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Everything posted by evlover.6270

  1. I swap around between those 8 chars all the time as well on alt acc. The big difference is that with a low amount of chars, I suppose it's way easier to load the portraits/background which is related to the bug. If your portraits/background fails to load: your login will bug out as well while if portraits and background are fine, your loading on new character will be fine as well.
  2. Yup, my main acc (all expansions and max amount of char slots) bugs out on every character swap. Meanwhile, alt acc with HoT/PoF and only 8 chars does not run into the bug at all.
  3. Ah lol, I've always done it through the site. While being ingame it should be even clearer on what acc you're playing. I could understand not looking at it on a browser but for adding ingame there's really zero excuses imo xD
  4. These endless discussions about the meta being too hard are getting tiresome. There will always be people happy about something, and others that aren't. There used to be a time before discord, that people had to be on ts3 to create fresh IP's for tequatl, entire guilds were created just for the purpose of killing it and lasted for years (TTS, TxS etc). These times were great and long forgotten and don't get me wrong, I'm not asking to bring them back. But over all these years, the bar the game was setting for meta events went lower, and lower, and lower, and lower.. We've gotten much more power/condi dps output with elites specs acros the years, alacrity that didn't exist, quickness that went from just being available through timewarp to being a mainstream boon, dedicated healers instead of keeping yourself up with your own heal skill.. While meanwhile, most PvE world bosses only got a minor toughness increase (and hell, the 25 condi limit was removed from teq, it got 3 hitboxes instead of 1..). Variable world boss timers on home servers that made the worlds really feel alive got replaced by fixed timers and cross-server generated IP's and now everyone just wants to go somewhere on a fixed time (preferably afk till final 10% hp), press 1, get loot and move on to the thing that spawns next. The joy of EoD is that it finally brought back engaging meta events that require active gameplay and doing mechanics (or get oneshot like at Gang Wars meta), giving players an incentive to get better instead of slacking. While I do agree the rewards should be reworked for the DE meta (since like what has already been said: doing an event for 90-120mins and failing it while getting zero loot is pretty harsh to say the least, so rewards at set intervals like in drizzlewood would seem to be in place here), there is absolutely nothing wrong with the meta event itself. The nerf they did to it was already an unnecessary adjustment. There are plenty of groups getting it done consistently with 5-10mins left on the timer, hence using only 50-75% of the allotted time to get it done, and no, they aren't groups of 50 hardcore players but a mix of newer/longer playing people but with decent builds. They get it done without even getting the 20% damage buff since there are commanders that instantly start maps to save time instead of bothering with pre events, even though that means you can't loot all the boxes at the end then. Point is: for a long time, people haven't bothered about improving cause there was no need to, and now that they do, they panic. Just give it some time, the community will improve in general (it already has improved a lot since EoD launch) and in due time, this meta will be a meta just like any other meta. And if you can't make it now or don't want to try multiple times, wait for the community catch up. But if you want to improve your success rate of doing it before the community has adjusted to the meta, join groups that use voice channels and don't insta start but do pre events for 20% extra damage. But stop ranting about a meta being to hard if you don't bother about doing 10 events for 20% extra damage, don't have proper gear stats/build and don't take the 150 power/condi stat from the jade stations and have a look in the mirror instead.
  5. That's why they never even dared to think about updating dungeons. Rather leave one big spaghetti all tangled up than trying to untangle the whole thing and create new knots all over the place ;D
  6. How can you add EoD to a wrong account though, why would you ever login on the site/forum with your alt accs instead of your main acc and when you do, maybe just pay some attention before adding stuff? What's the big deal anyways, you got multiple accs, you've probably earned enough extra gold just from login rewards to rectify buying another expansion. 😛
  7. Tbh, I'd focus on mesmer first before ele since it also has a part of the "mage" feeling and it's simply in a way better spot than ele atm. Condi mirage, condi alac mirage, support chrono, tank chrono, power virtuoso, condi virtuoso are all among the top builds for their role. The only thing ele really excells at, is support tempest. So my advice since you have ele and mesm left: go for mesm while they're in such a good spot, and go ele once it gets a decent buff. Because in the long term they'll have to do something about ele anyway to put it in a better place.
