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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. I think, what makes players complain about the mob difficulty is how much healthpool they have and how often they can spam a cc skill. Or how often they can repeat the annoying skill like evade, break target, go invuln.. mobs should have longer cooldowns on those skills. Low level enemies should not have these unique mechanics coz they usually swarm the players and spawn often... But If veteran enemies have these cool mechanics, players will like it... You won't see 10 Veteran enemies spawning in a single spot, so they can't overwhelm the players with spamming cc or evades or new mechanic. Veteran enemies are usually isolated in parts of map . Even for meta events, for every 20 low level mobs, we see only 1 or 2 veterans, so it's totally okay to let veteran enemies to have their cool mechanics. Other than that, if mobs have their own cool mechanic, players will actually spend more time exploring open world
  2. Just noticed some bandits mob dodging now and then, it was a bit fun watching them do it. Also, it will be really fun if we had new enemies in the level of the "Bandit Executioner". When it spawns, player character panicks and says something. Most fun part is when the executioner says "not worth my time"
  3. Im a bit confused by your post... if u buy standard for 25$ and u spend remaining 50$ to buy extra gems => 4000 gems and buy unbreakable tools worth 2400 gems, u have 1600 gems on hand now if u want volatile glyphs for all 3 tools 452(buy bid price) x3 => 1356gold (5010 gems using gem to gold conversion) now u NEED extra 3410 gems to finish your transaction and i didnt even factor the 800 gem worth character slot(if u need that too, u now need extra 4210 gems) (ignore the decoration table for homestead too if u plan on getting standard) how will this fit into your plan of idk.. am i missing something very obvious here?
  4. u know what a legendary worthy backpack looks like? Mark Y golem backpack - it has nice animations and funny expressions... compared to adinfinitum or pvp backpack or wayfarer henge or warbringer, Mark Y golem had too much love put into it while making it..
  5. Chak is more active, all bosses in HoT meta are so active. Except auric basin where we need to be active and do certain stuff... Pof meta bosses are so active especially serpent ire hydra, forge with fire hounds of balthy, doppelganger, augury rock meta, EOD meta events ... Even ignaxius at inner nayos, he does some moves and the wyvern boss is not just standing there to let us give him a pedicure... I hate that eparch spider just stands there... Maybe developers didn't have enough time to research some arachnids behavior and fight patterns and how a spider or a scorpion would fight and to replicate the actions in boss's model Hope they can design good boss fight in terms of story, mechanics and active boss model for Janthir wilds... And if they run out of time, be forthcoming to the playerbase, that development needs some extratime or resources so we have to wait for a bit longer to get an enjoyable content... Ofcourse we would get some doomers and critics who would jump at the very opportunity when timeline shifts even for a day and type paragraphs of negative emotions in hopes of demotivating the developers or to drive away the playerbase, but if we just ignore them, the product would turn out to be a masterpiece.
  6. Doesn't matter how much hp , how much cc bar the boss has... I would definitely be interested in fighting something that's more active... Boss should move his arms and legs, do something, powerups or chargeup for a big attack, kick the players around, slam on the ground, roll around, sweep the players , grab some players who fail to dodge red circle and chomp them and digest them and, u know what's next...so players would atleast try not to disgrace themselves by ignoring mechanics. I hate the amnytas boss and the spider lair meta boss, who just stand there like big dum dummy heads
  7. Holosmith: Throw multiple light spears with both hands ... Atleast 10 spears in a span of 1.5 secs... Like Ranger longbow rapidfire + photon blitz Ranger: Knockdown enemies in a radius of 500 by impaling the spear or target's foot and spinkick on air while holding the spear, pet pulls drags back all the enemies knocked down by Ranger ,like how it does when reviving allies Thief: Malicious impale the spear from behind and pull the spear from front inflicting heal reduction and bleeding for 5 secs Elementalist: Fireattune- create a sphere of fire in sky and throw multiple spears that pass thru the fire and raindown on enemies like Ranger longbow barrage Water- impale and bury the spear on the ground with greater force, that breaks the geyser that rushes upward knocking back nearby enemies and reviving and healing allies in area Air- swing your spear left and right in rapid succession in 180 degree to send forth arcs of slicing air in a 900 range towards target enemies Another skill - tether the target enemy to the spear and throw the spear piercing the thunder clouds, that electrocutes the target for like 5 seconds Earth- extend the spear and spin like crazy while the spear is touching the ground, that makes a debris tornado that blocks all projectiles from outside 300 radius and applying bleeding and blindness to enemies within 300 radius Necromancer: Blegh X) Mesmer: A single skill that channels 5 spears one by one that has a minigame like the one they have in "dead by daylight" fixing generators press space within white reticle or gw2 fishing minigame Mesmer concentrates and meditates and sends forth homing spears toward enemy's vital points left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm and finally sends a sparkly glinting tipped spear to the enemy's head Guardian: Draws a transparent glass circle symbol of citadel in air that reflects enemy projectiles and augments ally projectiles that pass thru the circle with fire field combo effect Warrior: Stab the enemy target and if target hp > 50, followup skill on same slot with quick double stab... If hp < 50, followup skill on same slot with knockdown kick Revenant: Bring forth spears of past legends from the mist and send them all in one direction that pierces all enemies in range 900 Note: I just did this, expecting some flashy skills for spear in upcoming expansion... I'm sure the devs would give us some cool skills and exceed our expectations
  8. I imagine holosmith making light spears out of photon forge mode and throwing multiple light spears like a maniac using both hands... Imagine a spear version of Ranger longbow skill#2 rapidfire
