multiple weapon sets because I feel that condi cleanse is too important and you're hard locked into certain weapon/util choices to have them.

    An example is: Shadowstep is condi removal(3), stun break, AND a teleport. This ability is so bloated, so I removed the stun break off it and put it on caltrops, a skill that's useless in every game mode, while adding condi removal or additional condi removal to a some weapon sets (D/D and Sword) to open up options.

    Things are the way they are because you need x amount of stun breaks and x amount of condi removal or you're a sitting duck, but all that happens is you're hard locked into those weapons and utils just to survive and it destroys build diversity.

  9. @Supreme.3164 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:I don't care if little Jimmy wants to play an interactive movie turret engineer build and is mad he can't win as it, that doesn't belong in the game for the sake of "Diversity!".

    I am talking about build diversity not balance. As I have stated already there is always need for balance but killing build diversity got nothing to do with balance. Yes I agree with you that something like turret engi doesn't make much for a fun build to play against but we need something for core engi to play with at least, that's build diversity and the devs are killing it. They're nerfing to balance ok...but they leave stuff untouched for years which is not right,
    they promised bigger build diversity than GW1 given the reduced the number of skills
    ...but right now we have exactly the opposite

    I didn't play GW1 but bad balance is why build diversity is so low. As someone said in another thread, if your build can't instantly remove 3+ condis it's unviable as condi thief will instantly kill you and remove you from the match making it 4vs5.

    If your build is condi but can't remove resistance, it's unviable due to condi rev, is another example.

    Balance matters for diversity. It matters a lot, actually.

  10. I don't care if little Jimmy wants to play an interactive movie turret engineer build and is mad he can't win as it, that doesn't belong in the game for the sake of "Diversity!".

    The OPs mentality is actually the #1 reason this games pvp has always been in a bad state and why anet has constantly DELETED entire amulets sigils runes etc. Rules need to exist, too much creativity and options in builds is BAD.

  11. @"Leonidrex.5649" said:this build is gate keeping many build from viability, when you create a build, first thing you have to ask yourself is " can I cleanse enough to not get 1shot from stealth by condi thief" if the answer is NO then you scrap the build. Other such bursts cant be dodged, anticipated, played around, LoS, or ran from. Not cthief.Its faster, its instant, its from stealth and its from long range ignoring LOS.I dont have a problem with Cthief for the sake of it, I dislike how little counterplay it has.

    EXACTLY this. I assumed condi thief would be DELETED from existence in PvP and WvW because of how much it dictates the meta. Condi thief currently restricts and holds back so many builds from being PLAYABLE that it's stupid.

    The reason you don't see condi thief often anymore is because people are playing builds that hard counter condi thief which forces thief into d/p which is a much better all around build.

  12. @"DocFrost.7416" said:Maybe I'm doing something wrong given that I'm fairly new to this game but have a ton of experience with MMO's. My thief is my main and I can honestly say, I haven't had a moment yet where I felt "overpowered". If anything I'm wondering how people effectively play thieves when it seems like I get out DPS'd by Guardians and Ele's but somehow am able to be killed FAR easier than them, not to mention I add 0 group utility. So what's my purpose again?

    We are very bad in instanced PvE. Zero group utility, not top dps, 11k hp.

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