  8. Are you sure you're watching the correct times? Because Tyria and Cantha have different day/night cycles which can lead to some confusion. You might be thinking you've missed your chance at catching a dusk/dawn fish while the window actually starts 5mins later and then catch it during the real window while thinking it's out of it's spawn window. Done all the collections now (except world class/saltwater and the avid ones that are disabled atm) and always caught the fishes during their corresponding spawn times.
  9. Doubt they'll change it since it wasn't a mistake you made during the process of crafting something. Can always try with a support ticket instead of on the forums I guess. Also necro (scourge/harbinger) and mesmer (mirage/virtuoso) are still in a really good place so it's not like you don't have other options for it. But yeah, it's sad how ele has been put on the bench again after two weeks just like how it has been since they nerfed staff to shreds. The one weapon everyone associates with ele, completely useless unless you play support in wvw, and the other weapons being better but not making up for being glasscanon either. Used to be an ele main as well but barely playing it now. It's just the way it is, sadly.
  10. How do you improve your gear as a new player? From exotic to ascended to legendary eventually. How do you get those gear/mount skins you want? How do you get your gems for gemstore items if not buying them with real money? It all comes down to gold and the most efficient way to get it is by passive login rewards. If you'd have to buy gems with real money it would cost a lot, but with alts it doesn't cost much and generates an income for all eternity with zero effort. That's why I said it comes down to pay to win. Was better back in the day when you got a mystic coin for doing 3 dailies instead of for logging in because then people at least had to do something for it.
  11. The game actually is heavily pay to win, you just didn't realise it yet. You can get Guild Wars core game keys for 4 euro. Buy 20 for 80 euro, daily login grants you 20 mystic coins/month or 240/year, on 20 accs that's 4800 mystic coins. Depending on the mystic coin price between 1.5-2g, that's between 7200 and 9600g/year for doing nothing at all. 80 euro, 5mins/day, best farm of the game. Broken to the core. How do you think streamers get their gold for giveaways if it doesn't come from donations? It's just a passive income made of mystic coins to fund everything. (And this is just for a minor 80 euro, some people have over a 100 alt accounts)
  12. Well, true, cause unlike the other expansions, I didn't prepurchase EoD yet since I was disappointed in everything from PoF except mounts and the elite specs. And this direction is definitely making me wonder if I should still buy EoD at all since this direction makes no sense to me. They'd better address the real problems like the 50 afk people farming baubles in VB, other multibox afk farms, multiboxing on metas and the passive income from login rewards imo.
  13. Then why nerf the MC rewards from fractal cms if they're insignificant anyway? A part of your playerbase is doing them on a daily basis, there's always lfgs up to do them, and you take away the carrot to do them and improve themselves to be able to do them smoothly. If not many people are doing it, why enrage them instead of leaving them be? And seriously, how unhealthy is it that 93% of one of your most important currencies is being inputted from login rewards, a process which people automate to login alt accs and make gold without playing your game. Why not reduce that input to 10% and spread the other 83% to your actual active content that people can PLAY? Or is the company really that desperate for money that they just want people to keep logging in with their 5-100 alt accounts as long as they paid for the core game to use mails? (like 4 euro/core gamekey or got it for free with Prime promos/handed down from friends who quit/whatever) If that post on reddit was supposed to rectify nerfing fracts, imo it just does the opposite. Being greedy for cash from inactive accounts instead of promoting active gameplay is not the way to run your game cause in the long run it's going to destroy it. It's just a quick cashgrab without longterm vision, a bubble that will burst if people start to label it as p2w because then your input of new players will stop. Tbh I am just flabbergasted that 93% of the MC's come from log in rewards. I thought it would be like 40-50% and even that would've already been way too high. One of the most important currencies of the entire game, locked behind log in rewards while it could've been used as an incentive to actively play your content instead.. Completely mind blown. Add them to raids, add them to strikes, add them anywhere it can't be leeched and so much people will start playing so many things they haven't touched for months/years, actively connecting with one another to tackle them instead of the passive log in rewards that don't add anything towards the community. All those possibilities.. But nope, you keep them tied to log in rewards.. Waw, just waw..
