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  1. And then copy this feature to finally allow us berserkers to voluntarily dismiss our berserker stance... 🤩
  2. Up until today, I regarded them as a bug, despite rumors, but it turned out the changes were really intentional. Ok, so it was intentional. But why? Was this feature really so widely requested? Why shouldn't I be able to overwrite my nourishment buff with cakes? If my current buff has the remaining duration considerably shorter than the upcoming fight it only makes sense for me to overwrite it, even if only with cakes. Why is my resulting inconvenience so less important than one of a person pressing Eat button at the wrong feast, that it warrants an implementation of a unique feature on one single feast in the entire game and one that breaks behavioural consistency of feasts?
  3. Finally the mall cop elite specialization we've all been waiting for. Now the only thing missing is mobility scooter glider mount skin.
  4. Are you people all talking about the same thing? I thought the original post was about the annoying brown pop-ups that keep unhelpfully informing me what the beacon fire is, despite me already contributing 5 kittening flames to the northern beacon total, but then some of you started talking about some speech bubbles and radio transmissions?
  5. You would think that but, mind bogglingly, apparently that's not the case for the champions on Skywatch Archipelago.
  6. It's not quite the same. It's much more forgiving, but not if you have a fully outfitted cdps character. In that case you have to strip before attempting it.
  7. Have you even read the first post? It's not about lacking reward options (new rewards are very good IMO). It's about lacking activity options.
  8. Why? Why the arbitrary restrictions? What purpose would they serve? Far simpler to just let us pick what suits us on the day.
  9. I totally agree with OP. Give us back options! What's the harm in people seeing all (presumably) 12 dailies and make the decision for themselves? Isn't this precisely what you were saying you wanted to achieve with the revamp? I like meta events, I loathe jumping puzzles. I love WvW roaming, I hate ZvZ poop-flinging contests... The game is 11 years old. Most of us know fully well, what our options are and know what we love and what we loathe. Don't make us do something we hate. Nobody wins down that path. (I unfortunately made another thread on the same topic, because from the title I thought this one was about Wizards' Vault 404 errors...)
  10. So were the previous dailies, but that's not the point. The point is, that now you have to complete them doing some specific activities that you might not find enjoyable, or even feasible, while before you had many other options.
  11. New dailies are bad, because they mandate goals. Old system allowed us to forego 75% of possible daily goals and still achieve the coveted cumulative (complete 3 dailies) achievement. It gave you options, that you could chase based on your daily busyness, company, or even just current mood. The new system just says "you will be doing this and exactly this, or you will be getting nothing, kthxbye." GIVE US OPTIONS! Just because I checked "PvE" box doesn't mean, that I want to do jumping puzzles. And who even escorts dolyaks in WvW outside doing guild missions?
  12. Please don't make traversing old EoD maps suddenly a chore...
  13. Oh joy, buffing banners and only banners... like they are the only warrior utility skill that needs it... At least now they will be less painful to use, so I guess they have that going for them.
  14. I agree with you completely! Make banners useful utility skills! But don't make them something that every warrior everywhere should always have! And all the proposed functionalities, that people have discussed have at least one thing in common: that banners should be changed. And that's what ANet (poorly) did. My point has never been anything other, that banners, as they were, were bad, because they were cramping up warrior builds (playstyle-wise). It was banner juggling, or GTFO. Good riddance to that. I'm not saying, that banners, as they are now, are better, but they sure did dramatically fix the main grievance I had with them.
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