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Everything posted by Riba.3271

  1. From GW2 wiki you will find section that says "At level 80, the opponent Armor value used to calculate the tooltip's damage is 2597." So for example if you have 2000 armor, you will take 30% more damage than the tooltip. You can't just calculate it just like that because damage modifiers, damage reduction and targets armor come into play. Assuming that berserker has only 40% damage modifier, when most likely they have 10% from berserk, 21% from strength traitline, discipline has 7%, 3% and 3% per target boon damage modifiers. So it would add up to 1.1*1.21*1.07*1.03*1.12 => 64% increased damage to target with 4 boons. Then you also have to take into account his might stacks, vulnerability and sigils. So more realistic math is 1000 * 1.3 (targets armor) * 1.64 (damage modifiers) * 1.1 (vuln) * 1.15 (might) * 3.5 (crit damage)* 1.05 (sigils) = 9911. Now the rest can be assumed by him running extra sigils, damage relic or you having extra boons. Also it can come from destruction of empowered being multiplicative trait or he was playing gear with more power than what you screenshotted, as I don't know everything about the game or the situation.
  2. How hard is it to get supply for you guys? 99% of time you log in, you own your eb keep or spawn tower anyways. I would understand this complaint 8 years ago but it isn't like upgrading takes supply anymore.
  3. Well, anet gave up on competitive side of the game when they ruined objective and open field balance with siege changes, tactivators and stat buffs. Soon dueling, GvGs, server communities etc, died. Might be couple mediocre duelers, commanders and GvG guilds around, but all the top players are not around anymore. If there is nothing fair to compete or organise for, people stop communicating and getting invested. I just brought little bit light on reasons why real WvW has died, not just talking about symptoms of it. They could have quit the development of the gamemode when it was in good state, but they stopped right after thrashing everything that was holding people together. WvW is just a joke or social game now and very few think open tags or guild raids are competitive anymore.
  4. If you want to deal damage on dagger, play it on berserker. I tried to find the berserker dagger skill on GW2 wiki, but seems they haven't thought about existance of it yet since it isn't on berserker, warrior or dagger pages. Berserker is better spec overall anyways. You can play bottom traits, top traits or mix. Defense or damage traits, Hammer, rifle or melee dps etc. Spellbreaker isn't as flexible and gets absolutely steamrolled by any sustain berserker build.
  5. Let me make a deal with you; nerf all burst damages at all range including removing all crit-spike damage from all Professions? Just nerf the overpowered soulbeast burst and buff generic ranger abilities. You do know that if OWP is strong and ranger balanced, that means that rapid fire and hunters call are underpowered outside soulbeast? Now am I not asking them to make OWP unplayable, just make it more generic rather than it being only used on multihit skills because of 0.25 second proc cooldown. For example increasing the damage a bit and making it 0.75 proc cooldown, might make it decent when wielding a greatsword or hammer, while not being cheesy overpowered on warhorn and bow. It also allows them to also buff the multiskill base damage and bow/warhorn might be viable even on druid or untamed. Essentially all ranger mains should love the idea if their basic abilities are buffed and OWP nerfed, because it means they can actually fight and deal damage when OWP is on cooldown or they're playing a different ranger spec.
  6. Relic of Coward - Warclaw engage skill finishes downed enemies 🤣
  7. Marauder/Dragon is fine, vitality is not that great of a stat in long fights. Expertise and Concentration (Minstrel, Cele, Trailb) could use some nerfs for starters. Indeed. Speed relic should be less potent and shared superspeed could also use less accessibility and/or power. Yes, they seem somewhat weakwilled to update the game but we should still suggest good ideas in case they actually work one day 😬
  8. I mainly did this request for Warhorn 4 or Smoke Assault tho. But yes, Bow 2 has similar issues that Gunflame had. Even tho Gunflame oneshot builds were obviously bad for the game, it also had defenders: "Dodge it bro, just pay attention to every berserker in all directions. Also just let the new players die around you!". Can't we all just agree that if the stance deals 2.6 times more damage than in PvE with multihit skills while lasting longer it probably needs balancing? Not as much as in PvP, but they could just increase the strike interval. Maybe then they can buff bow a little bit for other ranger specs so bow gods aren't all soulbeasts.
  9. was in last patch notes. You can increase the duration for all I care, but reduce the burst please. There is just nothing skillful about elite being almost all the damage.
  10. What people are saying is that anyone outside your immediate circled of influence matter very little in this iteration of servers. They get replaced anyways in 2 months and long-term improvement in wider sense doesn't exist because this causes constant cycling of same problems. Of course it doesn't mean you shouldn't try your best, but when something doesn't matter, it just doesnt matter Anyways, the balance around objectives is also terrible which hardly promotes logic and competitive spirit. If you make illogical environment, you will end up with illogical people.