  14. Quoting the article: "Although this chance is random and unreliable, it adds up as many players take on Challenge Mode fractals consistently, making fractals the most efficient one-stop source for obtaining the gold, Mystic Coins, and Mystic Clovers you need for legendary progression. We want to spread the love to other types of content, but that means that no single source should award such high amounts of legendary resources at the same time." + "The removal of Mystic Coin drops from Challenge Mode bosses creates room for us to add a consistent and predictable source of Mystic Coins to strikes." Now who didn't read the article, nor my post? They literally stated it's random, unreliable, too efficient and want to spread it to other game modes. Deleting them from fractals is not spreading the love, it's loving someone else while throwing away your old love. Now it's random but in the end people get a lot because they consistently farm them, if you'd only keep the 0-3 chance at endbosses (or make it 1-3 so you'd at least get one) and you delete them from the first 2 bosses, it lowers the total output just like they want. If you spread it to all 3 PvE game modes instead of just fractals, people would play all of those gamemodes, which would truly be spreading the love. What will happen with the current changes is that people will stop doing cms, they'll just do the t4's, they'll do strikes for the 10 mystic coins and buy the 5 strike clovers with them, and raids will just stay the same because people already used up their mystic coins on the strike clovers or on the fractal clovers if they have spare mystic coins somehow or bought some on the tp, so no enticement to raids at all. Now it's just a push from cms towards strikes instead of giving all 3 of them a small output of mystic coins and making all 3 of them worth playing to obtain them. They've spread out the vendors for clovers but if you don't have a way to obtain mystic coins to use those vendors, they're worthless.
  15. This just shows how disconnected they are from their own game. Let's completely remove mystic coins from cms so doing them becomes useless while it's active gameplay, wut? And how will doing cms be worth it for relics? Everyone that just does daily t4 will have plenty of relics to buy clovers. Relics were never the reason people did cms, the mystic coins are, take them away and cms are dead content. All of that, while in the meanwhile people are using programs that remember gw2 logins/passwords to automatically login on all of there alt accs (some people have like 20-100 alts from game keys they got from prime etc, even Teapot makes it no secret that he makes plenty of gold just by logging in on alts) for the mystic coins from daily logins.. Ever thought of doing it the other way around and remove mystic coins from login rewards and promote active gameplay instead? Because if you keep them in your daily login rewards after the fractal change, that becomes the main way to obtain them as you can only get 10 from strikes and 1 from anomaly then. Someone who logs in and out with 5 alts will "farm" mystic coins more efficient than people actually playing your game. That makes no sense. If the mystic coin rewards from cms are too inconsistent, why not just remove them from the first bosses (mama, siax, skorvald, artsariiv and first phase of 100cm) and have 1-2 or 1-3 guaranteed (once/day) from the last boss of each cm (ensolys/arkk/dark ai)? And if you want to make the rewards consistent between fracts/strikes/raids, just add a few guaranteed mystic coins to certain strike/raid bosses as well. For example, add 1-2 or 1-3 mystic coins to every last boss of each raid wing (sabetha, matthias, xera, deimos, dhuum, qadim, qadim the peerless) and a 0-1 chance for the easy strike bosses (shiverpeaks, kodans, fraenir) and 1-2 for the harder/longer ones (boneskinner, whisper of jormag, forging steel, cold war) or whichever combination of handing them out in all 3 of those PvE modes makes the numbers add up more or less. Tldr: remove mystic coins from daily login rewards, lower the amount from fractal cms, and add the number you take away from daily logins + fractal cms to strikes/raids so that more or less the same number would flow into the game like now from daily logins + daily cms from fractals. Would be way more fair to promote active gameplay among all the modes in this way and completely get rid of the passive daily login income from alt accounts that aren't used to actively play the game while doing so. This way people would have an incentive to play strikes/raids as was intended, without completely ruining fractal cms. And as a side node, the numbers of obtaining mystic coins and converting to mystic clovers completely won't add up anymore in the new system. You can get only 10 mystic coins from strikes, while you can buy 5 clovers from strikes, 10 from raids and 10 from fractals, that's a weekly potential of 25 clovers needing 2 mystic coins each = 50 mystic coins. Where are you going to get those other 40 mystic coins? Doing anomaly for 1 mystic coin ain't going to cover that.. Just as getting 10 clovers from raids will cost 300 magnetite while the weekly cap is 150 magnetite, so it's basically only 5 clovers/week instead of 10 then for new people or people who haven't done raids before if they spend their magnetite on it every week?
