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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. Since Ure a huge completionist, u shd consider finishing the collection associated with the precursor.... Just my thought
  2. Clearing raid wings at reset seems to get the count I guess... I don't remember keeping track of that 10 champ kill objective at all... When u done with raid clears, usually 3 or 4 objectives gets completed that u didn't even notice. U just collect those AA without even noticing it.... This might not be fun but it gets the job done... Maybe anet needs to give specific objectives for everyone exclusively... Specific list of champs across tyria
  3. Request to anet: Either increase the mystic coin source/supply or reduce number of coins required for coin to clover exchange. All those people who decided to craft and sell legendary from starter kit spend like ~154 coins per legy crafting to get clovers... They get from wizard vault: 1) 60 mc per season 2) 20 clover per season They need 54 extra coins per season to craft legy If a season last 16 weeks and they play everyday soto strikes daily, they can get 160 mc from vendor NPC in wizard tower They will have 106 coins on hand .. If they decide to craft gen2 legy which needs its own clovers and coins ... They need 404 coins in total.... 404-106 the demand rises to 298 coins at the end Factors that might affect the scenario: Players with multiple accounts who decide to make profit with multiple starter kit will be in demand of 54 coins for every alternate account (assuming they got clovers and coins from vault for the season.. if not, demand rises further to 154 coins per account) assuming players with alt accounts won't play daily soto strikes on every account Also mystic coins are needed for crafting some weapon skins and also HoT specialization weapon collections ... So demand rises further And other factors that uses mystic coins as currencies in gw2overflow exchange reddit discord thingies ... Idk if the mystic coins end up there even getting circulated
  4. during event Escort Moa Trainer Kappa and her pygmy moas to Beetletun, near beetletun waterworks, if the "moa trainer kappa" npc accidentally attacks(while fighting off skritts) the seraph npc will start to fight back the event npc and seraph npc is lvl11 and kappa is lvl9... if we use heal skills, both npcs will be healed as we are allied with both npcs... this event is required for "Minstrel" legendary collection
  5. If by chance , the devs/ decision makers read this thread, please , I request them to make unique animations for weapon skills... Wish they could be transparent about what's needed to make this possible... They could've increased the cost of soto expansion or something
  6. the trunks and shorts could be teh inner layer of clothing from the outfit pieces.. the outer layer for some weird reason gets bugged out and not displaying
  7. I believe the shorts in sanctified medium and foefire medium leggings are a outfit bug.. its unintended.. anet couldve posted it in some notes about the bug i dont know if theres any notes anywhere but it could be out there... try equipping medium chest and medium legging in foefire at teh same time.. it shows the intended outfit... same goes for sanctified medium chest and medium leggings.... I tried it in preview window as well as actually applying the skin on the character.. the trunks just vanish and the skirts are applied... checked for sanctified set but havent tried for foefire(checked preview window but not applied skin on character).. someone can confirm this
  8. please quote where i said it... i never once said (read properly emphasis on the word ALL) All of the IBS strike bosses are that at all.. I even mentioned WoJ is cool twice in my comments.. please dont imagine stuff up and try to make a debate out of a thread which serves a different purpose whos backpedalling? maybe U have a problem.. not reading properly and assuming stuff up and trying to drag a tread to worthless debate maybe ure the one whos never bothered to try any strike and thats why u consider static golems as difficult ones.. u clearly expressed ur view there coz clearly defended by saying I experienced only shiverpeaks when I considered few other bosses as static golems Ure making urself tired by your own mental gymnastics when my only purpose in starting this thread is to request anet for a daily DRM but u tirelessly work to derail it by debating and dragging the focus elsewhere and at one point, u even mentioned << "DRMs were added to the game with "Do Not Resuscitate" written all over them." >> yeah all u could do is derail teh thread.. now u want to drag something else "HT CM" now go ahead.. pick a few sentences, try to debate and derail and comment something irrelevant to the purpose of this thread if that makes u happy... I wont respond any further.. coz i clearly understood.. this is a complete waste of time