  11. Now I am not going to comment if this is great idea, because that is obvious, but it is great to see people still care enough to get triggered by trolls. Long has WvW gone without ability to get people invested and induce emotions.
  12. Well, the correct answer is to go back to single servers, but not same amount as before. This would fix transfer costs: no 500 gem transfers to tier 1 and tier 2, and ensure that all worlds stay alive. And are actually healthier than before due to community being able influence everyone around and long term goals existing. If there are only 4 or 5 tiers of servers, with 1-up-1-down, any server can rise to the top. Before 1-up-1-down matchmaking, you could win several months in a row and not even go up in tier. But if you all have is 500 gems, you will have to go to bottom tier server, and work your way up from there.
  13. And this is making game better goes above artists or players feelings. This would be so bad. They already messed up keeping excess servers and desert borderlands around to not hurt someones feelings... In the end it just made the game worse and has had so many negative long-term effects. Should they try revive and modernize EotM? Yes. But they shouldn't ruin normal WvW for it. The map is just too gimmicky and uncompetitive. Would choice of more EB, by far most popular map, and less queues there make wvw better? Yes. Would making OS instanced improve it? Yes. Would taking least popular and competitive map (EotM) making it regular borderland improve WvW? Nah. "But artists feelings, the map was only popular for 7 years". And reworking it would take ton of resources, whereas the guaranteed improvements is asking very little.
  14. From my experience, it only hits 5 times and disappears after that. You would have to clarify did it hit 1 person for 3k each hit, or 5 different people.
  15. I mean, I could do it freely anyway 😂. Still don't know why it has to be instanced--if you want to fight so bad in there, put objectives in it. Because, while you might not do following activities, it will help some people to have more enemies: Looking for duels in off-hours. Especially in lower tier servers it can be hard to find anyone on regular WvW map. Arrange fights with a player or a guild on enemy server. While EotM arena exists, the run there is very long. And the arena might be already taken. Do BvB. EotM is garbage for BvB. If you can open tag any hour, and if there are no enemies on regular maps, you could arrange fights with any opposite colour server Do jumping puzzle and see enemies. Truly jumping puzzle benefitting PvP gamemode. Want a fair stable balance. Nearby camp or castle changing sides during fights in normal WvW means 800 stat swings (~30% damage). Maybe you just find to find out who is best player or guild. Obsidian Sanctum should be a choice for fights. GW2 with its hundreds of jumping puzzles isn't same as GW2 with 1 jumping puzzle that you can do over and over. Same is true regarding fights, instanced OS will be in many ways superior to normal WvW map since it will offer more potential enemies.
  16. Yes, it is dead. That is why you can do your jumping puzzle freely. Indeed, instanced OS would improve it for blobbers, guilds, duelers, gankers. Only jumping puzzle weekly doers would be troubled by this, but I am guessing part of taking WvW dailies should be willing to fight. Same applies to EB, it has over 2 times more activity than any borderland, and 3 times more than desert map. So having more of these maps, and enough enemies to face in each, would obviously improve WvW.
  17. Heart of Thorns expansion was released 23rd October 2015. So almost 8 years ago. This is exact date that began downfall of WvW with tactivators, faster upgrades, dolyak escort buffs, objective auras, shield generators and desert map. Basically all competitiveness. logic and balance was thrown out of window for something that seems fun for 1 night. They never returned to the fair balance between siege, objectives, attackers and defenders. Of course they added carebear terrible linking system after that intead of just outright deleting worlds. Now I am not too surpised they're wasting their energy on doing lot of work to replace servers system, when they did the same with desert map, instead of focusing on real issues that can be fixed with 100 times less work.
  18. People afk on EB because it is most likely map to have queue. 2nd one means that afks will be reduced because queues will be smaller, and they will be split in half between 2 EBs. So if there are 40 afks out of 80 on full map now, there will be around 20 if 2nd EB is added.
  19. Well, the devs are average joes but for some reason they try all these fancy things and listening toxic people regarding balance. All they need to do is blob and make blobbing fun for them. (Note: They don't blob) All they need to do is roam and make roaming fun for them. (Note: They don't roam) All they need to do is scout and make scouting fun for them. (Note: They don't scout) All they need to do is cap objectives and make it fun for them. (Note: They don't take objectives) It really ain't that difficult to come up with positive changes to the game if you actually play the game. Honestly, all they do is guild raiding running in circles south side of borderlands, and try to balance around that scale. One of them literally streams it.
  20. T5 Eu typically has 2 unlinked servers, sometimes 3, with outnumbered buffs on all maps. T4 is much more alive in that they might get a q on 1 map if their most popular commander tags up.
  21. EB is still very popular. Also if you spread the commanders on less servers, there will be more times when commanders are online. Also enemies will have commanders so commanders will have more action to tag up for. But yes, mode has more pressing problems like linking system, terrible siege balance, pocket money transfers and objective camping right now. But it isn't like you can put everything in a massive thread then expect people to read it.
