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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @knite.1542 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Herald is the same thing. Coincidentally, it and holosmith are the two best PvP classes.

    So maybe make the Holo trade off include -50% to duration of self applied stealth effects. Thematically it makes sense because they glow brightly and balance wise it cuts from their sustain without touching core.

    Engineer should lose all access to stealth outside blasting smoke fields.

    Thats literally
    Toss Elixir S. What do you suggest we replace it with?

    Toss smoke field.

    You want to replace the stealth with a utility that would allow the holosmith to stack even more stealth?Yes, but holo shouldn't have toolbelt skills.

    Holosmith is supposed to be a sidenoding bruiser

    Then it needs to lose 33% of it's dps and burst.

  2. I only beat scourges by outsmarting them with rotations and decaps. Any node they're on is perma-capped as long as they afk on it and spam AOE on it. When the best way to beat a class is to simply avoid it and never fight it, you know something is horribly wrong.I have ZERO idea why you would buff this back to being playable, people do not want to fight this garbage can design of a class.Scourge is the best possible example of everything wrong with GW2's current PvP.

    @pah.4931 said:

    @rng.1024 said:For those who wonder how to fight these builds:
    • Don't. Whenever they come to your node leave and help elsewhere instead.
    • If they bunker one node forget it and play 5v4 on rest of map.
    • They are slow, you can quickly decap their point once they leave it with a hint of swiftness.
    • If you are not sure you will kill it 1v2 quick, leave it to more experienced players on your team.
    • Thieves are a hard rotational counter to bunkers
    • Focus other players first, then the tank last because they lack good damage and can be healed up again on point

    Problem is ... in a game as casual as GW2 ... people just want to PvP. They don't want to run around decapping circles (it's not Player versus Map, after all). It's a concept that has eluded Anet since they launched. In MMOs, people fight in roads. They like big numbers and lots of kills. They are trained to engage and to fight.

    Those people just play ranger since it auto-wins any 1v1 regardless of your skill as a player. That's why 95% of wvw roamers are rangers.

  3. For offensive, using the exact same "gear" as SPvP(marauder amulet vs full ascended marauder gear) I do 50% more damage. I only have 1k more hp but deal 50% more damage. This is even without factoring in the many sigils WvW has that can crit for upwards of 4k or food/potions.

    On the defense side, you have gear like "minstrels" which provides ZERO offensive stats and is a pure defensive set of gear. This said gear was removed from SPvP due to creating tanky full support builds that just stand there and never die. You can build this way in WvW, which allows boring game play from both sides.

    It's very clear WvW was designed and balanced before ascended gear, or any of these new pure defensive stat combinations. Perhaps WvW gear should be completely revamped and re-examined with the amount of stats players get now with ascended gear? People are either too tanky or do too much damage, even WITH the global 33% damage nerf. This creates a very imbalanced and unfun PvP experience for the majority of people involved.

    You can either gear to do too much damage, or gear to be too tanky. "Balanced" builds are actually useless in WvW, unlike SPvP, because the amount of offensive stats you have in WvW is far, far, far too high to make any build besides pure glass or pure defense playable. Full defense is also too tanky because you have access to stats SPvP specifically had removed due to making people unkillable. This is just not good design overall.

    It's very easy to understand why this is an issue: You gain more weapon damage due to ascended(10% damage) and ascended stats in general, but just the weapon power alone is enough to sway offensive to be too high. On top of this, as mentioned, there are stat combos that have no place in a PvP mode such as minstrels and trailblazers which makes gearing pure defensive also too strong.

    The issue is it makes it so you're either full glass, or full tank(+condi/healing) and no inbetween while SPvP severely punishes you for going full glass and does NOT allow full defense at all. A zerker thief with 11k HP is a free kill in SPvP, but in WvW the same thief is also a free kill in full marauders due to how high damage is.

    At it's core, WvW PvP is massively imbalanced due to gear stats. This is the very first and most important aspect of any PvP game mode, and I feel WvW fails at it and needs to re-examine gear stats. Without the core, the rest of the game mode falls apart entirely.

  4. @TrOtskY.5927 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:They shouldn't be free if you log in, but instead should have more content for other modes besides just story + a map. This way they can make more money AND we can get more content. Them being free for logging in then charging if you don't log in during that time(so new players get turbo screwed) benefits NO ONE.

    What? It benefits the people who long in and get the free content, doesnt it? You said it yourself!...I am gonna refrain because I have already had a warning in this thread.

    Thus we get less content since it's free and not a good revenue source. Anet is a business not a charity.

  5. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Herald is the same thing. Coincidentally, it and holosmith are the two best PvP classes.

    So maybe make the Holo trade off include -50% to duration of self applied stealth effects. Thematically it makes sense because they glow brightly and balance wise it cuts from their sustain without touching core.

    Engineer should lose all access to stealth outside blasting smoke fields.

    Thats literally
    Toss Elixir S. What do you suggest we replace it with?

    Toss smoke field.

  6. @Spellhunter.9675 said:And I can guarantee there is no build which can last longer then 15 second afk standing on point vs half decent dps build.

    Yes, they cannot stand there for 15 seconds tanking pure DPS builds. The issue is they cover the node in AOE spam so that any high DPS build that isn't pure ranged(holosmith/deadeye) gets obliterated trying to kill them.