  9. yeah sarcastically calling my only experience being shiverpeaks when i call the other bosses static golem means u consider other bosses as dificult. and I called the IBS strike bosses in my examples.. i never mentioned EOD strikes.. why are u dragging the thread somewhere else? and i never mentioned whisper of jormag as static golem fight.. i know WoJ is cool fight.. thats why i excluded it in my comments.. and why are u draging that here? I was talking about defense seals for the daily SUPPLY BOXES in my comments.. and ure talking about something else entirely... why are u tryiing to drag the thread somewhere else? and I mentioned it multiple times.. please do NOT derail this and drag the conversation to NArNiA... purpose.. of thread is... Requesting Anet to make one Daily DRM with more defense seals.. please do NOT derail and drag the thread to worthless debate
  10. i believe the herta bloodstone dust gobbler have a chance to drop aurilium infusion
  11. when i mentioned IBS s trike bosses are static golems, u responded with me being only familiar with shiverpeaks... so based on what u said.. only the shiverpeaks is static golem boss and all others are NOT... so u actually consider them to be challenging, interesting, or whatever.. am I wrong to conclude that from your response? or are u going to mask it with something else? as for drm boss mechanics... fields of ruin boss attacks, phases are all engaging gendarran fields boss the fire tornadoes during battle is engaging so does boss's attacks snowden drifts ryland boss attacks and finding safe spots during his attacks are engaging caledon forest frost collosus boss is super cool... u have to position properly and make use of campfires to defeat the boss bloodtide coast boss attacks are super cool and u cant braindead stand anywhere and atatck.. u have to avoid the iceballs and other cool mechanics and all otehr bosses and their attacks and mechanics are cool these are just a few that came to my mind... lets compare these mechanics to boneskinner .. all u have to do is sidestep one lethal atatck and dodge his jump attack... what else is there.. noone does the torch thing nowadays fraenir.. just atatck .. static golem... bears.. just attack static golem Im not talking about the escort phases in DRMs.. Im talking about the boss fights... the whole point of me starting this thread ... is to request anet to somehow increase the defense seals from encounters and make one daily DRM .. if possible make the drm to be directly start from the boss fights instead of escort or even escort i dont mind it... if players get enough defense seals to get all the supply boxes from EotN, that would be a nice gold source and also the content wont die of neglect and the boss fights are actually cooler than most if not all the IBS strikes.. I'm trying to get a content to atleast be active once a day. But u try to oppose the idea and bury the content... why? It's a total waste to get involved in worthless debate and derailed conversations.... I as a player tried to make a request to ANET.. and I will hope to see some action regarding that thats all...
  12. I didnt know.. u players actually consider fraenir, bears, boneskinner as challenging boss fights... I'll make a note of that... compared to these IBS static golem boss fights, DRM bosses are way cooler... all drm boss fights are cool.. nice mechanics and engaging. WoJ is the only cool fight in IBS.. and for claw and voice strike, its only cool and adrenaline pumping if u kill one bear very early and deal with the second bear later. otherwise its all mind numbingly bleghhhhh
  13. The +1 agony infusion dropped to 2 copper in trade post... It's just matter of days before noone will post buy listings for that item.... It's a good time to introduce a gobbler for that item... Maybe with 1 in a million chance to drop a cool infusion would be nice too when using the gobbler
  14. I didn't get that "DO not resuscitate" part... DRM bosses are cooler than stupid strike mission static golem bosses
  15. Why'd u made the title "wizard vault developer article"? Is the article really from developers of wizard vault who work at anet? "Chris Casiano, product manager, and Rick Luebbers, lead designer, from the Guild Wars 2 team at ArenaNet" is this really true? edit: i did find their names from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_credits
  16. tried it in desolation map.. near lair of forgotten waypoint... adjusted the camera view to see if moon can eclipse the sun.. it does eclipse the sun at daytime partial eclipse doesnt look like partial atall.. moon oesnt have an effect... full eclipse sun is totally blocked or i could be wrong entirely and this is just a 3D lighting source issue and sun object is not large enough than moon to negate the eclipse phenomena
