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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @Turkeyspit.3965 said:

    @SeikeNz.3526 said:so the game mode can be more fun?

    You standing on the wall and getting nuked, powerless to do anything about it, isn't any less fun than attackers on the ground getting nuked from the wall, powerless to do anything about it.

    The reality is, both sides have recourse.

    Defenders of an objectiven can build siege outside of range, and players on the battlements can not be stupid and use stun breaks, stability, reflects and cleanses,while Rangers, Elementalists, Guardians, Engineers and Necros can drop ordinance on the attackers.

    Attackers can build siege outside of range from the wall, use shield gems, and players on the ground can not be stupid and dodge out of AoE attacks, use reflects, sustain and cleanses, while Rangers, Elementalists, Guardians, Engineers and Necros can drop ordinance on the defenders.

    OR, and here is the big brain move: get organized, stack, empower/stealth, and charge out to attack the enemy.

    Most times your typical rando wall defender is accomplishing nothing anyways, and the best strategy you have is to just drain the supply.

    AOE on walls is just making the already strong classes even stronger. It doesn't benefit the weak and struggling classes at all. It should be removed.

  2. @Chaith.8256 said:

    @mortrialus.3062 said:You and Chaith always seem to want;
    1. Core Engineer: Jack of All Trades Master of All Trades. Best build in the game do not touch.
    2. Holosmith: Jack of All Trades Master of All Trades. Best build in the game do not touch.
    3. Scrapper: Jack of All Trades Master of All Trades. Best build in the game do not touch.

    After getting called out for grossly exaggerating facts, it seems like you still can't stop. Any trace of objectivity in this thread has bit the dust.

    He isn't wrong, though. That's what nearly every engineer player thinks because of how overpowered the class has been since alpha.

  3. @Swagger.1459 said:

    @"Mil.3562" said:You are calling for a nerf to WvW gears? OMG. On top of the quarterly nerf patches and last year super hugh stats nerfs across the board, you still find players in WvW too OP and at the same time tanky and isn't this outright contradicting? OP, honestly I think WvW is not for you.

    Doesn't too tanky balanced out with too much damaged? Instead of taking the same ends to compare, you are taking two opposite ends and compare, and you expect a balance? lol

    The developers have nerfed practically every thing from power to buffs to heals and even the Warclaw has turned into a useless fashion mount in WvW, there are still calls for nerfs? If you think players are still too OP or tanky, it is only because you are comparing the best against the worst and you expect a balance to that??

    WvW as it is today, the player base are suffering a slow death. Don't kill it sooner.

    Yes, WvW is either pure tank builds never dying or pure glass builds 1 shotting eachother. The amount of stats in WvW is too high both defensively and offensively. SPvP has MUCH better balanced character power.I do 14k death's justice in WvW without even using food or potions and have 17.6k HP. In SPvP I do 9k. and have 16.6k HP using the same "gear", marauders in every slot and marauders amulet in SPvP. If I went pure zerker glass, I'm sure I could do enough damage to ONE SHOT my marauder build. The Damage: HP ratio of "balanced" builds is out of whack in WvW, turning it into 1 shots or invincible tanks. This creates an unhealthy game.

    Go roam in WvW and tell me what builds you often see, I guarantee it's mostly people playing pure glass 1 shotting or trailblazer bunkers.

    Should we now balance all professions inside of wvw for roaming and 1v1 encounters?

    If any small scale fight is utterly unplayable, maybe.

  4. @"RedShark.9548" said:On one hand ppl deal too much dmg and on the other they are too tanky? Doesnt look like a gear issue to me generally.

    That's precisely the issue. You can either gear to do too much damage, or gear to be too tanky. "Balanced" builds are actually useless in WvW, unlike SPvP, because the amount of offensive stats you have in WvW is far, far, far too high to make any build besides pure glass or pure defense playable. Full defense is also too tanky because you have access to stats SPvP specifically had removed due to making people unkillable. This is just not good design overall.

    It's very easy to understand why this is an issue: You gain more weapon damage due to ascended(10% damage) and ascended stats in general, but just the weapon power alone is enough to sway offensive to be too high. On top of this, as mentioned, there are stat combos that have no place in a PvP mode such as minstrels and trailblazers which makes gearing pure defensive also too strong.

