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Fan Didly Tastic.7169

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Everything posted by Fan Didly Tastic.7169

  1. I fixed the dodge bug by swapping to Renegade. It was crazy! It even gave me a second dodge! Don't know if that was intentional, but I will ask my uncle, they work for A-net. I have been running only Vindicator, basically since release, to try to figure out it's 'play' "style", and from my extreme testing, I can confirm, changing to Renegade does indeed fix the dodge. Twice! Jokes aside, dropping the spec and going back to a normal class, felt like I'd been playing with my hands tied behind my back, prior. It will be forever broken and inconsistent until they actually make up for the lack of a second dodge. Period. I don't mean to sound mean, but A-net made this by gimping a class by removing its' second dodge, doubling the single dodge CD, and turning it into a predictable attack in PvP, while in PvE, actively punishing us for not dodging off CD. After which they chased this down by making up for *only* that, and not even the opportunity loss of a 3rd trait line that doesn't nerf us in a core way, via what could be best described as unfinished, phoned in traits. Makes this class feel just about as finished as--- All the bugs that come with this pre-nerfed class are just the Kitten Dingleberries on Top.
  2. That is an extremely fair point, been so long since core was prevalent for me. I don't so much mean that they should balance to the tune of these overcharge boons, I mean that these boons give them away to balance instanced and open world pve without the former direly impacting the latter, depending upon where and how they maintain it's implementation(through core, lws, expacs). I too, am a little tepid over it, but overall I still see it as an opportunity for the devs.
  3. I think it's a good change as it gives a sort of "power floor" that doesn't require any real upkeep. If anything, this allows them more breathing room when it comes to the balance of open world, especially if they put these stations in core. I think that the best possible thing they could do is just litter them all throughout open world, now that Cantha's talking to us again, and it would allow them to make much more drastic balance changes to PvE instance content, without damaging the experience in between it all. As of right now, when I have these buffs on, it makes solo play feel like I'm running with an organized team in instanced content. So far, I'm really enjoying it, as it adds a sort of momentum to open world combat. If I can kill like 10 enemies in a relatively short amount of time, I can stack 30 seconds of all buffs, maxed. I don't think that this is a bad change, I think that it's a good change that could lead to even better changes, if handled properly. Also, if it sounds like I'm saying that open world doesn't really actually have or need any real balance between classes, it's because I am. I'd like to think that I am an open world veteran, and to be perfectly honest, most "hard" content can be beaten with enough people and/or coordination that is beyond spamming your first skill. More often than not, the only reason why open world content might require higher level play is when it has bugs in it, or it's brand new and people are still figuring out boss mechanics. I think this gives them the chance to innovate on more meta-event mechanics, such as mechanics that are around more group coordination, rather than a simple DPS check. This could give breathing room to actually work on tuning instanced PvE in groups of 5 to 10, without a bad change dunking on open world too hard. P.S. You can leave and re-enter from arborstone and all jade batteries and zip lines will have their consumption timers reset 😉
  4. Maybe this is just a guess and I am no where close to anything, but I think the change to allow the offense and defensive buffing stations to operate between maps into the rest of open world was an enormous step in the right direction, as it allows build flexibility and soloing while maintaining our current power level. Being able to stack 25+ seconds of maxed buffs after only killing a few enemies really makes you feel like a monster in open world, especially in core. I think it will give them the ability to balance out these issues while allowing for more granular control in instantanced content. It means they won't have to worry as much about a balance change crippling a class in solo play, as, regardless of what content you play, feeling flimsy in open world feels bad. Especially when that's what's in between literally all of the other content.
  5. This would be because if you look to the design notes of the Revenant, they explicitly stated it was a feature of the kit. While they are within their rights to patch it out, and for some that's reasoning enough for this to be ok. That since they can, that means any act is alright, despite the fact that we're paying customers who are entitled to give this very feedback. They instead either didn't do the due diligence to determine what they were "fixing" wasn't actually bug, or they simply thought that relabeling a huge nerf as a bug would be enough for this to go through unnoticed. Regardless of what they were trying to do, it's pretty disrespectful to your player base to just openly lie to them to avoid, unavoidable flack. Just be honest with us, Anet. No one likes being lied to.
