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Everything posted by Helen.3746

  1. I haven't finished Champions yet, so I presume Power will appear when I'm ready to start it. Thanks for all the responses!
  2. Same here, I've logged in a few times since it went live and still nothing.
  3. Yes, I'm fully aware of that, I'm not as stupid or naive as you think. Tools to resolve harassment are always welcome. As you quite rightly say, no=one is ever 100% safe from harassment. But the less I have to use those tools, the more time I can spend actually playing the game. I don't mind the PVP game mode, and have indulged in it a little myself when I'm in the mood, but introducing it into open world PVE invites that toxic side of PVP behaviour into a game mode that currently doesn't host it. You'll never convince me that opening up new opportunities for griefing and harassment is a good idea! No, players focus on it as A source of harassment, not THE source. Which begs the question - if your estimate is accurate, then WHY is 'everyone' focussed on it? Could it possibly be because of all the forms of harassment, persistent duel requests are among those forms of harassment that players find the most irritating? The thought of being subjected to the duelling or PVP of others when I'm not actively involved myself - ('passive PVPing'?) just doesn't butter my parsnips at all. It doesn't make a good spectator sport IMHO, and I really don't want to have to play around/through or alongside it. If you really can't live without open world PVP, then I have nothing against them providing the option for you to join a completely separate server where you can grief, gank and harass each other to your hearts' content. Just don't bring PVE/PVP to the servers I play on because I prefer things just the way they are.
  4. I've played other games where open-world duelling was a thing. I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than being hassled by some plonker following me around dumping duel flags every few seconds. I can't see that becoming annoying at all. I presume you're referring to 'Costume Brawls'. Having PVPers activating 'battle mode' outside the bank in DR sounds as enchanting as players repeatedly spamming (usually noisy, flashy) skills, or jumping around in endless circles. I think I'd find 'battle mode' as enjoyable as item 2. Not sure how AP adds any weight to your request. I've played all the content too, and you're absolutely right, PVP is definitely missing from PVE. Conspicuous by its absence, in fact. There's a huge difference bewteen 'being missing' and 'being missed', and I think you'll find a large proportion of players don't miss open-world PVP at all. GW2 PVE is primarily a co-operative environment. Not having to compete for gathering nodes, sharing credit for world boss kills and events etc attracts a lot of people to the game, and the PVE community. I think the reason most people might find the idea of open-world PVP abhorrent isn't the PVP itself, but what PVP does to an otherwise co-operative gaming community. Selfish PVP mentality already leaks into the more competitive aspects of PVE, making things like low-level event dailies a misery. More PVP = more misery. The cultures of WVW, PVP and PVE are all different, and their communities reflect that; no matter how much I wish it was otherwise, 'PVP' and 'toxic community' will always fit together like spoons in a cutlery drawer, regardless of which MMO you're playing. GW2 boasts one of the best, most helpful, co-operative communities in the genre. I can't help feeling this is mostly down to the fact that PVP and PVE are kept seperate. *TLDR: No, no, and NO.
  5. I'd rather have new armour (no more inflexible outfits!), stuff for Charr that doesn't look ridiculous, an end to butt-capes, craftable casual clothing with stats, but if we have to have a new race my vote would be for Skritt. We have enough 'big' races IMHO.
  6. Completely agree re: Anet giving RP some love, especially to protect the RP community from abuse. IMHO, if Anet recognised it as a play style in itself, maybe added some achievements that encouraged people to RP in less popular maps - eg maybe achievements for getting groups of a certain mumber to have an RP party in a low-populated area, or maybe Guild achievements for RP activity. Maybe provide some RP stuff in the Gem Store, RP props we can craft etc. There's a myriad of potential to draw the RPers into the game, and plenty of ops for Anet to make a few quid in the process. Maybe if the Devs etc gave it a bit of more 'official' respect/recognition, other players might too.
  7. Sounds like you might need a bit more than forum advice. Have you tried Gambler's Anonymous?
  8. Only having the kitchen visible to the chef might entice a lot of those people who want access to everything into buying an additional profession slot so all their toons can see the kitchen. If that's the case, then I can't help but admire the clever marketing ploy.
  9. First I want nameable mounts (make the minis, pets and minions dyeable and nameable too while you're at it Anet). Then.... SPACEHOPPERS! =)
  10. No thanks, go play PVP if that's what you want. Like a lot of people here, I played my share of WoW and got sick and tired of blocking people who continually hassled me asking for duels. Personally, I like the co-operative, open-world side of the game the way it is; it's far less toxic than the competitive side of it. I left WoW because everything - even questing and farming mats - was a competition, and I hate what that does to some people.
  11. I tried all the links to the official channels but none of them work.I have access to the channels already; just letting you know, so you can save time by not putting dead links in future posts.
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