  17. this ^^ here is the purest form of playing guildwars2... he enjoyed playing it.. the journey and story and lore associated with the legendary is worth it... a cool visual effect of a legendary is just icing on the cake, toppings on a pizza... please anet.. we need a new pve ring with story, lore collections and cool effect... tq
  18. Sometimes I feel, asking kp for group content is the only way to filter out players who start the fight when Ready Check is not complete... Or avoid players who place damaging aoes on the group and intentionally or unintentionally fail /use boss mechanics to wipe the squad... But kp requirements should be moderate for strikes... 10 to 20 bs kp or 100li is max and more than enough IMO... But on good days 0kp squad with carefully crafted squad lfg description is also fine
  19. A display case aquarium for all the unique fishes we caught
  20. Day1 supply box contents => approx 5.85 gold Day2 supply box contents => exactly 7.26 gold 38 copper I will wait for the day when we get an extra supply box instead of the bead of liquid karma and update it here the whole point of posting this is to tell players tha tsupply boxes are worth and anet needs to introduce a daily drm with more defense seals so players could benefit from it and also they wont leave the cool boss fights in drm to die in negligence
  21. The green text 'say', 'squad',... can be rightclicked or leftclicked to select the chat channel in chat textbox... select the guild u just joined and chat away... If the guild name is not among the choices of chat channel, u might want to check in guild window of u joined guild by accepting invite
  22. Today I checked the value of the materials I got from supply boxes.... a little over than 5 gold and 85 silver and i didnt even get a single t6 mats today still got 5.85 gold some days u get extra supply box instead of that bead of liquid karma.. so u might get atleast 6 gold totally on those special days some days i did notice 25 t6 mats like blood, totems, scales,... those days will give us even more gold if we sell those.. I'd guess maybe we an get 6-8 gold approximate
  23. druid "Blood Moon" trait(inflict bleeding when u immobilize enemies) has 8 seconds of internal cooldown ... will using (20sec CD)"Glyph of alignment" 1stack of immobilize and some bleeding(3stacks for 16 seconds) be more condi dps (or) activating (30sec CD)"Signet of wild" 4stack of immobilize inflict more condi dps? will bloodmoon trigger bleeding for every stack of immobilize or just one instance of immob until the internal cooldown is refreshed?
  24. I have mixed opinions on projectiles... slow and unidirectional projectiles are easily avoided... homing projectiles force u to use a dodge(if projectile is deadly) or facetank it and save teh dodge for something else.. even sometimes slow moving projectiles are homing projectiles.. example champion openworld bosses in POF and onwards have target lockon mechanic and release a white big orb that moves toward u.. either waste a block or dodge or face tank it... and lot of core tyria open world monsters have homing fast multiple projectiles with slow intervals(meaning ur dodge invulnerability frames will not be enough to evade all projectile impacts) but then again core tyria monsters die quickly so it doesnt matter... but some boss monsters like zhaitan eye in orr map will attack with beams that passthru walls X) and some classes like dare devils, mirage can use lengthy evades, invulnerabilities and players who roam open world with raid builds wont have much defense utilities(blocks,condicleanses) to begin with and get either 2 shotted or hunted down by mobs who apply 15 seconds of cripple, slow, chill and whatnots... some enemies that come to mind are young karka that spews continuous barbs,karka hatchlings that cling to u until u waste 2 dodges(one for cripple and one for blind-karka on face) if we convince ourselves to use meta survival,defense,cleanse builds from a website, we are missing out on the core aspect the fun part of playing what u like or whatever... my tip to combat movement is... if using raid builds on open world, if u feel like enemy might overwhelm u and u either dont have defensive capabilities in ur build or everything on cooldown, run away from teh area b4 ur health drops to 50%... the time u think u can take on teh mob when all your skills on cooldowns, thats when u made a big mistake, u get stun locked knockdown, crippled, chilled, slowed and hug teh ground until u pay 2 silver for Waypoint X)
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