  16. They're just as important as someone wants to make them, but in the end they mean nothing. I got 42k and the only thing you know by that is that I've probably been playing the game for a long time and did most of the achievements but that's it. Skillwise it doesn't say anything because someone that only plays wvw/pvp or raids and doesn't bother with any pve achies can have under 5k while knowing their profession inside out. I think the reason some people brag with them or feel superior is cause people used to put AP reqs in lfgs instead of killproof cause the (false) logic behind that was that someone with more AP had spent more time playing and thus would be a better player than someone who had a low amount. It's the same with the KP reqs nowadays in raids/fracts, people ask for them cause it indicates you've done them a certain amount of times, while it still doesn't actually say anything about how you do/did them. A "good" player can perfectly know what he's doing after doing it just a few times and come close to benchmarks, while someone else might have been doing them with a group of friends for half a year while barely having a clue if they never had to do any mechanics, or gets carried every time. AP/UFE/KP/LI are all just a false indication of superiority but people are sheep and just copy eachother while there's plenty of people with <10k and few KP/UFE that would easily outdps 30k+ people. Not promoting to be dps elitist either btw, just using dps to show the other reqs don't mean anything except for a "slightly" higher probability. But again, in daily fracts cm's I've had just as many people in parties with low reqs that were really good, as people in parties with high reqs that couldn't outdps a support alac. In the end it doesn't matter who you get teamed up with anyway, the best players are simply those that don't care and carry whoever they end up with 😜
  17. Yes, because I care about keeping the game enjoyable. Clearly you didn't even read my post properly as you quoted it twice while quoting someone else in between and you're just looking for stuff to react on. But it's obvious you only care about defending your own behaviour by looking for loopholes, reacting on everyone that says something against it and using the code of conduct/laws in a way they're not intended. Like, you say reporting someone for afk farming triggers "defamatory" and "hateful".. but that has nothing to do with it. They are talking about "In connection with our Services, you may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive language". Reporting people for something is not the same as being offensive in chat against someone, you can just report them in peace without ever engaging in an argument with them ingame. And about your innocent until proven otherwise argument crap, ofcourse that applies, but if you suspect someone is breaking rules, you're always allowed to report them because as a player you can never know for 100%. Only the devs with access to IP's and account data can verify and take action based on the info from the ingame report, or with additional info like recordings. Anyways, have fun playing the game your way for as long as it lasts. People that were MM'ing in pvp are always convinced they won't get caught either and 83 got banned earlier this month as well. Just don't spam the forums about being banned for no reason when they get around to cleaning up afk-farmers 😉
  18. Regardless of the debate between afk/semi-afk, clearly taking a stand against multiboxing and making it punishable would be an obvious step into the right direction which would also be very easy to track. Would at least get rid of the people farming with multiple accs at once and leeching meta events while just autoattacking or placing minion necros/turret engis/mallyx revs somewhere. Whether people have 1 or 10 accs, I don't care, but they should be forced to play them 1 at a time. For the multiboxers that are going to defend their own behaviour again nonetheless: "As a general policy, ANY form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2. This includes: The use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game." When you're clearly only moving 1 account in a straight line one after another, and you just use minions to get event participation, it's obvious that you're not "not actively" playing the game. Being active on one client de facto means that you're inactive on your other clients (even though you might be watching them, you can't control them without changing your active client) unless you're macroing which is prohibited as well. Reporting them is very time consuming as pretty much the only way at the moment is to record, report ingame, and make a support ticket with all the names and the record file as evidence as a recording is always the easiest way to spot them. It's nearly always a dead giveaway: standing on top of eachother, or clearly moving to the exact same location one by one, most of the time one with plenty of AP/masteries and the others just fresh accs with nearly no masteries, just a few to enable gliding. If Anet would make a clear stand against it and adds a report button for multiboxing, it would be easier for people to report and notice that it's unwanted behaviour. Cause now there isn't a clear way to actually deal with them, you could argue whether it's allowed or not depending on how you interpret "playing actively" and whether or not they're dealth with is a grey area too. Because multiboxing itself is allowed, yet the activities they get engaged in (inactive gameplay) are not, so why allow multiboxing in the first place. It's like allowing people to buy a car, and then forbidding them to drive. You know they'll do it anyway until they get caught. Is it really going to take until metas are cramped with multiboxers instead of just 1 or 2 every time until there will come a clear stand against them?