  9. Is "glyphs of volatile" still a good one? I mean, we can just get tons of volatile magic by exchanging eternal ice. Some peeps call glyphs of alchemy a placeholder glyph.... When u can just equip it on a mining tool and go to arah map and all the mithril nodes will give you orichalcum. I usually use the glyph of overload to get extra metabolic and utility primer plants from home instance... So much worth it
  10. + for any request to include the new homestead tp option in the home instance teleport gadget
  11. I think, a few glyphs like "overload", "alchemy" are nice value but less cost. U can get them in tp... But then again, I'm also greedy... If anet gives free glyphs, I'm not the one to say no.... Sadly, prepurchase is already done ... Less possibility for them to give me extra stuff for an already purchased bundle
  12. People see what they want to see... If u want to find faults with anet, u will, if u want to see what they did good, u will... I don't like housing unless I get what I want from housing, I want a new cute Ranger pet and some don't even acknowledge the existence of Ranger class Some like new legendaries, some don't even care and prefer to live with exotics and ascended Some like new raid,PvP ... To some , the sentence won't even register in their minds Some like story and rpg elements, some hate it Refreshed warclaw mounts, new map, new weapon for landbased combat meaning new set of weapon skills obviously different for all classes(imagine you got what weapon u expected for the classes since they do have diff skills)weapon is just a placeholder imo... Skills, animations ,flashiness, stylish, gameplay impact, fluid combat is what matters most New enemies probably with interesting mechanics... Are u one of the players who don't want anything from new expansion? All this for 25$ and probably they will release tons of weapon skins every season... Some mount skins, Armor skin pieces that worth more gems, infusions, legy starter kits,... So on in WV
  13. Also, Anet, if u wish to increase PvP playerbase, just disable all kinds of chat in PvP... Restrict players to use just a few set of indicators like attack, defend, follow or something like that on map with visual vertical light to the sky (like the ones in lunar new year firecracker adventure) and we can use shift click on minimap for extra precise pings... Similar to ffxiv crystal conflict or league of legends pings... And can also introduce sticker emotes like in LoL
  14. I like the spirits run PvP map... Though I haven't played PvP in a very looooong time(due to its toxic playerbase), that map is really cool. The only difference i see between CTF and current orb variant is ... Maybe the distance and there would be 2 flags... But possibility of matches ending in a stalemate is high... With constant aoe spams and camping base with oneshot willbenders
  15. Don't we have spirits run in PvP already? Why so hyped about cap the flag? We have cap the orb. Only difference here is... Orb is neutral until someone picks it up
  16. I am a bit confused about the soto skyscale unlock... From a few posts in the past, players reported that unlocking skyscale in soto masteries will only let them use skyscales in soto maps and NOT on other maps.. maybe it is still a grind for new players who want full access to skyscale on all maps.. someone can confirm
  17. Is that the only thing u read?.... I want janthir lore and collection... I refuse to craft a legendary that has no lore and no collection
  18. Hope we get option to let the legendary fishes swim in new homestead. Vertical cylindrical glass structure or big pool where we can swim with legy fishes or multiple small ones like the one at the entrance to joon's house
  19. Would be nice if we get a janthir wilds themed legendary ring with some lore and collections .. please I don't want to make a blobby sphere legy ring
  20. either make the existing birds like hawk, eagle, owl,... (not the moas) do something unique example: a character in League of Legends named Quinn... she has a bird that aids her in multiple different ways.. it reveals nearby enemies in bushes(gw2 eagle or hawk should have the ability to reveal stealth'd thieves who are in 1200 radius if the soulbeast decides to unmerge with the bird.. and when merged, the soulbeast can use swoop but not the reveal skill) or something unique to each pet maybe new expansion can release a pet that can copy one random skill from enemy .. based on what enemy is being targeted(imagine copying continuum split from chronomancer.. and after, N secs cooldown, copy rushing justice from willbender.. that would be fun)
  21. Hope new expansion introduces new kind of enemies tha tevolve interms of its behavior or abilities example: notice the dredge miners which are yellow named (neutral) .. if we kill a dredge enemy with a rifle, the neutral dredge will run to teh dead body and picksup teh weapon and starts shooting at us Imagine the mobs in new expansion does something like eating the dead mobs nearby and evolving in either ranks like .... normal to elite to veteran to champion to legendary or evolving in their appearance and abilities or absorbing nearby dead mobs magic and gains the dead enemy's skills and uses both skills to attack us that would be so interesting
  22. I just wish spear skills look cool and flashy ... Like lancer's gae-bolg from fatestaynight unlimitedbladeworks
  23. I noticed this behavior in junundu meta 1) noone will showup for prevent, where u have to turn in 8 sulphur crystals(solo) atleast one junundu lure. And as soon as the preevents are finished, players would pop out of nowhere for loot 2) or sometimes, during preevent, some players showup but refuse to collect sulphur crystals and just fly in skyscale. Now the required sulphur crystals count jumps from 8 to 16 or something and if u want to finish the meta, u have to collect all crystals for atleast one lure This leeching trend is so regular with players from one guild tag that's related to choya... Idk if they do it on purpose or just return from other meta events. Also, one day a player said "thanks for completing preevent on time", for which the leeching player replied immediately, "you're welcome" without any shame , as, if, he did the preevent .. even tho, I'm the only one who solo'd the pre event , collecting 8 crystals on lure..noone else participated. If this trend continues, Idk what's the future of meta events will look like
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