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Everything posted by displayname.8315

  1. You say Cynicism I say greed. PvX is not WvW. It's pick your battle guild not pick all 5 of your guilds and have them all guaranteed stack together. But let's not be fair let's be "friends".
  2. A way of describing the counter productive mechanic of alliances. Either you play with your full 500 man PvX or not. Why all this theory crafting about fitting an already full guild into a alliance. That was the idea behind blackgate stacking was it not? Stack all the guilds together and make a promise land of 24/7 blobbing. It's already being theorycrafted into a new titan alliance. There is merit to having the the little small guilds linked together into some sort of alliance. Full guilds of 500 mans don't need to be catered to in this way. They should sort by Last On and clear some of their roster and not expect to casually pop in to a organized karma train whenever they feel like it just by declaring every successful team out there their "friends".
  3. I remember chabas charr RP guild from the WvW tournaments. They tagged once or twice. Hard to take FA guilds very serious but with the new hand hold mechanic maybe people will want to join the "Fightin' Fort Aspenwood" alliance.
  4. One would hope matchmaking puts you in a match against other casuals. But you will be fit into a team with other battle guilds and alliances. How strong they are depends on the matchmaking.
  5. I don't think kill leeches would have the same KDR as a highly skilled player or guild. They hang back until the fight is already won or just pick off singles out of position. Servers queuing multiple maps vs servers with no map queues is the current player made alliance system and should go away soon. However long the "season" should be is just a matter of staleness vs keeping it fresh. But fairweathering is often the root cause too. You can't know which one it is unless you saw all the one push, skill vs no-skill going on.
  6. Alliance means marriage. I'm happy for these guilds they had to hold hands in the closet for so long now the governing devs are recognizing their love officially.
  7. Hanne was saying 1 week matchups are too long because they can't play when the enemy is too strong. I was offering a counterpoint. I do agree with her on the being exposed to new allies/enemys though. I don't like to cling to a guild or whatever the quasi-guild of alliances will be. Too stagnant for me, but to each his/her own.
  8. Solo players don't need to worry about this stuff. If matchmaking goes well they don't need to worry about being stuck in a match that isn't for them.
  9. 25v50 is playable..if your good. You probably mean 25 daily farmers vs 2 guilds holding hands. But either way it isn't going to be the normal - stack and run at them in a straight line, like your used to. Matchmaking by skill is done in PvP by your rank. You drop rank when you die and lose, you gain it back when you perform and win. In WvW it would probably need to be done by your kills since so many people avoid fights like it's the rona.
  10. There is also the option of getting good at the game. But that is a big hurdle and takes time. Match duration won't change anything in that regard. Transferring to a successful server just clogs up the works for the serious fighters. Matchmaking by skill and coverage is the only thing that will have an effect on fairweathering/rage quitting.
  11. There's still going to be timezone dominance to varying degrees, and no immediate plans to curate coverage when making the matches. Fairweathering will still be a major factor in whether your team crumbles and becomes effectively empty. If guilds get to make their own alliances, well we see how well that turns out now. Safety in numbers.. taking a fight you might lose is bad strategy.. other art of war memes people use as an excuse.
  12. Black lion trader/company.. That sounds way better than a pop-up window. Beautiful word picture 🥰
  13. You can easily get a workable set of exotic gear by using the WvW vendors and the black market. The black market is severely limited. You can't buy runes or sigils but you can use the basic stat infusions, only a few basic armor types are available but you can use the stat infusions to even things out. F2P necro might be the hardest without warclaw but most other classes it dosen't really matter when you know how to make a build with mobility. And can always buy a upgrade key when they are cheap if you want to. Hardest part of F2P is probably the grind to lv60 since WvW is locked to help stop the tryhards from cheating.
  14. When your server queues the map and still loses everything it's not a numbers problem. The number of die on inc rallybots is the only one that matters when your whole server shows up.
  15. To be fair I try to stick with a server for the week, but when all the guilds are mysteriously not raiding and the puggies decide to dip out when a fight starts, I might shop around.
  16. Need moar stealth. Imagine never leaving medkit ever lawl. Nice comp real fun stuff.
  17. Plenty of scrappers are good enough to switch from mortar to med kit at the appropriate times. Some guilds are good enough they don't need to pirate ship and spam mesmer pulls. So I'll agree "it's just how YOU play" and stop crying to anet about your lame comp
  18. Don't know why they made those barrier walls destructible, and so easily. Their EotM towers are much better and actually wall off sections to add real progression. The other stuff like the wormhole portals and the undermap bridges not the best but after learning the map weren't terrible.
  19. Wow the full guilds really really want to stay stacked together. Only dead crap guilds should need the guaranteed hand hold of an alliance. Really sadge to see the demands for stacked servers already.
  20. Here is the clip of the dev's Q&A. At 14 mins he talks about your concerns. The "battle" guild as he calls it is for matchmaking purposes. Nobody will control servers or have a say in the matchmaking. Solo pugs gets to pick their match "to a certain extent". https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1120947701 The biggest disadvantage of being solo is "there is some room left for solo's as a server is created, but they will fill up fast and the server will lock". So if you want a guarantee to play with your crew better join up.
  21. Lots are already repping the magswag tag. Maybe people just don't want to be part of [YAKS] [AR] [NSP]... there's been quite a few server themed guilds.
  22. The way the dev casually explained it on a streamers vod was solo's will be the ones picking where they go. AFAIK with the guild stuff the only thing people decide is which "WvW Guild" they will be in. Then the rest of it with the alliances and such kinda TBD. He talks about playtime, skill/KDR and the like being considered for matchmaking maybe at some point.
  23. I don't think one guild is enough for them. They want to stay stacked together with all the other GvG guilds.. or maybe it's the off hours K-Train guilds. Either way the point of the changes is supposed to be to even out the ability to overstack like that.
  24. You should all choose the same "WvW guild". If you are wondering whether a bunch of full guilds can all stay stacked together. No that defeats the point of match balancing.
  25. New world beta gave a great preview of the bandwagoned faction steamrolling every territory. And watching your guy mine boulders and trees for hours is fun too.
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