  19. Ascended boxes should not be sellable, the reason why is simple: you gain "nothing" from salvaging it, for a lot of people they hold zero value so those would just dump them on the tp for whatever they can get for it, even though it might just be 10g while ascended its inherent value is way higher than that. What could be an option is increasing the sell to vendor value to whatever they see fit, that would also guarantee the price of t7 mats to never really crash below a certain point, depending on the value they give to ascended boxes (20-30g ish?). Atm you can sell weapon boxes for 3s20c which is a joke ofc, and armor boxes aren't sellable at all. Whether it should be an option for boxes only or also for crafted pieces is a different story. I'd say boxes (so drops) only would probably be the healthiest imo since else people will start using it as a merching business by buying t7 mats outside of the tp, crafting ascended pieces and then selling them for profit to a vendor which should not be made possible imo. There's already enough trusttrading going on.. Another option could be to implement a new vendor to trade ascended boxes for a number of mystic coins. I think everyone can agree to the fact that the influx of mystic coins in the game is way too low. The fact that Casiano manipulated the whole MC market for over a year kinda prooves that point. There's a pretty decent input of ascended boxes but it also can't really be "overfarmed" in some way so it's not like it would crash MC's. It would just add a new low steady input of MC's in the game. The only concern there is that ofc the value of your ascended boxes will be tied to the value of MC's. So for example, if they'd make it 10 mc/box, atm that might be a decent value of around 25-30g cause MC's are high, but over time that value might decrease to 15-20g since MC's will decrease again once the hype around legendary armory has cooled down again. So with the volatility of MC's it would be hard to put a fixed number of MC's on it, hence why just upping the sell to vendor value might be the most reliable option. There's probably other ways to make sure ascended boxes hold some kind of value for both new and veteran players alike, these are just two that I've been wondering about the most. So while I do agree there should be an adjustment to ascended boxes so they hold a certain value to whoever gets them, making them tradable would definitely not be one of them.
  20. Just had to react to these HoT remarks but I've put it in a spoiler below since it feels like the HoT/wildstar talk isn't on topic anymore.On topic though, aside from all of the flaws I listed earlier that had nothing to do with the combat, I don't really mind the emergency response missions. You do have to look out a bit while doing them on cm cause if you don't, you can get downed pretty easily if you don't dodge. So at least it forces people to use their skills and/or dodges a bit which is a positive thing imo.
  21. They don't care about botting. There's a guy that goes to the meta's with 5-6 accs, one mesmer portalling all the other ones that are necros. All running around in the same outfit, same guild name, basically mocking everyone else and slapping them in the face with it. Reporting him every time, even opened a ticket with all the account ID's. The reply was to answer in a forum topic with a link to where it was being discussed.. Guess what, 20 out of the 40 replies where from that botter's main account about how that kind of of playstyle should be allowed which I also replied in the ticket but I got the same response, reply on forum. Not reporting anything anymore since then cause the people who care about the game are treated as dumb monkeys anyway apparently, you just get thrown into a circle that has no end -.-' (and fyi, that guy is still around doing the same thing after 2+ years, says enough imo) edit: and yes, multiboxing should be considered botting even though it's considered to be a grey zone while it really isn't: Each account must be attended at all times.-> you're not "attending" all of them at all times, you're rotating between themEach account must be operated independently of each other.-> using a mesmer to portal the other ones around constantly isn't operating them independently of each other.The only ones defending multiboxing are people who actually multibox themselves, ofc those people don't want that to stop, what would you expect.. -.-'
  22. Aside from how it's related to other LS or from the fights themselves, there are just way too many issues with this episode. It feels incredibly rushed and has a lot of things that need to be (or could be) addressed. After the events at the start are done, you don't have anything to do for 1-1:30mins, just make it progress once the 3 events are done.In public mode: people join and just go afk once parties are locked and you can't do anything about it. You either need to do it with less people and let them leech or go out to find another instance, start over again and hope you don't get paired with afk'ers again. Just make it a party instead of a personal instance so you can kick the afk'ers.In private mode: you can't rejoin after a dc, again, make it party content instead of instance so people can actually rejoin.Turn the "Champions" lfg section into party instead of squad cause it's 5-man