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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. You just made my week with this post. Jormag the THOT, huh? XD
  2. Tsakhi.8124

    What if?

    What if Joko wanted to die? He even said something to the effect of "Live as long as I have, feelings lose their savor." then more BS, as Joko was wont to do. I mean, yes, he was evil (from a moralistic standpoint) but imagine being hundreds of years old, 200 which you were entombed alive, and having this permanent feeling of listlessness and making your boredom go away by causing others misery. Even then, I imagine it got tiring. I don't know, I feel empathy for him but absolutely no sympathy. It's like that a lot. nervous laugh
  3. @"Cameron Rich.3905" I respect your ideas and I respect that it is not for everyone, but it still bums me out that we have no say over it. You could arguably say that we are being "punished", but I'm sorry that's a tad bit excessive in my opinion. That said, I appreciate your honesty and forwardness. I will not be doing that meta, I fear. Thanks for the effort ya'll put into it though! Also, sorry if this is messy, I've been doing beadwork and my eyes are shot. XD
  4. Having the same problem. Ah, poor little hamsters. ("They're patching the patches they patched yesterday." someone on the PW forum a long time ago.)
  5. Like the map with the White Mantle? I really, really, friggin' hate them. As for my choice, I feel as though the game can consistently improve, which prevented it from getting a higher score. -shares cinnamon rolls-
  6. It is not as if we don't hear this on a daily basis or anything. XD Back on topic, sort of, the Boneskinner actually reminds me of the legends of the skinwalkers/wendigos/Colorado Phantasma. I wanna play strike mission, just to say I killed a irl boss. XD
  7. I'm very casual; I explore every map, find things to do and I don't follow meta. That being said, I will follow a meta if it is required. I don't want to rush through this game and feel burnt out. I came close a few times, but that was me needing to get away from the internet. XD
  8. A-Net: ( communicates)Vocal Minority: (it's not what I wanted to hear so I'm angry)
  9. Welcome back!Crafting is a good way to level up in more ways than one: you get experience for crafting and the food you can make will make leveling up easier with the buffs they provide. Also, you can get an experience boost from a guildhall, if you're in a guild. Gathering materials is also great! In battle, I'd suggest either sticking to the starter areas so you can familiarize yourself with the break bars among other things; more often than not, there are Mentors that can assist you with pretty much anything, don't hesitate to ask! There is an option to gold into gems, but right now that's not really essential unless you really want something. If you get tired of grinding, there are plenty of places to scenery chew and listen to NPC banter, which is pretty funny in my eyes. You probably already know this, but death has no dramatic detriment (all it takes is some copper, or silver to bring yourself to a waypoint, where you can fix your gear for free!} And that's all I can think of, right now. Once again, welcome back!
  10. Personally, I look forward to watching my teammates grow. Including that pissy Norn. XD
  11. Is it weird that I read the original post as almost satirical?
  12. Happy New Year! May your blessings be many, may you keep a warm heart and hearth, and may you and yours find the gift of love every day. Love ya'll! We're gonna rock this year harder than a Charr hair-band. Many blessings and luck upon you. <3
  13. I'm not in the best of shape, but I will do anything to protect those I care for. I'm passive until a threat arises, then I go into rabid Tsakhi mode. XD
  14. You, too! Make sure to stay warm/hydrated/cool. <3 Tsakhi hugs for all
  15. Tsakhi,I read the title of your post and thought that you had something remarkable for us. There are so many boring, unimaginative posts in this forum. I expected to read your opinion of dragons' empathy - how they are connected to the world around them and how that affects their mental and emotional state. Instead, I get....this I want to read more from you. Do you have more for me? Sorry to disappoint. I wrote that on zero hours of sleep. I do, however, believe that dragons can feel empathy for others. Although primal in nature, they do feel emotions on a very heightened scale. Krallk showed this when you have your final showdown. Also, look at Aurene.. Finally, if we, the player, are part of The All, then we are connected in this strange web of life.
  16. I’ve been thinking of a way to breach into this topic and I think I found the happy medium. The last chapter of the story is creepy for several reasons, one of which is Jormag’s whisper. Short story! I had a concussion, then I started to hear phantom music, then I heard voices. At first, it started off kind of funny, if not a bit annoying. (It was idle banter, speaking about stealing candy from a baby and selling it. (yes, I was like wtaf.) Then it escalated. And when I say it escalated, I mean it took a very, very, dark turn. Not going to repeat it because of forum rules and whatnot. (add to that, that scenario was a literal nightmare.) Then I heard screaming, then a loud bang and sobbing. Long story short: Jormag’s voice creeped me out, a lot. As odd as this sounds, though, it fascinated me. They did a very good rendition of hearing voices.
  17. I'm here for the free hug! <3 Also, Halloween is by far my favorite event. Mad King Thorn makes me laugh. and people call him pumpkin daddy XD
  18. I have not, but that seems really suspect to me. You might want to change your password. I don't want to alarm you, though. It could very well be a hiccup, but it's better safe than sorry.
  19. sorry if this thread offended you :( It didn't offend me at all. Sorry if I gave that impression. It's just we get these "gaem iz ded" thread every week. XD You're fine~<3!
  20. That is freakin' amazing! You're really talented. I hope to see more of your work!
  21. showdoubt.gifGotta love these "game iz ded" threads.. . It's not like we get these threads every time there's something new.
  22. Not really hyped, but I am curious, to say the least.
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