    The issue is it makes it so you're either full glass, or full tank(+condi/healing) and no inbetween while SPvP severely punishes you for going full glass and does NOT allow full defense at all. A zerker thief with 11k HP is a free kill in SPvP, but in WvW the same thief is also a free kill in full marauders due to how high damage is.

  5. @"Mil.3562" said:You are calling for a nerf to WvW gears? OMG. On top of the quarterly nerf patches and last year super hugh stats nerfs across the board, you still find players in WvW too OP and at the same time tanky and isn't this outright contradicting? OP, honestly I think WvW is not for you.

    Doesn't too tanky balanced out with too much damaged? Instead of taking the same ends to compare, you are taking two opposite ends and compare, and you expect a balance? lol

    The developers have nerfed practically every thing from power to buffs to heals and even the Warclaw has turned into a useless fashion mount in WvW, there are still calls for nerfs? If you think players are still too OP or tanky, it is only because you are comparing the best against the worst and you expect a balance to that??

    WvW as it is today, the player base are suffering a slow death. Don't kill it sooner.

    Yes, WvW is either pure tank builds never dying or pure glass builds 1 shotting eachother. The amount of stats in WvW is too high both defensively and offensively. SPvP has MUCH better balanced character power.I do 14k death's justice in WvW without even using food or potions and have 17.6k HP. In SPvP I do 9k. and have 16.6k HP using the same "gear", marauders in every slot and marauders amulet in SPvP. If I went pure zerker glass, I'm sure I could do enough damage to ONE SHOT my marauder build. The Damage: HP ratio of "balanced" builds is out of whack in WvW, turning it into 1 shots or invincible tanks. This creates an unhealthy game.

    Go roam in WvW and tell me what builds you often see, I guarantee it's mostly people playing pure glass 1 shotting or trailblazer bunkers.

  6. @TheGrimm.5624 said:No amulet system for WvW. That's for PvP, WvW is endgame and that is building sets that work towards your defined role, playstyle, fightsize and I would daresay connection. If anything we could use some more stat combos. And no I don't think they should be balancing around zerker as the core set either.

    No one said anything about an amulet system...just re-examining player power in WvW.

  7. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Yeah, I'm sure every other class was not happy about their trade offs either. It sucks, but you just have to live with it. Sorry if you want to be jack of all trades master of all but that isn't healthy game design.

    You just keep ignoring the points I provided to you why a change like this isn't in the cards.

    Ok. You can enjoy your fantasy. And I am living very well with this, since this change didn't find in the game and most likely never will. ^^

    I know for a fact holo will never lose toolbelt skills. Honestly, I'm pretty sure holo won't even receive a single nerf to anything relevant for the next 3 years. Engineer has been a gigantic issue in PvP since alpha and it's obvious intentional bias.

  8. @Swagger.1459 said:

    Also, WvW isn’t structured “for e-sports” player versus player, where a handful of players fight over small circles to 500pts. WvW is this...

    And the inspiration for WvW came from Dark Age of Camelot Realm versus Realm versus Realm gameplay.

    I'm not sure what this has to do with player power being so high in WvW compared to PvP.

    Spvp uses the amulet system, and has removed some stats for balancing 5v5. WvW isn’t 5v5. WvW has had the same open gear system since launch. Over 8 years players have made gears and stuff for WvW and the devs aren’t going to tell players they are removing any gear. WvW wasn’t meant to be “fairer e-sports”, like the devs attempt to do inside of Spvp. WvW was primarily designed for hundreds of players to battle across 4 maps, not primarily designed for e-sports balance for your duels inside of WvW.

    We have been over this hundreds of times and the devs are not changing the gear system inside of WvW. And the devs said NO.

    I don't see what esports balance has to do with WvW. Are you admitting WvW is intentionally imbalanced and badly designed?

    The devs said no.

    You still are not answering the question. What does "esports" have to do with balance? Do you think that for some reason, if they attempt to "balance" wvw it'll be bad?

  9. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Mirage doesn't lose a dodge in PvE and distortion isn't needed in PvE either...that's a very engineer player comparison.

    This is exactly my point.

    A fundamental mechanical change like removing all toolbelt skills won't become PvP only, they try to keep the mechanics of specs the same across the game modes and just change numbers (cooldowns, damage, healing, etc).And yes, even endurance is just a number.

    Having access to toolbelt skills or not is not just a number. It is a mechanical change and if they would do that, they would do it for
    game modes.