content, not squad content. Or worst case if that's not possible, move it to Central Tyria section instead of Living World Icebrood Saga cause people already lfg overthere anyway.The daily for doing any of the 3 Response missions should be changed into doing the 3 unique ones. Now everyone just does the Metrica one 3 times cause that one's the shortest.Vicious claws and destroyer lodestones drop way too often, decrease the droprate or make an extra sink.Volcanic stormcaller boxes have the description of its contents being account bound, yet they are tradable. Either adjust description or make them actually account bound. Continueing on the previous point: in case they would become account bound, add a more reliable way of getting them than just as a (very) rare drop when there's a collection behind it. Possibility: purchasable from vendor for a number of tyrian defense seals + destroyer lodestones. Other possibility: add a pity system like at dragonfall. One box guaranteed after X amount of missions and actually make it a repeatable one (like one box every 100 missions, if you do each one once/day, that means ~33 days for a guaranteed box, plenty of time invested to justify one account bound weapon I'd say). Off topic: make the one at dragonfall repeatable too while you're at it, handing out an aurene weapon box for each 1k chests a person opens instead of only the first 1k really won't hurt the game, on the contrary.. And maybe, just maybe, make a pool of people playing the game since launch or over 5 years so you can pull a number of people ahead of every release to actually pre-test stuff and voice their opinions/concerns before something releases with this many flaws. Cheers
  23. I suffered a dc a bit after the party lock. I was able to get back into the instance I was party locked in. The content at least has proper scaling and that going for it. My bad then, guildie said he couldn't. Maybe it was something on his end then or it's fixed, idk. Was just hoping it wouldn't happen to me at the end of a cm :p
  24. It just kinda feels like the whole patch wasn't really thought through, not just the volcanic weapons. It's an instance so you're screwed in case of a dc, lfg can only be done in squad under icebrood saga so people have to use party lfg in tyria lfg, timer doesn't finish after completing the 3 events at start so you're idling for like 2mins once those are done.. But yeah, volcanic stormcaller boxes will drop in price over time just like with the box from shiverpeaks strike that used to be 100-150g and now costs nothing. If people continue to do these response missions at least.. Because now people do them to get the achies done, but after that? Idk, feels like it's going to be dead content after that. They take way longer than the strikes did and people won't keep doing it for a minor chance at getting a volcanic box. People did the strikes because they were fast anyway so why not do them in between when you have a spare 5mins, and if you didn't get the "high-end" drop, you still had the other guaranteed loot and shards to convert to ascended armor or gold by buying the prophet crystals while these response missions don't have anything like that. Also the drop rate of vicious claws and destroyer lodes in them is just way too high. Would've made sense if they added the volcanic stormcaller boxes to the vendors for a number of tyrian defense seals + destroyer lodes to at least counter the destroyer lodestone drops a bit. Or have every response mission drop a "weapon shard" of which you'd need a certain number to buy a volcanic stormcaller weapon idk.. Though that wouldn't really be any different than tyrian seals + destroyer lodes, would just make it more visual. Atm it just feels like there's not much of an incentive to keep doing them other than for the prismaticite for the dragon slayer weapons, but if you're not an AP hoarder, I don't really see any reason at all cause it progresses towards nothing atm without any guaranteed progression towards volcanic stormcaller weapons, maybe other chapters will change that but we'll have to see.
  25. Fractal itself is fine (apart from the bugs that need to be fixed). Just did it on t4 though so can't judge about lower levels but won't be harder than nightmare/observatory once people got the hang of it.The more annoying thing is the change to the Unstable Cosmic Essences from cm's.Conversion rate sucks (1 to 5) while you get 40 for each cm now and on average you only got 2-3/day before from Observatory. Converted to the wallet currency that's only 10-15/day while now you can get an easy 80/day from nightmare/obversatory and 120 if you add sunqua. That's a complete slap in the face from the people who have been doing daily cm's up until this point in time.Celestial infusion box used to be 90 old kp so was 30-45 days to get depending on rng while now you can get one for 450, just from doing nightmare/observatory daily that's within 6 days as that will already get you 480 essences.Has it never been considered to just add 1-3 old kp drop rate to the nightmare and sunqua fract bosses and price the new weapons at 90-100 old kps instead of 480 new ones? That way the old Essences wouldn't have been completely devaluated as they are now.. It's nowhere near worth it to convert them at this point.
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