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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Avatar.3568 said:I think in the coming month could we have a healbreaker meta

    I agree, support warrior is much better then people give it credit. BUT.even if its good or meta warriors will still have right to be mad.When you create a warrior you wanna manly frontline that kitten people up, not a healer that gives might to people.

    How about the wizard class being turned into a healbot, too?

  2. @Leonidrex.5649 said:most meta builds.power thief, power reaper, power holo, support tempest and 1 condi build, condi rev.community -> NERF ALL CONDI,

    Condi thief should make a comeback with condi rev nerfs. Base necro is still top tier. Condi mirage and condi weaver aren't top tier but aoe spam a million condis around them. Condi renegade can insta kill 20k HP and aoe spams the node with pulsing CC. Condi ranger is super common at low ratings and just runs around spamming AOE condis everywhere. Burn guardians passively AOE 5k burn ticks around it at all times with 50 blocks and is super common a low ratings.

    Since the majority of players are low rating, they see stuff like burn guard and condi ranger VERY commonly and thus think condis are broken and unfun. These builds fall off with better rotations and more competent teammates but at low ratings AND WvW they are incredibly unfun and demoralizing to fight. So I can understand their frustration.

    Note: Besides condi thief I don't think any of the above builds are overpowered. I simply think the reward:effort ratio for condi builds are so heavily skewed that for low rating players condi builds are the most effective way for them to deal damage and beat equally lesser skilled players.

  3. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Quickness Vault 10k - > vault 10k from stealth 1-2s death.

    10k malicious backstab from stealth + 5k shadowshot + 7k heartseker from stealth, nearly instant death(~3 seconds).

    This kind of damage doesn't exist in SPvP without the person being a free kill.

    The issue is, you're a free kill in WvW unless you have 25k+ hp and 3k+ toughness so people are either 11k hp glass cannons or trailblazer/minstrel tanks.

    Vault hits you for 10k with 2700 armor and permaprot?

    Yes.How much Vulnerability did you soak up trying to face tank those other players?

    Sometimes you're out of dodges, cc breaks, blocks, invuls or CCed and insta die from stealth.

  4. @Voltekka.2375 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Quickness Vault 10k - > vault 10k from stealth 1-2s death.

    10k malicious backstab from stealth + 5k shadowshot + 7k heartseker from stealth, nearly instant death(~3 seconds).

    This kind of damage doesn't exist in SPvP without the person being a free kill.

    The issue is, you're a free kill in WvW unless you have 25k+ hp and 3k+ toughness so people are either 11k hp glass cannons or trailblazer/minstrel tanks.

    Vault hits you for 10k with 2700 armor and permaprot?


  5. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Sorem.9157 said:I'm more interested in what new sidenoder builds will rise now that the so dominant condi rev is significantly weaker. People say condi builds will be stronger but who knows, maybe side noding turns into a more aggressive meta and warriors start to pop around? Maybe soulbeast gets back into the scene? Condi, power? Hell, maybe even holosmith turns back into a more sidenodey meta, with the grenades and mobility nerfs. Honestly, right now it is impossible to say for sure.

    My guess is guard will be the next hated thing. And I suspect holo or scrapper will still be busted.

    Ranger and druid. They auto win any 1v1 regardless of either players skill.

  6. @wasss.1208 said:

    @"mortrialus.3062" said:"DON'T HURT MY NICHE NON META BUILD JUST BECAUSE THE META BUILD WAS SUPER GOOD RUNNING ONE OF THE SAME COMPONENTS" is something we've heard since this game first launched. It happens. It happens to EVERYONE and EVERY class. Get over it.

    The goal would be to give every spec a viable build. With the latest set of nerfs, they hurt the only build on core engi I found somewhat viable, and trust me, I tried a lot of builds, and I'm going to keep on trying out things...

    As for the complain from the core engi community, the main fustration probably comes from the fact that holo could be nerfed, and can still be nerfed, without touching core. The latest set of nerfs literally hurt core more, as the build I use spends ~80% of the time in grenade kit, as it doesn't have an another reliable way to apply pressure. Holo on the other hand only uses it when they need ranged pressure, or they want to burst by throwing everything out. Then they get into melee, swap to sword or forge, and deal much more damage than any glass core build could do, while having better sustain, thanks to several traits, and skills.

    All of these were called out by the engineer community. As for why they are untouched, I have no idea. One has to be really stubborn to think they know better than a bunch of players, who mostly play this profession.

    Look at ele nerfs. They always gut things when it has a support spec that are barely related to the support spec and instead harm ALL build diversity from the class. Ele is the single most pathetic overnerfed class in the game with so few VIABLE builds it's silly.

    Base engineer is half the problem, but it's explosive entrance NOT grenades which they didn't touch because it's a new revamped trait line they just revamped and is off limits from balance adjustments.

  7. @Swagger.1459 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Quickness Vault 10k - > vault 10k from stealth 1-2s death.

    10k malicious backstab from stealth + 5k shadowshot + 7k heartseker from stealth, nearly instant death(~3 seconds).

    This kind of damage doesn't exist in SPvP without the person being a free kill.

    So, what you’re saying is that we need to nerf thief?Not really, mesmer and soulbeast can do this type of damage too.

