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Everything posted by Mikhael.2391

  1. And another "nerf willbender" post in disguise, Leave LOF alone, yes it can crit for 10k+ but if theres the slightiest ground lvl it does not hit, also telegraphd asf and if you do nerf everything it has then core guardian and DH just loose. So refrain urselves to ask for willbender to be nerfed instead. Also warrior GS3 EVADES and crits well on over7k with smaller cd.
  2. Rookie numbers, you ve been missing my videos. Here you go.
  3. You must have some sort of problem for sure or you dont play core necro nor reaper wich eat all the cc in game in a row with no chance of surviving already without damage to cc.
  4. Bug, i ve been moaed 2 time srecently and couldnt even use moa abilities coz it ended.
  5. Mind sharing videos of these performances because a same lvl of skill thief or mesmer or range ror any other class on the meta for roaming will shutdown reaper , hell even less skill players than you have an advantage due to the lack of resources on reaper/core necro. They are just ragdolls.
  6. the problem(one of many on this stupid balanced mode) is that if ANY class can deny too much damage either by dodging forever, evading, blocking , invulns etc etc should not do barely any damage. And if they have decent constant damage they should not avoid damage. Avoiding damage WHILE dealling damage back that actually kills others all around is kitten coding. OR fix this by introducing internal cooldowns after being cced, diminishing returns, if u get cc you cannot get cced again in the first 2s after, otherwise someone can just get cc locked by one single class that has unblockable cc and boonstrips.
  7. OP is right about a lot. balance should be done by smallscale fights so it would not have this on any scale. This is correct and anyone that thinks otherwise I bet plays one of the cool "highly skill required" classes builds.
  8. make it 240range and unblocable with 1/2 cast. Ring of warding needs to be able to cast while moving just to help on the running away since no movement provided from hammer to get out.
  9. Happens often also. Thats why spectral walk is on and wurm also sometimes. Justtt in case im the one pulled.
  10. No one has no right to talk about necro out of harbinger being op in any way. Harbingers dont usually use spectral grasp so let it be. core necro and reaper already have a hard time as it it with no viable access to stability.
  11. terrible thiefs im sure, at close range out of shroud with dagger the thief will eat u easyy. and all thief mains know this
  12. He s rigth about a lot, necro can be locked in cc by2 classes easily like thief and ranger or any other and bursted down while watching the skill bar in a constant cooldown of 3s. this is bad developtment and ignored for years. It can even be cc locked by any other class that has invulns while ccing etc. very poor balance, no matte rhow hard , suposedely, necro can hit if hitting is prevented to begin with.
  13. The problem remains since launch almost, no reall access to stability and CC prevention, theres just too much that shuts down necro and reaper in wvw, ridiculous, I would be embarressed to work in that company tbh.
  14. I dont agree with any burst that come in whatever form that prevents a reaction from the person being attacked, core guardian meme included. the difference is guardian gets caught and all the other probably not. And thief should not be able to escape everything wether 1vs1 or 50 vs1, specially when this much difference in numbers, just shouldnt.
  15. I meant that unlike mesmers ranger thief builds and so on that have huge bursts like this , guardian cannot escape or reset a fight. The difference is those classes mainly, have Low risk and high reward, easy mode. Take DE thief for ex. There s just no catching it on most classes and builds.
  16. Never said it was, I even put in meme build comment. So?
  17. eheh well you gear up with over20k hp and defensive stats and im f k d. theres no running away as core guardian unlike all other op builds that have the tools for reseting fights if things dont go their way.
  18. I hope ur kidding about THIS meme build on CORE guardian being broken where unkillable classes existe with the same outburst and wayyy more survival and mobility.
  19. The biggest problem is most classes survive for ever and still do wayyy too much damage so its low skill low risk high reward, I m so bored of game forcing me to play meta to be on pair with others that I just go meme for fun and not in the most kitten by far spec, meme core guardian one shot is how every high dps class build should be high risk high reward, if i fail well, probably will loose against same lvl of skill players or even less skill due to whatever broken class mechanic they have. Example I posted today: This being said, ANET does not care. balance could be done in a small scale that would not ruin the spam of 1 on key board while following leader like lemmings.
  20. in a game where more op and meme absurd builds exist I still get so many pms saying this is the worst...not kiting and outlasting surving entire warbands.
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