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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. noticed when u walk on mud outside the wizard tower then run inside the tower's white marble, we can notice mud effects until we step on some blue golden pattern tile... the blue gold pattern tile removes the mud effects.. first i thought the mud effects came with the baggy cargo pants but then it works on all boots and pants... have any of u guys noticed any other similar or different subtle interesting graphical effects? in new soto maps or old core tyrian maps, instances in racial cities? ...
  2. hope he doesn't feel bad during epilogue of EOD where commander drinks champagne at the pub
  3. The event itself gives an accessory which has a +10 agony infusion that can be extracted using upgrade extractor or infusion extractors(cheap).. the event NPC let's us buy the +10 AR accessory over and over for pristine relics. U can either use the extracted infusions on characters or sell them for 9 gold
  4. Players with lot of pristine relics can get infinite +10 infusions... WV giving out upgrade extractors... Saves tons of gold equipping different characters with AR infusions for fractals.. not sure the golem NPC sells the +5 stats infusion for 3 +10 AR INFUSION tho... Need to check
  5. Wish anet makes mini quest for each relic unlocks in future... If we want a soowon relic, eye of ocean, that has some bonuses against the undead or scare away the undead, we do some mini quest or collection or scavenger hunt to snatch the relic from the krait... Like we did in core story... Same goes for hylek relic or quaggan relic or kodan relic.. upon completion of relic quest, we get a recipe... Upon crafting the item once, legy relic owners get to use it infinitely... Non legy relic owners use the crafted relics This is just an example.. the relics, quest, collection can be anything
  6. Few old weapons do have some interactions like warrior hammer 5 resetting hammer2 cooldown.... Ranger GS 5 resetting GS2 cooldown... But is that enough to make them fun compared to the new weapons?
  7. Will future expansions introduce weapons with new interactions , traits, synergies instead of an entire elite specializations tree? With soto, we can notice few weapons have their own traits with fun gameplay Ranger mace: nature strength stacks accumulate to force of nature then a cooldown period with "tapped out" Elementalist pistol: elemental bullets Guardian pistol: inscribed symbol and projectile interaction Mesmer rifle: portal (mini utility skill packaged inside a weapon) Thief axe: axe stacks(idk what it does) Revenant scepter: teleport to ally with scepter3 So instead of giving an entire specialization which would be hard to balance, pack some traits and interactions into the new weapon... Do players like this style? Will, old weapons become less preferred? Only old weapon b4 soto that came packed with options is Ranger hammer, where we can choose unleashed hammer skills and non-unleashed ones... Can we expect old weapons to get reworks and get some packaged traits like the Ranger mace?
  8. 🤦 Those are not solutions... I'm not the story writer... All I'm saying is... Make your comments about evilness once u finally see the complete story... Yikes
  9. U haven't reached the end of the story... For all we know, peitha could be deceiving us from the start.. or even isgarren could be the mastermind behind it... Or eparch could be planning to rid the world of demons for some reason.. who knows
  10. hi .. I kinda started gw1 recently.. idk if i can use your minis in hall of monuments yet... just reached "sanctum kay" in prophecies .. if u do have any spare minis after giving it out to others, throw a few on my way X).... character name "Asase Hibiki".. my guild leader gave me "palawa joko" and "Dagnar stonepate".. so I don't want those. i just want the minis that are needed to unlock the ranger pets in gw2(delinquent moa, black widow, white raven).. other minis, I don't want em... and tqtqtq in advance
  11. Elves And I also noticed a wallpaper that says "commando" Is this some kind of teaser?
  12. on the other hand... when fraenir summons the icebrood contruct... that procs the trait when we cc the boss.. weird.. seems just shiverpeaks pass is buggy
  13. Wish they added group shared stability in Earth shield conjure... I won't ask anything else... Let heal alac tempest get some decent spot in group content... Or.. increase stability stacks to atleast 3 with 10 sec duration for Eye of storm
  14. Is it possible to proc the trait twice as Vicious in shiverpeakpass strike mission? Axe4 , brutal charge , hammer 3 didn't work... Would any other disables trigger the trait? I read in reddit somewhere that land rooted enemies are immune to those disables but I also did notice the solid ocean tentacles getting stunned, interrupted by crowd control skills
  15. Think the op accidentally unequipped the power core...
  16. once the cat dies, a new cat spawns and if u pet the new cat, it doesn't die anymore
  17. Thought cats die only if devs issue the kill command... but cat near tengu square new kaineng dies when u try to pet them spot: link
  18. If anet doesn't add numbers, u could always use the minimap pings... Shift+click minimap spots like 3 or 4 times... Players would get audio cue + a visual info what to do on that spot... If u have enough time, draw something in minimap with shift+rightclick
  19. Ure talking about the nayos essence energy collection event I guess... I did notice those turrets taking 2 fireballs to destroy but those turrets won't kill you ... And that event is about collecting red energy in air ... Killing those turrets won't give participation ... Also they won't fire that frequently I guess... I could be wrong
  20. I believe OP was either in skyscale on the livia event flying disc and the turrets all fired at him ... He might've tried to kill those without the rifle... Probably that
  21. 1) Verify if u have the brown bear already charmed by you by clicking on the pet face just above the skills slot Pet Management 2) You'll get a charm option if u haven't charmed the pet b4.. once u charm the pet, U'll get a popup 3) If u Equip the pet you just charmed, It's face gets updated above the skill slot Hope this helps... though I believe u already have teh brownbear but didnt equip it when u charmed it and u arent aware of the pet management popup small upward arrow to choose currrent pet among previously charmed ones
  22. Wait till players like me who never pvp'd / not good at pvp , take this opportunity to try it out and get bad experience either in terms of unfair matchmaking or chat box get flooded with toxic goo .... Then playerbase get emptied again.... Hope there's no toxic goo in unranked atleast... "Hope the metrics are useful" X)
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