  6. The best feedback I can give is make this class what it is, a double legend synergy. Merge the traits Death drop and Saint's Shield, and make their bonuses apply based on which of the alliance you are using, which was likely how this was in development, Saint's Shield for blue, Death Drop for red. Merge Leviathan Strength with Redemptor's Sermon, and have them operate the same way. Leviathan Strength on red, Redemptor's Sermon on blue. It's obvious the trait lines were either rushed or made without the dual tactics in mind, as such depending on your build, either Blue isn't worth really swapping to ever, or it is but you're just a weaker version of literally any other class that fills the same role as Viktor. I feel like this way it makes Blue worth having on damage builds, while keeping the damage traits from making the blue thing just a heal tank dps. Hell, make it so that when you swap it cancels the buffs given once you dodge again if you're in a different alliance. Sure you'll have to program the class to actually keep track of the color you are using when in a different legend, but this is a small price to pay for making the class actually feel like something other than an extra extremely basic DPS line. The lost traits from this can be replaced with whatever else you wanna cannibalize. It'd just rather have more viable class setups for this profession than being stuck to the same stuff because nearly every other trait setup is suboptimal.
  7. Nah see, this can't be true, because the skill bar bugs have been around since it's inception, which means that for the devs, it's completely acceptable. Because they've never given us any reason to assume otherwise, instead rather choosing to fix "bugs" that at this point are pretty much part of the kit after 7 years of use, and as such this is what I choose to believe. You know the kind of bugs, the ones that create fun synergies. You know, that "fun" stuff we play this game for. It's a bug you see. The problem the devs seem to have been trying to ignore for years, and is now only just now coming to really bite them in the kitten, is that leaving things as a buggy mess because it's "good enough" for so long is that we literally are unable to tell at this point, and I am sure this goes for the devs too, what was a bug turned feature, and what as a feature turned bug. And since they took so long to get these "bugs" squished, they're removing them without a thought for the ideas and tactics that have since been built around them. And as a result they cause massive unwieldy nerfs that are far larger than they realize because of how ingrained in our classes some of these "Bug-features" become. Simply put, if one makes balance changes over 7 years, with the bug-features in mind, it means that the second the related bug-features is gone, what it made up for in balance changes, could all be gone with it. It effectively could become an unintentional, massive kit nerf. Basically the time they take to finally fix these bug-features causes them to make so many "balance" changes for the bug itself, and as a result once it's gone, only those nerfs remain in it's place. Like great, you "fixed?" it A-net, I guess, what are you replacing what it did for us with tho?????? Because like, it's often nothing. So we just get kitten for all the changes A-net made to keep the Legend Swap triggering sigil swap abilities from being too strong. Did they adequately compensate for all the changes they made to keep the "bug" from being too strong? No, they just removed it, and let us deal with the previous nerfs in totality. Not only do we have to suffer through the bugs' issues, we also have to suffer through constant kit jank while we wait months for them to iron out the kit afterwards. Like, come on, this is getting really old. A-net should stop using balance patches and nerfs to get around fixing bugs for years, and instead just fix them. They have it completely mixed up and I am tired of it. I paid for this game, is it too much to ask to be able to seamlessly play most of the classes I paid to play without timewasting bugs??? Personally, it's not the skill bar bugs that are unacceptable to me, it's the sheer volume of kit bugs that I am done with. I don't even care at this point that they fixed the OPs bug. It's just one among many. I feel this was primarily dealt with quickly due to it's obviously broken nature, and if it wasn't for whatever reason, we'd still have it.
  8. I've been playing since 2013(for whatever reason the forum says nov 9 2017?) and this is my first dragon bash(I tend to always be hiatus for it) so my opinion is pretty fresh. Compared to the other festivals, from what I've seen for far it's pretty meh. I may not agree with all of OP's points but I definitely agree with the second and third. Baring the opinions of more elitist players who seem to think that it's ok and natural that a yearly thing is boring and repetitive, because it's an MMORPG, I forward the argument: The Halloween event is amazing. The money farm is great, you can generally get everything in one festival, and have tons more for the next festival. All of the content is a blast to do, all of it is very rewarding, and there is so much to do that none of it feels repetitive. Festivals should be special and held to a higher standard than normal content, they should be rewarding to both new and old players. It being an MMORPG is a sad, sorry excuse for it being just additional set of grind content. Especially if the expectation is that I'm going to play it enough to get the annual faff. As it stands right now, it just feels like an arbitrary gold & time sink if you want anything permanent from it.
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