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  1. Is there any class who can't solo sm lord while no one is around?
  2. I hope it's like this otherwise will be a pain..
  3. So do we have to keep repairing walls/gates? Remove that second part or lower the % pls. I don't even need a siege to damage a gate below 98%
  4. If you and your enemy both have reflects, your projectiles can pierce that reflect to avoid a loop. I'am pretty sure that not so many players know that 😛 Edit: Also you can't block a reflected attack. Example: A deadeye puts a shadow wall and shoots with rifle 2, if enemy reflects it you will see his shots pierce the shadow wall and hit deadeye.
  5. So many combat exploits are because of novelties like initiative factory, avoiding fall damage, small teleports (speed hack). They should remove any novelty (choir bell items too) using from WvW.
  6. Anet wants to keep new and untalented people in-game is the quick answer of your question. That mainly started with tanky condition builds, but if their enemies have a lot of cleanses, they still fail to match people who are good with fighting. In past, except for ele and revenants, hybrid builds were not so good for many classes. Because specially weapon skills were based on condition or power. Now weapon skills are hybrid too. So many people from past resisted playing cele for a long time but Anet keep buffed hybrid builds while cutting the strenght of power builds (such like cc damage). At the end talented people started playing hybrid builds too and now a lot of god mode players roaming around. New and untalented players are still getting slapped easily, game lost it's variety of builds (for stats).
  7. No need to remove stealth entirely, instead they can change stealth mechanics. Utilities and elites that directly stealths can stay but stealthing with smoke fields should change. For Example: While out of combat, leaping or blasting a smoke screen stealths you, while in combat it gives you dark aura. Stability is also an unnecessary boon indeed. Specially at this tanky meta while many players are running celestial (I even see roaming minstrels sometimes). At this point there are 2 ways to make combat experience better: - Remove stability or - Bring back cc damage
  8. I'm missing the days those we had to double dodge things 😕 Now perma stab, perma protection, big heals. Most of the squad plays minstrel / cele. Its just sad 😞
  9. They don't even need to back to vanilla. Just give us same rewards at EoTM <.<
  10. Anet: Now you have to do heart quests in WvW too. (15 each map)
  11. Cele Vindi with shortbow / gs or staff - Condi (trailblazer) dual pistol or pistol + shield mechanist - Just swap a stealth build (deadeye is anti of any class) but don't use stealth attacks, until they low.
  12. Main problem is, this is an exploit and I found how they are doing it, sent a ticket months ago, explained how they are doing it and they just needed prevent using an item at WvW. They still didn't do anything about it. They only said thanks. Like a joke xD
  13. I just wondered and jumped in WvW. Then addicted .-.
  14. Well, I don't think it will change so many things but having oppurtunity to change WvW guild and play with other friends is nice. I want to see an Asura only raid from an Asura only guild ehe
  15. That's actually a great time to add it to WvW permanently since its a quite defensive meta, they can keep revive skills with longer cd but can revive fully dead people. That also gives new oppurtunities for support builds.
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