    And like you said: distortion is not needed in PvE. Toolbelt on the other hand
    needed in PvE, heavily!Toolbelt has a good punch of our dps. Toolbelt holds stunbreaks for the engineer. The toolbelt is even a
    healing skill replacement
    in the case of the med kit.

    That's exactly what I am talking about. The changes done to chrono and mirage were not as impactful as taking away toolbelt skills from holosmith. You might not be aware of it, but that's how it is and I am sure Anet is also very well aware of this fact, hence why this change is ruled out.

    Yeah, I'm sure every other class was not happy about their trade offs either. It sucks, but you just have to live with it. Sorry if you want to be jack of all trades master of all but that isn't healthy game design.

  10. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @UNOwen.7132 said:Its odd that you talk about Holosmiths utilities as if theyre incredibly amazing when the current meta holosmith doesnt run a
    holosmith utility. Theyre worse than core utilities. So already we can cut more than half of your "what Holosmith provides" bullet points. The truth is that people
    overestimate Holosmith. Yes, it provides more damage than base Engineer thanks to enhanced heat capacity unit, and yes, you get a free mediocre kit in the form of photon forge. But that is, simply put, not that much.

    As for your suggestion, lets reword it. "Lets make Holosmith unplayable in PvP". Its only slightly ahead of core engineer, so a nerf this massive, well lets just say it chronos the spec. It also is just poorly thought out. The problem with Holo right now isnt Holo itself. Its that as a result of the catastrophic february 25 patch, damage is far too low. Holosmith is not actually very tanky in a vacuum. But damage is so low even a glass cannon like Holosmith is unkillable, despite actually providing close to no sustain or defense at all (seriously, its got Heat Therapy, which is an average 50-100 healing per second. Thats just ... not much).

    I think the truth lies somewhere between your view and the OP's.

    You're 100% correct in saying Holosmith utilities are not used at all atm, pure sidegrade/downgrade to core utilites, no idea what OP is talking about there with his 3 bullet points on how good Holo utilities are - OP then goes on to say that Holosmith gains CC through traits, no idea how he justifies talking straight 25% nonsense in his post, I understand how you think he's overestimating Holosmith with some overt hyperbole, cause he is.

    However, Holosmith is pretty far ahead of Core Engineer. It's got way more mobility, sustain, and might stacks. When it comes to Heat Therapy, this trait is a beast. When staying out of Forge it's healing 195 per second between 3-8 seconds, then 390 per second when venting maximum heat. It's very noticeable sustain compared to core.

    The mobility Holo gets from master trait & photon Forge is an amazing escape tool. Between super speed escape and Heat Therapy, you basically slap on noticeable sustain and disengage to Core Engi and call it a day.

    Only thing about Holo that should be potentially changed is mobility and sustain, ideally take a portion of that sustain and pump it into kits. Multi-kit builds should be the focus of next Engi re-work for sure.

    Most of the Exceeds have seen plenty of use historically, even if it's currently meta to run Grenade Kit, Elixir U and Elixir S. Photon Wall has seen plenty of historic use, Spectrum Shield and Hard Light Arena have seen plenty of use. It's not like we're talking about Distracting Daggers, Impairing Daggers or Crystal Sands that are just 100% unused in PvP. My point is that not only does Holosmith enhance the engineer's capacity for damage and mobility beyond what core is capable of, but also sustain and defense in ways the spec simply shouldn't be doing, regardless of whether the Exceeds, which do see use, are currently meta at this exact moment.

    Just because something saw use
    , doesnt mean its still good. Druid saw a lot of use before. Spellbreaker saw a lot of use before. Scrapper saw a lot of use before. Theyre all not good anymore. As are the Exceed skills. They got nerfed, and now theyre just downgrades to core skills.

    The point isn't that exceeds should be bad. The point is that exceeds shouldn't be defensively orientated, especially with how they can and have stacked with Core Engineer's existing defenses to make something even more defensive than core engineer on top of more damage, mobility, and healing. And just because something else is currently better doesn't mean the meta won't shift in a way where they see more play. The exceeds are still usable, we aren't talking about Druid Glyphs or Crystal Sands level bad here.

    Actually, in some cases we
    talking thatb ad here. But anyway, I disagree with your main point entirely. Holo is a melee bruiser. Of course it gets defense-focused utility skills, thats the whole point. You cant expect a melee glass cannon to function well without active defenses.

