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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. Thank the Six (Five) for that! I would actually stop playing if it went down a SAO path. (I'm one of the few that genuinely hated SAO. VEGETABLE SHIELD ACTIVATE!) Vwwwooom.
  2. @"Oglaf.1074" , I actually do see where you're going and I agree in regards to him being put in a spot that didn't seem quite fitting, however, as a whole, it seems as though the community hated Trahearne specifically because he stole "your" story. Then again, I probably think way too much about this kind of thing. XD
  3. Personally, Trahearne's death hurt because his Wyld Hunt ended, but due to his loyalty and sense of duty to the Pact, he decided to stay with it; he could have just very easily walked away and moved on to other things. Also, I really don't see how he stole anything : He didn't steal your credit, he merely took his part as Pact Marshal into stride and tried to be social. As for awkwardness, I can relate to that. I mean, he spent most of his 25 years in every Resident Evil's dream (or nightmare) and lived, he was well spoken, but you could tell he felt as though he was a bit out of place, it's especially evident during the party after the defeat of Zhaitan : I didn't see him, standing down there, basking in the glory, he was up on the airship, thinking of all that had transpired. The only reason he joined the party was because the Commander pretty much drug his treebark butt down there. Also, although he sounded kind of bored, I think that has more to do with his inability to really grasps society's norms on how you should act, opposed to it being a character flaw. And, there were two times I hated him: When he summoned a whole bunch of elite Flesh Golems and I was like: "Dude, wtf, you can do that now but you couldn't do that when we were ambushed? So what it drains ya, get out there and stop getting bounced around like a ping pong ball." and when I regrew Caladbolg and he...truly sounded menacing: "This won't end well...for you." and, you know, being a pain in the butt with his dramatically improved necromancer powers. And this story is not about you, even your personal story: Just like life, the sum of who you are relates to what you've seen and done. I mean, even games like Wild ARMS 3, whose protagonist, the "Leader", had much to lose and gain in equal measure, it didn't mean she made it about her, her teammates were the ones that pulled her out of depression and saved her life, despite the fact that she had saved their butts quite often, as well. And, even when he had his doubts, I never saw Trahearne belittle or make light of the main character's plight. He was always glad to see them, he gave them the credit for helping with his Wyld Hunt and for helping him establish the Pact. And the fact that he "adopted" the title of Marshal means that it seemed to be the only logical title to hold, as he was, technically the main cog that kept the clock turning by making plans and trusting the Commander not to screw things up. He trusted you, believed in you, wanted to keep you safe. Annd, I've talked too much. [Tsakhi vanish! Woosh! ] tumbles out of the smoke ball Well, damn. : (
  4. I find being trapped in your own body with no means of escape is much more terrifying than dying. Also, as horrible as it sounds, I'm surprised that the subject of the PC contemplating suicide hasn't been brought up. I mean, I heard desperation as you fought your double. That feeling of doing what you feel is right and then ultimately screwing things up worse truly feels awful. Maybe I'm thinking too much into this.
  5. And it's all garbage. I wish I had a giant snow-shovel to throw it all into the delete-incinerator at the same time. This game absolutely showers you with trash while offering you nothing of any real value. If came up to you every day, and gave you a milk-crate full of ribbons, and colored drinking straws, and chewing gum, and number 2 pencils how long would it take before you started getting annoyed? laughs In my case, I'd start making things from those items MacGyver style. Then again, you're looking at someone that is delighted to get leaves as presents. Heh.
  6. I say "most of the time", because there are times I get frustrated and have to take a break, whether it be from people or monotony.
  7. Aw. Is there anything I can do for you? Being depressed is no fun at all, if you need to talk, please PM me. ^_^
  8. But, skins have absolutely no impact on the game itself; it doesn't alter the mechanics, it doesn't change its core, you can purchase them if you want or not, your choice. Also, I've played Gacha games and they are 100% P2W, you have the whales with a gear score of 400K and then there's me, idling at around 220K. There is a reason I stopped playing; I was getting literally nothing for my money. Zero, zilch, just dupes and rares. I understand the anger, but I don't understand the link between Guild Wars 2 and Gacha games. :/
  9. What are the strong-willed Sylvari to Mordremoth? A thorn in his side.What do Elder Dragons do when they need some sunlight? They get a Zhai-tan.Why is the Pale Tree so pale? She lives in the sun-blight.What Taimi is it? I Canach tell.I'd say that Mordremoth is a very shady dragon.It's said that Trahearne loves to island crawl. (I love the guy, but every time he says "Crawl Island", I somehow manage to cringe and laugh at the same time.)And that's all I have, any rotten produce thrown will be promptly eaten. Thank you. <3
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