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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. checked the heat mechanic with sword on a character created after soto.. the feature is working now as intended... haven't checked with a newly created character after May 2024 update... maybe someone can confirm?
  2. checked the heat mechanic with sword on a character created after soto.. the feature is working now as intended... haven't checked with a newly created character after May 2024 update... maybe someone can confirm?
  3. I like to complete legendary collection of the one I'm crafting... Wish anet had an option to choose bunch of mystic clovers and t6 gifts ... So I can leave out the precursor and get value from those starter kit
  4. Wish they made it similar to EOD where map completion and lanterns both awards gifts
  5. Maybe we might get a flying ranged kryptis like the one that shoots burning and torment arrow barrage over 300 radius
  6. Now imagine, u groupedup some enemies with raptor engage skill and a spellbreaker warrior comes in and uses hammer4... The berserker warriors used to cast "wild blow" on those situations before March patch... Was so annoying... It's kind of feels okay that rangers can knockback only one target
  7. Situations where I hate being meele: 1) When someone drops blue boss' puddle in middle when fighting OLC strike mission. 2) when the chak gerent refuses to move out of its glowy blue expanding donut poop. 3) when enemy target moves out when you're in axe5 or the game mechanic forces you to cancel axe5 4) when someone triggers deimos black expanding decay and u have to throw axes while other ranged condi dps players happily keep their condi ticking
  8. If Ure a Ranger enjoyer and you have more than one Ranger character, the huge dilemma is how to name all your pets without using the same name from the first Ranger character. Also take into account how the character race would determine the kind of name it likes to set for their pet. Asura might choose more of a scientific name, norns would think a bit savage and hunting and spiritual, sylvari... Idk, hoomans would like to use cute names for their pets, charr... Blegh...
  9. Elephant pet or a Rhino pet 🤭 Or to suit nayos blood theme, blood slime pet that looks like "sora" from "weakest tamer" anime Or if I could guess, we might get another wyvern like, juvenile dreadwing or juvenile sorrow
  10. When I was doing some legy weapon collection, I used to wait for a long time for few Orr meta events like, gates of arah- defend and defeat risen priest, defeat eye of zhaitan , cathedral of Zephyr - defend or defeat risen priestess dwayna,... One thing I noticed while waiting for these events is- there will be noone around the event area for the entirety of the waiting time... Usually 50 minutes for these meta to restart. But at the final minute just before the event starts, 10 to 20 players just pop out of nowhere and kill the champion boss enemies under 30-40 secs.. (except gates of arah where defend event is a fixed time like 5 minutes or something) I asked in map chat about how these players exactly know when the event is going to spawn and how they keep track of these events since they're not even waiting for the event but pop out of nowhere at the final minute b4 the event starts. But noone responds... If this happens just for gates of arah, I'd understand coz it's a core map meta... But this happens for all the other events I listed above... My question is... Is there some kind of website, addon, blish addon that collects data from players and update these meta timings?( Even then, if multiple instances of the Orr maps exist, one map might spawn the event based on data and other map might not spawn event...) Any addon, website to keep track of Orr meta?
  11. Reyna is henchmen aidan is npc companion from prophecies in GW1 they both are rangers but they got named armors in GW2.. mhenlo, devonna got their named armors too in gw2.. but no named armor for eve, cynn, orion, alessia... are rangers/melandru followers more special to get 2 named armors and others aren't?
  12. Are there any other character/spec that has their weapon skills greyed out in the weapon skills tab, even after equipping those weapons? This could be affecting multiple classes
  13. I would encourage anet to rework DRM... Remove the escort phase and add new mechanics to CM mode. While the normal mode can have its escorting , rping, dialog stuff unaltered
  14. Sword even has issues when used with holosmith... Holosmith sword skill #2 on character created after soto release
  15. Version 1.0.0


    holosmith heat and sword weapon interaction bug w.r.t SotO
  16. Necro reaper, berserker, bladesworn, willybendy, condi daredevil, power daredevil, holosmirk 😏🥴 scrapper says hi! How are you?
  17. The picture looks kinda like a rollerbeetle track ... Slope is too inclined... Wish the water would splash sideways when zooming through that water puddle at the end of the slope.. that would look super cool 😎
  18. Think living world seasons can be bought with ingame gold to gems conversion and use them to unlock from store
  19. Character selection screen shows which character can do armorsmithing, leatherworking,... Blah blah based on what you trained those characters on... Lookout for small symbol/icon in the character portrait
  20. Idk if someone already suggested this: Ask someone to tp you go to EotN(eye of the north). Check out the vendor Crystallographer Smoxxi. Buy 6 ascended Armor boxes for the healer(blue color Armor box)(that says "Healer's chest of <blah blah blah>") If you are short of blue prophet shards, just spam farm the easy Icebrood saga strikes. Look for "all welcome" lfg groups under "strikes" section of lfg. there's no limit to how many blue shards u can get. And players won't blame u if Ure not perfect or not doing stuff in strike missions... Just join and perform to your satisfaction... Just repeat until you have enough shards ... Get the 6 Armor pieces U can select stats for the Armor .. in this case, harrier or minstrel ... Since u mentioned in your previous post u have PoF and HoT expansions... Sidenote: if u complete some achievements, I believe, u can unlock some minstrel stats amulet and harrier backpiece from hot and PoF stories.. I could be wrong but won't hurt to check it out
  21. I'd much prefer necro gs3 to have a leap animation like the Ranger sword3 serpent strike but the finisher should stay the same "whirl" coz the greatsword is spinning while leaping towards the target
  22. I'd love some race like chocobo race from ffxiv but without the chocobo breeding feature.. everyone's mount could have same stats For players who aren't aware of chocobo race, we get powerups and debilitating hindering effects on the track which we use to get ahead or drag others down
  23. What he's trying to tell you is... Select "pact commander"-> Advanced Logistics( autoloot mastery track) to make it the active mastery that's being trained(to make it receive experience points) if that particular track got full exp points and bar is full, spend mastery points on that track to learn that mastery... Currently, you've selected "recursive resourcing" which received all the exp points so far... Thats why u get popup... Select something else
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