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Everything posted by Khalisto.5780

  1. I think that happens before they q sync right?
  2. famous duo on the other team, game 300-220 your team is winning, suddenly one of your teammates decides the team sucks and he's going to afk lol
  3. no reason d-shot is unblockable in a weapon with all that dmg and gust isn't
  4. I also do this, and it works wonders rating wise i play till i lose 2 games in a session, than i take a long break or just wait next day, weekends i always wait next day, cuz i know the player base won't get much better if I play 2 very onesided matches i quit playing almost everytime, and I said "play" not lose, cuz even if i win 2 i know it's prolly matter of time till i get placed in the losing team, specially if i'm 1450+ which i usually am, cuz sooner or later i'll stumble in a mysterious duo playing offline status and get facerolled I also avoid having 2h+ sessions, cuz even if I'm winning more than losing if i watch the replays later the decision making is clearly poor compared to the first hour Another good practice is play with your chat on combat log if want to type on map chat maybe it's time to take a break if you did type in map chat or even in team chat complaining about "quality" of your teammates it's surely time to take a break 16 games is like a big streak and prolly the only common factor in all those matches is you 16x12 is 196, that's enough rating loss to run in way worse players than you and actually carry games
  5. yup, it happen to me more than once being matched against a legendary player while i was gold 2 just cuz I was the only dude Qing with the same class as him their mmk algorithm needed to be looked at, another really big issue is how it matches ppl 300 rating apart very fast. It should take at least double the time it's now.
  6. I woundn't have high hopes for that, they said pistol is a condi focused weapon my bet is they going to pd or pf this build https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Condition_Auramancer we also going to see a lot of pp guardians I also think they could revert the last round of nerfs to power scepter https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/2/22/Shatterstone.png/32px-Shatterstone.png Shatterstone: Increased cooldown from 3 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/2/22/Water_Trident.png/32px-Water_Trident.png Water Trident: Reduced power coefficient from 1.25 to 1.0 in PvP and WvW. Reduced the bonus damage from 50% to 33% in WvW only. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/3/31/Hurl.png/32px-Hurl.png Hurl: Reduced power coefficient from 0.33 to 0.26 in WvW and PvP. A thing that shouldn't have happened in first place, but then we'd have 3 eles in one more mat and ppl would qq much they could also revert some of the nerfs to signets and leave just the icd there but anet takes a longtime to admit they screwd up with balance and that might never happen
  7. And all thar will be gone in 19 days, i think guardian and ele will be absolutely kitten
  8. too bad in 20 days that's all gone the only things that are annoying right now is DE f1 with no cast and the druid daze spam I still can deal with them, but the feeling is "oh god this bs again"
  9. i see more and more ppl playing it, specially ppl that are often in top 50 build feels strong 1v1 has team fight utility and some burst power dmg with fire 3 and 5, i play it with carrion not sage, very succesful on side i could climb easily to gold 3 where i start facing team usa player + 600 ap account with at least p2 level of gameplay and get stuck there 1450-1500 I guess it will be a thing when pistol drops since everything there does condi dmg
  10. i'll keep recording matches with him, last time i sent them a collection of 15 games of him afking in a 3 days spam, which i believe is the reason his second acc got banned, but who knows how many more ppl sent them footage for that to happen, as he also sitting at 300+ games and afks most of them once he falls behind or never even leave spawn based on his mood
  11. it's been a while since I last saw a bot, tho I suspect that a dragonhunter, not the one I'm mentioning here is a bot, 1 week into the season dude already have 300 games played
  12. around 1300 i think, but i can check later
  13. none of the accounts are free, if you play regularly in NA you surely stumbled on this DH, the "L" DH
  14. the mat sellers are all playing, if they're not playing cuz they just quit not cuz they got ip banned
  15. honestly i just afk'd a game from start against phoenix + cjay knowing i was the best player in my team sitting at 1408 rating lol
  16. the L guardian already got 2 accounts banned, he was saying the other day he has more 40 ish accounts, he keeps afking matches from start
  17. I dont think it would work, when kids are actually wintrading they doing it for a reason They prolly aiming for some title to show off or RMT, those kids already have plenty full acc and gladly would get more to get what they want
  18. aren't you afking many games if not all of them from start or after dying once? pretty sure you ruined at least 2 of my games by doing that, must be L guardian playing ranger
  19. I'd like less resolution uptime, I wanna meme it wth blindness and weakness
  20. They prolly going to nerf dh and throw some more buffs at FB, at some point fb will turn into an opressive supp or at least there'll some condi bunker build as side effect from that
  21. You either like the weapon or you playing wvw, no reason besides that. Back in 2017/18 staff weaver was top dps, then they nerf it tto the ground
  22. That's not the issue, if you in his team and plus him he stops playing to rage on map chat. He throws many games simply cuz ppl dont play the way he wants them to play. Yesterday we 5 man ganked him to stop him going far when matche started, that was enough for him to rage on chat half match and lose a match they could have easily won. But once he decides his team is bad he makes sure they lose cuz he has a point to prove right Honestly if you playing duo q as double warrior to reflect him in the other team, gank him twice while he tries to reach far and that might be enough to make the match 5v4 This dude and the L guardian are 2 dudes i never want to have in my team. One thing they don't like they afk, even if they're winning the game.
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