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Everything posted by kiranslee.4829

  1. Mistwalker infusion: Still broken on raid legendary armor, Obsidian armor. The Juggernaut effect also broken.
  2. And even expack didnt fix it , nice .... Mistwalker + legedary raid armor/obisidan armor , broken still.
  3. Issue persists even after this patch. T1 hammer legi does not work on legendary pve/obisdian armor. Mistwalker infusion doesnt work on armor as well. I wonder will anyone respond to this ?
  4. I can confirm its also broken on obsidian armor too. I tested it with 3 infusions also in wvw and issue is the same. Confirming it does not work on legi hammer, raid armor, obsidian armor , mystic chromatic ooze. For wvw/pvp legi armor set it works but graphics glitch constantly .
  5. So is it me or anet just made BL keys only as single purchase ?
  6. While changes look good and positive, i have few questions regarding existing issues in pvp and wvw: 1. Will Anet finally address match manipulation/selling monthly AT tournaments ? 2. Are we finally gonna get option for reporting hackers/glitch abusers ?
  7. It is sad to hear this. He will be missed. Do you guys plan farewell event ? My sincere condolences,
  8. So in essence, if you wish to win vs broken class, play a broken class 😄 ? Makes sense.
  9. Stealth to backstab to blind to stealth. This is generic thief rotation, i dont know how hard is to understand where the problem is :).
  10. Removing SA trait line is a start. But that may lead into forcing thief players to l2p and since thief is anet favored pet, dont think will happen.
  11. You are at wrong place for this to be said. Most of trashy players in pvp as well in wvw are playing classes that are broken and ez to play, and they camp forums :).
  12. Just delete SA traitline. I would pay to see tears of thieves being forced to l2p :D.
  13. I would be careful what to wish for. Asking anet to even acknowledge warrior is a class (is it really) can and WILL lead to just more nerfs. Really old engineers may remember how updates worked for them. PS. I just realized, they kept thief skills same as 11y ago :O.
  14. Honestly for roaming ull die to just about any other class on same skill level. Roaming on war is about not doing it :). And if you dont believe this statement, just try it.
  15. Well i dont think they had much left to nerf so yeh....
  16. As this is obviously im prep for 1st of april, ill leave this link here for off chance someone may notice it. https://www.youtube.com/@captaincrapface7337/videos
  17. Threat getting berried, no response from anet and no bans (at least on list of reported players from my side). Cheers
  18. Anet needs to make example of players who are abusing glitching in towers. We have well know SA players and their pet Slonder doing it all the time. Reports are done , they are still around for months. Some may say well, they can just make alts. While that is true , many of them have pvp gizmos that do take some match manipulation, rl money and in rare cases some skill and time to get. As long as you let those people do things like that with no fear, why would some rando on f2p care for using hacks and abuse bugs ? My 2c
  19. Aside to stealth trap (that made mi giggle) , can any of you "i cant play nothing but SA thief" explain how is that the only class that was S tier for past 10 years is , well, thief ? Main eles, warriors, guards, etc, had to l2p for years , change traits , adapt , even change mains with all nerfs/fixes/updates to their classes. On the other side d/p thief, and DE, hardly moved one or two utility and traits in all this time. One other question, how many top tier roamers atm play warrior as opposed to thief ? When you fight thief and he runs into water (fish called slonder), what happens when u follow it there 🙂 ?
  20. There is a lot posts on how to fix SA traitline or stealth in general, problem is anet lets balancing into hands of ppl like sind and misha and never read anything else. 2nd problem are thief fanboiz who dont wish to learn how to play but rather QQ instantly on anything even related to thief. PS. I love the comment on painter trap that made my day, and i agree tbh , let me use it insta cast and with cost on 1 supply and we can start talking :).
  21. At what point in what is now , 11 years now, we are going to see SA traitline reworked and more reveal added to all classes/builds. Maybe its possible to make thief class that needs some skill to play at some point ? Just a thought 😄 .
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