    However, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Signet should 100% be nerfed to the ground in WvW/PvP. 540 power is absurd.

  8. Quickness Vault 10k - > vault 10k from stealth 1-2s death.

    10k malicious backstab from stealth + 5k shadowshot + 7k heartseker from stealth, nearly instant death(~3 seconds).

    This kind of damage doesn't exist in SPvP without the person being a free kill.

    The issue is, you're a free kill in WvW unless you have 25k+ hp and 3k+ toughness so people are either 11k hp glass cannons or trailblazer/minstrel tanks.

  9. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:I've been testing builds in WvW and SPvP replicating nearly identical stat combinations. In WvW, these builds routinely get instantly killed in 1 second by a single person in WvW. While inside of SPvP, I will 0-1 deaths every single match, kite around 2-3 people for a very long time, resustain, and kill people 1v1.

    There is something I'm missing, or stats in WvW are very, very messed up. I cannot find a single build in WvW that doesn't randomly get INSTANTLY killed by players while still having enough damage to 1v1.

    What's going on? What am I doing wrong?You are ignoring that gear like dire and trailblazer or soldier exists in wvw and berserker and marauder need enough punch to be able to deal with these attribute combinations.

    PvP has become an oversimplified game mode. ANet could basically remove everything except marauder and carrion amulet. Wouldn't make much of a difference to the current state.

    I have 2700 armor, +40% boon duration, nearly perma prot, and I'm being 1 shot instantly in WvW. In SPvP I run demo amulet with rev rune which is the same amount of armor but a LOT less boon duration. I am never one shot in SPvP.

    Weapon damage is the culprit I think, as pvp amulets give you very very similar stats to ascended gear in WvW.

    It makes pure 1 shot glass cannon builds far too rewarding in WvW on classes that can evade/invul/block for mitigation instead of relying on raw health, healing and armor.

  10. I've been testing builds in WvW and SPvP replicating nearly identical stat combinations. In WvW, these builds routinely get instantly killed in 1 second by a single person in WvW. While inside of SPvP, I will have 0-1 deaths every single match, kite around 2-3 people for a very long time, resustain, and kill people 1v1.

    There is something I'm missing, or stats in WvW are very, very messed up. I cannot find a single build in WvW that doesn't randomly get INSTANTLY killed by players while still having enough damage to 1v1.

    What's going on? What am I doing wrong?

  11. @Eurantien.4632 said:This trait is the epitome of poor design. Passive damage trait that becomes ridiculously overpowered when paired with Flashbang. Hasn't been touched in 5 months.

    Explosive trait line could literally be an elite spec. Look at how overloaded it's first minor trait is, just like a minor trait for an elite spec.

    It not only does too much damage, but you get free passive barrier, blind, random daze AND 3k hp(why?? ele get this from their ELITE TRAIT LINE BTW).

    This is a thread about explosive entrance, I am talking about explosive entrance. My post is on topic.

  12. The meta has the same issues the game has had since the dhumfire patch:AOE condi spamAOE CC spamEng is overpowered and does EVERYTHING(absolutely literally everything) at S tier level.Necro is too tanky and easy to play. Zero difference between a good and just installed GW2 2m ago NecroThief has too many evadesRanger has too much sustain and it's DPS rotation is mashing every button on it's keyboard with 0 thought. Zero difference between a good and just installed GW2 2m ago ranger(esp condi).Pure bunkers are too strong and require 10x the effort to kill than to play.Warriors randomly kill you 100% to 0% keeping you stunned the entire timeEle gets nerfed over and over due to dumb bunker/support builds and is forever stuck in a bunker/support roleMesmers randomly 1 shot you

    The thread title is about the meta and I am talking about the current meta. My post is on topic.

  13. @Kuma.1503 said:Holo isn't even that big of an outlier. Every competetive game is going to have a top tier build/class/character. In holo's case, it's strong but not worth quitting over.I'd argue that PvP has some much larger problems currently.

    I strongly disagree. Holosmith feels like I'm fighting a game masters character when compared to any other class. The only thing remotely close to this in a pvp rpg was S5 DK in WOTLK.

    This is on topic. I am talking about holosmith and the thread title is holosmith.

  14. @rng.1024 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Yes, you have to game the system to actually progress unless you're a god. Your rank will always be 1-2 divisions below where you actually are skill wise if you just spam queue.

    The rank system and matchmaking system is really bad.

    Boyce proved this a myth a few seasons ago, he spammed queues on his holo (which was fairly balanced back then) all season and still ended up in top 50.

    What you said doesn't prove my statement wrong, it actually helps support it. I said "be a god" OR "game the sysatem". Boyce is a good top tier player thus a "god".

    Someone who belongs in plat1/2 is going to struggle to belong in plat 1/2 unless they're actually legendary/plat3 in skill level. If you spam play, you'll absolutely always be 1-2 divisions below where your real skill level is.

  15. At plat I'm constantly put with 4 golds and expected to carry. It makes really unfun and uneven games. I've legit played against the rank1 player duo with another 1800+ player(he was duo queue) when I was 1580 and my team had 4 golds. 0-500 score. Good matchmaking?

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