    I never had a problem with, for example, Prime Light Beam. The only change I wanted to see on it before the megabalance was to add self reveal to the holosmith so that they can't blowout people with zero warning from stealth and I'm 100% in favor of adding the damage back to that skill. That's the frame work the exceeds should be operating under; high impact offensive skills with more potent effects at high heat. Not defensive skills that can be layered on top of core engineer's defensive utilities on top of all the damage, mobility, and sustain holosmith provides.

    Again, you cant expect a melee spec to be a full glass cannon sidenoder. Imagine if Spellbreaker had no defenses. Engineers base defenses are good for the ranged playstyle engineer usually has, but for melee, not so much.

    Holosmith isn't a sidenoder, scrapper is. Holosmith is VERY clearly a glass cannon roamer. Why would a class have two specs that accomplish the exact same role?

  11. @Swagger.1459 said:

    Also, WvW isn’t structured “for e-sports” player versus player, where a handful of players fight over small circles to 500pts. WvW is this...

    And the inspiration for WvW came from Dark Age of Camelot Realm versus Realm versus Realm gameplay.

    I'm not sure what this has to do with player power being so high in WvW compared to PvP.

    Spvp uses the amulet system, and has removed some stats for balancing 5v5. WvW isn’t 5v5. WvW has had the same open gear system since launch. Over 8 years players have made gears and stuff for WvW and the devs aren’t going to tell players they are removing any gear. WvW wasn’t meant to be “fairer e-sports”, like the devs attempt to do inside of Spvp. WvW was primarily designed for hundreds of players to battle across 4 maps, not primarily designed for e-sports balance for your duels inside of WvW.

    We have been over this hundreds of times and the devs are not changing the gear system inside of WvW. And the devs said NO.

    I don't see what esports balance has to do with WvW. Are you admitting WvW is intentionally imbalanced and badly designed?

  12. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Chrono was way too dependant on distortion to, too. Mirage is also way too dependant on mirage cloak. Sorry that you think your class gets special treatment, but it shouldn't.

    Holosmith is currently the best class and destroying PvP. It needed to be hard nerfed months ago.

    All I can say is that you should probably go play some engineer to really get a feeling for
    badly you are dependant on it.Taking toolbelt away from holosmith absolutely kills the elite spec in every game mode, including PvE. Something that is not true for chrono or mirage, since they are still able to perform well in PvE and even still had top performance there.

    After such a change, holo would be worth as much as a veteran mob.Your hate for the engineer class just makes you blind in this case here.

    Mirage doesn't lose a dodge in PvE and distortion isn't needed in PvE either...that's a very engineer player comparison.

    @mortrialus.3062 said:Like I said, Holo should have a -20-33% healing penalty to force it into a high risk high reward playstyle.

    Not a fan of just removing all of the toolbelt skills, it just doesn't create the sort of deliberate asymmetry good balance works to implement.

    How do you explain a healing penalty on an elite spec that gets free healing? lol

  13. I watched Vallun go from rank12 to 9 fighting players worse than anyone I've ever fought(they were basically silver and bronze i'm pretty sure). If you can get into top10 without even fighting anyone in the top50, your ranking system is a colossal failure.

  14. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Forgemode, sword, and holo trait line are more than enough. No buffs needed, sorry.

    I am just glad that this suggestion will never get taken seriously.Engineer, including the holosmith elite spec, is way too dependant on the toolbelt for this to ever be an option.

    Sorry, but this is definitely never going to happen.

    Chrono was way too dependant on distortion to, too. Mirage is also way too dependant on mirage cloak. Sorry that you think your class gets special treatment, but it shouldn't.

    Holosmith is currently the best class and destroying PvP. It needed to be hard nerfed months ago.

  15. @Swagger.1459 said:@"Shiyo.3578"

    Also, WvW isn’t structured “for e-sports” player versus player, where a handful of players fight over small circles to 500pts. WvW is this...

    And the inspiration for WvW came from Dark Age of Camelot Realm versus Realm versus Realm gameplay.

    I'm not sure what this has to do with player power being so high in WvW compared to PvP.

  16. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @> @Dantheman.3589 said:Symbol guard can out aoe scourge and hence win the match up in 1v1s pretty ezily.

