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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. There's no shame in taking a break and focusing on the here and now. If you don't see a reason to keep playing a game, just take that break and weigh the pros and cons. Is it worth the frustration you feel from seemingly being static or are you open to wiggle room to push past the cost of the expansions? To be honest, I don't foresee this game going anywhere unless there is such a galactic SNAFU that A-Net tanks along with NC-Soft. Just take a break, weigh your options, and if you feel as though this game is still worth supporting with your money and time, save up for the expansion little by little. I had to do that for a while and it worked okay.
  2. How depressing, Alexa play Despacito.
  3. Switch Rytlock with Laranthir and same! ... Gods, I'm shameless. XD
  4. EDIT: Just because an expansion doesn't meet your criteria for enjoyment doesn't mean everyone feels the same. You keep using words that are used in such a strange context, so I find it hard to really take anything as gospel. As for Twitch, like, who the hell cares? Most people are playing the game, not watching Twitch. You not liking something doesn't attest to everyone's view. It's been awhile since we've had a proper doom and gloom thread. XD
  5. This topic reminds me of the marriage system in Perfect World. Whoo-boy, now those were some weird times. My irl husband and I got married in game and we invited our guild and everything. You had a daily marriage quest that you had to do together, which was really sweet. He played a lady and I played a guy, so I'd carry him all over the world like the fangirl I am. >.>
  6. Dramamine might be helpful. If that doesn't help, you might ask your doctor for anti-nausea meds.
  7. On one hand, I'm glad that I'm not the only one, on the other I feel bad that others are experiencing it, too.
  8. Oh, you mean that game that has been in development limbo for several years, that is leeching thousands of dollars from its players, despite it having little to show for it? That Ashes of Creation? Hasn't left alpha yet...
  9. Y'all, some of these responses have me acting up for real.
  10. Tsakhi.8124


    Version 1.0.0


  11. No. Still does not want. This doesn't hold the appeal that you think. No. No, that's just pointless and you're punishing people unnecessarily. It's like here's the carrot and stick shoved straight up your butt cavity. Still not making much of an argument, if anything, any argument you may have had is now foot-shaped Swiss cheese. Sheesh.
  12. A perfect defense against the Yule Cat, though!
  13. No. This model has worked for more than ten years; if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Not everyone is swimming in money or has more pressing obligations than the bestest of the best gear or more bank slots. This had been proposed before and has been shot down. Every. Single. Time.
  14. I took a break from this, it's infuriating. The Heart should show you as it did in SotO; you shouldn't have to guess where the bloody things are. It's slowing my progress down to a crawl and it's disheartening. I have spent several hours on this. I'm either stupid af or unlucky or both.
  15. After vibrating with excitement, probably put some food out for fellow adventurers and then embark on my journey. Also, pour over my new homestead like the derpy dog that I am. XD I'm so excited! I have to sleep, but... I mean, I don't need sleep, right?
  16. Nope! Moar DOTS hype! Hype at every time! XD Yeah, you can go. *hands you yummy treatos* do mind the blood though i can't help it, i just steal this stuff.
  17. I don't know for sure, because I haven't gotten very far in the original Guild Wars, but wasn't Balthazar originally the god of honorable combat? If so, it seems weird for him to do such a dramatic heel turn. When I see his... bloodthirstiness, I think of Ares when his son died. His rage blinded him to all the consequences of his actions. That does beg the question as to what the catalyst was for such a dramatic change.
  18. I'm excited! My husband got it for my birthday. He joked with my friend that they won't be seeing me for a month. *laughs* He might be right, though. >.> Honestly, I haven't gotten far enough in GW1 to really get most of the hype. I need to start playing again, but BG3 and Final Fantasy 9 has me all distracted like. XD
  19. I think it's cute, though! It looks like it might give you a happy nuzzle if you give it a few good scritches. Plus, not gonna lie, it looks pretty kitten.
  20. I came into the newest chapter of SoTO with tempered enthusiasm; I had expected a slog through the quest to get the Arsenal completed and was pleasantly surprised that it only took about ten minutes or so. I was very pleased with this, as I had been feeling a bit of a burnout, not just from this game, but almost all games. I was also very happy to see my fellow players being very helpful and very considerate. Then I remembered why I love this game so much: the people. For better or worse, people are gonna people, but it's nice to see the better side of humanity. I won't get into detail, but it's been really rough here lately, so just letting my mind wander brings me a great sense of gratitude. (As an aside, I plan on getting a dog and I'm gonna name him Laranthir because I'm a shameless fangirl.) Stay safe and be well.
  21. I have no issues with people having opinions. I have a problem with the way they present them. There is constructive criticism and there is straight up bashing the developers and the game. Instead of hurling insults, why not hurl suggestions to other players as well the developers at large. I assure you that there was plenty of passion and heart put into this game. I see the people that hurl insults and are just basically badmouthing because they're behind a screen as kind of churlish. Yes, I realize the irony and no I don't care. I love the expansion and I don't regret pre-ordering. That's my two coppers.
  22. *cries* I can't play it yet because Texas' Grid is absolute poop and I keep losing power. I wanna play so bad. Also, heat, can someone please teleport me to the Shiverpeaks?
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