  22. Sieging needs following changes: Objectives and siege T2 and T3 Walls and Gates have 20% more health Golems unaffected by boons again. Golem hitpoints increased by 20%. Guild golems cost 80 supply instead of 50. Placable siege (Golems, Arrow Carts, Ballistas and Trebutchets) deal 40% more damage to siege weapons Multiple shield generators cannot be placed near each other, and their 3 skill occurs around the shield generators rather than being ground-targeted Burning Oil mastery damage reduction to oil lowered Lord hitpoints scale based on players in combat with it rather than all nearby enemies Upgrading and supply Keeps require 25% more dolyaks to upgrade. Castles 100% more. Packed dolyaks do not count double for upgrade anymore but carry 3 times more supply instead of 2. Keeps and Towers below Tier 3 receive 10 less supply per dolyak. Dolyak damage and condition duration reduction from nearby allied player reduced from 90% to 66% Tactics and Improvements slottables Iron Guards and Hardened Siege Improvements damage reduction lowered from 50% to 33% Airship Defence tactics duration reduced from 120 seconds to 90 seconds. Damage from each strike lowered by 20%. Banner tactics duration reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes Watchtower improvement is only active when objective is contested Armored Dolyaks Improvement also reduces Dolyak respawn time to half after being slain. Combat improvements Objective Aura stats reduced from +400 total stats to +120 total stats. Movement speed lowered from 25% to 10% Gliding cannot be initiated in combat anymore I am happy to type out reasoning for each change if you cannot figure it out. Lot of it has to do allowing smaller groups or solo players having better time. Or equally sized groups having longer sieges but also better time
  23. Obvious improvements that don't need much explaining: 2 Eternal Battlegrounds (most popular maps). Sides will rotate clockwise for 2nd EB and castle can be differently designed. 3 of the most popular borderlands, 1 instanced Obsidian Sanctum (Same as EotM. Right side of WvW UI) and 1 Edge of The Mists (stays the same, admittedly though in need of improvements too) If there are more maps, you might have to reduce tiers. 5 tiers is obviously too many for EU so 4 tiers is ok. NA has less activity than EU so 3 tiers is fine. Now while it might not sound like a big difference having both more players and more maps, but having choice of 5 maps means there will be almost always enemy group available for some challenge. Biggest change will be though there being 2 of the by far most popular maps available. It is gonna be lit choosing between 2 EB commanders while also having less queues.
  24. Winning points does not matter because: Playing for points means putting ton more hours in, hours which could be committed to fighting. The hours you put in playing when there are no enemies, will translate to having equal amount of players less during times when there are enemies. This is an obvious flaw of matchmaking people for 2 months based on activity where you should only play during good hours as playing at slightly worse hours will make good hours outnumbered. The balance is garbage. Objectives are not fair for sieging or fights at all. Defenders can't hold against large groups because gates are paper, golems can be buffed by boons and shield gens block all siege. And defenders win almost all fights due to stats and several respawns. Obviously if taking an upgraded objective is garbage experience where you lose most of time, people stop caring about score since playing for score isn't fun. If there are no attackers or even dolly snipers, there is just nothing to defend against. The teams are not consistant. The higher percentage the randoms around you are, the less you will care about the end result. Currently it is average of like probably 55% of people are on your server, rest on linkings (0.65*0.65 + 0.35*0.35 = 0.545). Alliances would be even worse than current linking system. Why put extra hours in or care about score, when you're working with randoms? The rest 45% will just mess up any great timezone or tier you manage to put down. Also why would you support a new commander, if he is on a link, or you transfer around regularly? He isn't going to be in your team in 2 months so there is no reason to wait for them to improve or to get to know them early. Timezones are not consistant. As a commander, you know that when a new linking comes there is a chance that tagging dynamics change drastically. Everytime there is change in queues and sometimes even popular commander stealing almot all your players by tagging up hour before. People can adapt to slow change of going from 40 people following to 10 people over months, but not when it happens instantly. Since the system is at fault and not yourself for timezone becoming unplayable, most people will just give up on the game. Maybe transfer once or twice, but thats it. The game pulls new players or commanders in when it is great, and losing greatness instantly is very bad for longetivity. So what we need are regular servers, not just for fairer matchmaking than currently but also for stable environment. Slow change and ability to adapt to changes around you. But not only that, we need better balance, closer to one we had in the past. Where attacking was still difficult but commanderless disorganised clouding wasn't nearly as advantageous, and keeps/castles took much longer to upgrade. Currently we have too many unlosable tier 3 objectives meaning there are too few timezones where having smaller groups slowing down or helping upgrading matters. If your activity does not matter most of the days, the scene will just die.
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