  7. Herald is the same thing. Coincidentally, it and holosmith are the two best PvP classes.

    @saerni.2584 said:

    So maybe make the Holo trade off include -50% to duration of self applied stealth effects. Thematically it makes sense because they glow brightly and balance wise it cuts from their sustain without touching core.

    Engineer should lose all access to stealth outside blasting smoke fields.

    The developers need to figure out if they want Holosmith to be a bruiser, team fighter, roamer, or bunker because right now it's all those things at once. If it's going to be all those at once, it needs to lose power in every role and be on the same level as Elementalist - taxed HEAVILY for hybridization.

  8. @NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

    @Widmo.3186 said:No.S/p teef meta was the worst one, right after condi teef. Both requires no skill, no brain, no mechanics.Its a stupid skill that favors handless teef players. If u want to spam thief version of blurred frenzy with additional effects - go to PvE. In competetive modes learn to use weapons requiring presence of at least 1 braincell.

    Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly

    No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless.

    Probably better delete sword and staff for thieves, cause only build that demands brain effort is dp roamer.

    no? d/p is one of the lowest imo.at the top its propably s/d followed by staff, and everything else just goes down down down.stealthing for 20s+ at a time -> huge brain effort

    D/P stealth uptime is fine without shadow arts...the issue is shadow arts.The trait line should not be viable in conquest PvP(or WvW imo but WvW has no balance and is a joke)

    It's not an issue of viability, it's an issue of an insanely efficient utility tree providing excellent offensive options as well - which was, thankfully, partially fixed in the last patch. Make no mistake, I'm not a fan of excessive stealth builds - however, the meta has enough weakness and blind spam to render d/p one of the least worrisome builds.

    The amount of random passive aoe blind is actually beyond annoying.

  9. No, they are rational thoughts. The beginning of this game was completely ruined by bunker builds, they fixed it after a year or so. HoT was bunker chrono, which killed this games chance at esports completely. Amulets and runes are constantly removed that encourage or allow this playstyle. The lead PvP dev has mentioned he doesn't want bunker chrono EVER coming back.

    Pure tank invincible builds have always been a huge problem in this game in any game mode, and should not exist in any shape or form.

  10. 100% of my games are using mind games and outsmarting my opponent to win because every single person is playing a pure bunker invincible build and just afks on the node with it.I don't know why builds like this, 8 years later, are still allowed, but it's actually absurd at this point. You have to be so much smarter than them to win, which is generally easy, since they're boosted +3 divisions where their actual skill is due to their brainless tank build.

    I really want tank builds hard deleted from PvP and WvW.

  11. Blind on explosive could require you to take 3 trait lines for a single trait and it'd still be obscenely overpowered. I am perpetually blinded against holosmiths and aboslutely SICK of it.

    Holosmith needs to have the same sustain as thief, aka zero. They are essentially a roamer RANGED burst class that for some reason is also a bruiser with tons of sustain ?????

  12. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Widmo.3186 said:No.S/p teef meta was the worst one, right after condi teef. Both requires no skill, no brain, no mechanics.Its a stupid skill that favors handless teef players. If u want to spam thief version of blurred frenzy with additional effects - go to PvE. In competetive modes learn to use weapons requiring presence of at least 1 braincell.

    Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly

    No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless.

    Probably better delete sword and staff for thieves, cause only build that demands brain effort is dp roamer.

    no? d/p is one of the lowest imo.at the top its propably s/d followed by staff, and everything else just goes down down down.stealthing for 20s+ at a time -> huge brain effort

    D/P stealth uptime is fine without shadow arts...the issue is shadow arts.The trait line should not be viable in conquest PvP(or WvW imo but WvW has no balance and is a joke)

  13. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Being 30% behind top classes is essentially playing GW2 on a harder difficulty where every boss has 30% more HP and has 30% higher chance of using mechanics and wiping you.

    So no, playing reaper is not "fine".

    Nah, reaper is still fine. If you want better raid balance then make their mechanics unskippable with dps, doubt that was intentional in the first place.

    You can skip mechanics by doing damage fast in every MMORPG ever made.

  14. @saerni.2584 said:

    Condi thief isn't even that good, it gets deleted as soon as the other team has power thief or rev. Its burst set-up takes a while to reset and most other meta builds out-there have enough tools to mitigate their damage unless all cd's are on. It's granted not a fun build to play against but it's rather annoying than oppressive.

    Condi thief beats d/p 1v1. Even the best thieves say this, they only beat them because they're better players.

    Lol. Sure they are.

    I’d like to see a few D/P buffs as much as the next thief but this machismo attitude is why the devs can’t take the forums seriously.

    “No skill” and “noob build” are salty but largely irrelevant when it comes to balance discussions.

    No they aren't? The entire meta is nothing but zero skill builds and it's why so many veteran players are unhappy.

  15. @Ysmir.4986 said:?

    Condi thief isn't even that good, it gets deleted as soon as the other team has power thief or rev. Its burst set-up takes a while to reset and most other meta builds out-there have enough tools to mitigate their damage unless all cd's are on. It's granted not a fun build to play against but it's rather annoying than oppressive.

    Condi thief beats d/p 1v1. Even the best thieves say this, they only beat them because they're better players.

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