    Scourge is OP as a teamfight/support hybrid right now, but I don't understand why there isn't more focus on Core Guard atm. Core Guard is currently a fuggin beast in this current patching.

    Spamming AOE on the node while you sit inside your AOE is the biggest issue with this game right now.Guardian does this.Trap builds do this.Necro does this.Scourge does this.Renegade does this.Condi rev does this.Holosmith spams grenades/mortars on itself.Tempest does this.

    Mesmer and warrior both cannot do this. Hmmm, interesting, the two worst classes cannot sit inside their own AOE while afking on a node. Don't you worry though, I see people attempt to play staff condi mirage and afk on the node while spamming AOE on themselves(and fail).

    It's just amazing how brainless spamming AOE on yourself is and how it has no decent counter. The more I play this game the less interested I am in it due to skills and class design.

    The only counter is having competent teammates who can 2vs1 and insta kill the person for you, but imagine if nodes didn't exist? Imagine death match? Oh, wait, we did, and 3v3 was >>LITERALLY<< just aoe spam classes.

  17. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:I only beat scourges by outsmarting them with rotations and decaps. Any node they're on is perma-capped as long as they afk on it and spam AOE on it. When the best way to beat a class is to simply avoid it and never fight it, you know something is horribly wrong.

    You've essentially said "I only beat them when I take the advantage that's clearly presented by exploiting their clear weakness instead of forcing into their hand." Isn't that how you're supposed to play? You're not supposed to take every fight , every engagement or be able to best every enemy on a single build.

    You see it as "I can't beat this class" and "horribly wrong"but part of me feels that's fairly tunneled on "I have to take this fight, I have to beat this class and win the node to win the game". You're actively choosing to fight into your enemies advantages. You may see it as never taking a fight but often in reality it's forcing your own teams advantage else where and actively winning the game by exploiting an enemies weaknesses? You can play the essential 5v4 and render the enemy team down a player.

    If scourges had more mobility I would understand. They are also far from unbeatable.

    Except I'm not beating them. I'm literally avoiding them in PvP combat because they are not killable without a complete over commitment of at least 3 people, which btw means the class is completely broken when it takes 3 people to take 1 down. Sounds like chrono bunker tier defense "just out rotate them and they still die to 3 people!"

  18. @NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

    @Tazer.2157 said:This whole game mode has been one big troll from the February patch. Tanky condi spam builds everywhere. But don’t worry the pvp team is hard at work and we will get the next balance patch in 6 months

    Condi overall has just been dominant kitten for months now. Builds like core burn guard at LEAST are able to die, but then we have trapper rune DH and druid that can literally be played by apes and would still be efficient and nigh' unkillable due to how they work.

    @Tazer.2157 said:This whole game mode has been one big troll from the February patch. Tanky condi spam builds everywhere. But don’t worry the pvp team is hard at work and we will get the next balance patch in 6 months

    Condi overall has just been dominant kitten for months now. Builds like core burn guard at LEAST are able to die, but then we have trapper rune DH and druid that can literally be played by apes and would still be efficient and nigh' unkillable due to how they work.

    Yet people constantly cry for druid buffs, ugh.

  19. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Herald is the same thing. Coincidentally, it and holosmith are the two best PvP classes.

    So maybe make the Holo trade off include -50% to duration of self applied stealth effects. Thematically it makes sense because they glow brightly and balance wise it cuts from their sustain without touching core.

    Engineer should lose all access to stealth outside blasting smoke fields.

    Thats literally
    Toss Elixir S. What do you suggest we replace it with?

    Toss smoke field.

    You want to replace the stealth with a utility that would allow the holosmith to stack even more stealth?Yes, but holo shouldn't have toolbelt skills.

    Again, if you want that, you need
    buffs to photon forge and Exceed utilities. At that point Holo gives up more than Reaper does. So youd better expect Photon Forge to be
    than Reaper's Onslaught Reaper Shroud. Im not sure you want that.

    Holosmith is supposed to be a sidenoding bruiser

    Then it needs to lose 33% of it's dps and burst.

    Why? Its not like it kills anyone in 1v1s either. Everyone else just needs their damage back. We are far below where it should be.

    Have you seen fire weaver and spellbreaker damage? They are also sidenoders.

    Forgemode, sword, and holo trait line are more than enough. No buffs needed, sorry.

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